tv The Day Deutsche Welle June 16, 2020 2:02am-2:30am CEST
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to get you fired but not anymore the u.s. supreme court today ruled that in the workplace sexual orientation and gender identity are off limits just like your age race and religion they cannot be used against you today's decision puts more people under the protective umbrella of civil rights a defeat for the trumpet ministration with an extra sting the court's decision was delivered by one of 2 conservative judges appointed by president trump i'm rick off in berlin this is the day. when i lost my job it was my dream job so imagine having that that you went to every day and you enjoyed doing it at 7. because you decided to join a gay recreational thought you know i did nothing wrong. now at
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some validation in that it was given today and. for me the journey. also coming up in the philippines a legal victory that has presidential approval maria ressa the journalist who dares to question president do tear takes policies has been found guilty of cyber libel russia says it's an attempt to intimidate a free press. so when i listen to read i just i tried to get angry and get out how do we continue doing our jobs better. to our viewers on p.b.s. in the united states and all around the world welcome we begin the day with a legal victory for equality made possible by a modern read of a 56 year old law today in the united states the supreme court handed down the
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decision that will allow people to sue if they are fired from their job for being gay lesbian or transgender in a landmark ruling the court pointed to the 19 $164.00 civil rights act which bars discrimination at work based on race religion national origin and sex a majority of judges liberal and conservative agreed that discrimination based on sex must also include sexual orientation and gender identity lawyers for employers and for the trump administration had argued that the common understanding of sex discrimination back in 1964 had been biased against a man or woman and nothing more what today's court ruling is another major victory for the community in the united states it comes just 5 years after a supreme a ruling by the supreme court that made same sex marriage legal and wall of the land the celebrations of 201516 in sharp contrast to today
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this lone activists with a rainbow flag in his hands and a black face mask with the words i can't breathe it serves as a poignant reminder of the impact of the pandemic at the same time america finds itself in social upheaval the whites of which have not been seen since the 1960 s. . we have complete coverage of this landmark ruling i am joined tonight by in these parker the c.e.o. of the gay and lesbian victory fund she was also elected 3 times to be mayor of houston texas and that is where she is tonight and from denver colorado dan baer dan was u.s. ambassador to the organization for security and cooperation in europe under president obama he is now with the carnegie endowment to both of you welcome to the day let me start with you a nice would you bring today's court ruling up there with making same sex
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marriage legal what we saw about 5 years ago. absolutely it's an important ruling it is a day to celebrate although with a caution in this is protections on employment but it's not a blanket protection we still have. we still face discrimination in other areas in housing in public accommodations in access to health care so it is a great day but we recognize that it's not a final decision and we still have a patchwork of local nondiscrimination policies and state nondiscrimination policies that allow us to. face discrimination in other areas so when these are you saying we need more legislation then to protect the rights of the community in the u.s.
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. it's not just more legislation because you reference that we are undergoing turmoil across the united states and the black life matter movement we can have laws in place that prohibit discrimination but those laws are only as good ultimately as the people who enforce them and the willingness of americans to embrace them so we have hurdle has yet to. be crossed. dan people around the world hearing this news today it may be surprise that it was legal to fire someone for being gay you know even as recent as yesterday i mean isn't america supposed to be the country where these kinds of protections service role models for the rest of the world. and certainly you know as a former diplomat i used to spend a lot of time working on a range of human rights issues with partners and sometimes less than partners overseas and one of the things obviously that cheapens our voice abroad is when we
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aren't living up to our standards at home so i think you know chris murphy's senator from connecticut had a piece come out in foreign affairs today that was largely about the protests related to the black box matter movement which i've been participating in many others have across the country and talking about how does this new push for civil rights is really good for the united states and our leadership in the world and i strongly agree with him and i think the decision today also helps on that front. let me ask you to pick up on this you know we've been seeing what 21 days in a row of protests across the u.s. people demanding an end to racism and police brutality. and i'll ask these both of you this speak to me about how this how these things fit together i mean did the 1964 civil rights act did it become a law that the country then ignored for the next 50 years where you say. no the country did it had
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a serious impact that said as mayor parker alluded to even though it has been widely accepted as outlawing discrimination based on whether somebody is a man or woman we know that there is still sexism in the workplace that there is still gender discrimination in pay its outer in the united states and that remains a problem that needs to be addressed through the enforcement of these kinds of laws but i do think there is an overlap in the decision that came down today and the protests that are going on around the country yesterday in a number of cities including here in denver there were protests that united in some sense the protests that are associated with pride with the black lives matter movement the chance yesterday here in denver trans black lives matter and you know i think it's really important for us to recognize that many times it's the protests that start the movement that helps people enlarge their vision and be able to see in law the principles that our country was founded on and make those principles apply to everybody who counts as human which is to say every person in this country
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and so i think you know one of the things that was interesting about the decision that came down today you mentioned that it was it was it was authored by one of the conservative justices that president trump appointed this corset and he took a strict textual reading of the law he said the text of the law is clear and that discriminate discrimination against people is unlawful under this law and well i'm glad that that's what he saw in the law and i agree with him i think that it he wouldn't have been able to see that were it not for the movement of so many over so many decades and i think that's a good reminder of the importance of what we're doing right now across the country and what do you say. 'd to how these 2 things maybe are feeding off each other being do you think the movement the protests against police brutality against racism will it be strengthened by today's supreme court rule.
