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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  May 29, 2020 6:02am-6:31am CEST

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trade tariffs who weigh in 5 g. the coronavirus pandemic and now yet again protests and violence in hong kong these are all major points of friction between china and the united states but it is hong kong where the world may be witnessing a geopolitical rebalancing awaited in favor of war not peace and for the 1st time it appears beijing may not care if washington doesn't like what is happening in hong kong tonight the world's 2 largest economies watch each other and unable to see eye to eye this cannot continue forever who's going to blink 1st i'm burnt off in berlin this is the day.
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this will protect the one country 2 systems and hong kong's long term prosperity and stability. the boldest thought i'll call it will be heard hall tonight and. people of late all the fold if there are rounds of sanctions all tell their friends. about. the cause of hanukkah and all those people who are still suffer quite a lot from the chinese nation has the wisdom and the ability to handle appropriately its own affairs streets which is. also coming up tonight u.s. president donald trump the twitterer in chief is taking aim at twitter with an executive order. what they choose to fact check and what they choose to encourage promote is nothing more than a political activism group or political activism and it's inappropriate.
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to our viewers on p.b.s. in the united states and all around the world welcome we begin the day with china's heavy handed hong kong and washington shaking its fist at beijing for months much of the world has yearned for a return to normality as in the way things were before the corona virus infected any people now we humans we tend to sugarcoat our memories of the past how quickly we seem to have forgotten that ticking geopolitical time bomb that was and is hong kong with the events of the past 24 hours have returned to where we were prepared to make and it is not a pleasant reality check late on wednesday u.s. secretary of state might pump told u.s. lawmakers that quote no reasonable person can assert today that hong kong maintains a high degree of autonomy from china given the facts on the ground. reacting
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to a new security law in china with her tales even further the freedoms enjoyed by hong kong are now in a joint statement today the united kingdom the united states. condemned that new legislation now that was to be expected what is surprising is health forcefully china moved to approve the wall undaunted by protests in hong kong beijing knew that washington would not approve yet beijing at least for now doesn't seem to care . disorder in the hong kong legislative council a democratic lawmakers struggled to get past security guards with a bag he said it contained a russian plant symbolizing what he said was the decay of hong kong's rule of law and why if life china's latest move against disobedience is imposing national security laws on hong kong the national people's congress approved plans to move
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forward with laws against things china sees as a threat to its authority under the hong kong the law would allow mainland security agencies to operate openly in hong kong pro-democracy activists now fearing for their civil liberties. as the one who had been arrested for ties by hall called police and they were jailed for for good times in the shadow of hong kong i've never imagined to be arrested by secret police it's appointed by beijing if you wish i mean it is something joe said as it is shenzhen quanto all beijing which would be really terrible and i think that's no different this hong kong and china young and she the chinese premier said the new law would work for the long term benefit of hong kong's prosperity and stability the central government has all along fully and faithfully implemented one country 2 systems under which the
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people of hong kong govern hong kong with a high degree of autonomy. the central government has also acted in strict accordance with the constitution and the basic law. and supported the chief executive and the hong kong government line with the little. protest is absent from the streets recently due to coronavirus these protests and this wake the priests reacted with hundreds of arrests more than 360 on wednesday. to sort on the streets matched by disorder in hong kong's legislature neither alaca to be reduced by china's latest law which could be implemented within a few months. or for more let's bring in my colleague melissa chan from d.w. news asia as she has covered china for many years she joins me tonight from los angeles melissa it's good to have you right here on the show you know what my pump
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you said it is technically true hong kong has been losing its all taunting me for some time now but knowing it and saying it are 2 very different things when it comes to us chinese geopolitics why do you think pompei you said what he did when he did. well i think the immediate cause and effect is exactly what your report has been talking about which is beijing's aggressive decision to enforce this national security law on hong kong but we can go farther back to 900 $97.00 and the hand over and the transgressions on the rule of law over the course of that time and of course what happened last year with the protesters and it's clear that the protesters are going to continue it's going to be a long hot summer in hong kong so those are the reasons i would also say though a bit more cravenly is that this is an election year in the united states and it's frankly bipartisan although the republicans definitely think that being hard on
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china is a good thing for reelecting donald trump and pump a oh of course is donald trump secretary of state you know that's a very good point beijing also knew that there would be protests in hong kong and it also knew that the u.s. would not approve of this new security law yet china went ahead and moved forward anyway what does that tell you about the calculus as seen from beijing i think you made a really good point earlier about this that there is a shift we are looking at a china that feels a lot more bolder than it used to be a few years ago and a lot of people will track this to the rise in leadership of shooting peeing china has just gotten more nationalistic over the years as if it couldn't have gotten more nationalistic you couldn't have imagined it a few years ago but i think that that is playing a big part into why it's acting the way it has and also seen it of course during
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this pandemic with this new wolf warrior diplomacy of speaking their minds the diplomats all over the world doing that what do you think oh this is going to do to trade talks between china and the u.s. . it feels like a very long time ago but it was just january when facing 100 of the train talks between the united states and china happen and. i think especially with the politics in the campaign and the election here in the united states in mind it will be very hard for this administration to justify bashing china and continuing on to a discussion about face to trade talks and also realistically you have 2 major country struggling with their economies i mean we really don't know what is going on in china they often cook the numbers and but we know it's bad and it might not be a place to watch even implemented a lot of what's in phase one which is the purchase of for example u.s.
