tv The Day Deutsche Welle May 28, 2020 2:02am-2:31am CEST
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or. today from a launch pad in florida a space x. falcon rocket was scheduled to take private business to the stars making good on a c.e.o.'s promise to his shareholders well that promise that dream has been delayed due to bad weather the launch now scheduled for next saturday on this side of the atlantic today a 750000000000 euro promise to stop an economy in freefall and astronomical sum to take the european union out of its deepest recession ever for budget spending this guy may truly be the women i'm pretty often brylin this is the day. to day we face our very own defining moment. what started with
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a virus so small joe i still don't see it has become an economic crisis so big. that you simply cannot be seen and this is why the commission is today proposing a new recovery instrument called next generation. worth 750000000000 euro. also coming up the harsh reality on the ground in the united states a 100000 coronavirus deaths and one president who said that would never happen. and i think will be substantially hopefully below 100 number and one is too many no say one is too many is a horrible thing that happened to our country. and to our viewers on p.b.s. in the united states and all around the world welcome we begin the day with what was supposed to be a giant leap for private enterprise as the world's eyes were all focused on cape
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canaveral florida this hour where some bad weather got in the way of history for today at least it's a bold undertaking for the 1st time it's hoped that the privately made spacecraft will eventually take astronauts into space nasa and commercial business married in a mission like never before that was the plan today we're joining me tonight to give us an insider's take on what we were hoping to see today is keith cowing he used to work at nasa he helped design hardware that would eventually become part of the international space station he is editor of nasa watch which is the go to web site for specialists and laymen ally he is in washington d.c. tonight keith it's good to have you back on the show. we were talking about space x. and nasa locking out with the weather today but that did not happen in the end did
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it. well it's the nature of how they do these launches now this rocket has what's called the new cities launch window which means when it's your time to go you go if you're not ready for any reason you don't go to the flip side is that they can just turn around within the version or period of time and try again so you get flexibility that goes with the fact that it's either now or never what if this had been a space shuttle launch for example would we have that flexibility if they had said the weather is too bad today we have to delay. i have been to more space shuttle launch attempts than i have been to launches so that's the major difference is that space x. now has a set up that they sometimes they've actually had an abort in the pad they went fixed a couple things and fix it a matter of minutes but today you do to the nature of where the space station is and where florida is they had to go the weather didn't cooperate they couldn't go ok well less than let's focus on this coming saturday and let's let's assume the weather is going to cooperate what what will be different about those final moments
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before liftoff on saturday compared to other launches i mean we're talking about things being substantially different just before liftoff well you know those people on board so that changes the whole dynamic. for the space shuttle's the disks they were already fueled when the crew got on board now they're actually fueling the spacecraft while the astronauts are on board which is a bit of a departure but way back early in our species 3 we did that with the atlas rockets you also sort of note that the way that space x. does things it's a lot sexier smoother will more will produced you know it's going on the graphics on the screen that show you things and so it's different for this human spaceflight the nasa ones in that it seems to be a little more made for t.v. a guess is the way they do it but it's all safe and all still works well just a different approach yeah i mean you bring up
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a good point i'm just i know in the last 24 hours i've heard many people talking about the astronauts spacesuits and how do you how fashionable they look and how modern something out of a i guess star trek if you will but i've heard the word cool used many times and you didn't always hear that with a space shuttle launch is it's this maybe the image re-ignition a rebirth that nasa has been hoping for for a very long time. yeah i mean why not make a as a elon musk and others have said you've got a 21st century spaceship why not make it look cool what you would you deliberately make it look ugly and you know why not the suits still work well but why not give something that kids could look at and say you know that's really cool i'd like to wear that suit i'd like to be an astronaut so sure why not make it except as exciting as you could possibly make it or in the future let's make it look like the future yeah i mean the of statics are really good i have to give them that i
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warning though if if there is a problem in the future and you know god forbid there be a disaster i can imagine the people saying this is what you get when you allow private enterprise to do what nasa should have been doing what would you say that well you know this is theoretical but we've every person who's lost her life from space mission has lost her life on the government space mission so i mean i don't want to get into the us versus them sort of thing but you know every rockets it's ever been built for nasa has been both built by a company the only difference is that now nasa has relegated some of the design aspects to the company say you know those 23 years where you could do this come back to is was my idea is we'll pick this but we'll let you operate it much in the way that you operate in your limeade you don't get on an airplane and they start talking to the pilot about how he's going to hit the switches that's what nasa would used to do now it's like most we want to go to the space station give us a right yeah you give us valuable insights there we certainly appreciate it and
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again as we said at the beginning of the show the watch has been rescheduled for this coming saturday and we hope the weather cooperates then keith cowing joining us tonight from washington keith thank you and your thoughts. while many look to the skies today others many bowed their heads today to remember and to mourn spain held a minute of silence for the victims of coded nighty the disease has taken more than 27000 lives in spain making it the country with the 5th highest death toll in the world spain's king philippe led the nation today as it began 10 days of mourning over the lines lost and the human cry and spain in the coronavirus and in.
