tv Surviving on the Moon Deutsche Welle May 26, 2020 7:15am-8:01am CEST
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we need to explain why some restrictions are maintained and others can be dropped and the swimmers of berlin's olympic pool say they have no problems with the new hygiene and safety measures in place they hope the infection rate in berlin stays low so that they pools stay open. and watching news i'm told me a lot of both thank you very much for joining us stacey. who are into a symphony. to treat then beethoven's pastoral symphony is the foundation of an international art project. beethoven world wide.
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history project storage june 4th on. the moon has been earth's constant companion for 4 and a half 1000000000 years. now it's finally back in the focus of science almost 50 years after man last set foot on the moon. has more people at the percent of the total people on this earth that were not alive when there we had a last minute landing it's been there all day and we haven't done the next thing and some people say been there done that but what we haven't done is to just touch the ground and if i can left right we haven't really lived we haven't explored surely if you want to commit the money to it like we did on apollo you could do it in probably 20 years. easy we did the 8 years of too but. now
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scientists are concentrating on ways to grow food produce energy and make sure they're. all over the world researchers are working on a return to the moon and the chance to be able to stay there longer. we have to use the moon to operationally understand. how to live and work on phantom affiliate there are many ideas but actually putting them in the practice is the final step that's missing to be great for seeing that humans return to the moon. when this will happen is not yet clear but science is making it possible to survive on the move.
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on this wednesday and 1969 the world was holding its breath mankind was witnessing a historic mission. onboard apollo 11 astronauts neil armstrong michael collins and edwin buzz aldrin had a goal mankind had not yet reached to fly to the moon 5 days later in the early morning of july 21st neil armstrong uttered his unforgettable words. or. their. armstrong and aldrin spent a total of 2. half hours on the surface of the moon as they collected rock samples
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and raised the american flag they were watched live by 600000000 people only a few of them were aware that the successful moon landing was hanging by a thread in now says mission control center in houston cap com charlie duke had direct radio contact with neil armstrong. now 82 years old he can still recall the dramatic moments. we get very very tight on fuel i call 60 seconds which many as 60 seconds delay and i call 30 seconds the tension is rising in mission control you could hear a pin drop and we were holding our breath will we make it i called 30 seconds and then 13 seconds later he led it but it was very very tight. and very close to abort . yet the 1st lunar landing was a success. 3 years later charlie duke got his own entry in the annals of space
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travel. don young and i were the 5th landing on the moon back in april $972.00 and i was the 10th man to step all of them and once we laid it i just erupted with enthusiasm i shouted into the end of my we had our helmet salton fully suited up and i just shouted in my helmet houston orion is finally here he's fantastic. whoa whoa whoa. whoa whoa. whoa whoa. on the surface of the moon charlie and his commander john young carried out experiments for example on radiation protection and. it was also it was beautiful one of most beautiful desert sun ever seen great
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a very rough topography up and down heli craters rocks hills everywhere and. our objective was explored this valley so ahead i was excited was very happy to be there you were almost overcome with the thought of a moment in the morning. on april 24th 1972 they lifted off again. only one further apollo mission followed half a year later. i'm very disappointed that we haven't had somebody go back. that that. there would
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be. they train way. optimistic about going back to the murder we need to build up of station all of them or several of the at article where we have our side station over at oracle and that's a very hostile club of america but we do it and i think we could do the same thing on the moon. and article is the earth's most extreme continent nowhere else is it this cold with temperatures of minus 90 degrees celsius being measured here. 98 percent of the mainland is covered by ice that's 3 quarters of the earth's freshwater reserves. the surface is one and a half times the size of europe and twice as large during the antarctic winter. and
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. only a few animals can survive here several types of penguins such as the emperor penguin have adapted to the hostile environment as have a few types of seals in. the conditions here in the eternal ice resemble the barrenness of the moon most closely. which is why a team of researchers from braman have made the long journey to the far south the 14 members of the german alice space center d.l.r. will spend 2 months at the research station new maya 3. since 2009 scientists have been conducting research here with different focuses such as meteorology geology and atmospheric chemistry the architecture of the
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neumeyer 3 station has been adapted to the environmental conditions of the antarctic. it's built on stilts to keep it free of snow drifts up to 60 scientists stay here in the antarctic summer between november and february. aerospace engineer powered sabah is the only member of his team who will also spend the winter here his task is to grow fresh vegetables as part of the even i.s.o.'s project to do better. the idea is to try out all going to seri technology and operational procedures here in the antarctic so that in future our greenhouse can also work in space. from growing between 15 and 20 different species of plant. we also have little strawberry plants. hope we can get them to flower so we can harvest strawberries in a few months. until the mobile green house reaches the antarctic
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by ship the team has to take good care of the delicate strawberry plants. inside the station danya sure but. have tried to create the most ideal conditions. the strawberries are difficult to cultivate and that's why we've been providing own little makeshift greenhouse holes of course it's not optimal but we don't have much of an alternative if we want to keep the strawberry plants alive. it will take at least a few more days for the greenhouse to arrive then we experiment here can really get going and soon on the moon. in order to live and work on them for a longer period of time. research has to consider the conditions there and the differences to planet earth.
