tv In Good Shape Deutsche Welle June 7, 2020 6:02am-6:30am CEST
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welcome to in good shape coming up on the show vacation time how long do all parties need to recuperate. no more nail biting how best to quit the habit. clubs ticks the dangers that could be lurking in the grass. and here's your host dr custom like a top. hello and welcome to in good shape a walk through the great old dogs can be fun but it can be dangerous too because there are predators there are snakes and there are ticks. for. they can infect us with viruses and
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bacteria one common disease transmitted. disease a typical sign is a red ring. in the days after the bite. ticks are often found in tool. and white. that's true if the typical disease like. the tiger. and the cost of. which white spread in north. wales by contrast. areas of europe asia and africa. for their victims to come along. the distances to several 100 meters. they can transmit. the often fatal crimea.
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and climate change populations to expand into regions where they didn't live in the past and with numerous dangerous pathogens. luckily there not only dangerous creatures lacking but interesting people like dr howard on and he's the right person to talk to today. your. doctor how to get on your from the robot call in situ it from the leader and you're here in the woods in nature and you're running around with a white flag collecting ticks while you're doing that. why we are doing like this in the last year groups were often drawn the more exotic to expiate.
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and we want to know what dick's because he was endemic in germany and the 2nd reason was to see the ticks are active or hold the proton or security is changing by the climate change because. the last 20 years of extreme and we have seen that. some ticks pieces been gone and security. increased thank you. so. you want to have an overview of all just a committee or 6 and there are more than 900 different species of ticks some of them opposing this and others are transmitting diseases after mosquitoes takes out the most dangerous victor for diseases. ticks can be found all around the world there's a range of different species but they all drink blood while males are simply say
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their own appetite females need larger quantities in order to form a. biologist hans doubt who has spent years examining ticks in germany. behind the riots he is a relatively new. arrival with research showing the ticks of spent the winter in germany for the 1st time ever they could well become native to the country. is very large compared to other tick species and has clearly different behavioral patterns it is a relentless hunter. even if of site. it's a very active pursuer there's film footage of them covering up to 500 meters while following a host for up to a quarter of an hour there as fast as would have. the higher nama is already a known menace in other countries. this take originates from the eastern mediterranean
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word spreads crimean congo hemorrhagic fever. this i know it's a really nasty yawners and can be fatal so the fear now is that this could bring the virus with it over here to lift us. but the higher lama specimens discovered so far in germany have not carried the highly dangerous fever. in to get them in all the documentation we have on high alert 6 not a single case of crime in congo hemorrhagic fever was found but we need to be vigilant. in the northern hemisphere ticks are primarily associated with another illness lyme disease or borreliosis it's pathogens are spiral shaped bacteria called borrelia. can lead to inflammation and cause arthritis for example and they can cause my ecard itis inflammation of cardiac muscle and they can lead to
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inflammation in the brain and trigger a neurological manifestation of lyme disease. was that. most takes here wait on bushes and long grass to latch on to hosts if they go unnoticed and aren't removed. use that saw like teeth to make an incision into the target skin it takes another 12 hours for the bacteria to be transmitted. done kind of. burley or might manifest in the skin in the 1st stage and the whole next you see an expanding rash called the migrants. if you detect that in time and take antibiotics then you're pretty safe. but in some cases there is no rash and the disease remains undetected. a rare a disease is a tick borne encephalitis. which can affect the brain and central nervous system it's more difficult to treat the only real protection is vaccination. it's
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important to weigh up the risk for yourself depending on how often you come into contact with ticks. you might live in germany and also travel frequently to other places in europe also it might make sense to get a tb vaccination for them in for. that of the species of tick the best protection against the diseases they transmit is to avoid getting bitten in the 1st place. it makes sense to cover up and also to use a tick repellent. if you do get removed the take without delay to reduce the risk of infection careful so you don't squash it. so we keep running of it and we're looking for takes actually so this is the right place to find ticks it's a small like a meadow where you can. normally have
