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tv   Check-in  Deutsche Welle  June 8, 2020 12:02am-12:31am CEST

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council's dream evil agenda. and a river that unites it all. i mean by a blog on the lawn a tributary of the river running. to my plans a 2 day canoe tour around the land valley. i'm fit we're excited about what awaits me on this trip the river the landscapes
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and the challenges allen counter along the way i have 25 kilometer the head of me from via walk all the way to a town called. though on the show we catch up with our globe trotter on his adventure and kerry gets to. one of our viewers shows us the sights and sounds of moscow. and we take you on a tour of frankfurt. but for now i'm. just like many towns along the line this small city to has a spectacular palace this one was built in the 17th century and it's considered one of the most remarkable baroque castles of the region.
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from here i get a great view of what's coming next and heading down to the river and out onto the water. so this is your motor on the level it's a single blade paddle go down stairs public one hand up here the other down here come place it in the water and. by there are any typical beginner's mistakes i've never really done this then yet if you go under some low drainage then paddle out backwards this is you don't want to get caught up in the branches otherwise you could caps on wood. where it cannot under my best to avoid that. one is a hard life. you'll hold on to the boat sit down and that's it. for us. oh my god oh my god
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don't you dare flip us over. to your feet don't worry just let go it's normal for it to walk as no flowers it does it's about. gary go ok ok. and because i've got quite the trip ahead of me i've enlisted a little support my producer andrea is has agreed to help me paddle. sailing board not the only ones who have heard about the beauty of the law and groups of schoolkids keep us company on the 1st stretch. so much though that we even get into a little traffic jam after crossing germany's only boat tunnel we have to go through luck.
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on the other side peace and quiet the region along the line isn't just famous for its castles and fortresses it's well known for its beautiful landscapes to. getting back to the castles here is a figure that once surprise you according to the european castles institute there are about 25000 in germany many of them are into going to state anymore but they all still have that i mistakenly romantic. visitors come from all over the world to see germany's many councils and palaces. they stand as witnesses to a bygone era. many date back to the dark and mysterious middle ages they were
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mostly designed us fortresses overlooking rivers or positioned in highland areas. often destroyed in fighting some have been rebuilt many times over. most of the consuls in germany are privately owned either inherited or bought. a council like this one in the west an eyeful region requires a lot of money to maintain. built castle is one of germany's most outstanding gems a genuine medieval fortress that has never been destroyed. tourism provides a key source of income to help for the upkeep there are guided tours every 10 minutes the car still has belonged to the else family for more than 850 years. the book of every generation has a duty to pass on the cost and in a better state than they received it was so obvious so we've worked hard to restore the roof the windows and do all the other. jobs that need doing it. in this way but
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there's still a lot to do and there will always be those for me and for the next generation who for the next they're going to have saw. the need by listening and consul is also privately and horses going to listen board to the consul and is now restoring it in a labor of love the former teacher is investing a lot of money and effort in the project. more mushroom brisson you do have to be a little bit crazy to take on something like that so. some of the supporting beams in the great hall were rotten and the consul was in danger of collapse. so germany's monument protection authority came to the rescue along with the local authorities. never to get invested money is being invested here to preserve a historical monument because. it's in the public interest of the public funds are going into it but without the owners financial commitment it would have been
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impossible. without the love and dedication of the consul honest these historical gems would surely been noticed. the landscape around the lot and it's truly impressive and as intruders were being carefully observed by the locals am i looks like we have a new friend to me. with. the little boy he's. oh. we survived our 1st day of canoeing and their reward will be spending the night at this riverside campsite in a tiny wooden hut. tell us cramer shows me my how. for the night it's all hopelessly food for the hudson mainly for
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a canoe or to stay one or 2 nights and want to have some home comforts miss guns often come forfeits his or don't want their tent on the boat things stay off the boat and yeah or on a bike or off color. so step this way. a lot more comfortable than a tent well these are yeah no comparison to your average to work. night is falling on the lawn and the campsite too has calmed down. before i hopefully get the well deserved rest i want to buy you guys to catch up with our globe trotter his most recent travels took him to central asia to
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kurdistan and there he had tons of fun hiking horseback riding and discovering the country's cuisine of course. saddam and we're coming to. a country which is defined by its mountains this is why in this episode we are focusing on i'll do it which accounts for local life and we're going to the local. kyrgyzstan is not really isolated bikes heidi mountainous terrain which has helped preserve its asian culture a country gained its independence as a nation state after the breakup of the soviet union in 1901. 100 characters away. on a horse with. knowledge of horses take a well to break or we can enjoy the. what
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you see here is a true nomad camp this is where people live to have their horses here they have goats and cows over there this is the life that people used to have that were actually mountain nomads it's a sad 80 percent of the country on the mountain so they packed up their camp and set it up to the next really didn't have a day one to talk to. welcome to kind of cool the city would respond better russians a strategic location to explore everything which is south east of cockle today it's in a strategic location fall out of love it's because of its proximity to the highest mountains of the country. it's time to be easy to get food focused on with this weekend coming to market here
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with us and we do it quickly got here to market. because. it's friday so what we have here is food and it's basically a bit. like trimmings muslims who live here. thank you thank you it's a place of. some target called muscle which is basically french fries meats pickles if you come to us on your own and again golly. the next stop is the fat cats with also how i feel like everybody is that here shortly ok and sometimes like here. i'm doing it one day track here with me and i'm it's called the yoga looks like because of the village star next name.
