tv In Good Shape Deutsche Welle June 12, 2020 6:30pm-7:01pm CEST
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after all. the government claims to poison us or. conspiracy theories or spread like wildfire on the internet. from transparency fairies can provide comfort you don't like reality create another interesting. film about knowledge and belief trust and deception. democracy of the gullible starts joyce 1st on g.w. . thank. you. welcome to in good shape coming up. what makes this auto immune disorder so difficult to diagnose chronic constipation why it's so important to figure out the cause and parkinson's disease why exercise can help.
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and here's your host dr cost and. we're in good shape and this is tight she the ancient. which is still popular in china and actually in germany people are using it here for neck tension or lower back pain just to relax but this year is very special because here at the building charity doctors are using it to treat parkinson's disease and this is what i'm going to talk about today with dr patricia causes and no condolence welcome to the chair.
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exercise is key in parkinson's disease and experienced long term benefits on sinton redact and quality of life. is a neurotransmitter in our brain it's important for muscle movements patients with parkinson's disease leg therefore they suffer from movement disorder so it's a good idea to give them to can mean as a medication but it's also a good idea to prescribe some exercise. suddenly he found himself short of breath it proved to be the 1st symptom of parkinson's. it was still young when he was diagnosed that was 15 years ago but he keeps fit and exercise helps him counter the effects of the disease he can still run 10 k. easily you know what i think everybody has to decide for themselves how to deal with it sometimes i even forget that i have parkinson's. parkinson's disease is a degenerative neurological disorder the cause is still unknown. but we do know
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that the brain cells that produced open mean gradually die off. a lack of dopamine disturbs the link between the brain and muscles physical activity becomes more difficult. bag a parkinson's expert at the university of keele in northern germany knows that exercise can protect nerve cells that's why she rides her bike to the clinic every day when my ardently kind yet if you exercise a lot dr bates new neural pathways in the brain which we see in imaging studies and then certain areas of the brain are reorganized. nathanson nerve cells make new connections and movements can be performed in better in different ways. and then the brain has to learn to do that and only learns by exercising and me and by exercising you can mobilize unused potential in your brain and that's particularly important for parkinson's patients those who start early can possibly help slow the
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progression of the disease. overall mobility in everyday life and the progression over a period of months or years is simply much improved. lord has become more agile has improved his balance and is less prone to falling than other parkinson's patients who don't move much. his progress is monitored in the motor functions lab . my for my 1st impression as soon as a patient walks through the door some people help themselves others don't every day activities are psychologically beneficial to people who are active cope with the disease much better and enjoy life much more. or was devastated when she found out she had parkinson's but that changed after she came to the paracelsus clinic in oz now brooke where they have
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a special parkinson's program. and i notice that i'm stiff when i don't exercise regularly. but when i do exercise it starts to become easier to stretch my body everything expands . yet. the so-called big therapy has patients make big movements media locking schlager started the therapy right after getting her diagnosis. on the to her prior to the therapy ms loughton i could see that you were able to swing your right arm much. less than your left arm. and your gate was a bit unsteady it wasn't a certain and focused as it was later on. for weeks later after taking medication and taking part in big therapy she was much better. as a counselor meters from your walking symmetrically with both arms swinging it's
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completely balanced you have a very large stride and you're walking straight as if you were on a line. with medication alone improvements like that aren't possible. reducing medication levels are just starting therapy isn't nearly as successful as big. parkinson's disease and sports don't preclude one another they belong together. i'm here at the berlin charity was dr coles in new cold war games and a group of parkinson's patients and what happens here so we try to close the gap between the in and outpatient clinic care so far we offer our patients our multidisciplinary team consisting of the physician the partners and the various speeds and physiotherapists nutritionists and of course the training of titty and there we would like to analyze the individual needs and resources of each
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patient after admission and to then creates an individual and so to say customized treatment for each patient very close to every day life to vittie so this is kind of an exercise here is to exercise how important is exercise and parkinson's disease. exercise is important in your illogical does or does nearly every time and parkinson's disease is the movement disorder and so patients really benefit from any kind of movement edition or lead to medication medical problems were deep brain stimulation. and we have recommend any activity. on the patient so let's focus 1st on the so and know what you like to join us please so you doing cause here and it's very important in the treatment of parkinson's but why does it help. take cheese and if you will child she is
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a form of movement that originated in china it was a martial art developed for the battlefield today the martial aspect is less important because nowadays we tend to focus on health and living a healthy and balanced life and tight she has a lot of benefits in that respect it can help improve balance and motor control and it's relaxing and improves concentration that's exactly what parkinson's patients need whole so it's a little bit of a special form of tenchi called keep moving and what's so special about it. this is we're tight she movements look like if i do them myself or we're tight she sequences might look like this is a bit too complicated for participants to complexity type and they don't need to do this to start out with us on this here is a simpler version of the focus here is on improving balance and of course strengthening your leg muscles along. kleis convinced our sponsor. by
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muscular towards. one this is what the keep moving principle is all about until you reduce or eliminate the superfluid aspects in make it all simpler one big for the patients that serves as a bridge point to get access to tai ji as a form of exercise of course they can later expand on this some of my patients at the arm movements but to start with that doesn't make much sense. there was a study that showed that parkinsonian patients who were training regularly type she were better off with their daily activities after just half a year of training so that's check out that. it's nearly so. does it really help. that helps a lot. had parkinson's for 10 years and has been doing tai chief for about 2 and a half years when you look at i look relatively normal. but if i skip 3 weeks or so for example on a holiday i feel was. important because it improves my balance for me i can
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definitely recommend that. so you're motivated and don't have to force yourself no not at all along with the exercise i really appreciate how it relaxes me how do you find inner peace that's just as valuable for. what does she do for you. constantine to lang's i'm going to send traitor slow movements help me relax right away and i want this it darted and that gives me a kind of inner peace and balance. or and i may add let brings a sense of calm and serenity to my life and. i took to it immediately and. action. there's really amazing but there are different exercises that could be really helpful like dancing and this one dance which is especially helpful it's
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tango. first the warm up. and then it's time to get down to business. in the in pairs. recent clinical studies indicate that the tango can help fight parkinson's disease. scientists have discovered that it significantly improves their patients gait and balance. going to hire nico hopes that he'll benefit greatly from tango dancing to help me i know that when i'm struggling with my pastor on the one hand and then i have to get my legs to do what they should be doing. unfortunately i don't always manage but my partner is helping me and that makes things better on the sly.
