tv Euromaxx Deutsche Welle May 24, 2020 3:30am-4:01am CEST
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the global corona tri cities you can find more information online at d w dot com and don t w social media channels. hello and welcome to another fun filled edition of your max coming to you from the streets of berlin and i'm your host meghan lee today we kick off the show on a musical note with one of the world's best organise the american musician cameron carpenter would normally play here but since concerts and large gatherings are still restricted due to code 19 cover decided to bring his music to the people so
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he loaded his organ onto a truck and he drove it to care facilities around the city the result was a surprise enjoyed by everyone. coming from carpenter has been cold the company of the organ. during the weeks of crisis to come clear to the coast when vast concert hall. always goes into the courtyard of a senior citizens' home instead. exact locations of his appearances kept under wraps so the room people. many concert 20 minutes then comes the finale.
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come on carpenters here to give people a bit of enjoyment in this time of coronavirus lockdown. but also a message. for classical musicians you know we spend our whole lives and our work not only studying the great works on the technique of our instrument but also learning what that music means and how to make it mean something to a person who's sitting just a few feet away but also in general you know the tiny play a part that i play in the whole tapestry of cultural life which after all gives us something to live for that is more than just eating drinking surviving time and carpenter may sound frustration even furious it's understandable if he's a patient to start performing again but he also says that he sees the fight against
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a virus as critical in time risk groups must be protected. from sweets number 5 from cameron tucked into his 2016 all you need is. he played on the organ he had custom built for nearly 1000000 euros. the instrument is almost as extravagant as the musician. until he was 11 coming carpenter took lessons at home he did went on to study at the giuliani conservatory in new york city. his abilities extend beyond music and he keeps pushing them further. it's obvious he'd have little trouble working as a designer to. repertoire extends beyond classical. please fly me to the moon the standard made famous by frank sinatra and dean martin . back in berlin one. any concert follows an event there's
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no way to ruin even so much as a sound check. it's quick and even dirty in the parking lots and back streets. but cameron carpenter just shuts out his surroundings when i'm playing the organ i'm i'm just in the world of the organ there's nothing that really comes into that world that's partly because of the organ itself it's it's a huge machine and you play it best when you understand it as a machine and sort of enter into it ringback. the star organist has been living in berlin since 2010 and plays the goldberg variations on all the pieces by johann sebastian bach he sees bob as ideal for circumstances like this because the music is so it's so perfect it not only doesn't need my interpretation or
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improvisation but it it also can be simply received almost like we receive nature whether one knows anything of music or not. to music is the 1st the music is great and it was modern it's not like organ music in the church by. the goldberg variations glorious i'd say do this more often anyway i think the initiatives fantastic you know. like oh thank you man. just. these are going to be clear in the next concert coming carpenter plans to release the goldberg variations on cd. during the coronavirus lockdowns it's hard to predict the date you go ahead and record them since what happens then isn't which was hundreds.
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of creativity is popping up all over the place due to the pandemic especially among street artists whether it's london hong kong or madrid walls are filling up with corona inspired art we met up with 2 street artists from berlin to hear more about their spin on this latest motif. all over the world in recent weeks street artists have given expression to their perspectives on the corona pandemic some with the sorely needed twinkle of humor others with agent messages to a weary public. one of europe's best known street artist sam sends up the appeal to everyone to stay at home for street artists as the term
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implies staying at home is hardly an option the street is their studio. it. is the biggest thing in the world at the moment so. it's not really a surprise that you're seeing it come out on the streets that artist artist tends to take from the world i'm put out where they can. learn lynne's power park is where the city's street artists come together here they create one corona inspired mural after another legally booky savage and any freethinker have themselves been infected with the spirit of the times and. put their vision on the wall in spite of the lockdown you were wearing gloves were wearing masks you know this is probably better protected than most people out in the streets as well. yeah i allot of stuff but there's always a point where you need to get out and do it on a wall. street they can be found in the park almost daily one of his latest works
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depicts the obsessive gollum from lord of the rings together with this world from the ice age movies is making off with a roll of toilet paper the dominican born artist had already used to call him seeking his precious toilet paper in his 1st corona mural it went viral worldwide. of the people like a lot because for me was something that i think. my so we're talking about. unlike most other street artists new zealander bulky savage rarely begins with an image in mind he just starts painting the day the lockdown was announced in germany one particular theme kept going round and round in his head. a few hours later he completed his work. his miracles often visualize certain connections his
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latest work includes the words in it together especially in uncertain times. on not making any money to go out and buy into if you can buy paint. and you don't know what is going to go in it's going to end like this is like all the uncertainty and play with your head but. now both in any free thinker are getting together for their 1st collaborative mural infected by the corona virus while keeping the required distance and wearing masks they wore them even before. the crisis it may separate people physically but it can bring them together emotionally hardly anyone here wants to stay home alone. a. couple of things. inside the house like here is not forbidden to.