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the spaniards are not alone in their grief the corona virus has devastated many communities across europe asia and the americas a pandemic that has created a public health crisis but it doesn't stop there the lock downs and the shutdowns imposed 3 months ago may have saved countless lives but local and national economies were forced into an artificial coma and we have discovered that it is easier to paralyze an economy that is to put that economy back on its feet the european union is now facing its most severe recession in its history the use economy could shrink by more than 10 percent this year some countries such as italy will contract even more today the european commission president and ally and presented a 750000000000 euro rescue plan most of that money 500000000000 is earmarked as direct aid and it will not have to be paid back he. spoke with or still if
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underlying today after the proposal and the numbers were made public. madam president you have the big member states france and germany on your side for your recovery fund how are you going to convince the smaller member states particularly in the north that this is the right plan to go forward i spoke to every head of state or government during the last weeks and it is important that we should keep in mind every member state is affected by the economic crisis so it's in our common interest that we rapidly come out of the crisis and that we invest in our european priorities and for that next generation e.u. the recovery fund is important. but with money that's memory mainly we're friendship and so what's your message to those who have been critical or skeptical of the idea to hand out grounds i think during the crisis we saw how easy the single market can be heavily hampered and damaged. when for example the different
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economies shut down. so the opposite is necessary for our single market that we open up again and that we recover fast and that we have the integration of the single market repaired rapidly. no member state is able to do that on on its own they are all integrated and dependent on each other which is good because it increased the living standards in the prosperity of all member states and therefore it's in our common interest to get the economy back on its feet we need for that grants because the european budget consists of grants but there will also be a share of loans now you have a number of ideas how to get the money back mission trading or digital tax but to put it mildly these are ideas that haven't been exactly popular with member states . the fact that we have an unprecedented situation and that the commission is
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raising money at the market that has to be indeed paid back over a long period. increases the awareness that it is a good solution to pay that money partly back to new own resources now it's a matter of negotiations with the different member states but i think as we have in a completely new situation it is worse to go new ways that was. there speaking with us live under lyon and as you saw there respecting social distancing german chancellor angela merkel was one of the 1st european leaders to respond to the e.u. rescue plan today take a listen the comments would have been forced the commission has made a proposal and i'm not surprised that it is not identical with the one germany and france of mate is of course this proposal contains elements of both what was discussed between germany and france as well as elements of the guarantees and loans that were mentioned by 4 other countries. and now we start negotiating it's
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with $400.00 you know there are some tough negotiations ahead much of the drive the push to move europe's economies forward it will have to come from germany with just a little over a year left in office chancellor angela merkel could soon be looking at her toughest ever to do list here's the w.'s chief political editor macculloch of the. yes and in fact we saw the german chancellor venture into previous tippoo territory herself crossing that red line of wanting to allow the european union to take on debt to fund to give out free money to a certain degree so it looks like the germans hans a may have switched camps to those southern states that want more support out of brussels with no strings attached attached but this is a clear indication of her upcoming role heading the german e.u.