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and the dancers really have to keep on their toes. the tango therapist often throws in new exercises. we clean the was like this that's how the therapist salvo consolidates describes this coordination exercise. on fire and catch it. so you. first make it disappear. that's good. the goals are to take bigger steps unusual and achieve the best possible posture. teacher and student are both pleased. by you my friend next week you'll come here and be taller than i am when you talk with us.
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after 2 hours of tango could really walk tall. studies show that tango improves balance of authority abilities and dancing is fun you can do it in groups so whole portman's group activity and fun group this group activities always help 2 to maintain to the program and to keep motivated and they may help to network socially and on the other hand dancing is a very helpful for patients with parkinson's disease as external cues such as visual or acoustic use help in. improving movement and in tight she is about concentration and focusing on the task is important to. yes of infile yes definitely it's totally important because the body can only
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function if it can relax sponsor relaxation is the basis for everything and parkinson's patients often suffer from muscle rigidity so relaxation is especially good for that and it's the same when it comes to concentration. superglued. it's accepted wisdom in asia that when body and spirit harmonize or work together in a directed manner then daily life functions better than unfortunate for instance you want stumbles who often or forget where you put your keys money wise what the other facilities are so what other kinds of movements and exercise and sports what you recommend for parkinson's patients so in general no limits are set when you are not as healthy you should start with prescription for physical therapy for example and when when when you're healthy you can go jogging you can do nordic walking cycling
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weight training as i said earlier or you just use the said home or even computer games imitating sports so if our viewers want to start tight she now what's the 1st step there's a should 1st step is to leave the house the longest journey begins with a single step when you find a tight cheech or close to where you live to do a trial session to get an impression and if you like it there's nothing to stop you so it's all just about doing it and get moving so please get moving get up and go to your computer and send us all your questions to our experts. on an upcoming show we'll be looking at the power of meditation breathing and relaxation exercises are said to help reduce stress in everyday situations how does meditation work and what kinds are there send your questions to in good shape at the dawn. dot com just right meditation in the subject line we look forward to hearing from you after.
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many people think that they are constipated one out of 3 things that he or she has a lazy colon but the real data are different just one out of 10 is really constipated so it's up to the patient just a gut feeling. is a doctor's assistant so she's on the move the entire day it doesn't matter if she stands or sits or moves are not the 49 year old has been suffering from constipation for decades i've always had problems going to the toilet act as a young girl during my pregnancies and afterwards as well she has the most problems when she needs bread and meat at 1st she thought it had something to do with her diet so she tried changing it. finished soaker i reduced my sugar intake and ate a lot of vegetables and fiber in things to get my bow moving i've tried it all but
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it's never really worked 100 percent be at about 1 o'clock said he isn't. even though daughter truckies lots of vegetables and whole grain products she only has about a movement every 5 days and that has weighed on her quality of life. the problem is when i have constipation i begin to have flatulence and that's not very pleasant the gap which has made this is the understand. for years she has felt constipated she's turned to doctors for a gastroscopy as colonoscopies pancreas examinations as well as test for lactose and fruit dose intolerance all without success she still has constipation and her infrequent bell movements have led to another problem. i feel the urge to go to the toilet but i can't. on
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a visit to another doctor dual that is told that it's often quite difficult to find the exact cause of constipation so additional tests are needed. there are many different causes of constipation such as medication and other diseases for example neurological disorders and parkinson's disease. multiple sclerosis vibrate ism and diabetes can also lead to constipation. dr is able to rule out all of these as the causes for it. now a simple x. ray with these capsules that contain metal markers should show whether the problem in the intestine. the human colon is always in motion shoving clumps of partially digested food back and forth 6 to 12 times a day there are stronger muscle movements that move along the digestive tract. motor neurons control the process and sometimes this is disturbed in people with
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chronic constipation. causes can also be found in the colon itself changes in the coalmines nervous system or the muscles and. that can lead to less peristalsis reduced intestinal movement so there is a delay in the transport at the time just have tracked content which a neurological or muscle disorder can cause constipation suddenly. it's also possible that infections in the intestinal area that we encountered during our lives can lead to changes chronic changes to the intestinal nervous system causing chronic constipation. x. ray indicates that she doesn't have a serious neurological disorder in her intestine because only a few metal markers are left in there that means the colon is slow but not diseased . so if it's not
