tv DW News Deutsche Welle June 10, 2020 10:00pm-10:31pm CEST
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w. . this is the w. news live from berlin tonight the brother of george floyd goes to washington and makes an emotional plea before congress. i'm here. to make it stop stop the pain stop must be a time joyous copperhill and he was ignored please listen to the crowd i make it to you now. and as he was speaking the police chief of minneapolis where george. made a promise to push for reform of the city's law enforcement also coming up tonight a warning from germany to israel stop before you break international law germany's
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foreign minister telling the israeli government that its plan to annex parts of the occupied west bank is illegal and prosecutors in sweden say they know who killed prime minister all up more than 30 years ago but they can't pursue the case because the suspect is already dead. viewers in the united states on p.b.s. and all around the world welcomed tonight at an emotionally charged us congressional hearing the brother of george floyd has called the lawmakers to make sure that his brother did not die in vain floyd's death in police custody ignited protests across america and across the world now the plea by his brother followed his floor. came as demands grew to reform policing and so avoid more cases of
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african-americans dying at the hands of white police officers to get. a day after his brother george was laid to rest in houston texas. alone as floyd was in washington d.c. in an emotional testimony he called on lawmakers to ensure that his brother did not die in vain when you watch joe big brother who you looked up to your whole entire life da da big applause mom i'm tired i'm tired of pain pain you feel when you watch something like that people of all backgrounds genders and races have come together to demand change on it him on to joints and make the necessary changes that make the law enforcement the solution and not the problem in minneapolis where george floyd was killed the police chief
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is promising change he says he'll withdraw from contract negotiations with the police union to push for reform i plan to bring in subject matter experience and advisors to conduct a thorough review of how the contract can be restructured to provide greater community transparency. and more flexibility for true reform but many protesters believe true reform can only come through a radical change. defund the police has become a rallying cry protestors want to cut funding for the police in favor of other community based projects. police have also come under fire for using heavy handed tactics against protesters after floyd's death and there have been dozens of complaints of police targeting reporters in one such incident police fired rubber bullets at d w steffen siemens and crew. were
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threatened with the birth 6. of your you are in the middle of. the us has promised to investigate the allegations. and other have been concerns from some countries of their reporters having been treated in appropriately here you should know and those countries should know we will we will handle them in a completely appropriate way george floyd's killing has put police in the us under intense scrutiny floyd supporters hope that his death may finally lead to real change. well for more now we want to go to washington our correspondent stefan simons is standing by good afternoon to you me we just saw you in that report being shot at by us felice with rubber bullets and that happened twice in minneapolis. have u.s. authorities have they been in touch with you about these incidents and as part of an investigation. and with me personally but with dr beller they have been in
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contact has made this known to the u.s. embassy in germany as well as to authorities in the united states what happened there is a report. with detailed information of what happened and how this transpired. in from our perspective i don't know if the u.s. authorities have done anything in terms of the local level you see this is one thing to complain and to make federal authorities aware possess to go down the chicken letter and that means it has to go down to the local to minneapolis authorities to minnesota authorities and there's ways of getting tricky as there are state troopers involved and and the metropolitan police involved and so this is going to probably take a while and. that's a step shift on what about what about the officers there that you had contact with in minneapolis did they ever makes plain to you why they shot at you or did they
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ever offer an apology was there any communication. no there was no communication you're only going to get in we had another incident was that we were threatened to get maced and then arrested which we avoided by driving away. although we didn't hinder any police activity when we were there and when we were threatened so no there was no communication there was no apology but i have to say look this all to in context other colleagues international press teams t.v. teams as well as local and domestic journalists have had it worse people have lost their eyesight got brutalized in different ways so we got off this on the on the cheap the minneapolis police. initial steps towards what they are calling transformational reforms what do we know about that. yeah that's that's
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a big word for many steps 1st one was to ban that show called the so-called or the knee on the on the neck and the choke hold i'm now banned for the minneapolis police department it's also now mandatory that if a cop should still do this and is with another cop and he sees that he needs to intervene he can't just say like hey you know what better idea he needs to intervene and stop the other call from doing that because it is illegal now minneapolis is trying to do the right thing there as a lewd to in your in the report we just saw before you got to me this will be a long walk and a hot walk because the unions are the ones who have the power and they will fight this so we will see what minneapolis and what the mayor and the police chief actually can do to really reform this police department. really from the ground up you know we know that the police unions have been criticized as being actually the reason why so many problematic police officers have been able to you know get away
