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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 2, 2020 9:00am-9:31am CEST

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this is deja vu news live from berlin u.s. president trump warns he will send in federal troops to end the violence that has overshadowed the protests in american cities if a city or state refuses to take the actions that are necessary to defend the life and property of their residents then i will deploy the united states military and quickly solve the problem for them. his address comes as the protests continue as
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does the violence the brother of the man whose death sparked the protest has issued an impassioned plea for peace and unity in his brother's name also coming up. a year ago this german politician were shot dead at his home a man is due to stand trial for his murder which is part of a disturbing rise in attacks by far right extremists in germany. and in the bundesliga leipsic boost their chances of a spot in the champions league in a 6 goal match up against. i'm brian thomas good to have you with us today u.s. president donald trump has threatened to send in the military to put an end to the
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violence that's come alongside the protests sparked by the death of george floyd. the president speaking at the white houses police fired tear gas and rubber bullets to clear protests nearby later thousands of people marched through brooklyn in new york city shouting for justice a wave of protest began after a video emerged white police officer kneeling on floyd's neck. well as the protests enter their 2nd week now the president told mares and governors across the country that if they did not get things under control he deploy the u.s. military 1st we are ending the riots at a lot of listeners that has spread throughout our country we will end it now today i have strongly recommended to every governor to deploy the national guard in sufficient numbers that we dominate the streets mayors and governors 1st to
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stablish an overwhelming law enforcement presence until the violence has been quelled if a city or state refuses to take the actions that are necessary to defend the life and property of their residents then i will deploy the united states military and quickly solve the problem for them let's get the very latest now from the u.s. with the to abuse melissa chan joining us from los angeles good day to you melissa the president there saying he's ready to send in federal troops in the u.s. cities what have been the reactions to that so far. well 1st of all a lot of people had to go back into the history books to see when the last time this rarely used law was invoked and i think for viewers who don't understand i'm we have seen a lot of armed armed officers on the streets across the united states and there is a difference between the national guard though which governors are in control of
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versus what president donald trump is suggesting which is taking active duty military who have been working in afghanistan and iraq and putting them out in the domestic united states and i think depending on which media organisation you watch if you're an american watching a lot of fox news you will definitely support what president trump has done and her head has threatened to do in terms of looking at all the looting that happens in the evening and feeling like there does need to be so-called law and order and of course if it's a rorschach test if you're another kind of american what you see is that the president has just threatened the american people with sending american soldiers to treat them like enemy combatants ok the president was talking about the looting though and tried to separate the peaceful protesters from of course the violent actors out there. you know that being the case kid can you give us an overview
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where is the country right now after night 7 of protests and looting in our serenely. yes brian i think you make an excellent point which is that the most dramatic pictures are not the most accurate pictures there are far more people taking to the streets for peaceful protesters and who have been peaceful protesters over the last few days what happens is that night falls and looters come out and that is a real problem people of course very frustrated who've been. protesting out in the streets day side feeling that their message is of course being muddied by people who are out there at night now in los angeles sunday night was bad this evening here monday evening it's not as bad but it's interesting we have to keep in mind los angeles l.a. county is in what i would consider like a double lockdown there is the lockdown for kovac because we're not as far along as germany in terms of dealing with this pandemic so there's
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a lockdown in place and then you have the lockdown of this curfew in terms of limiting people going out at night so it is a double sort of a sense of control and it's very overwhelming for a lot of people here melissa chan thanks so much for following this for us today from los angeles. the medical examiner for minneapolis has released the autopsy report for george floyd it shows his death was homicide by suffocation or being restrained by police at the site of his death in that city members of his family paid tribute to him with a call for unity and peace. that. carries fluid crumbles under the weight of tremendous loss this is where for nearly 9 minutes his brother george begged for his life and for his mother under the weight of an officer on his neck the medical examiner is calling his death
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a homicide. after there was that the. oh oh oh oh are. a week later terence is here to memorialize his brother and to ask protesters to to manchester is the right way. have you. come down here we. are now. not over. want to. our hotel not only are there from the marker known or from all. the running out i don't want that just right wherever animal rights we were only half of that says obama. here's the map for us is over right protests have swept across the u.s.