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71 percent of the earth is covered in water it has an atmosphere a layer of air and gases that surrounded and protected for example from meteorite impact and damage from various types of radiation it also ensures that temperature swings are moderate. 400000 kilometers away rather different on the moon. water would have to be extracted from lunar sand by a vast. aerating and. the mon has no atmosphere to protect it from the impact of any flying objects. it is also exposed to dangerous cosmic radiation. temperatures rise and fall so dramatically that humans could not easily survive. to make that possible in the future international students of the european space agency are conducting research with
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various experiments at the european training center for astronauts in cologne dr aden kali is in charge of the spaceship project outside the center of a lunar station will be built for test and research purposes. so you're looking at is a foundation at the moment for the next few months this is going to rapidly change into a building and we're going to have a large 34 meter diameter dome we're going to have 700 tons of regolith simulant lego has the payment to tell you find on the lunar surface. a small settlement for now in cologne but in the not too distant future one on the moon 2. this is how the scientists imagine it will look. inside there's an airlock and a technical area the main room is provided with a light like in the i s s the oxygen supply is provided by chemically based air preparation. and there are good example of why we should go back to the moon will
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be to understand the radiation environment so if you're in a lower orbit at the moment you have might be the sphere of earth protecting used to a certain degree but the minute you move beyond this you go to do nerve arm and you no longer have that protection and now you've got an entirely new radiation environment that have a different effect on humans. the lunar habitat will protect humans from this radiation with the strong outer layer sister protective layer that we want to build so the 8 years that we take the material that is already on the moon and by applying the microwaves we could put it around their habitats and build like solid structure that will protect their habitat from the metro it's the originations and so on. student oriented garcia from france is producing the heat required to sinter the powdery regulus baking it into hard layer. at the moment however it looks more like pebbles than
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a flat surface. on the moon special robot vehicles would spread the lunar sand and sinter at the same time which would take about 3 months back then the apollo astronauts didn't have such a protected building. well enough 3 days it wasn't bad you could survive with just the regular. protection that we had it took about 40 years for the scientists to figure out what the apollo missions really brought back the takes that long you have to develop the the instruments to be sensitive enough to learn what these stones you know 300 kilos almost 400 kilos of of stones that have been brought back from the moon what they really tell us. in the near. the grab. the trough apollo astronauts were not allowed to keep any
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souvenirs the original lunar regolith was simply too malleable. just a stone's throw away from the research center in cologne is the deal are an institute for solar research here 2 scientists are researching regolith radiation protection professor and his team seek the most moon like conditions possible for us here in our own making and often what's available in abundance on the moon is moon dust and plenty of radiation from the sun we would need several meters of moon rock or moon dust as protection from radiation from the sun and other cosmic sources. and that's one of the things that we're researching this is i still think if you have a proof. the experiment is called regel light a word coined to combine regolith and light. of course it doesn't use real lunar
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regolith but it's simulant which has similar properties and will be centered to an entire brick using layered 3 d. printing. what we want to show is that we can really produce a 3 d. object whether x. y. or z. in a vacuum and this is the technology we're developing here because. there is a vacuum on the surface of the moon to simulate this made under a factory and alexander the mill is from france are creating the experiment in a vacuum chamber on that say it is our objective is to see what mechanical properties are if we sin to something in a vacuum. there's something better comes out come we construct a better building with it or not. the strong xenon beams imitate the sun and can create a constant heat of around 1100 degrees celsius channeled into one ray they hit the