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agricultural products so i wouldn't bet on it you know this all leaves europe in an uncomfortable maybe of a familiar position take a listen to what the german chancellor said yesterday about hong kong china isn't just any pot or a competitor but a country that is profoundly different in regard to the rule of law freedom democracy and human rights however the fact that we have a very fundamental difference is should not be an argument against exchange dialogue and cooperation. melissa isn't merkel is she trying to have it both ways there she is firmly placing you're with the u.s. when it comes to democracy and human rights but she's leaving the door open for business ties with the world's 2nd largest economy. and i would also point out that the u.s. is actually having it both ways as well because trade continues between the united states and china a lot of american corporations are doing business with china so it's not just
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europe that is facing this conundrum what i hear want to hear medical say this is that she's giving herself options it is true that a lot of european states do not want to take sides right now it is very hard for some of these liberal democracies to naturally side with the united states though because we have had a president in the united states critical of europe including a threatening to put up tariffs on europe for a number of goods so it i think that that's where europe is really stuck and i think we'll see perhaps more clarity from european states after the american election once we know who will be running d.c. do you think that the international community does it have much leverage right now when it comes to china and what about this here that hong kong is just a rehearsal for beijing taking over taiwan. i think there's going to be a lot more needed in terms of international consensus to put pressure on china in
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a way that they actually feels the best examples the most recent example taiwan getting a chance to even participate in one meeting at the world health organization a lot of countries signed on to that and taiwan was unable to participate in the meeting so we've had a handful of countries come out and issue statements on this latest development hong kong and where i think we are a long way off from china really responding to the international community in a very quickly to answer your 2nd question about taiwan i think we're in a brave new world lot of things that we thought wouldn't happen a few months ago have happened i mean in the world in general and i think the same goes with taiwan it would have been crazy to take seriously the possibility of an invasion of taiwan from mainland china but i don't know i mean certainly within the policy community people are talking about that possibility and it's part of
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shooting king's legacy right he has been a leader that has wanted to consolidate the periphery of mainland china that has included change on in the far west in the detention of almost a 1000000 readers that ethnic minority that in involves controlling tibet that involves what he's doing in taiwan and he's are in hong kong of north and so that does lead to the questions about what he wants to do with taiwan yeah well he definitely has a lot on his plate that is for sure melissa chan with g.w. news asia joining us tonight from los angeles melissa excellent insight and analysis of the situation thank you. i don't think that facebook or phones in general should be arbiters of truth i think that's kind of a dangerous line to get down to in terms of deciding what is what is true and what isn't. and i think political speech is one of the most sensitive parts and
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a democracy and people should go to see what politicians say well that was facebook c.e.o. mark zuckerberg defending his controversial position not to prohibit or even label is false or untrue political messages in campaign advertisements even if they mislead the public as of this week facebook and twitter are in 2 opposing camps for the 1st time ever twitter has flagged several of us president trump's tweets which twitter does when the accuracy or truthfulness of the content is in doubt it was an angry tweet about mail in ballots which trump opposes that started this trump tweeting there is no way 0 that they'll be anything less than substantially fraudulent now you can see in the bottom left corner twitter has placed a leak that promises you the facts it takes you to a page with what twitter considers trustworthy sources among them the hill c.n.n.