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fueled by anger and desperation george floyd isn't the 1st unarmed black man or woman to die and police custody but his slow death caught on video has sparked a movement people are demanding black americans be treated with the same humanity as whites. i can't i can't discipline you without. the business. the 48 children. derek child and since dismissed from the police was chartered flights herder on friday but his brother says that's not enough. he wants all of the officers involved arrested and charged i just want to. record. for our record. the protests against the death of george floyd of taking place outside the united states as well here in berlin there were demonstrations over the weekend including outside the u.s. embassy others in the german capital have been turning to art to show their support
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for the protests there's more. in beilin protesters gathered for a 3rd consecutive day in the city's main landmark the plan the book gate high out. just say something. in front of the u.s. embassy. and a popular district of no current. now does that is ok. they're angry and they demand justice for george floyd. in a north of the city a mirror us home age to george floyd attracted many local residents who sympathize with their support for the protestants and the wider world. as we win is what i think it's really good at these protests take place around the world it shows that people take what happened seriously but i see a difference here in germany or in europe it's another level of racism than what exists in the us what he's up with
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a start yeah he's been mistreated i think it's important that such protests happen here too it means to be aware of the situation so yes i'm all for it. has been on the floor. it's been a fact it's a well it's not so cool that people aren't treated as they should be everyone is equal regardless of their skin color they are born that way and have to same rights the bunnet we had to get back. here in germany presence of people gathered over the weekend to show solidarity following george ford's deaths in the united states here behind me you can see george floyd's last words i can't breathe on the mirror which stands right it's what a balloon boy used to stand this is highly symbolic and it does so shows that the struggle against racism is a global issue. let's talk about some of the global dimensions that was the overseas in a story and us analyst at the free university here in berlin boston thanks so much
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for coming in today we heard a protester in that report saying that racism here in europe is different than the racism in the united states how would you compare them i think we cannot look at the history of racism in the united states without regarding the history of slavery and that means specific leave that black people became property of other people legally therefore racism in united states is to simply connect it to a history of economic interests and we can see if we look to the history we have a look at the history of racism in united states we see a specific set of organizations of institutions that support it to demonize black people and keep them out of the political process. ok that's different than here in europe how would you qualitatively say it's different here in europe as we heard a report. well qualitatively i think it is way more
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overt in the united states really have racism in europe as well but very often we don't reflect on it as well but people of color of being discriminated and hiring process. we have police violence against people of color in europe as well but it's not as open a topic i think as it is in the united states a present from says he wants to on the one hand protect the protesters and clamp down on looters and arson is that in his most recent address what do you make of his law and order approach for doing that. i think it's important to be aware that this kind of law and all the rhetoric that goes back to the 960 s. has always had a racial component if you think about someone like richard nixon who has invoked it very often but what is very curious about the statement donald trump made last night is the how he invoked a law that goes back to 18 on 7 the insurrection act that was specifically designed
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within the context of quelling slaves insurrections and slaves rebellions in the united states and to needed as another layer of racial history and the history of racism that we can see in these instances among. us you know from the free university here in berlin thanks so much for coming in on this day thanks for having me it was a year ago today that the murder of a politician here in germany shocked the country all to look go was found shot dead at his home in the west of the country prosecutors believe the killer was a right wing extremist since then there's been a rise in attacks by far right groups with germany stepping up its efforts to counter the violence and remember the victims. monitor lipka was shot dead by an alleged rightwing extremist a year later this street in berlin city center is being renamed in his honor.