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you know that's a really interesting question i don't know whether that will be strengthened by this ruling what i believe is that we're at a point a pivot point in american history in american politics where so many different strains of activism and intersectionality are coming together and people from across the political spectrum and people from different communities are saying we want to an america that recognizes the inherent worth and dignity of each of us and we want the institutions of american life to respect that as well as i said earlier this is a ruling about employment which is absolutely critical because in order to have the dignity of work to support our so to be able to put food on the table in an america that doesn't always respect all of us this is a huge step forward but there's still more work to do and the as
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as dan said the pro protests are important because they draw attention they expose the the anger and the hurt and the frustration but they don't solve things what we need is now formal legislation to take this ruling and make sure that it permeates throughout our american employment system and then again still areas where discrimination happens that we need to address we need a comprehensive policy at the federal level to protect the l.g.b. t.q. community from discrimination in all aspects of our lives ok we've got about one minute left us both of you to start with you and these are you satisfied with the cooperation that is taking place between the o.g.t.t. community and black lives matter for example or should these communities be working together more. at this moment the most important thing is to recognize
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that black lives matter and to allow black community to stand up and speak out about what they need but we can always work more closely together and. i mean you know i think what many of us are trying to do is figure out how we can learn from listen to and amplify the messages of black and brown voices around around the country one of the things that is a crucial urgency right now is the attacks on black trans women we have seen a number of murders this year this is it this is a growing problem and i think one of the things that we can all speak out about is the need for people to be safe safe in their bodies and so you know the lives of black trend trans women not are and we can say that the ultimate l.g.b. t.q. good and the black lines matter movement should be working together working for a common cause ok at least parker former mayor of houston texas c.e.o.
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of the gay and lesbian victory fund and jay and beer with the karate endowment and former u.s. ambassador to the o. s. c.e. to both of you thank you very much we appreciate your insights and your time tonight thank you. to another legal decision but this one will definitely meet the approval of a president a court in the philippines has convicted the prominent journalist maria ressa of the crime of cyber liable she faces up to 6 years in prison and has valid to appeal russia is a vocal critic of president rodriguez policies and media watchdogs say that the case represents a serious erosion of press freedom in the philippines. award winning journalist maria ressa arriving in court in manila to learn her fate. the verdict guilty of cyber libel 482012 article her website rappler published linking
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a businessman to human trafficking and drug smuggling. ressa once worked for c.n.n. and holds dual u.s. philippine citizenship she says she's been devastated by the verdict which she sees as a part of a government campaign against her and her publication. next year will be my 35th year as a journalist i began as a reporter in 1986 and i have worked so many countries around the world. been shot at and threatened but never this kind of death by a 1000 cuts the case was closely watched as a test of press freedom under populist president. the court heard the libel complaint even though the article in question was published 4 months before the cybercrime law was enacted russia and rappler are not the only prominent philippine media to face problems with the authorities last month one of the country's leading broadcasters was shut down rights groups when the country is entering dangerous
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territory indeed a very. this sends a message every journalist. who wants. or you're going to be next russet now faces a prison term of up to 6 years in spite of the verdict she vows not to be silenced or earlier we spoke with maria ressa she's currently on bail pending her appeal and we 1st asked her about what went through her mind as the judge found her guilty of cyber libel. it was a number expected if you look at it in the context of the 8 criminal charges i face i had to post bail 8 times last year just to remain free. and then the slew of attacks against journalists in that has intensified with the shutdown of the largest broadcaster just last month. i suppose i walked in feeling in
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knowing that there could be a worst case scenario that would is even worse than this one and so when i listen to it i just i tried hard not to get angry and then to figure out how do we continue doing our jobs better to give the us this is a unique moment in history and we're seeing a rise authoritarian populist tire leaders actions almost and we're seeing the attacks on it i don't think i've lived and this is my 34th year i'm going to be a i'm an old journalist you know and and i've never seen anything like this i've worked in war zones i on for weeks but this is is a different time period and i feel like in my country at least we're standing on the precipice and we must do all we had to protect press freedom which protects our democracy that was maria ressa there speaking with us earlier today i'm joined now
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by stephen butler he is with the committee to protect journalists he joins me tonight from washington d.c. series good to have you on this show we just heard maria there saying that she's an old journalist and she's never seen anything like what she's seeing right now do you agree i mean how do you explain what's happening in the world right now the press freedom. well i think that what the philippines in a sense is leading the charge that applying spiritus charges against journalists using twisting laws and the implementation of those laws to go after journalists who they disagree with you're certainly saying other instances of this across asia not not to such a high profile journalist as maria as you know maria has established yourself as one of the leading voices in asia but certainly in india and thailand malaysia