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3 levels of moving moon sand below. it can take up to 5 hours under lunar conditions to bake a 3 dimensional object such as a brick. you want to see whether anything comes out of the vacuum and then do the chemical analysis but the chamber is too small and very homesick can rise as not to climb the stairs when we have a bigger chamber we can build a better cooling system. bigger components cooling system doll flown on course the . scientists have to find the right parameters so that in future today's results will look like the brick sintered without a vacuum. as a last step they have to replace the artificial light with their solar furnace which consists of $159.00 square mirrors and concentrates the light energy. it
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produces the necessary heat through constant sun radiation as exist on the moon. you have to make use of every resource you have and so i think 3 printing structures for habitate for habitations you know all these things that we can do now with existing infrastructure existing materials on the surface will be something want to take advantage of. back to the antarctic the conditions can change unpredictably with the possibility of wind speeds of up to 60 knots that's hurricane force. the weather here is the deciding factor it's exactly the right testing ground for the scientists with the perfect conditions for their research. young doctors are
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still up killing the antarctic is the most remote continent of the world it's not easy to reach to mention the people living here are dependent on the technology which keeps them alive just like in a space mission so it's the best place to test the whole operation of renos and in the twit discotheques. almost everything is prepared for their project even i assess where they're planning to grow vegetables and strawberries in a mobile greenhouse this platform has been standing here for a while 400 meters away from the german research station neumeier 3 of the mobile greenhouse should have arrived here days ago but the cargo boat transporting it to the site is making slow headway through the thick pack ice. 14000 kilometers away in germany moon research is also. being carried out various experiments for the project spaceship are being carried out at the european astronaut training center in cologne. belgian students is working on
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a virtual environment where future visitors to the moon can train. simulation like this we can train them into virtual reality as if they were already on the neural basis and i have to. interact with a digital right and can completely be able to do the experiment before and instead of just being in the training room with her back in front of. the virtual moonscape is still in the development phase at some point however it could help with the preparation of future missions. a few rooms away colleague may care to give dawn is busy working with different devices his specialist area is 3 d. printing. is through the printer it works with polymer and. stick behind
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and basically it warms it up in here and then it melts and when it melts you can put it over her face it gets cold so it's good to stick to the to the bed and you can break. and then layer by layer make it through the object. heating melting printing but for the next step we can is particularly interested in the real usability of the plastic what we're doing is here check if the materials work properly in the morning. after worth it but actually we will check with our piece if we crash it and then we re extruded with this machine again and again if it was the same as the. object before. the coral containing the plastic would of course have to be much larger when it is transported to the moon but once it's there the plastic could always be reused. in bordeaux france
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the 3 d. printing process is being researched in a parabolic flight. professor yes good stuff from am in berlin the german federal materials testing institute has developed equipment with his team to enable parts such as tools to be made from metal powder in 0 gravity. you see the aim of the experiment is to try out a new process of sucking in powder and then trying to fix it and is 0 gravity environment so in principle you can produce parts on demand the part which has been centered with a laser on to this plate should be able to be taken out and is ready for use. of. the for each flight the scientists draw their conclusions from the previous flight making minor adjustments to try and improve the results of their experiment.