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a tick. tick that is endemic in drama it's. forest. cross learned. but for. some x. or tick tick says it's coming from the areas it's we try and. hot and they have all. problems. it's not a mimic and sort of area of attics. existing smiler than before so now we're looking for ticks and we're using this white track so how do you do that. if you take it and you're very to take in the ambush no you know so you are morally simulating someone who is going through the forests basically take a look actually caught something. in writing ok what's the got here i mean maybe
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look like in the book we start on the left and we don't lose any take in if you look for example a year it's in doing that is the most important take stage because it's small and your dog is if it's biting but it can transfer all diseases according to jong il ok so they can feed from 5 to 7 days and in this time it's either vector or they can transmit a lot of genes and the infection rate is. so what kind of disease is transmitted by ticks i mean the most important one the most important. to keep borne disease enjoying news is lyme disease so it's caused by. boy able to off into sick and come to cease in germany is tb that is transmitted
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mainly in. saul's of drum and which is the virus is of our society so we have looked to. put a gene set most important is buoyant like it was in the root and viral diseases one of them has to be this important and most important poured into it but worldwide it can cause a mock fever so most accounts but the disease by ticks so if i take a look here at the ticks and if some of them would still or if they bite me how long would it take for them to cheer transmission of the pathogens it depends on the part of gene. but cared for genes normally needed time to one of the body of the tick in the most part and then this transmitters this can need to for 24 hours journey book for example needs at least 67 austin
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to go and to be dangerous for effective but but this would mean if i would realize that there's a tick on me and i would just simply remove it if there's no risk of getting this infection then there's at least so this is we need to use it as a very important for me to remove the tick as fast as it was 1st as possible and not seeing a doctor just rip it out in if you know that you are was in. some moss at home you can do it at home with force of tot about in the force if you know you need 20 last home you do it in the. good things is that i am always close to a doctor just so what you see here is. a sort of switch last week has been if it's biting you realize quite fast because the scoring up to one centimeter right and. it's quite prominent and paul you knew very good reasons
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one to 12 days is assuming and. this is not only dangerous stage of the 200 then or stages of one of the more dangerous diseases is the line disease transmitted by ticks which is kind of a dangerous disease and you cannot always heal it especially if it's not diagnosed properly. taking the dog out for a walk has become a rare pleasure for cattle yessing she needs painkillers too bad even a 15 minute stroll. just sank different from one day to the next sometimes. i am able to do a quick round with my dog maybe 2 or 3 kilometers but then there are days when the pain in my joints is so severe that i just can't go out every step is painful. the whole yessing suffers from chronic lyme disease a single bite from
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a tick turned her life upside down and she can't even say when it happened so my niece i don't know how long i've had lyme disease comes and crime i have no recollection of any by and that's i never found a tick mr. and i didn't have the typical red rash there form. the ring shape drash is often the 1st indication of having been bitten the ticks alive or that causes the reaction contains a natural an ascetic that prevents the host from feeling the bike. once infected with line disease you probably start getting headaches within a few days and pains in your joints that spread through your body. the length mats and the subtle deafened it's a stabbing pain in my shoulder and it's as if someone is stabbing me with a knife from here at the front. stays. on the muscle ache in my shin also feels like someone's trying to 7 the muscles that looked at him or somebody
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sometimes it might only last a few minutes but sometimes it goes on for hours. it's often misdiagnosed as with carla yessing for a long time doctor suspected after writers but the pain intensified and seemed atypical for that diagnosis. like condition worsened. started to become extremely tired. and impressed as well that saw. such as dancing hiking and cycling were no longer possible the slightest jolt could become unbearable her old life was gradually disappearing. on does come down then my g.p. had an idea that she asked whether i'd been checked for a line disease and this was 10 years later the. tests showed she had the corresponding antibodies and that led to the right diagnosis but
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a course of antibiotics failed to bring about long term relief she has to live with the pain which she's only able to ensure with strong medication and the support of a self-help group. anything i can do to prevent being bitten by it because i have to be outside here in nature and i don't want to miss it at some moods you can forward follow to prevent to be bitten by a take for example to fall this on per se it was sent on the fix sold it takes are not able to run over and of course takes not able to bite you. in the margins of the purser's this often because often cross and only because of course there can be ticks you have to prevent to go inside the high grass and. to go in areas where the ticks quite calm and.