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us we can keep these stones that's ok so you've. always wanted to use the. street artists like in the free thinker and bulky savage use urban spaces for their gallery their medium of communication they interpret seams of social relevance but also to express personal experiences and that's what their public here in the park appreciate. it's natural to more than normal and even expectable that people go out again also in the summer. and try to express themselves i think it's good that they're having fun with the. words and i think it's actually rather brilliant especially if you take it all with a little humor then you'll get through the crisis a little better. nobody can now it's night that coated 19 has and will continue to affect the world allston in profoundly negative ways but
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some of what street artists are currently turning out is thought provoking in positive ways. and maybe even a bit encouraging. time now for a universal favorite fries not french but rather belgian anyone who has been to belgium knows that you cannot visit the country without trying the national favorite with both ketchup and manatees of course now our next report was filmed before the outbreak of the coronavirus because we wanted to find out what makes belgian fries so special in our series of food secrets we find out why. you know if there's a singing to it like zulus it's a little noisy. well for me fridays when i come home from abroad from from the holiday the 1st thing i buy in belgium. when you party
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is when you've got a new girlfriend when you go for fries but what if when you've lost or you go eat fries or you could this is old where everything is good one simple. thing. hello my name is. well no one even is 1st to tell you. we run the pizza delicious pale french fry stand that i think doing this for 32 years. or more customers eat good fries every day good fries are well cooked crispy aside and soft inside more relate to. the sick the secret to good fries is to
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choose premium potatoes. to work with pinch of potatoes the best for making belgian fries. it's a very old potato for writing i think it's over 100 years old but still now it is going to be the bill in terms of taste and crunchiness. my name is betty gallery but even if it's as a serious matter. even in belgium the very small country as you know we. have a different sizes which you have to deliver in florence compared to what i want to know what from this we have say 10 or 11 will in the south of belgium they want 12 or 13 will. follow the fries are to be 11000000000 meters thick that's the right size on a quarterly thinner they'd get cold 1st or so but they're
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a lot crispy and this way. if they're anything because they take up too much room to bank on the and also end up getting colder and faster so a lot of what they will see a 1000 more. on the body fat is like white gold for french frogs that a lot of laws that keeps them soft last gave them a late start on your heart they stay nice and crispy. but if you fry them in a vegetable oil or something else they burn too fast. sub really really. hard to me which fry is that the quintessence of belgian. souls that have been something very simple yet every day i discover something new about them for the. 2 names bernard of i'm president of unit for the national association of french fry
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producers we don't know who invented french fries but it was the belgians who made an arse out of them for the bit. that was. the potatoes are deep fried twice the 1st time at 125 degree celsius precut the oil and the 2nd time you increase the temperature to 155 degrees and no more we finish frying them as the orders come in and hung them out hearts to the customers if we do just what the chippy has to listen to much more than look to know when the fries are just released all told us if somebody. i for to find maker is the orchestra conductor is that there would be. one of the potatoes of frying there's a singing to it legs. it's a little noise that's the song that comes from the deep fryer they sing while we fry. in fact french fries are
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a meal in themselves you could be happy just eating fries with water maybe squit a little mayonnaise on them but even without current extraordinary meal. you have to live what you do with all your heart good that's very difficult when you do the same thing day he didn't tell you no just inside a little cabin and sometimes for 10 or 12 hours. that's the secret and that's also why professional deals. and if you want to discover more food secrets on your remarks then go to our food channel on you tube recipe stories creative sex. the smell that's a credible good nature trends recipes to try yourself so your heart
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today i'm going to show you how to cook sustainable vegetarian food from reaching to me and the secrets behind get a chance. you know it's my life in a moment stivers 13 you start to say yeah. t.w. food simply subscribe and. boutique hotels have been growing in demand for years now many tourists favor unique sleeping accommodations over big hotel chains like in vienna for example that's where one hotel owner bought up a bunch of former businesses and turned them into cosy sleeping room. as for guess now before the lockdown one couple from hungary was looking for a special way to spend the night in the austrian capital. the hotel suite used to be a metalworking shop when guests daniel punk rocks and help open the curtains they find themselves looking out a shop window at an area of the on a street. corner it's stunning to have the cars passing by so close.