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with crimes or continue working on sunday a majority of the minneapolis city council pledged to defund the city's police department and to use some of that money to fund community projects are the police are they just trying to stop this from happening or did are the police happy to see them not being asked to be mental health specialists anymore for example. i think that the. group or part of the minneapolis police department and actually police departments across the country here are welcoming something like this taking . financial means away from for example beefing up their equipment for ride control is that remember we have a big discussion in the united states about the militarization of police which started in 20132014 with what happened in ferguson when it became really clear to
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the public and to the media to us what was going on that policemen were in humvees and sitting on top of him with machine guns so yeah this is it's not going to be easy the again they're defining police will not really. happening on the broader level that doesn't mean nobody is going to take dismantle the entire police department but the redirection of specific funds which come from the federal government often 'd to those local authorities local police departments that is maybe a good idea all right a corresponded stefan simons in washington there we will follow this story closely stefan and i'll say it again we're glad you and your team were able to get out of minneapolis safe and sound jeff and thank you with the death of george floyd also has video streaming services thinking about what they can do to fight racism the
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movie gone with the wind has now gone from a leading streaming service h.b.o. max has pulled the multiple oscar winner from its library after criticism that the film glorifies slavery and perpetuate stereotypes it's b.o.'s says that the movie is a product of its time whose races depictions were wrong then and are wrong today. wired for more on this now and more on the world's highest grossing but also very controversial movie i'm joined now by you to be a reporter on showing lee humphries or talk to me a little bit about what we're looking at in terms of the controversy here when the movie was released and $939.00 it was considered an instant classic because of its music because of its performance but as time goes by the craftsmanship of this movie has become less of an attention and instead the discussion around the
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depiction of slavery in that movie has become more and more important because in that movie black people has been depicted to be quite content actually to be being enslaved and even full of love for their own is and i'm going to show you a clip so you know what i mean you can. you come on and be good yes. i'm going to have a good time to. do my eating at the barbecue if you don't have 15th of august. i mean i remember that scene i've seen this movie several times the actress had to be dangerous who plays the role of mammy as you see right here she became the 1st african-american actress every to win an oscar is that correct yes that's correct and that's why some people say that if you take that movie off h.b.o. it's also raising her achievement but we also have to note that she wasn't even
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allowed to as a separate award on stage and so there is like an irony over there she won the award but she couldn't accept it on stage that's a little bit more than an irony of yes me gone with the wind it has attracted a lot of criticism but it is by no means unique in how it portrays black people african-american though it's not unique at all so back then hollywood was really a white man's world. there were cut tunes movies depicting black people as being uncivilized or as fools that do nothing all day long but to sing and downs all the time and there was also a problem with black facing for example that was a trend that persisted through it in 1950 s. to the civil rights movement and so because now people are more rare aware of the graciousness problem and there are lots of protests going on decided to take that
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movie off for now and it says it's going to put that back but only after it at some historical context to it ok like an annotated edition going so that will be offered so customers will be able to watch the movie but it will come with historical context starker times of this important yes and they're ok as always thank you. well tonight in a rare we view good germany's foreign minister has what israel that its plans to annex parts of the occupied west bank will violate international law foreign minister heiko was issued the warning in israel just weeks before the new israeli government plans to make the move which has also been condemned by several other european governments would be 1st on the agenda months and his israeli counterpart gabi ashkenazi signed an agreement on the german government providing funding for the holocaust memorial yog russian. germany is
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a staunch ally of israel but the relationship has been overshadowed by israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has planned an extension of the jordan valley and settlements across the west bank of land the palestinians claim for that state. but george would mislead the german government and our colleagues in the european union have serious concerns that the an extension is could make it impossible to achieve a 2 state solution we think this would be the wrong way to go as you would approach the big the e.u. has considered imposing sanctions against israel if the annexations go ahead germany is unlikely to take such tough measures but then takes over the rotating presidency of the e.u. next month and so i must must come up with a common strategy in the e.u. palestinian prime minister mohammed study a quote on germany to maintain a hard line with israel you know how sensitive this issue is warre for germany but
