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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 3, 2020 6:00pm-6:30pm CEST

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this is g w news live from berlin pent up anger over racism pours out in london protesters there join a wave of demonstrators taking off in the u.s. against the death of a black man in police custody activists say the people of color in the u.k. face systematic racism that has proved deadly all too often and in the u.s. protesters defy curfews to vent their anger over police brutality but violence subsides still a chilling show of force around the white house and on many the west streets is
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prompting concern and investigations and after months of lockdown it's only declares itself open to get again for tourists but it may be a tough sell if travel goals make the trip more of a headache than a holiday. welcome to the program sparked by events in the u.s. simmering frustration over racism has now broken out into protests in europe a mass rally is now underway in central london even as coronavirus restrictions remain in place tens of thousands have gathered to protest the killing of american george floyd a black man who died in police custody 10 days ago a black lives matter movement organize the demonstration to draw attention to abuse of black people's rights worldwide. and he took the spirit masses on site for us at
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the protests in london so bear get what has been going on there. well it's survey very peaceful protest but a very big protests i think much bigger than anybody had expected people were gathering in hyde park there was something like a sit in where people sat together and sayings sang songs and shuns of the name of george floyd then people made their way toward central london so through the city and to a parliament square house of parliament and near downing street so ready thousands of people and they say it's about solidarity with the u.s. but also about footy the finger towards what they perceive as institutional racism here in the u.k. . and barrett we know the u.k. has its own issues with racism what have people been telling you.
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but i've spoken to several of the activists here and they told me that it's really for them it starts already in school that they feel that they're being treated differently that the expectations of the of a modest high that they are told you're not going to do as well and that there is already on the playgrounds a lot of racism we've done a few interviews which we're going to play to you now you can see people just. as did many got nice to. go before they. give us both. kids. just. don't. feel you know. we still race i. just grateful to see the collective grief amongst the freedom and the willingness to change the whole situation for so so yeah the c.d.c.'s kind of people into the
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social forces will go. right severe good tell us because you know people clearly clearly fired up about this but these protests are also taking place against the backdrop of the covert 19 pandemic so tell us more. well yes i mean it is really interesting because the u.k. wasn't a very strict lot for several weeks and strictly speaking people are not allowed to go to a large gatherings like this and the fact that so many people are here shows how strongly people feel about this issue betty are trying to keep their distance is seeing many people also wearing bus but of course people are close together they're all part of that's where people are getting closer together and the police here actually in quite large numbers they are keeping a low profile though 2 i haven't seen much in terms of police intervention they
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don't want to aggravate the situation but clearly the authorities would like to make sure that this is not becoming a hotspot for the coronavirus gatherings like this mass but the view from london thank you. and in the united states frustration and anger continue to full fuel protest now entering their 9th day but violence that marred previous rally rallies has dropped off u.s. defense secretary mark esper said that the current unrest does not merit deploying federal troops just days after the u.s. president threatened to do so now more than $9000.00 protesters have been arrested across multiple cities defying curfews in their stand against police violence. another standoff between police and protesters. 'd both ends of new york's manhattan bridge temporarily blocked by police after the 8
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pm curfew kicks in the defiant crowds trapped until the brooklyn side of the bridge is reopened for the record books rescue clover i've lived through for would come over to the south toward your. house and. others to defy new york's curfew marching through the city to protest at the death of george floyd an african-american at the hands of police most were peaceful but there were reports of violence including by some police officers. grab innocent people for no reason i just cited like kaufman unfortunately the ground this do was a user journalist and a press does a press pass and a person to the ground. president trump has threatened to deploy the military and has already called up more than $20000.00 national guard troops. it's
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a move that angered many including former presidential hopeful elizabeth warren because he said all these words no piers imposing our own people on our board people are here want to get a little protest. israel and even the pope has spoken out condemning racism and violence. we cannot tolerate or turn a blind eye to racism and exclusion in any form and yet claim to defend the sacredness of every human life. and at the heart of all this a human tragedy the mother of george floyd stuart are on able to hold back her tears and her full love hate. every meal cured because their own justice for hill.