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not. important is to you are cold so this should be shoes. hoboes and picking your food and long tall sauce and long sleeves i even see sometimes people going around in the forest and they put their trousers into his socks so it's a great way to protect being bitten yes it's a great day but it's important because the normally takes away from downstairs obstacles there for anything to go up and so they go inside the trollers and. climb up to us and to the head if you want what about those chemical the paladin's you can die they have. the i had food you have 2 types of character the police and one that you can put back you on the skin into another type to put it on have told us that protect the poison or take the ones that you you put on the skin
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is smelling really bad for the for the tick and for this reason they don't come to you and they don't bite you and if i think it might do i just put it out but we have to twist it out. the things are no schools so you don't want school you put them on this is 30. movement and. this is most sure a message to get them out even not. that something is for many inside the skin but even if something is remaining it's not dangerous you put them all to do disaffection and then you also. place here that because bitten and in case of changing in the biting side you go to a physician and to see him even if you rip off the head and the head state states inside the scheme there's no danger attached to that knowledge is no danger it's
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only the. skin themselves is putting it all out and there's no more but a gene inside the head so that there's no high office of addiction and they don't get to know and whatever children the most important. seem to have to do is to to look after the votes of all sides whether they have a bit but teeth or they're asked to. takes on the skin and they realize it could buy and the it's easy if you do a show off of that odd side and it's a show even takes it looking for for biting side washed away so that. this is show you have 2 things you can do you can. push to take survey but you can even look in the places where you don't normally see. in their coats with better ticks and what about pets i mean i have 2 dogs you can see dogs they're
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doing just to take a look at the pets when i'm home if there are some ticks on them because it's really important dogs and horses boys are able to get lyme disease and even t.v. so that is. 3rd called for tricks after you were all tired. and come back to thank so much for this interesting talk and if you know scared of nature and want to stay inside use your time right and turn on the computer and write your questions to express by. an upcoming show you will be talking about choosing the right kind of sport to some physical activities are better than others and helping us deal with particular illness is something no questions to you. just write sports in the subject line we look forward to hearing from you.
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off to new health issue where we humans are doing the biting on a cool fadia that means native biting it's not really disease but it can lead to infections of the skin so you should kick the habit. even the simplest things can be difficult when you reach in your fingernails right down it's an annoying habit but there are ways to quit. it starts with analyzing when you tend to do it could be the trigger noting your own behavior is the 1st step towards changing it. is controversial but typically it can happen when the person affected is in a stressful situation or bored so a negative context that's when someone might start chewing their nails as a way to relax or feel less bored when it does. that. substitute has to be found something to keep you otherwise occupied.
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actual nail polish from the pharmacy can also help it contains bitter substances that discourage you from biting your nails but some people forget to apply the polish or get used to the bitter taste. breaking the habit is a psychological process you can practice moving your hands elsewhere like to the ear instead of the mouth but then couples but the treatment to get rid of the habit involves changing behavior you need to alter this pattern of biting the nails and focus on something else instead that allows the brain to really learn and take on a new behavior noise for. love to regarding nail care always carry a nail file and scissors with you so you're not tempted to choose loose pieces of nail all skin and attractive nail polish can also help encourage you to leave your
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nails alone. i just returned from my vacation my holidays are over so have you been on holiday this year and could send me some tips about places where i can relax but it's not only about the pre time to really relax in the holiday you need. this feeling stressed out and cranky. hormones are released in his brain that cause an increased heart rate. his blood pressure goes up. extra energy and oxygen are sent to his muscles and his blood sugar rises because the body is preparing for a flight or fight response. his family could also use a holiday. the higher your stress levels the longer it takes for your body to recover
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. science has figured out the main prerequisites for relaxation. first of all switch off do nothing forget work. ralph can't he keeps thinking about unfinished business that is an obstacle to relaxation. research shows that if you want to unwind you need to free your mind. oxytocin also helps reduce stress responses it's known as the cuddle hormone because it's triggered by togetherness and social bonding. prerequisite to make your own choices. but lying around in the
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sun all day isn't actually good for you because setting yourself challenges also has a calming effect. leaving your comfort zone and learning new things builds up self-confidence . and last but not least meaningful activity can help to relieve stress 2. the whole family is feeling rested and that's good for their health studies show that relaxation reduces the risk of. dying of cardiovascular disease can help you lose weight and to lower your cholesterol levels. we'll each peak relaxation in the middle of our vacation and. after that we start to tense up again rolf is thinking about work. heading home triggers stress hormones. takes between one and 4 weeks for the remax in effect of
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a holiday to wear off our health mood and cognitive resilience all go downhill regardless how long the holiday was on. now it's time for wolf to apply his holiday relaxation tips to everyday life. it doesn't always have to be a long vacation it's full trip to the countryside can be fairy relaxing and healthy . and this is it for today see you next week and until then let's all try to stay in that shape.
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grab a paddle and off you go. nicole truly accept seldom a venture this journey alone germany's land river i'm feeling fine about what awaits me on that trip to revert the land they added challenge it allentown or along the way i have 25 clunkers ahead of me by law all the way to town called chicken. w. . the play and covert 19 the passion play and obama.
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gets told the story of christ suffering for almost 400 years the 1st staging was intended to stop the plague and other performances followed every 10 years but the pandemic has put this year's event on ice. in 60 minutes on d w. a r. armstrong really walk on the moon. isn't the earth really slices how strong. is the government to use planes to poison us. conspiracy theories to spread like wildfire on the internet.
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