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listen but i do is that our senses should not come back but of an gotten a lot. this should not come at the expense of the by the scene of the lives palestinians have wound down proclaim a palestinian state if israel goes ahead with the annexation. and for more now we go to our correspondent on your kramer she's on the story for us in jerusalem tonight you can even see you on your so we know the warning has come from germany has the foreign minister specify whether or not germany would actually try to prevent a planned an expansion of parts of the west bank. while as a 1st meeting here with the new government and with this new israeli counterpart foreign minister gabi ashkenazi. da german foreign minister haiku mouse and he used to say this is actually to stress that germany alongside the e.u. is very very very concerned about its best plans to possibly annex parts of the
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occupied west bank as early as july and he also used it to stress that this germany would consider this as an by nation off international law i think what he was trying to say yes well he said he came yet as a friend he was trying to strike the very delicate balance as germany's historic a commitment to israel on the one hand but on the other hand him his commitment to international law and has there been any official reaction from israel. well i think i can mouse remarks have been received as of warning but as a kind of friendly warning because it was also noted that he stopped short of actually telling what possible consequences there would be if i goes ahead with the annexation and we know that there is a discussion among european states what possible consequences there would be he actually came here to say yes not putting specs on the table he says it's still
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time for diplomacy it's still time for dilute he mentioned you know a push for negotiations between israelis and palestinians but if think that's very unlikely because. both palestinians and israelis have been talking for a very long time now and time here how much influence does germany really have on what israel plans to do. well i think tim has good relations to both sides to the palestinians and to israelis but also in the regional context that why he also visited jordan on this very short trip. and also germany will take over the presidency of that you council as well as the presidency over the u.n. security council so that will happen on the 1st of july as a that's a key date actually also when the israeli government could push forward with
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legislation to annex parts of the occupied west bank so you will have to deal with this issue but having said that the israeli government has also made very clear that they will coordinate their moves with u.s. administrations so i think you have to ask you know what kind of political leverage the e.u. has it certainly depends what kind of consequences that will have and we expect of course that most countries except for the u.s. will not recognize such a move by israel. our correspondents on you cramer with the latest from jerusalem tonight tanya thank you the coronavirus pandemic is getting worse globally new infections hit a new one day record high this week but here in europe infection rates are slowing which explains in part why germany today announced that it will lift the remaining checks at its land borders beginning june 15th that move will return germany's land
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border to the way it was pre pandemic entry restrictions were introduced in mid march to curb the spread of the corona virus here in germany. are for more on this now i'm joined by the w.'s chief political correspondent belinda crane good evening to you melinda so 'd let's go through things changes its back to open borders between germany and the rest of the european union beginning the 15th of june right. well yeah mostly 1st of all it's not only e.u. member countries others are also included in this for example switzerland liechtenstein norway britain all are also included iceland as well but we heard today that there will be real emphasis on the individual conditions in particular countries so for example spain will not be opening its own borders on the spanish islands until june 21st and therefore travel to spain will also not be
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fully open until then or a country like the u.k. as long as the virus is still rampant in in countries there will be a close look at whether quarantine is needed when people travel from there to germany so the advice essentially would be check the individual conditions of the country you want to visit or from which you wish to travel and then be sure that there are not quarantine measures in effect here in germany and milena what about traveling to countries outside of the european union if you're starting from here inside germany. well travel warnings have been extended to those countries until the end of august there had been some hope that they might be lifted now but that is not the case and the foreign minister explained today why that is so he said basically germany does not have enough of a factual basis to assess the risk in these countries and he also said and i quote