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and the washington post. well since becoming president donald trump has unleashed a barrage of insults and faults hood's on twitter many of his tweets violate twitter's standards and policies yet the social media giant just like facebook has never intervened until now why did it take twitter so long you may have well we haven't gotten an answer from twitter about that what we do know is that it took trump about 24 hours to react to being flagged the u.s. president tweeted the threat as you see right there to regulate or shut down social media platforms the president drum has now signed an executive order that could challenge many legal protections for social media companies in 1906 the u.s. congress passed the communications decency act which sees a social media companies as conduits for activity carried out by users social media
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companies are not legally liable for the content posted by users now this law has become the global standard journalist and media analyst warned that a change to this legislation could chill all forms of free speech and expression frankly you know what are even more now want to pull in that bill silcock bill worked as a journalist in the u.s. he is now an assistant dean a professor at the walter cronkite school of journalism and mass communication at arizona state university he joins me tonight from phoenix bill it's good to have you back on the day donald trump he's not the 1st president to complain about the media or even to threaten to take action against the media he is the 1st president to sign an executive order to punish social media put this into perspective for us what does what does it all mean. thanks brant well it's good to be back with you and with your view is there under way to go worldwide i think one of the things to remember quick history ps vice president agnew under richard nixon he did it is
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a famous speech sexily the words liberal bias can be attributed back to that speech nixon himself the president at that time and it was his vice president he took the journalists individually to task in a pretty chilling way dan rather stood up to him courageously in a press conference daniel schorr so some of the history that we see back there in 1968 as mark twain says history doesn't repeat itself it rhymes we see that in the donald trump presidency as he's treated various journalists the u.s. congress not the u.s. president has the authority to change the law the law regarding social media platforms in this case never the less when the president does what the president did today i mean there have to be consequences for the media what are they. well i think there's a little bit of a route there will be you watch this in the next 2448 hours it's been interesting since we've been on the air is literally when you just signed it i kept watching to see what happened and it's now been confirmed what will happen is i think you'll
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see large legacy media companies doing rally around the 1st amendment flag as it were to say this is wrong america wake up and stand up to this president and i think you'll see as we have with that with jack dorsey and twitter who probably deserves a missouri medal of of honor for his work and really standing up and finally doing some fact checking that i think is valuable now some of the republicans are going to question why you're leaving it off to c.n.n. when she leading up to fox that's ok we need to get those going since of ideas one of the things i want to make really clear that's really important is willing what this is about is a lack of media literacy there is not enough media literacy in this country indeed in the world because all of this social media has happened so quickly trump has you know bet into warp speed but we need to figure out ways that in the classroom and for the general public we can do media literacy and bravo for twitter for you know being a trendsetter in that and that arena yeah yeah and as you and i have discussed before it has to do with the news diet that we consume and for most people that diet is
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not healthy this story is getting a mobile it yeah big time it's getting global attention germany's commissioner for digital industry posted a tweet and an invitation today on one issue our viewers this an invitation for twitter he writes here you are free to criticize the government as well as to fight fake news we have a great start up and tech eco system here in germany your company would be a perfect fit and i will open any doors for you so there you go an imitation of her twitter to relocate i mean isn't that the upshot of any move to to regulate social media twitter that they will just pick up and relocate. yes maybe it's whack a mole around the world i'm not sure exactly what will happen bravo for your german diplomat or reach down i don't think twitter is going to that twitter needs. twitter needs trump and trump needs twitter but bravo for jack dorsey for going out
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there and putting out you know a line in this and say we got to stop this is best as we get heightened in the close of the election so forget what else was going on $100000.00 americans are now dead of coke just like reagan was a master of seizing the agenda of that every day media diet through visuals trump is doing that through twitter and it's just repeating itself you say are literacy needs to be improved so does anyone really care about this executive order do they care that the president signed it today. some people will it is a chilling effect remember it's got to go through the courts and it well it's not practical they're not going to come and shut down twitter and shut down the internet that's not going to happen we have a 1st amendment of course in this country and on every floor here at the walter cronkite school we have the 1st amendment prominently by the elevator so i think on a personal note for me as a journalist as a journalism educator yes it is a little chilling to see the president go this far but we've been there before with
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nixon that are new and i don't think that we have not heard the end of this and trump is a master both studied by political scientists and journalism educators for years to come and how we can seize but i think there's no real practical implication of what this is except it's going to make a lot and always take away from what's really going on in this country and in the world the global pandemic yeah you're right there's a lot of noise out there at the moment that's for sure bill sillcock with the walter cronkite school of journalism a mass communications at arizona state university bill as always we appreciate your time and your insights thank you. feel it on can do good and good knocked. her moments in our history so grim so heart rending there for over 6 each of our hearts shared. today is one of those moments 100000 lives now maust those farmers here not just
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a small each one leaving behind family never home and that was u.s. presidential candidate joe biden yesterday in a video message after the number of coronavirus deaths in the country passed that 100000 mark an expression of sympathy from donald trump a democratic opponent from the president himself. there was silence instead he unleashed a barrage of tweets and practically everything else from surveillance laws mail in ballots to threatening twitter ironically it was the very platform that he chose to console the nation but a day later he called the 100000 coronavirus deaths a very sad milestone and extended his sympathy and love to the family and friends of the victims the message coming a day after the passing of that grim threshold.