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presidency where see one to leave some more room for negotiation once the individual heads of states trying to get this ready for parliament to approve a grand master plan so one thing is to saw what we have today is not the final version of what the leaders will push for in the end. while europe maps out its coronavirus recovery plan depend to make it still in its early stages in africa with some health experts warning of a worst case scenario because african countries are not equipped with enough hospital beds or testing facilities most have already taken some action however closing their borders and issuing strict social distancing measures kenya has imposed a nighttime curfew with anyone found outside things in your restaurant quarantine but what about the thousands of homeless people with nowhere to go. to mommy
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reports. every day at around 1 pm at least 14 men and boys gather here in kenya's capital nairobi one of them a homeless including 19 year old crying don't take here and they're all here for lunch delivered daily by a nonprofit working in the city called homeless of nairobi. despite a covert 1000 outbreak most of them have no masks and when lunch is over they had offer some banter before leaving in different directions in this reality social distancing or staying home and not realistic options. to model does not exist the models maybe doesn't exist or doesn't exist so coverage blah blah blah all those things a little bit it's there and even if it comes and hits one of them and they die. the kids are used to people dying. to. death was the catalyst
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to brian's life on the streets he never met his father and when his mother died he left home on the back of a cargo truck which brought him to the city since then this has been his life walking greeting and wishing. i asked him how if i told the covert 1000 pandemic has affected his life. good luck with money tell me don't come near me. are you concerned about the virus and we are scared but we just pray that. brian is one out of an estimated 20000 people living on the streets in kenya. but each night the country's curfew comes into effect. the homeless seem to disappear. as they retreat into these dark corners hidden from police officers and p.s.
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we meet a mother with her 6 month old baby when you zoom with god is the only way. in keeping us alive she says because even if we are afraid of the virus it's not like we can stay indoors only as a libra nuba brian considers himself lucky to have a roof over his head the organization that provides lunch has rented 2 rooms in this slum for the boys. brian's in this corner and the army as he calls his group of friends from the streets take whatever spaces left. my shop on the left is a good time it's better than on the streets i'm free from when i was out there nothing to cover myself but. something wild. with no prospect of dinner the boys take the chance to show us a river where they wash. it's a daring undertaking. somehow death feels like it's always right around the
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corner here. it's no wonder that the next morning when we meet brian he's having a cocktail of blue and jet fuel for breakfast the blue keeps the hunger. and the jet fuel keeps reality at bay. and so another day begins as the last one ended walking. week saying. we should. know where the coronavirus been able to spread and kill as easily as in the united states the u.s. replaced italy as the pandemics epicenter back in april this week the us crossing yet another grim threshold the number of people in the us who have died from the virus has now hit 100000 mark u.s. president donald trump has been criticized for reacting too slowly to the pandemic some models suggest that if trump had acted only one way girlie or the death toll
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would now be less than 50000 i'll speak with one of the u.s. is leading epidemiologists in a moment about the lessons learned in the chances squandered but 1st this report. taking the new normal to a new level. churches are closed in the new york borough of queens but that didn't stop these catholic priests from tending to their flock outside. many are in need of solace kovac 19 has exacted a devastating toll in new york nearly a quarter of all deaths in the us so far have been recorded in the state that's nearly 25000 people more than 8 times the number killed on 911 it didn't need to be this way says veterans call a noam chomsky he blames donald trump for the catastrophe as new leadership it's clear out of. the presidency the word hurls is in the hands of the
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sociopathic mogul a marine you know who's interested in nothing but who's a who or what surprisingly chance seen here playing golf on sunday has a different take on the situation. he insists the country's out of the woods and says it's time to move on and open up. all 50 states have begun lifting the lockdowns the relief of many especially during the holiday weekend. each state is easing restrictions at its own pace but concerns are growing that some governors have pushing to open up too quickly because of the need to rescue the economy this is fueling fears of a 2nd wave of infections. you know i'm glad the show will come because you know more credit you're going to be scum a big reconstruct the way it's too many people we can't afford it. usually the
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people should nice where the regular normal car and you can diminish the people you don't want that. many in the u.s. may be happy to be getting back to normal but the virus has not gone away and experts fear this could translate into more infections and more deaths. on joints not by one of the leading epidemiologists in the u.s. jennifer horney it's nice sounding director of the epidemiology program at the university of delaware in new work it's good to have you back on the show jennifer i mean if i go back 3 months in time the beginning of march i think the number of confirmed. $1000.00 deaths in the u.s. was around 53 months later we're at $100.00 sal's i mean how the hell could that happen in such a short amount of time how do you explain that. so i began my career in the wake of the september 11th and subsequent anthrax attack attacks and