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so it's a fall truck 6 kilometers. of. this talk is where we're going to go up that's the. sort of take on the last 2 to long. you know the thing with hiking for me is. that i always leave a good view to make its records. and with the panorama in i would say mission accomplished. and this is it from. the resume. here in the countryside along the line it's easy to fall right into a whole new thread that you go to bed early and get up early after all i still have a long stretch ahead of me. ok let's go. on.
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day 2 starts just like day one and it's very relaxed not a person in sight just us and the river. and. the serenity on the river really is something else thanks to the current and my co-captain i can take some time to put my feet up. on the lawn you have to pass through plenty of locks and since they're not manned anymore you have to open them yourselves.
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or wait for help. just open the gate. and keep on paddling. in germany there is a popular slogan was here it's used to describe the places this well traveled poet graced with his presence did an internship here on the lawn while he was in law school and it seems he did a lot of hiking here he was amazed by the quote unquote unspeakable beauty of nature to be fair he was also very much in love at the time the lady in question turned out to be the inspiration for the protagonist in his 1st novel the sorrows
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of young. and why am i telling you about all of this well because right now i'm taking on a little excursion to good birthplace france and only about 60 kilometers from here is definitely worth a visit and not just for a layover and it's famous a report. time for time mine is well known for its current line it's banks. but they're also the home of timbits houses that surround the city hall a building known as the or roman. frankfurt is the leading cultural center and it hosts the world's largest book fair. the fair was 1st held over 500 years ago that you hunted scoop and bag invented the printing press. today you start she was just a stone's. throw from left of johan falls down from. the funk forward. back in the
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18th century when good was born from ford only had about 30000 residents. but it was the coronation city of the kaiser's of the holy roman empire and as a free imperial city it had some autonomy. but above all it was a center of trade thanks to the trade routes and the trade for the vision had been stopped for. the house where good was born is now a new c.m. during 100000 visitors a year. the house has been restored to its original with great attention to detail . the famous writer lived for 25 years this is also where he wrote his a pistol or a novel the sorrows of young. wrote that in frankfurt and it was revolution of his eason hind songs revolutionized poetry and his play good from burleson and also written for the 1st well transformed german drama. a few
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meters from good us house you come to st paul's church in 1980 became the seat of the frankfurt national assembly the 1st freely elected parliament for the whole of germany so it's considered the birthplace of german democracy. time for to mine is also well known for its museums no less than 15 cultural institutions line the written line forming the frankfurt museum embankment. it includes germany's oldest museum foundation the shade and was a. collection here covered 700 years of european art history from the 14th century right up to the present day. this is what's going to go on when it was founded 200 years ago in accordance with the will left by a wealthy frankfurt banker named your 100 jewish data he was an art collector which was not unusual in the age of a. mightn't. they saw origin as
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a key part of his role in society. although frankfurt was a free a material city there was no bishop and no royalty living here in studio stuff so it's always been the local people who have shaped frankfurt and to this day this foundation relies on the huge support it receives from the people of frankfurt to and from put a book at their shop. so look beyond frankfurt it's more than skyline with its banks and office tower as can you find out which cultural history . that i've arranged to meet mine on the banks of salon he was raised around here and he's shaped the areas development in recent years through his work as a geographer and tourism consultant.
