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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 2, 2020 4:00pm-4:15pm CEST

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this is the news live from berlin president trump warns he will send in federal troops to end the violence that has overshadowed protests in american cities. if the city or state refuses to take the actions that are necessary to defend the life and property of their residents then i will deploy the united states military and quickly solve the problem for them. but tell me how the power to do that such a group would like to meet stiff resistance from state governors despite the unrest think several cities across the country. look threats because the birds 6 aren't
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there are are remember look at. 6 that is correspondent in minneapolis he's one of several journalists targeted by police violence germany's foreign minister insists that journalists must be allowed to do their jobs. and health care workers across latin america challenge coronavirus working conditions they say a lack of personal protective equipment is putting their lives at risk. i'm sumi so much kind of good to have you with us u.s. president donald trump s threatened to send in the military to end the violence surrounding the demonstration sparked by george floyd's death trouble speaking at the white house says police used tear gas to disperse protests nearby. thousands of
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people marched in nor can other cities across the country demanding justice the way for protests started after a video emerged of a white police officer kneeling on george floyd's neck until he died as the protests enter their 2nd week the president told mayors and governors that if they do not we're store the will of law he will deploy the u.s. military 1st we are ending the riots at a lot of listeners that has spread throughout our country we will end it now today i have strongly recommended to every government to deploy the national guard in sufficient numbers that we dominate the streets mares and governors versus stablish an overwhelming law enforcement presence until the violence has been quelled if a city or state refuses to take the actions that are necessary to defend the life and property of their residents then i will deploy the united states military and
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quickly solve the problem for them. earlier we spoke to a reporter melissa chan about the reactions to trump's announcement in the u.s. a lot of people had to go back into the history books to see when the last time this rarely used law was invoked and i think just for viewers who don't understand i'm we have seen a lot of armed armed officers on the streets across the united states and there is a difference between the national guard though in which governors are in control of versus what president donald trump is suggesting which is taking active duty military who have been working in afghanistan and iraq and putting them out in the domestic united states and i think depending on which media organization you watch if you're an american watching a lot of fox news you will definitely support what president trump has done and her head has threatened to do in terms of looking at all the looting that happens in
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the evening and feeling like there does need to be so called law and order and of course if it's a rorschach test if you are another kind of american what you see is that the president has just threatened the american people with sending american soldiers to treat them like enemy combatants. as the police crackdown on the protests journalists have also found themselves being targeted. thank. god. for the protests this is per hour course not to harm the mark there was shot i remember with rubber bullets in minneapolis over the weekend and a 2nd incident simone's and his crew were shot at again as they tried to drive away from police he says he's been harassed by police several times while reporting on the protests. for. germany's foreign minister hamas has insisted that journalists must be allowed to do their job reporting on the unrest in the u.s.
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. so did with regard to the incidents involving dog which of which we have also been made aware we would contact us oath or choose to find out more about the circumstances we remain firmly committed journalists must be able to carry out their task which is independent coverage of events without endangering their safety you're not paying your bush democratic states under the rule of law have to meet the highest standards when it comes to protecting freedom of the press. standouts. to the right let's get more on the story now we can speak with nick waters from the investigative group belling cat which has been collecting and analyzing the incidents of violence against journalists during these protests and he joins us from london hi nick i take us through some of the examples of how journalists are being targeted well so far we've collected 106 examples of all is against journalists. and although in some cases it's clear that these journalists in to go
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between protesters and police in the majority of cases we seeing. them being talked to by police despite being jonas' we've seen journalists being arrested being shot up with bullets. being talks with tear gas being hit with batons and shields despite it being very clear that they all join us now is it clear that this is definitely deliberate. yes multiple examples is very very clear. example when the c.n.n. crew were arrested like the clips you played with the usual a film crew you know you've got a big camera big very clearly press you have multiple other examples it is very clear there is nobody else in the ministry in egypt since he and the police all targeting deliberately targeting press make you know some media have accused the president the white house of creating mistrust in news organizations we're seeing
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video right now a c.n.n. crew arrested live on air news organizations and journalists people have said that that the president has fomented anger against them do your investigations actually show this proof that there's been an uptick and attacks and harassment of journalists. and what we can say is in the last few days they've been well over 100 attacks on journalists do you think you can divorce up from the president of the united states spending the last few years describing the press as the enemy the enemy of the people and creating a culture in which the media blamed fool the ills of america and of the legitimate targets i don't think you can separate the statements the statements of the most powerful man in the country in the world from the kind of illness that we're seeing being deployed against journalists all right nick waters from catching us from london thank you very much. well the wave of protests in the us is resonating in other parts of the world thousands have been taking to the streets in solidarity