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we cannot and will not risk germans being stranded all over the world again this summer or holiday makers returning to germany with the virus undetected so the point here is that when the country closed down in march germany then mounted a major operation to rescue germans all over the world who have been stranded because flights had been canceled because they were in areas that were viewed as corona risk areas and that operation went on for weeks and cost the german government a great deal of money what they're basically saying is please don't travel unless you have really essential reasons for doing so to these other countries beyond the e.u. if you do travel you do so at your own risk and be sure that you know how to get back on your own because we're not going to come and get you again our chief political correspondent linda gray belinda thank you
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it was sweden's most famous unsolved mystery for 34 years but today prosecutors say they have finally identified who was assassinated prime minister olof palme all the case will never go to court however because the man investigators say is the murderer he's dead. so that's many still don't know if it was a murder that shocked the nation or not it's me this interlocking that for decades went unsolved. for louth palmer was shot dead after visiting the stockholm cinema in 1986. thousands of people were question during the course of multiple investigations now 34 years later prosecutors say they are finally certain of the killer's identity stieg engstrom who has come to be known in the media as scandia man. enough to leave on their own you know to become friends and family members say
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he heavily criticized his politics. are no one's. yarning the gangster haft he was also very used to handling weapons because of his military background. being strong who killed himself in 2000 came forward as a witness at the time. but police didn't consider him a suspect until 2 years ago. pilar was much loved by many swedes. this the outpouring of grief after his death. but the left leaning partner had many enemies his well being he opposed the vietnam war and called south africa's apartheid regime gruesome and that led to many conspiracy theories about foreign involvement in the murder this is one of the biggest police investigations in the well it's often pat yes it's a nation of j.f.k. and even also with
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a lot could be bombing. and if we look to sweden then of course it is by far off sweden's biggest criminal investigation ever. the mystery may now be over though it comes to light full of promise wife lisbet by his side during the shooting she died 2 years ago never knowing the true identity of the husband's killer. the german american philosopher hunter are was among the 20th century's great political thinkers a new exhibit at the german historical museum here in berlin chronicles her life aren't experience to tell a tarion is a anti-semitism she lived as a refugee and she witnessed the trial of one of the men who organized the holocaust adolf eichmann. and cigarettes went hand in hand the philosopher always had an opinion but there was an anti semitism naziism escape war on the year 968 and were stopped protests and political unrest around the world
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she wasn't too concerned about convention or ideology as you can now see at an exhibition in berlin and called it free thinking. didn't follow any school of thought she didn't follow any programme political party or custom when it came to her judgments that means she was the specially hard to pin down what she is socialist or conservative or pro-business the fascinating life of a free thinker a german jew she fled the country in 1033 going to france and then to the us where she became a citizen after having been stateless for 14 years a refugee and she found a safe haven among friends rather than in countries which are photos can attest to this alice in 20 years all of these are loving portraits of friends and relatives for her friendships were a net which she cast over her experiences of exile and persecution and let's. get you to follow from exceed on for. a major focus of the berlin exhibition is
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auschwitz a topic which dominated her thoughts in a t.v. interview she talked about how she found out about the extermination camps. that's right but if it. works if i went in it was as if an abyss had opened up i missed it do you always doubt that everything else could somehow be made better just like in politics when things could somehow be made better imo we don't like it but not this could cause these scenes this should never have happened in the she'd go. at the end of the 1940 s. he wrote her 1st big work the origins of totalitarianism which became a central theme for her her most controversial book was in jerusalem a report on the banality of evil she following the 1961 trial of the senior s.s. leader who had been one of the architects of the moment const she felt he was a mere technocrat a view for which she was heavily criticized. as if you like this event is it all is
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is for you. beethoven is for hell. beethoven is for. beethoven it is for the. beethoven is for oz. beethoven is for every one. beethoven 2021250th anniversary here on dion you. the message is kenya. but can you conquer the major issues of our society. sees in the founders sally. bianculli yes it's modern day heroes in. inspirational people who take on the
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challenges of the world with their unique ideas from. the past with face off finale on mind you look at those 2 problems and make them one clear notion of the new season of founders valley. starts june 13th on t.w. . since the george floyd protests erupted 2 weeks ago in the us there have been more than 300 reported cases of press freedom violations american foreign journalists covering the protests including one of our correspondents targeted with rubber bullets tear gas and police night sticks tonight governments are all struggling to germany are demanding an explanation is this a diplomatic crisis in the making and for us journalists held exercising press freedom in america become hazardous to our health.
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