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on our way here we saw lots of bikers and paddlers it was all very calm and seemed extremely adelie is that really what it's like is this look i saw that with yes i design and i think the non is one of the most delicate rivers in germany to explode by boat or by bike ones and that's why so many people comment on it and it remains unchanged and you can really relax and slow down from the commotion on everyday life. a lot isn't quite as well known as the rhine or the moselle rivers especially outside of germany do you think that can or should change or is it fine the way it is. the only one that isn't. even is with i think it's fine as it is or the stuff we're quite well known among the real canoeing as you can see from the number of boat rental firms here and if we could probably raise our profile a bit of money cyclists about enough of them and we'd certainly like to. come
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better known for hiking went under and most people think of walking along the rhine thank you but i'd like them to consider the lawn 2. 100 baskets and so what are the challenges for the future you already said you want to promote the hiking trails but what else is on your list. i'm down to 40 credit it's a here we want to work on quality control when you market an area tourism and tell everyone to come then you have to make sure you have the necessary infrastructure and you have to have that ignited areas where canoeist can get in and out of there both. of those places you need. public transit places to. sustainable tourism means ensuring people don't get out in the middle of the conservation area and cause damage still a lot to do but it sounds like a lot of fun. obviously absolutely and i love it when visitors like what they see. this bridge in film are and the statue of st john of me are very special they're
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made of so called larn marble which was mined in this area for centuries axel becker is an expert and takes me to the former quarry millions of years ago this was a reef in the ocean the continental drift carried that north along with fossilized sea creatures and sediments. here you can see this is a coral. reef and this is a sea shell. put on it after i mean you when you are not 380000000 years ago our continent was on the equator you're larger than the continents move and where we're standing now was 20 degrees south of the equator and on this long journey away from the equator tectonic cracks develop fault lines there was pressure here you see these regular structures that the stone was under a lot of tectonic stress and then fused together again through cement they were to go back and i'm not but when did people yes start mining law in marble wop. the 1st
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records are from 5099 we're very proud we can say it was still the 16th century. and that was the start of the barong era when marvel became popular rule there was a demand for large colorful structures that appealed to the sun from the business. so they realized they could make money here by the 17th century long marble was in use around the world at the start of the 20th century marble from here was used in the empire state building on the moscow subway all over. allowing on the south this time to were sharing the travel experiences of one of our viewers mari i am from karachi in pakistan travel to moscow and stand as a video of her favorite spots the red square the t.v. tower and a boat ride on the mosque check out the russian capital and summer. my
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canoe tour on the lawn is slowly coming to an end the last of the 25 kilometers under the blistering sun seem to be the longest. time if there's a local you don't. do the. good things you can't get long along the line you can always tell where exactly you are by the impressive buildings you come across this is wrong castle from the 12th century it was built in the middle ages to protect a river crossing it's a ruin now but still retains its charm and rome goal is also where my tour comes to
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an end. who. seem. to know people often say the journey is more important than the destination and this time the journey really was a lot of fun and helped me discover a whole new way of travelling a more relaxed one far away from the train schedules and traffic jams and one that really allowed me to get in touch with nature rather than just passing through highly recommend.
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i'm. going to a. time and. chilling . for filmmaking and in architecture or in music. arts consume one thing above all else. be. done has got to change. can art become climate friendly arts 21.
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next on d w. it's manuel here on the racetrack with the commercial came in. the perfect place to test those high powered vehicle. flashes but isn't somehow a bit behind the times electra mobility in sports cars of coal stock it's a nervous question of the a red. sox game 60 long t w. o. r r. armstrong really walk on the moon. isn't the earth really slices how strong. the government has used planes to poison us or.
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conspiracy theories or spread like wildfire on the internet. isn't transparency fairies can provide comfort if you don't like reality create another version of. a film about knowledge and belief trust and deception democracy of the gullible starts joy 1st on d w. i think every few min on this planet on some level is aware that our home is in crisis that something is not right in our world.


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