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so this is our 3rd flight day last time we switched the material and this time we have adjusted the parameters of the equipment to be able to apply the layer of powder i'd say we managed to get about 70 percent of the powder on to the layer and the rest by the way we need to improve that we can't have the powder flying around . i know berlin research team is just one of many in total the participants here in bardolph life for 4 hours on each of 3 days. there are 31 parabolas pers light. the aircraft rises steeply upwards from its horizontal position. reduces the thrust of the turbines and flies for around 22 seconds and 0 gravity. that is a particular challenge for the scientists as the gravitational force during
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a parabolic flight varies. they've adapted the structure of their experiment accordingly. the experimental apparatus looks like this. the metal powder is in a container at the beginning of the parabolic flight from there it spread in a layer over the base plate. so that it doesn't fly away in 0 gravity it's sucked in by gas from below and kept on the base plate also during the 0 gravity. then a laser melts the relevant information onto the freshly applied powder it melts the loose metal powder into a compact structure this is done with every layer producing a 3 dimensional object in this case a spanner. good step and his team can follow this process which is repeated several times via the installed web cams. in the final results can be seen
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a little later in a laboratory. the metal powder has really been transformed into 2 small spanners. the experiment by ginsters research group was a success. in the not too distant future all tools could be produced this way in space. in the antarctic the long wait is over the cargo ship has to from south africa has managed to break through the ice and the unloading can finally take place. after a 10 day delay the german scientists watch their mobile greenhouse being unloaded from the ship. unloading on the ice has its hazards. although the area around the ship is frozen the layer of ice is thinner then further inland. the whole process takes around 90 minutes in the end all is
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well and the squad sets off back to base. it's 23 kilometers away from the unloading point to new maya 3. although there is no darkness in the antarctic summer as the sun never goes down they still have a regulated 8 hour working day this day ends with a long awaited arrival of a container at the station. the next day begins early it's time to build the greenhouse the scientists have a whole freight container full of equipment which they have to unpack and inspect after such a long journey. at the same time the mobile greenhouse is assembled. it's
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made up of 26 metre long containers and is precision lifted by crane onto the platform once this task has been completed the eden i s s project can really get going. looking inside the container we can see how the antarctic greenhouse works in detail. the 1st part contains the services sector where all the technical systems such as air and heat management are monitored and controlled. the 2nd part contains herbs vegetables and lettuces which can also pollinate with the help of ventilation. the technology which allows them to grow is called aero panic. instead of transporting heavy soil into space the roots of the plant are sprayed with the water nutrients solution ele deal lamps containing the right color . composition are then mounted above to sunlight. complex water and air
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cleaning systems a complete and independent and sustainable ecosystem. people think that the plants are only for us to eat but there are other reasons we take the plants with us as with oxygen to breathe they need the carbon dioxide that we humans breathe out it's a perfect symbiosis. for days after the arrival of the container everything is installed to start up operations almost 2 weeks later than planned the german scientists can finally start sowing the seeds of course the long nurtured strawberry plant has top priority. as carefully as if they were performing surgery schubert and take care of the sensitive plant. after bathing it in water the strawberry plant is put into its new home using mineral wool and
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a plastic holder. the researchers are optimistic that most of the plants will thrive. but they're a bit concerned about the diva of their crops the strawberry plant. if you go on long term missions such as the one to the moon you can use strawberries as an incentive food just to keep the isolated team in good mental shape. this experiment works here in the antarctic we're pretty confident that the whole thing will work on the moon too. but on the moon the conditions are more difficult and unpredictable. although the container could stand without being further secured due to the moon's reduced gravity the parts of the autonomous system still have to be transported there yet there's one key component missing on the moon which is guaranteed here by the
