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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 11, 2020 7:00am-7:15am CEST

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this is the news live from berlin george floyd's brother goes to washington and makes an emotional congress. i'm here to actually to make it stop stop the pain stop. george call for help and he was ignored please listen to the crowd i'm make it to you now and as calls for change grow louder the police chief of minneapolis where george floyd died promises to push for reform of the city's law enforcement also coming up
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a warning from germany to stop before you break international law germany's foreign minister told the israeli government that its plan to annex parts of the occupied west bank is illegal. and brazil's battle for the truth of the coronavirus president goes on auto wants to change the way cases accounted to bring the figures down to the supreme court says no change. i'm told me a lot it's good to have you with us at a dramatic congressional hearing the brother of george floyd has called on lawmakers to make sure he did not die in vain floyd's killing in police custody ignited protests across america and across the globe the peabody philonous flawed columns as demands grow to reform policing and so avoid more cases of.
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african-americans dying at the hands of white police officers. the day after his brother george was laid to rest in houston texas. alone as floyd was in washington d.c. in an emotional testimony he called on lawmakers to ensure that his brother did not die in vain when you watch your big brother who you looked up to your whole entire life da da big a boy's mom. i'm tired i'm tired of. pain you feel when you watch something like that people of all backgrounds genders and races have come together to demand change on it him on a short and make the necessary changes they make law enforcement the solution and not the problem. in minneapolis where george floyd was killed the police chief is promising change he says he'll withdraw from contract negotiations with the police union to push for reform by plan to bring in subject matter experience and
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advisors to conduct a thorough review of how the contract can be restructured to provide greater community transparency. and more flexibility for true reform but many protesters believe true reform can only come through a radical change defund the police has become a rallying cry protestors want to cut funding for the police in favor of other community based projects. police have also come under fire for using heavy handed tactics against protesters after floyd's death and there have been dozens of complaints of police targeting reporters in one such incident police fired rubber bullets at d w steffen siemens and crew. that found. the threat was this birth 6. were made on your you are on the level of 6.
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the u.s. has promised to investigate the allegations. and other have been concerns from some countries of their reporters having been treated in appropriately here you should know and those countries should know we will we will handle them in a completely appropriate way george floyd's killing has put police in the u.s. under intense scrutiny floyd supporters hope that his death may finally lead to real change. minneapolis police have announced what they are calling transformational reforms new stuff and simon sent this assessment that's a very big word for. as of now very very little steps that is for example that the choke hold is now illegal that's for example or something mr shelving did need on the on the neck of somebody that is now not allowed anymore as police practice and secondly any police officer who is witnessing this a colleague doing this has to interfere cannot just say hey not such
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a good idea but has to actively interfere and make the other officer stop doing what he's doing if he's doing this now however the big problem in the big question is here police unions you alluded to this in the piece they're very very very powerful and the contracts between police officer and police department that's the point here this is where it really hits the rubber or the rubber hits the road where it's going to be interesting because those contracts are so tight that you basically have no transparency and and then it's really important for the community no accountability for police officers this is what the chief tries to change this is what police departments probably try to change all over the country. response to growing calls to end racial injustice in the wake of george floyd's death nasca motor racing has banned the confederate flag the move comes just days after the only black driver on the bubble wallace hold on nascar to make the change for many
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of the flag is a symbol of racism and slavery in the u.s. your association said the presence of confederate flags at its events runs contrary to its commitment to provide a welcoming and inclusive environment to all fans. of the reporter stacy bivins joins me here in studio now stacy racial justice protests have reached the sporting world we've seen the n.f.l. and now nascar yeah it's interesting because the confederate flag has become synonymous with nascar and it's fair to say when i was going through social media that black america is actually really stunned by the decision to ban the flag because it has become so ingrained and i remember going to one race one time involving never to return because there are people wearing the confederate flag and waving the confederate flag and i just felt so uncomfortable that people felt like
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this was a way to celebrate and complete while completely ignoring what this flag needs to so many african-americans which is enslavement and oppression and finds taking this right now well i think that bubble wallace has a very strong fan base and he's the one african-american racer who is a part of this and he decided to use his platform and the social justice justice movement now to make a change and so he has a lot of support he went on twitter saying no one should feel uncomfortable when they come to a nascar race it starts with the confederate flag get them out of here there is no place for them and so this is really. a movement and it means something now this doesn't mean that everybody is happy about it there will probably be some nascar fans that show up wearing their gear and expecting to get in and nascar hasn't said how they would handle that. president trump has been weighing is weighing in as