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this placed a large amount of attention on building our capacity to respond to public health emergencies but since the 2000 exception the budget cuts that have left public health understaffed and underfunded mean that we started the fight against at the end it with a deficit of 250000 public health workers in the u.s. i think the other major reason for the failure of the public health care science has been the sidelining of the centers for disease control and prevention whose initial missteps with regard to test of element and their initial contradiction to federal officials he said the virus was contained in february but then on the outside of our national response even though they've enjoyed high levels of traps from the american public in past emergencies you speak there to the politicization of saudi and so we've seen in the united states we've seen that the c.d.c. we've also seen that with face masks for example that we've got the u.s. president tweeting making fun of joe biden for where you go face mask what do
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you think of the politicization of these mass right now what does that say about public health in the u.s. . well i think the 1st thing is that there's no place for the politicization of the wearing of face masks in defense of this there was a study that just came out this week that shows. that there are many inconsistent seats across nations even across medians and that the guidance for its wearing face masks has been changing rapidly and so to a certain extent it's hard for people to know what they should do but we are reaching a point the science where we understand a lot about the highest risk for transmission of coding but you're associated with close in or contact with an infected symptomatic person and so the most important thing that you can do that if you're sick or having symptoms is to stay home in isolation possible but since we know that up to half the cases are asymptomatic we
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should wear a mask and wear and close contact with others who are interacting with indoors and i think the good news is the data has been fairly consistent that asymptomatic cases can spread infection but they tend to be milder and require less hospitalization no we don't know everyone's situation they're coming in contact and it's a small individual price to pay for. that so it's a good point to make there was a reports i think earlier today that many of the. body tests being offered in the united states are just not working how do you explain that i think i've read maybe a 50 percent of the tests that are out there now on the market can't be trusted. you know so i think there's a tremendous pressure because organizations know that reliable and heated anybody testing is hard of any strategy to fully reopen our economy our schools our
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universities and we still have far too many questions whether the assets available have a high enough sensitivity incessant city to reliably identify those and the 2nd and more recently concerns have been race in the us that the results from diagnostic and body testing combined in ways that make the percent positivity of the test lower and this is a benchmark that many states are using as part of their strategy. general let me ask you you have seen the coronavirus responses around the world when you put them all together what would be your prescription for international best practices if we had to go through this pandemic again so i'm not sure there is a one size fits all approach but some countries have certainly had greater success in their public health response in in march south korea and the us at the same number of code that 90 and south korea continues to have success the aggressive use
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of contact or are you seeing in technologies like cell phone surveillance and much of this has to do with except ability of tradeoffs between individual and community that if this one must do that also has to do with the type of pervasive inequalities in the us system that mean that many wouldn't want essential workers lack access to health insurance and health care so it seems that in response to that no matter that capital you need access to whether that financial or social scientists make their i mean for access we're having a hard time. jennifer one of the only director of the epidemiology program at the university of delaware jennifer we appreciate you taking the time to talk with us tonight we appreciate your insights thank you stay safe and and. the day is always done the conversation continues online join us on twitter at d w news you can follow me at bring goth t.v.'s and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day see that every.
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conflict zone. despite the coronavirus time demi close go move push congress for a presidential election in may in the expectation that it would waive my guest this week from coming to so many touching bush and me feet from the law and justice. course is going to move guilty of trying to put politics of people's love.
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conflicts of. yes. on to the for. it's a deadly sin. and a basic human trait. in drives us. and threatens to destroy us. grief caused in part to seeming greed is now a matter of survival but these are really something we can take. the feel desired. in 45 minutes on d w. we know that this is a scary time for us the coronavirus is changing the world is changing our lives
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so please take care of yourself good systems wash your hands if you can stay at how we're d.w.b. for here for you we are working tirelessly to keep you informed on all of our platforms we're all in this to get on together to make it. stay safe for everybody in the states and stay safe stay safe please stay safe. if there is a party that or a catastrophe what it wet or the they're all skin be changed you were so desperate to win once you every full official who is looking for for success is this for you and yes to be your commission says the new law undermines the judicial independence of fodor's judges this is double standards i can the best for them build up will be reelected.
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