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connection to the neumeyer 3 station electricity. in edinburgh scotland a team is working on a solution to this problem at the harriet want university schleppy is researching the topic of solar energy. altamont of course on the moon we can't just plug our devices into sockets and we have to consider what kind of resources are available for producing energy there are no rivers there's no wind on the moon there's no atmosphere if you will what is available is sunlight and it's better than on earth because it is not weakened by the atmosphere and if. you hadn't schleppy wants to produce mirrors to create energy his experiment is also about how to use lunar regolith. we'll have the materials we've brought with us and there's this basaltic samples of what we can
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build out of basaltic sand is relatively simple bricks or walls by heating the material or baking whatever we can go one step further and produced results a glass from the material. schleppy uses an ordinary microwave oven to make glass from the moon sand simulant. he grinds the molten regolith which is turned into glass as smoothly as possible so huge the glass brick still needs a reflective surface. this is made in the final and most complicated part of the mirror production process on the moon there is an endless that q but here it has to be created artificially. schleppy fixes the glass elements which have been produced in recent weeks onto the frame of the vacuum chamber. before he seals it he adds
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one small piece of aluminum which is heated and then evaporates distributing millions of tiny particles. of. the glass is different but the aluminum is the same type we use for normal mirrors it's looking pretty good now it's not transparent anymore. so we can slowly turn off the system and. the aluminum which was heated in the vacuum is not only supposed to coat the inside of the vacuum chambers glass dome it is primarily meant to coat the experimental glass stones. so it looks really good the mirrors have turned out really well they should be able to reflect our artificial sunlight well. that's what matters at the end of his experiment it will only be
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a success if the mirror is made of moons and can also harness energy from light. to test it the researcher has built his own construction his homemade mirrors have to pass the comparison test. reference but so here we have a reference surface which reflects sunlight or rather the artificial light we're going to produce from the surface to the lens which is attached to a solar cell the lens concentrates the light on to the solar cell and then we can produce electricity which we can measure at a certain voltage and we can read it here on the meter. with the reference surface mirror we expect to produce about 2 volts. $500.00 lights out. so our 2.46 volts that looks good it's working near.
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$2.00 volts are produced with an ordinary mirror surface this is a reference level for the mirror made of the imitation lunar sound. we're going to find out now whether it will work in the way we imagine. so i call 2.23 volts that's great we're only losing about 10 percent compared to the reference mirror surface so that's really good for the 1st attempt very successful. so the german scientist has really succeeded in producing energy from lunar regolith and light. you know if we can mine those resources and turn them into mirrors or some other. solar type of energy that that's definitely going to be
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a way we're going to you know maintain a base or presence on the moon but the biggest challenge i think for living on the surface of the moon is dealing with the power and dealing with it with the infrastructure to maintain systems especially during the winter night what's interesting about the moon is almost anywhere on the surface you're going to experience 14 continuous earth days of light fall before taking continuous earth days of night. this day and night rhythm of the moon can be illustrated with the help of a solar cell which would be positioned on the side of the moon that we always see from earth. this phenomenon arises due to so-called synchronous rotation. the moon needs exactly the same time to orbit the earth as it does to rotate on its own axis almost 28 days since it rotates on its own axis this means that the side with the solar cell faces the sun for 14 days during this period the energy production by
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the solar cell is constantly stable for the other 2 weeks the solar cell is on the shadow side solar energy cannot be produced during the long lunar night. and that night it's cold dark there's no solar energy to draw from you have to have power it can keep alive during those 14 days so we need small efficient batteries we need very efficient solar cells if we can develop batteries a way of 2 weeks for. do all of the things you want to do. during that time then that's the answer. for duke's 3 day trip to the moon and the other equally short apollo missions energy was not a problem a much greater challenge back then was moved. around in the bulky space suits the astronauts only learn to handle it once they breach the moon there are 3 ways to.