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i want justice for him because he was. no matter well in a bad thing what. is the group he was a good. those calls for justice ringing out across the united states and beyond. so heartbreaking well in the meantime on the streets we're seeing tear gas tasers pepper spray just some of the less lethal weapons u.s. law enforcement have been using against george floyd protesters despite the name these weapons have a long record of causing serious harm even death and reporter. who has more developments on this story so tell us a little bit more about the use of these sort of tactics i mean in these protests itself it's hard to say exactly how many people have been injured by these kinds of non-lethal weapons there aren't solid numbers for it is happening in 100 plus cities all around the country but there have been some notable examples that we've
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seen online and on video on news broadcasts in austin a teenager was shot right in the face with a beanbag and he's been hospitalized a journalist in minneapolis is now half blind from taking a rubber bullet to her eye and many people saw and these are some disturbing images many people saw in atlanta what happened to 2 college students when 6 police officers we can see here. trying to clear these 2 issues are done nothing wrong. you can hear and see multiple firings of these tasers and these 6 police officers have since been charged with various various crimes. and this is just one example of many. police officers using these kinds of non-lethal or less lethal weapons in a very dangerous way. what do law enforcement have to say for themselves there's
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been a couple major studies last 510 years at the federal level advising on less lethal and nonlethal weapons both come to the conclusion that they do reduce injury in these kinds of incidents. and want to see more of these kinds of non-lethal weapons employed and more technology to be employed but the reports also recognize that there is a large amount of misuse abuse overuse poor training something that a report actually calls lazy cops in drone when a police officer knows they have this weapon that probably won't kill you they're more likely to use it i spoke to michael avery he's a law professor in the united states and literally wrote the book on police misconduct and he said it just takes a very long time to implement new training change police culture getting the right kinds of police chiefs in these departments who set the kind of culture of 0 tolerance in abusing these kinds of weapons what have the consequences been well taking tasers alone amnesty international told me and looking at the information
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that was put together by a reuters report a 1081 deaths from tasers just since the early 2000 and there's been scores of lawsuits for just for tasers that it's not just tasers it's not just people who might be caught up in some kind of criminal activity or alleged criminal activity could be any of us and i want to make that point by showing a picture of a young woman her name is victoria snelgrove and in 2004 in 2004 she was a 21 year old broadcast journalism student in boston and october that year she went out to the streets with tens of thousands of other people to celebrate a historic world series win for the boston red sox but she didn't come home that night because boston police opened fire on a crowd that she was in and she took a pellet paper pepper pellet to her eye and she died and i tell you the story because i was there i didn't know tori personally but we were in similar circles i went to her funeral it was a big big. tragedy for the college in the city and
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a major scandal for the police department and i reached out to her parents and they said to me that part of ourselves went with her we are forever broken we've expressed many times stop the violence but this world has taken a severe turn for the worst and nothing we say will make a difference not known william who croft thank you so much. you're watching deja vu news let's get a quick check now some other stories making news around the world more than a dozen people have been killed by 2 roadside bombs in afghanistan the 2 separate incidents took place in the southern province of kandahar and eastern province of tia the areas are among the most volatile in the country. a french court has ordered the rwandan genocide suspect for the soon to be handed over to a u.n. tribunal for trial in tanzania now he was arrested in paris in may over 2 decades
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on the run he is accused of financing rwanda's 1904 genocide of 800000 seniors and moderate hutus he will appeal the extradition order. germany's coalition parties have been meeting to try and negotiate a 2nd coronavirus stimulus package it's worth up to 100000000000 euros and is to help workers and firms rebound from the pandemic party leaders are deadlocked on proposed cash incentives to buy new cars and extra relief for municipalities struggling under debt. germany will lift travel warnings for 29 european countries beginning on june 15th foreign minister heikal ma says that germany will continue to monitor infection rates especially in countries like the u.k. and he has emphasized that this step is not a return to business as usual. i know this decision will raise great hopes and expectations but there is something we need to bear in mind travel
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warnings are not travel ban and travel advisories are not invitations to travel again. that's also something we want to make clear in our advisories which may also include the urgent advice not to travel to countries like the u.k. for instance while people arriving there still have to quarantine themselves for 14 days. we must also avoid creating a false sense of security the pandemic is still far from over and together we must avoid the revival of tourism leading to a 2nd wave in germany or anywhere else and. as the german foreign minister and italy has reopening its borders to travelers from europe today and allowing residents to travel between regions again the country is hoping to revive its tourism industry after months of lockdown but hotel owners fear guests will stay away despite measures designed to make them feel safe with a port from a resort south of. the battle for the best spot on the beach
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has begun. bit out of the wants to be in the front row of his home beach but everything looks quite different this year with the coronavirus of course always cover things looking with the umbrellas and see if this is an opening for by 3 meters 12 square meters each so i can only fit half as many out there. conditions into it as she not reflect those across italy like on this dream beach south of rome the same social distancing rules apply just as they do in off 5000 kilometers of beaches throughout the country fears that tourists just won't show up this summer are running high maybe people are only allowed to swim in the ocean no chatting no gathering you have to get right back to your son chairs. but many in the hospitality industry are worried will foreign tourists really come to italy.