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the international committee is taking this step to commemorate the politician and to make a statement. to explain the house right wing extremist hatred is getting stronger it's becoming part of our daily lives but the silent majority does not take a clear stand for those threatened by it even though they find such acts disgusting that means we fall victim to them so we want to show society you have to be loud and clear in your opposition to them. look i was shot dead in front of his house in a small western german town near the city of casa the shooter fired execution style from just 2 meters distance lipka was a staunch supporter of chancellor angela merkel's pro refugee policies 4 years before he was killed he was already the target of catcalls by people now known to be right wing extremists you have to just stand up for what you believe in and if you don't you should leave the country if you disagree every german is free to do
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this. he was met with boos and told to leave the country himself. was. a man named stefan was among those present that day the state attorney believes he was the one who killed the politician stefan is the main defendant at 1st he signed a confession but then withdrew it. many questions remain unanswered in this case such as whether the killer had any accomplices investigations show that shortly before and after look at his killing google searches with the words looked good dead and shot in the head appeared in a number of german states what is clear is that since lukas murder there's been a rise in rightwing violence in germany a few months later a synagogue in the city of hala was attacked and 2 people nearby were killed early this year a racist attack in the city of hama left 10 people dead the increase in attacks seems not to be a coincidence or that's why i think without a doubt there is
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a direct connection right wing violence has risen dramatically since the attack on baltar look especially in the state of hasn't this spurs the haters to commit more crimes. the trial has not yet begun but the time it does other cities may follow suit and rename streets to honor volunteer look because memory. did every escape brady is in our parliamentary studios right now is going to talk to us more about this good morning kate what role does remembering the murder of play in how this country debates right wing violence. it does play an extremely important role and of course many issues including the issue of far right extremist violence and racism in germany has been very much pushed to the sidelines in recent months not least of all because of the covert 19 pandemic going into the pandemic it was very much at the forefront of
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a discourse here in germany as we saw there in the report there was the races shootings as well in her now earlier this year which had politicians and society debating once again how it should best tackle far right extremist violence and racism in the country and of course at the moment as well a lot of the world's attention is on the scenes that are unfolding in the u.s. as well which is also a reminder as well in germany shouldn't forget that it does indeed have its own issues to deal with especially when it comes to racism and fall right extremism so it is important to remember as well that politicians as well throughout the coded 1000 pandemic have indeed been every saving hate mail and even death threats so it is very clear that this these politically motivated crimes run off many many motives and we have seen as well that in 2019 the number of political motive motivated crimes in germany did increase by more than 14 percent and more than half
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of those were actually attributed to the far right extremists so this very much is still an issue that germany needs to deal with and certainly come loose sight of the interior minister or so whoever he has been underscoring all of this he's been talking about a quote long trail of blood when it comes to right wing extremism but what is the government been doing as a change anything since look is this. well there have been some small steps made to my civil war significantly online hate speech for example must now be reported that's made on on social media forums that was something that was passed earlier this year there's going to be a position germany's domestic intelligence agency and the has also been a special government committee creative and that met for the 1st time just last weekend wholesale for the german interior minister said that they would be some
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well concrete measures announced by november but there are concerns particularly among campaign groups at the moment that this committee is much more symbolic the making any real progress so we'll have to see what comes out of that committee in the coming months look forward to hearing more about that kate thanks so much for that this morning get you up to date now on the latest in terms of the corona virus pandemic it is of course still having an impact lowboy here are some of the latest developments the u.n. and saudi arabia are hosting a pledging conference today to raise money for war ravaged yemen the aim was to raise 2400000000 dollars to support of elation not only hard hit by war and malnutrition but also now by the coronavirus pakistan's prime minister imran khan defended his decision to lift most lockdown measures citing huge economic losses he said of people take care it's possible to live with the virus u.k.'s plan to
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introduce a 14 day quarantine for people arriving from abroad well that has been sharply criticized was concerns and may have a limited impact as well on on public health and in new zealand prime minister ardern said her government will consider relaxing all restrictions sooner than planned as the country's fight against the virus is progressing toward ahead of schedule. all leading business group has said that china needs to slash its airline subsidies coming amidst a coronavirus crisis such a proposal may sound far fetched but the european union chamber of commerce in china says it is overdue its badly needed if beijing is to boost growth and bring its aviation sector into law in with international norms. the coronavirus pandemic has rattled the chinese economy growth has collapsed and unemployment levels are climbing the government solution pumpkin billions of state money revenue