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move around. and generally did i was just a regular was a stiff legged walk that you could really get going fast but if i was going uphill i would kangaroo hop uphill. downhill it same to be better skip one leg in front of the other in a skip down like this so it depended to to me it depended on the terrain who i was on which one i used i think we really need a better space suit to stay on the moon a long time. it's precisely this project the development of a space suit for the moon and mars which is being pursued at the massachusetts institute of technology in boston. professor david neumann is trying to adapt the old spacesuit to the conditions on the moon. because right now the current space
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suit is $140.00 for space station for shuttle so that's ok and weightlessness but when we get to the moon and mars we're in a gravity environment the moon only has about 17 percent of the earth's gravity allowing large leaps but these can backfire especially in heavy spacesuits. how do i make someone much more like an olympic athlete how do we perform and not use my waist my energy working against the suit but put all that energy into performing so you really have to think about a completely different design the only other way to keep someone alive and put pressure on them is to basically put it right on to the skin so that's called mechanical counterpressure. version of the suit is skin tight exerting pressure on the body and the right pressure within the body this means that human tissue is not stretched and blood doesn't clot it's made of 3 layers the inner layer controls
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body temperature the middle layer provide stability and flexibility and the outer layer is protective. if the suit tears it can be easily repaired. the outdoor work on the moon can then continue with current spacesuits a leak could be lethal as the gas it contains to maintain the pressure necessary for human survival could leak out this is what makes it so heavy and hinders the astronauts movement a major disadvantage compared to mit's version. and working on it for a while for the last 15 years and so far it seems feasible. there moon suit is indeed feasible but whether it will be deployed remains to be seen elsewhere the successful implementation of an experiment is more concrete in the german aerospace center and braman the scientists of the eden i assess project have been back from the end arctic for
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a month. minus the one who has to stay and look after the plants in the greenhouse container they ask how things are going to get there isn't it since the start of the isolation it's actually been quite nice here at last there are so many people around it's quite pleasant the greenhouse is doing well the plants are growing great we had a few teething problems 1st but on the whole it's all going pretty well. the antarctic gardener regularly reports via video conference on the development of the plants i moment but it's. been about the strawberries were really sensitive and sadly they didn't make it we had to stop the experiment early we're making a new start with the experiment from scratch. because we don't have seedlings in there anymore we've planted them straight from seed and we think it'll be a success. every day since their return scientists have been observing the growth
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today is harvest day and gardener powell csaba can finally reap the benefits of his week's long work. yes there on 2. you can see our 1st harvest here on the table months mine shins are larger letters plants are done really well. you got me plenty of those for the next few days well not really all. the cucumbers are doing pretty well too some of them are really big ones and they're going to be weighed now and then i'll think we'll probably have some of them for dinner tonight usually good. and the other 9 researchers at the nih my own 3 station will have fresh vegetables to eat not only today but during their whole isolation period in the antarctic winter even i.s.o.'s project is already a success and the basis for a food supply for future trips to the moon has been created. that perfect way in
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a perfect world we could put a moon habitat or at least a greenhouse on the moon within the next 15 to 20 years. but this isn't a perfect world the necessary research funding for speedy progress is not as easy to come by as it was in times of the apollo missions i don't want just to apollo that's not that's not what i was recall sustainable long term exploration. 50 years after the 1st moon landing we will probably have to wait a few more years or even decades until the next one but preliminary preparations are underway. but it's just an exciting thought that we as humans are able to get together internationally and managed to build a base and a permanent outpost on the surface of the man of the more so that the. return of the burn is certainly there are there are genes. we have been given a quiz that is. forward it was for go out explore.
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nobody knows how long it will take until the next lunar mission takes place. but we do know that in the next few years a lot will revolve around the moon. playing . the bomb . nearly 1000000 people killed in just 100 days. where one does younger generation did not experience the 994 genocide and. its consequences. learning to overcome the psychological trauma one step at a time the monza the hmong road to reconciliation and the close up of.
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him 30 minutes on d w. to go. nuts is goes met with silence the 2nd bundesliga match day an empty stadium. he does buy in munich trumps frankfurt. and has a bad lean feet local rivals ready. to go. team in on t.w. . innovation. but can it conquer the major issues of our society. the 1st season of founders jelly petroleum meets modern day heroes in the food ready to take on this challenge with their unique ideas to look at those 2 problems
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and make them one solution for. the season numbers valley clubs was june 13th on t.w. . this is news coming to you live from a battle over pandemic restrictions in germany and those cases decline one reason val's to push ahead with lifting the rules on social distancing that's alarming the federal government which says there could lead to another spike in infectious plots as brazil's daily death toll overtakes top of the u.s. the white house.
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