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large numbers come from germany or sweden but many europeans are fearful after italy was struck so fiercely by the pandemic. what kind of europe is this where neighboring countries say don't travel to italy it's not safe maybe we are the safest country in the world now because we were the 1st nation after china to be hit hard by the virus and we have now almost completely defeated it. in taylor cina there are signs that life is slowly returning to normal. the fishermen have only recently started to more in the harbor again most of the catch goes to restaurant owners like that out of the but as long as they were close scampi and giant crabs couldn't find the market . some tourists are back into the cina at least italian ones for them the desire for sun sand and see is now spreading more powerful. even the fear of the
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infection and jeanne of it out of these restaurants cooking is finally on their way again but only under strict hygiene rules in the restaurant the safety distance is measured exactly to the centimeter all guests must also register with name and address so that the entire chain of infection could be traced if necessary. when this is all over the 1st thing we'll do is open a few bottles of champagne or politico and celebrate and hopefully have a laugh about this strange adventure we've been through together with. geno that out of the says the spite everything he's sure the beauty of the mediterranean sea here in tichina will always draw to respect again. only in time and other stories german air carrier love tons and has announced it will undergo a major revamp as it posted net losses of 2100000000 euros in the 1st quarter the restructuring plans will include job cuts and asset sales it comes after the
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airline agreeing to a corona bailout borth $9000000000.00 euros. video conference or resume has reported that its total revenue in the 1st quarter rose a staggering 169 percent to $328000000.00 a surge in virtual meetings and remote working during lockdowns translated into a big boost for the new it's raised a full year outlook beyond analysts forecasts. hong kong and china have reacted angrily to foreign criticism of beijing's plans to introduce a new security law in the semi autonomous territory chief executive kerry lam accuse the u.k. of double standards after british prime minister boris johnson said millions of hong kong residents could have a path to u.k. citizenship if china limits rights by imposing the law the former british colony was promised a high degree of autonomy and rights in a 1997 hand-over treaty between britain and china. but
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fears that autonomy is being lost has fueled anti-government protest in hong kong since last june where the 8000 people have been arrested but hundreds have fled to evade persecution now many are finding refuge in taiwan that's where do we call he sent us this report on one protester in exile. dining at a home called style cap they used to be an every day event for tom not his rooming but now it's let's remember him and many other homeowners living in exile in taiwan is just other the immunity is to new those at his taipei cafe that have become remedies to ease his homesickness. it reminds me of the days when we used to buy food from cafes like this one during the protests in which initiate joining the march it's a shame that i can't help anymore the only thing i can do is watch the news on my cell phone. last year tom took part in many confrontational protest including
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starting the whole legislature and beseeching unique person a campus says he regards himself as a problem i protested then fled to taiwan in december when police began to investigate. i fled because i don't believe that the judiciary will be holding fair trials. for example one man who stopped peaceful protest as he was complimented by the judge for court showing noble qualities but we don't see similar comments for the 1st protester he was convicted of rioting just because he was throwing objects i don't trust the judges because they appear to be biased. his fear has been intensified by beijing's point to end that a national security law for hong kong which has triggered global concern over the city's remaining freedoms as many as 300 protesters like tom helped that whole call
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for taiwan over the past year despite a lack of asylum laws taiwanese off ortiz have supported to protest they have pledged more measures to help settle people exclaiming from hong kong. this is the 1st restaurant in taiwan offering top opportunities to hong kong protesters in mexico to help it could be a sustainable way of them to let the living and what they were projects such as school chick and all i shall see on the white house more protestors i know but because. tom often plays basketball to keep busy today he is joined by his friend and fellow protesters seaman seaman who also prefers not to give his real name left home call nearly a year ago he sets the chances of returning home getting slimmer day by day. once the national security law is imposed and isn't going to be any different from mainland china i'm not just worried about my personal safety i'm also worried about