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many businesses of experience to slow down during the coronavirus lock down but one branch is awaiting a bloom international lawyers are preparing to help investors launch a wave of lawsuits against governments for the actions taken to protect public health who would have thought that the reporter jill dougherty has been following the story for words how are lawyers how are they getting ready to go on this one well brant under numerous global trade treaties investors can sue governments for lost expected profits and they can do so under a system called investor state dispute settlements now this is a secretive legal system that's held outside of the normal court system and it allows companies to go into against governments behind closed doors well now international law firms are promoting ways that investors can use this parallel legal system to sue governments for the actions they have taken during the coronavirus crisis and we can take
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a look at some of them now so for example there are numerous countries that have suspended water and electricity bills well according to the law firm hogan lovells foreign owned utility companies could sue because their revenue stream is what potentially eliminated. india for another case halted exports of pharmaceutical in gradients so as to protect their own citizens well that could violate investment agreements and so investors could try and claim losses that's according to the lawyers at ropes and gray and many countries closed their borders and shut down travel lawyers say the transport companies could claim for drastically affected private investments now all of this legal activity has been monitored and documented by an ngo called culprit europe observatory well earlier i spoke to from that ngo about how these legal cases could affect governments both financially and how it might deter them from taking actions in the future let's have a listen. can we come and sit i mean fast and legal costs very
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high and if the state can use it then obviously that burden on the text even because these awards can go sometimes into billions of us dollars to states can have to pay they also have a political impact sometimes to me a threat of an expensive lawsuit can be enough so that government does not pursue it even though it would be needed to protect public health yeah i mean we want governments to protect the public health so are these lawyers are they profiteering by suggesting these actions were really just doing their their jobs well i contacted the lawyers that have been making these proposals about how they can sue governments most of them didn't respond one did and they said that they were merely providing a review of the options they weren't suggesting that companies should sue governments merely pointing out that they could have any investors trying to sue governments
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over that 19 so far not that we know of and by the nature of these cases are secretive they held behind closed doors so we might not ever know if they do occur but we will keep trying to track them down as they occur you know let's do because if we find out we should definitely reports them until the public job is always thank you. well the date is almost done with the conversation continues online you can join us on twitter either g w news or you can follow me at brit gov't t. b. and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day we'll see you then everybody.
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willing to invite me is a savior of the forest. he calls 210 acres of land in central gonna his own kids we call debating and conserving wood and teaching how to practice sustainable forestry it's all about training or get them our income people have also bought bad
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boy. got to have their babies come fall and come out for the. next. take. i always have to outguess something can only achieve artistic quality if you question it. the recipe for his international success 'd. john knowing my has been. 1973. devoted his life to. find me on t.w. . like. oh. my god says my. russian so.
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many different parts. some. oddly trying. to come straight from. the russian into me journey to death starts to maintain all d.w. . hello everyone and welcome to this new edition of eco africa the environment magazine bobbsey by channels t.v. here in nigeria and saving uganda and germany's door chavela i'm now inside me
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coming to you from lagos and joining me of course is my colleague sandra teen o.b.o. and hello there sandra. and hello from.


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