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while also turning the spotlight on injustice in their own societies. throughout. the world that is a symbol of pride strength and unity in new zealand as performs a hakka counting themselves one tribe with protesters more than 12000 kilometers away in the us the death of george floyd has shocked many around the world leading to calls for action. on australia's west coast the same chant that. the same cause and an opportunity to highlight similar problems at home. monitor 400 plus indigenous deaths in custody that are not being investigated or any further search that is a huge issue ever and he's saying australis are different but it's not really answer that's what we're here to talk about in just our conversation. there was
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a smaller gathering in the kenyan capital nairobi but voices rang out against the abuse of power and. we are here to express that fully very through the american people but they also say that white supremacy is a part of that is also that thing of. demonstrators also assembled in the german capital berlin for a 3rd straight day and various landmarks. just saying that. a memorial depicting george floyd has emerged on a former section of the berlin wall. or. her car was in ireland protesters march from dublin city center to the u.s. embassy where they took a knee. unlike the u.s. protests abroad have been largely peaceful despite concerns over breaches of
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physical distancing guidelines. amid the global pandemic injustice is also being highlighted as a threat to life. now to some other stories from around the world the u.s. ambassador to germany richard grinnell has resigned repeatedly clashed with german politicians during his tenure in berlin german companies that want to continue trading with iran were openly threatened with consequences most recently grinnell said u.s. pressure on germany will not let up in the future. dealing with widespread damage after a fierce storm swept in from the pacific over the weekend leaving many homeless 18 people were killed and 7 more are still missing the president has declared a state of emergency. central and south america have become the intense zones for a cold $1000.00 transmission according to the world health organization the biggest rise in case loads is now in brazil colombia she lay peru mexico haiti argentina
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and bolivia but health care workers across the region say they do not have access to adequate personal protective equipment many of them report to save lives they have to risk their own. has more. this is what a medical professional dealing with covert 19 should look like but most health care workers across latin america can only dream about having access to this sort of equipment. publicly hailed as the heroes of the pandemic front line health care workers in many countries like here in peru are protesting against a lack of personal protective equipment in bolivia and mexico as well health care professionals have denounced what they see as systemic violations to their right to safe and healthy working conditions. we are asked to reuse our uniforms to sell them from cloth they want us to wash or reuse our
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n $95.00 masks after several of our colleagues have become infected and even died we want the authorities to listen we want to quit mint so we can work. out a profit. * in colombia the rising worldwide demand and a decentralized privately administrative health care sector have caused grief shortages and an attempt to cash in on the crisis medical supply stores have started popping up in the capital bogota from full body suits to surgical gloves a seemingly endless stock of much needed equipment but there's a catch. even though protective gear can be purchased quite easily here and columbia adequate masks are expensive and often fake like this one but for many medical professionals entering this dangerous bargain is the only shot they have at finding at least some kind of protection. mariana treats patients in bogata to
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protect her little son from the virus she moved out of the family home 2 months ago and to protect herself from exposure at work she tried to take matters into her own hands. we received a private donation of n $95.00 masks and some face shields then we took it upon ourselves to buy protective overalls. but we weren't allowed to use this equipment at the hospital. administration told us that we were only our friends to use what they provided for us. at the time that was merely a conventional mask. while. i was then reprimanded by my superiors it wasn't a big deal but it made me very sad to see that on top of them not guaranteeing our safety they cause problems when we try to take care of ourselves lack of protection in colombia is especially problematic because of an idiosyncrasy in the country's
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health care system. and who an aggravating factor we're seeing a lot more of here in colombia than in other countries is that health care workers are usually employed in more than one hospital between 40 and 60 percent of them work in 3 facilities they travel back and forth between them and that makes the handling of a pandemic with the kind of transmission rate we're currently seeing very difficult . to ensure protection of exposed health care workers a judge in columbia recently ruled in favor of a group of doctors who sued the health ministry now all hospitals are obliged to provide adequate equipment for their staff but for the over 1000 medical professionals in the country who have already contracted the virus that decision comes too late. for a minder now of our top story president trump has warned he will send in u.s. troops to quell violence protests after the death of a black man police custody is that of mayors and state as
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a state governors failed to take action to quickly solve the problems for now. coming up next our covert night.


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