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you see the people walking by the cars but it's as if they don't even notice as they do a little bit doesn't bother me ready. the 2 tourists from hungary ringback are staying at the creates a hotel a project launched by architect. in 2012. 26 empty business addresses converted into hotel suites. shoemakers and tailor shops as she turned into unique surroundings to spend the night and. day all the guests have their own rooms around town their own feel good. they can embark upon their own adventures right on the street. infrastructure you normally find within the complex of the hotels buildings has been spread out horizontally all around a great so our neighborhood as we call it. creates the hotels guests use
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a custom app to locate the projects carefully selected partners here breakfast is served just around the corner in the cold a cafe. rather than have the souvenir shop in the hotel lobby just look for gifts in the media area for example i design or judith jewelry shop. at macy's foods delicatessen shop the owner robert. is it being these institution. if you are always here anyway. who go to meet me all the corporations like this. sort of good thing so we won't have any more empty shop for. revitalizing the globe to buildings and space is a main focus for 3 c. a call meyer. a key safe open by entering a code takes on the function of the reception for each suite the conversions were inspired by the locations history. for the circus design we took the past use of
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each location into consideration in this case it was a tailor shop we had a room height mural made the young lady here is wrapped in the same fabric we used to a poster of the open closet that tells the guests that they are indeed in vienna in a former business location these are not your average hotel rooms this is kind of. everywhere the trend is towards centric hotel concepts amsterdam offers beds and a decommissioned harbor crane and disused bridge keepers cabins and travellers wishes and tastes are changing to the tourist of today goes looking for the pulse of the city off the beaten path. at the pumps when it's at least they can get tips from genuinely any that is from us on what to do around town that makes the guests staying with us of the ne a short time but subside but once you know there's something shall we go.
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back affectively makes the tourist a townie hidden away behind a nondescript facade is one of the n. is trying to use night shops the motto. of coke and i would have found a clue but we don't from outside it looks like nothing. after a long day full of new experiences the old metalworking shop is as welcome as any badger. you know i've been to view to quite often and seen a great deal this was a completely new experience. i got a hold of your impression of you. so i got to know. even better how the people of the ana really live. at 1st it was very new especially the rooms of cation where i'd go right out on to the street 1st thing gate but the connection to town is right there to. sleeping in a shop front a guest can get to know the city of vienna from
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a very personal side. and finally forget wiener dogs mice or other finding characters made out of balloons for parties the scottish artist terry cooke puts a new twist literally on balloon figures by creating colorful birds he then sent them nature and he photographed them it's truly art imitating life. from a distance it's hard to tell the life bird from the balloon bird. scottish born terry cook shapes birds from the loops. on the bill for the daily is a not much has materialised latex in a variety of colors and sizes only recently discovered balloons as a medium of artistic expression i made one or 2 balloons for my niece's birthday
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party and then after that i thought cool might be quite interesting try to make something. kind of more realistic so right because they don't look real estate but may be closer to nature than the usual stuff that you see every cook studio is the attic of his house. he lives in aberdeen scotland and teaches in a college there reserving his free time for his art. so we cook long since learned to churn out the balloon animals familiar from children's birthday parties . but it takes hours for him to finish one of his balloon birds. depending on which bird at pick. a look at a couple of images for all like google or something like that and so you can understand how the feathers you kind of pick up the balloons you want and i just have to go from there basically there's no right or wrong way to do it there's no
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there's no rules for as long as you can. tie them into a shape that sort of vaguely resembles them and then you're on a winner. cock aspires to make the balloon birds look as realistic as possible. then he has over the park their photographs the balloon birds in the natural habitats of their life counterparts. those with today's not touch. they kind of all in on their all the like little bits of barking stuff they stick their beaks on their in to pick out little bugs and things like that. but i just read it has a really cool looking little bright colored bird. clinging upside down to a tree trunk because how they're not how much usually appears in the wild and that's have terry cook positions its likeness in latex.
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of love birds and soap and a kid. like completely obsessed with birds i love all of our animals but specifically birds. i don't even know why. he concentrates on birds native to his own country. north of the photo shoot cook takes bloomberg home again. rather not leave his mark on the chair that way. and with that it is time to say goodbye but die. forget to check us out on social media for me and the rest of the crew here in berlin as always thanks for tuning in and we'll see you again soon.
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. snort it in what do they dream of at night living. as cleaners they see the face of horror. their job since room for the social media industry. in manila there are thousands of so-called content monitors day for day they scream terrifying images from online platforms. up to $20000.00 times a day the horrific job for starvation wage the strain is enormous. the cleaners or sworn to secrecy they are not allowed to talk about their work. and
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no one asks how many are doing. ok. i need to stop there's something walk up. to social networks have any social responsibility at all. the cleaners social media's shadow industry starts to names on t.w. . beethoven is for me. beethoven is for you. beethoven is for help. beethoven is for her. beethoven is for the. beethoven is for us. is for. beethoven 202250th anniversary here on d.f.w. . what secrets lie
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behind the small. discover new adventures in the 360 degree. and explore fascinating world heritage sites. d w world heritage 360 get the maps now. this is deja news and these are our top stories. spain is using one of the world's toughest locked outs prime minister pedro sanchez says he will open borders to foreign tourists from july despite the announcement some spaniards have taken to the streets to protest the government's handling of the pandemic. germany's relaxation of its coronavirus restrictions is being tested by new outbreaks more than 40 people of contract of the via.
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