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well. particularly defending confederate history or what's that about yes he seems to be a little bit tone deaf because around the world there have been people protesting needs of racist relics and tearing them down legally and illegally and part of the discussion in the united states is to. remove the names of confederate generals from army bases a secretary general i'm sorry secretary of defense mark esper agreed to meet with people to discuss this on a bipartisan basis truck shut it down he got on to twitter saying that this is a great american heritage and a history of winning victory in freedom while completely ignoring that the confederate army the the sad painful fact is that they were traitors and they were fighting to maintain slavery and they were fighting to rip the country apart and it
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just seems that he's really tone deaf on this issue he likes inject himself on these cultural matters because he feels like this will help general galvanize his base but he's seems to be completely ignoring the protesters who are demanding change and want more to do of the reporter stacey bivins thank you germany's foreign minister has warned israel that its plan to annex pause of the occupied west bank will violate international law. is you the warning and israel just weeks before the new israeli government plans to make the move which is also being condemned by several other european governments. i would also 1st on the agenda months and his israeli counterpart gabi ashkenazi signed an agreement on the german government providing funding for the holocaust memorial yog vashem. germany is a staunch ally of israel but the relationship has been overshadowed by israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu his planned annexation of the jordan valley and
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settlements across the west bank land the palestinians claim for their own state or to borders with the german government and our colleagues in the european union have serious concerns that the enix ations could make it impossible to achieve a 2 state solution we think this would be the wrong way to go but unfortunately the e.u. has considered imposing sanctions against israel if the annexations go ahead germany is unlikely to take such tough measures but berlin takes over the rotating presidency of the e.u. next month and so must must come up with a common strategy in the e.u. palestinian prime minister mohammed saeed called on germany to maintain a hardline with israel you know how sensitive this issue is warry for germany what is under un is that our senses should not come back but of it gotten a lot this should not go at the expense of the but as you know vice palestinians
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have warned they'll proclaim a palestinian state if israel goes ahead with the annexation. of a brief look at some other stories making headlines. mourners have been paying their respects to burgundies president putin called lindsey's who died suddenly on monday the government says he suffered a heart attack when caesar was set to step down in august after 15 years in power by repression and political violence. u.s. president donald trump has announced he's resuming his political rallies despite concerns about mass gatherings during the coronavirus pandemic the 1st rally will be held next week in tulsa oklahoma polls show trump is a lagging behind his democratic rival joe biden in the face of protests at his response to the pandemic. tens of thousands of turtles have been filmed nesting on an island near the great barrier reef in australia research as in using drones to
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count numbers on rain island the world's biggest colony of endangered green turtle . in brazil the shops are opening again even as the number of confirmed coronavirus cases surges the most populous state sao paulo is the epicenter of the pandemic and has just reported a record number of covert 19 deaths for the 2nd day running more and more clued in 1000 patients arrive at some powerless temporary hospitals the true number of new coronavirus cases is the subject of heated debate on 33 trying to do more testing but can often only administer rapid tests which don't deliver reliable results experts fear that there are many undetected cases in the slums of rio de janeiro that's why local residents have started keeping track of themselves. many of those infected by the virus weren't registered by the health authorities there are cases among people we know. the controversy over the true number of cases
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has also reached the government president wilson that has commenced the official numbers are too high and has banned publication of the figures. we want to return to normal brazil must pick up speed. most sonata once a change the way the figures are compiled but his plans have run into fierce opposition. the old counting method and transparency need to be maintained one can't just make the numbers look prettier. brazil's supreme court has now ordered a return to the previous practice but the debate rages on and brazil still hasn't reached the peak of its coronavirus crisis. and the french said. german submarine base used during the 2nd world war has been turned into an underground. it now showcases colorful installations including by austrian artist gustaf.
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the former banker lives like a duck and monstrous hulk in the water but inside the magic of mass eliminates the moves. by the works of austrian artist gustav clint and some of his contemporaries from around the turn of the 19th century when the art nouveau movement was just gaining momentum. aims to be the largest digital art center in the world housing retaining exhibitions of works by some of the greatest artists of all time. can buy over the goal when you look at a work by clint the decor is as important as the face and it's the same in a place like this if you project something onto a wall of the banka it's not smooth if it has the on even this of concrete. today the monolith as a center for the arts and the 1940 s. it served the machinery of war up to 15 e. boats could be service to the same time and the 60 needed base and the bunker was
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built by germany and italy in 1941 and deemed to be indestructible covering around 12000 square meters aat is not a finding the future of the space. you're watching data being used told me a lot it off thanks for joining us. on mail. welcome to the 2nd season on the fashion the planet on the brink of disaster in the long interview experts one question how to change the.


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