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my family and. i'm concerned that they might be intimidated and might even get up ducted by chinese agents but i don't plan to be in exile and forever i hope that i regain my strength one day and be able to take back my home then. both of them will start studying in taiwan later this year just like home call thomas seamen face an uncertain future but at least they are relatively safe for now. while countries across africa face a growing threat from the coronavirus kenya is now experiencing spikes in new infections some of its poorest communities are in desperate need of more supplies but imports from abroad have slowed and prices have skyrocketed now engineering students and doctors in nairobi are working to produce essential medical equipment to beat the virus. every breath counts that's the message of the hayward tele
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plant in kenya's capital nairobi its director steve out of dance is responsible for the production of oxygen which is essential in treating covert 9000 patients. but sourcing oxygen was a problem in africa up until now oxygen is expensive to release almost 10 times as expensive in africa as compared to the western counterparts were able to reduce their cost of oxygen with oxygen distribution models. because it really moved those and oxygen is reduced at least 30 percent. the oxygen is used in ventilators which are quickly employed when patients are showing severe symptoms but there are not enough ventilators in africa so kenya has come up with a solution and generic students and health professionals in nairobi have to sign a ventilator that can be produced for 10th of the cost of an imported machine. this
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means that we can have solutions in. sorts especially. the lock down. nothing is moving in but it was a very it's the dutch if they can. the problem of protective masks has also been solved locally they are now coming out of a 3 d. printer owned by may who shah's nairobi based firm it is producing 500 a day over the bridge to be courteous is coming together like a 3 d. printing military bureaucracy you know all collaborated or sharing one design all on one costing method and there is producing the same thing so you're going to go is right. but most important is oxygen itself the 1st have a telephone and opened in 2014 and more have followed with the support of donations from the us great britain and unicef it's a model of success with an 100 and fiftie facilities in kenya across
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over 20 counties in kenya are receiving oxygen from our 3 plants. and the sub public and private facilities alike 70 percent of the facilities are public crossing the t's having bottom of the pyramid population. they were telling has helped advance kenya's health care system with oxygen the w.h.o. in the meantime has classified this life giving element as an essential medicine. on sports tonight in the bone to see they had a bremen take on frankfurt in a match that was postponed from aurally marched into a storm bremen were all but certain to be relegated to the 2nd division before play was suspended because of the coronavirus but they found their form since the season restart the clock is ticking with just 6 games remaining. of all the clubs that have used the pandemic cause to good effect it's fair to braman. all but
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relegated before the break the green and whites have emerged from lockdown fitter more focused and more productive. because we made use of the time off to get in better shape we can play at high tempo and we're raring to go and you can see that as. 7 points from 9 games have also come with an added bonus. 3 clean sheets thanks to a flying check yet the public. problem is obviously the problem is there are only 6 games left and we're still down at the bottom it was and is a dramatic situation but this is not the time to be happy about how things are going when i get on the bus i'm focused on getting ready for frankfurt and that's what i expect from the guys to complete focus on your complaint. with so few games left a result against frankfurt is mandatory if braman are to make football's greatest
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scape. kelly thank you so much for joining us and don't forget. or you can follow us on social media thanks for watching take care and stay safe. this. lots of homeless people cannot be seen on the streets of. tokyo. used to spend their nights in internet. among you keep but then they can say is have to close because of the coronavirus. someone can do how to
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find. global 3000. next on d w. i'm not going to think that it took a while but i guess sometimes i am but i stand up and whimper that could be said to have been thanks to you consider jam a culture of looking at stereotypes a question that anyone thinks he's a country guy not. needed to be taken as drama. it's all about ok. i'm a joke join me for meet the jetman sunday w. post. to listen. then beethoven's pastoral symphony is the foundation
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of an international art project. to mark the 250th anniversary of the composer's 1st beethoven worldwide. through project which starts june 4th on t.w. . innovation. but can you conquer the major issues of our society. season the founders not only. be a good host it's modern day heroes in. inspirational people who take on the challenges of the world with their unique ideas. the person with this entrepreneurial minds you look at those 2 problems and the family. one solution to a new season of the sounders valley. starts june 13th d.w. . in the heart of climate change. africa.
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what's in store. for the future. comes to major cities. inside the. country or. welcome to global 3000 no job no home the coronavirus pandemic is pushing the poorest to the brink even in wellsian a chanst like japan. no red.


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