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may be falling but spending says beijing has to mind. as a result its announced plans to raise china's budget deficits to 3.6 percent to 2020 exceeding the country's long standing 3 percent ceiling china's a missed to raise its global position in future technologies by investing in robotics emo billets and artificial intelligence making the most of the crisis to enter the market on favorable terms the government is also investing billions in aviation that sector has been particularly affected by the pandemic beijing hopes that high state subsidies will bring it up to speed for the future. but those subsidies are very controversial let's bring in now you're president of the european chamber of commerce in china good day to you thanks for being with us mr. you today have published a report calling for china to reform its aviation sector and to and its state
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subsidies to open up to real competition do you think beijing will take that on board in the current climate. well we can only address the government or certainly not change policies right away we have to come up with the arguments and the arguments plainly is that publicly this is a company's european airlines cannot really compete against state funded lines on many routes so it's also addressing the issue basically for our folks back home in brussels and really. ok what are you doing to get access talking about fair play to get access for european carriers like air france likely to the huge chinese domestic market. well the problem then to be every last recently is that you know these aforementioned companies now that's a flying into beach in shanghai that is still a profitable who would but more mobile business has been sucked away from beijing
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and shanghai to other cities heavily subsidized by the local government and then all of a sudden you have mentions of chain door or you have paris and jane 2 of all of a sudden you have these lines increasing in market share for chinese airline more or less exclusively and europeans com compete against them really so in a way we are seeing stop this subsidy game let market forces play and. we have also some other recommendations on on how to improve the element of market here ok as. with the struggle for fair trade we also have the current crisis and we just saw the 1st flight carrying german workers and their families back to china we know that one of those traveling on that flight tested positive for covert 1000 on a rival or all the passengers now in quarantine the next flight scheduled for tomorrow wednesday is that going to go ahead. yeah i heard his going head to and it's good that discourse ahead i mean yes the gentleman in question isn't engine
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he's actually doing quite well of course his case forces everyone else to have 48 hours care and 14 days so 'd yeah i mean it's always a rough start right. eventually i hope that when your opens up on the 15th of june that that china will permit european airlines again just as the chinese market ok will no more on that date i imagine your president of the european chamber of commerce in china thank you so very much for coming in and you. we have since for sale but mostly the fans were treated to a 6 goal but now in monday's clash between cologne and rb leipzig visitors life's a groping to get their title but back on track after a draw against america on match day 28 and their strikers were leading the way. some gangs deserve an audience unfortunately stuffed toys were the only spectators for this one as the billy goats played host to leipsic. the goal fest got off to
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a quick start as john caught about right full time on the rebound off the 7 minutes . to the hosts. likes it do level after 20 minutes patrick shakes head it gets in the better team hole on the check it's not a goal of the campaign. christopher can conclude gave the visits as the lead with this q. short time. and a possible match from leipzig keep a piece of glass he sent team over them a clear goal in the 2nd period. to germany international duty slow. pace 25th goal of the season. to come out simply miss. out in school didn't want to go and see more test with
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the twinkling toes and the 1st right finish to make it 3 to 50 minutes. that she left with no chance from a stunning efforts. like sink put the game to bed 2 minutes later. danielle though with the rebound from the kona was done. full to the final school like title bid back on track with that much needed 3 points. yes and time now for a reminder of our top stories at this hour president trump has warned he will send in u.s. troops to quell violent protests following the death of an african american in police custody he said of marriage and state governors failed to take action it would quickly solve the problem. and the brother of george floyd has called for peace as the us continues to grapple with the un rest sparklers as
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a police custody and also observe report by the minneapolis county medical examiner shows he died from suffocation while being restrained by police. there's always more on these and other stories at our website that state of you dot com for now though for me bryan thomas an entire teen actually true.
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kickoff. ghost town atmosphere means listless clay shaw from and. lots of guns fundamentalists flying cessna.
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nonstop excitement in the final match to. see god. go. on t.w. . every day campbell soup for us and for our planet. the idea is on its way to bring you more conservation law who makes it is greener how can we protect habitats odd the difference madea's the environmental series of little $3000.00 on t.w. and all mine. resistant. cities will sink into
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the city. or stretches of land will be abandoned. and the water striders sébastien waters are supposed to prevent flooding but the ability. never led. the future 66 meters rising sea levels starts to set on t.w. . they. believe.
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by munich's monster more than 8 consecutive bundesliga title continues.


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