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a neurological disorder what is the cause and examination of her rectum indicates that she suffers from an intestinal voiding disorder she's unable to have a proper bell move ready. probably the problem often concerns the pelvic floor muscles responsible for opening the sphincter during a bowel movement often don't function properly and that's related to a pelvic floor weakness. a change of diet didn't help torchlight so now she's undergoing a combination therapy a laxative as a surpass atory will help empty her rectum psyllium a soluble fiber helps the passage. it was on hand if you absorbs 40 times its own volume and this water will remain in the fecal matter so it doesn't become hard and the intestine can transport it
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better transport you can. now do is on the right path. she's more physically active and following a healthier diet. she takes the psyllium every day and every 2 or 3 days a laxative if you have any if i could go to the toilet every other day that would be a success i hope things get going. do you sometimes feel tired without an obvious reason or have joint problems or risk in grass the reasons for this and mostly harmless but this could be signs of a dangerous disease like lupus. going down a long flight of stairs can be a risky business for as out about tom she sometimes stumbles for no obvious reason . this man has with us is my can't always feel my body so well especially
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on the left side and then if i don't watch out i can have problems with my coordination. that's what happened this time one moment of inattention i put my foot down wrong and it was broken physics and on my account for. example those mysterious condition 1st appeared 11 years ago she came down with scarlet fever then she kept getting sinus infections she had surgery and took lots of antibiotics but the infection kept recurring along with bouts of debilitating fatigue. it was the 1st as a kidney get up it's like coming down with the flu quotes when i get a high temperature and all the other symptoms that go along with it i wasn't terribly tired it's not just a bit sleepy but really exhausted and. that leads to problems with concentration even looking for small changes tiring so here i have a pays with the bill but she's glad she has the energy to go shopping at all and is
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no longer suffering from extreme fatigue. she had the condition for 6 years before rheumatologist had much zones and finally diagnosed it as systemic lupus erythematosus an autoimmune disease servants and says diagnosis isn't easy the symptoms can be so varied and diffuse that patients are not always taken seriously . big how are you feeling today you ask it i can feel it's time for an infusion of the fear of something done lots of doctors think the patients are mentally ill as if you have to feel a figure that anyone who has so many complaints is mentally unstable and conclude there's nothing really. really wrong with them it's all in their head. and that's what happened with her and this is the office she had. one quite typical symptom of butterfly shaped facial rash went unnoticed. then lupus the
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body's immune system produces antibodies that attack the person's own tissues. back and result in inflammation of the guy's skin and joints. the brain and internal organs such as the kidneys lungs and heart can also be affected . but there is some hope for sufferers a medication called believe a bad a monoclonal antibody is the 1st drug developed especially for lupus. it targets certain amused cells known as b. lymphocytes thereby suppressing the excessive immune response and reducing some of the symptoms. every 3 weeks example gets an infusion of the drug suppressing her immune system has side effects that makes her more vulnerable to infections. the advantage is that she doesn't need to take as much immunosuppressant cortisone. and this sort of
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a listen vic it's not as if it's all gone but i need far less cortisone and fewer painkillers and that enhances my quality of life to discourage t. gets less intense so i can actually get out of bed it is over effective but you know the kind of fatigue i had before was indescribable i couldn't take care of myself at all but now i can again 100 percent to not put 20 as high it the 1st hit doesn't cure lupus there is no cure for these conditions but it does reduce the symptoms. and it protects the organs from further damage that seems to be established its rich know who. garbin sees that kidney inflammation is reduced and kidney function improves the inference and it's clearly very effective as a gun's clohessy of work some. birds are have been treated earlier she might have been able to continue to pursue her profession as an occupational therapist but now
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. africa. 30 minutes long d.w. . in the 1st american to some point in our lives while experience hardship listen. up. we know this is a scary time for the coronavirus is changing the world changing our lives. so please take care of yourself keep your distance wash your hands if you can date and how we're d.w. for here for we are working tirelessly to keep you informed on all over platforms we're all in business to get it together make it. easy for everybody. stay safe stay safe increase and stay safe.
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millions can live. news live from brazil surging coronavirus death toll a symbolic graveyard on the famous. highlights a crisis president is under fire for floods and social distancing playing down the time 10 exchanges also on the program a warning from the u.n. that billions of children at risk of being put to work when they found his attain
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