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cambodia you see the journalists are really on the cusp of government efforts to control what the press says you know maria and she is she is this huge figure in the world of journalism knowing that what would you say is the probability that she will indeed go to prison i mean does the committee to protect journalists think that that could really happen well you're right i do know maria she is and she is a unique person an incredible high energy and good spirits of nearly never met anybody quite like her. i think and i think that the government of the philippines would suffer a great deal of sure in jail there would be tremendous international pressure so i'm hopeful that we can apply that pressure and then we can apply reason. to prevent her from going to jail i mean the truth is the philippine government has already achieved their main objective by convicting her and that is to frighten
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other journalists to prevent them from reporting critically on the government so in a way i don't see why they haven't a reason to move forward with this what we are calling for is for the government not to oppose the appeal stephen where do you where do you think the all of this pressure would come from are you talking about the united states or are you talking about europe. both i think the european union i'm aware that they're already getting they're looking to find ways to put pressure on the government the united states well to it won't come from the president which is very unfortunate but it will certainly come from the state department from the senate and the congress and the house of representatives and perhaps vice president pence will speak out on this maria that she's been convicted of cyber libel. how probable do you see cyber liable becoming a part of this legal minefield that journalists are operating in right now well
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it's happening in many countries i think part of the reason is you know most countries have libel laws and some of them are criminal libel so that if you commit libel you have to go to jail and this is something that we strongly strongly oppose everywhere but many of the laws are written in such a way that they didn't cover online speech so countries that introduced this and they've done this in a pretty sloppy way just to give you an example the statute of limitations on libel laws in the philippines is one year this the saga of a lot didn't actually mention anything about about statute of limitations so the so that the government has said well we have 5 years and up to 10 years within which you can file a claim which creates an enormous you know a long tail of jeopardy for a journalist and it's intimidating. steve about that with the committee to protect
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journalists unfortunately we're out of time stephen we appreciate your time tonight and your insights thank you. thank you. well people in europe are on the move again as more and more countries reopen their borders following their nationwide coronavirus lockdown because its freedom of movement has been restored between many countries like here along the border between france and germany and a high speed train bound for germany departed from paris today the e.u.'s internal borders were largely closed in march following the corona virus outbreak. one state that has not reopened its borders yet is spain but the government now says that travel restrictions for most. tourists will be lifted 10 days earlier than planned on june 21st and in a pilot project the spanish island of majorca is welcoming a select group of german tourists to test new public health measures the 1st
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visitors took off from dusseldorf this morning and the hotels are limited to running it 50 percent occupancy and they will test the guests body temperatures as soon as they arrive. so the question remains why is majorca so desperate for german tourists now and not waiting for travel restrictions to be lifted next week here's the young philip schultz on majorca. it's 1st of all a symbolic troll jack and it's a big marketing success for the islands off my arca the government here in majorca has been lobbying for this project for many weeks and they're very happy to know that it takes place even if it's just for one week and not for 2 weeks they have been arguing that they are the tourism experts in spain they know best what to do it here we can now test all the protocols all the security measures all the hygiene it measures before the rest of the country opens its borders and of course they were also looking for the media attention to deliver the message that majorca is
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safe for tourism again and so far they've been very successful with it when the 1st tourists arrived in the morning more than 30 journalists and camera people were rollins almost had a red carpet feeling and some of the tourist told me that they've been interviewed by more than 10 journalists during the day. it was young phillips olds there on my orca all right from spain to mexico mexico is struggling with the 1st wave of covert 19 health officials there are reported thousands of new infections every day hundreds of fatalities the national death toll currently stands at more than 146000 confirmed cases 17000 deaths we followed one 1st responder and the challenges that he faces on the front lines in mexico city.
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he's going to join his now he can hardly breathe. he had to set a date to great fame but he hasn't been able to stand for 3 days and we're taking him to hospital and now the tough day for the red cross team in mexico to diego arco it's one of 2 many. but getting the patient to the hospital billing tappan your fellow their employees i'm sure they've taken away he may never come back. there very quickly diego believes the man with a heavy heart. is you know very well a sadist cannily ties a strong in mexico they prefer for someone to die with their loved ones even if they could be saved in a hospital with other committee but also. the pandemic has likely been at its peak. nobody knows for sure that's new to virus testing is that most of it was but it's just stressing not knowing how many are really infected so we right
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now and this is going to end i. think they're going to. another case of large families cramton a small space relatives afraid of count ching the virus. that diego explains that the man has pneumonia. if you since hospital is a rave a crowded. can only take critical patients. if performance this one is stable. but fountains of mexicans are losing the battle the crime a turia a working at full capacity well it is have minutes to say goodbye. charlie hasn't taken a break for weeks. in mexico mortality rates are above average. it
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was up and i've never had to deal with so many dead people before it's risky i'm scared because i have family. what in rages charlie is that many mexicans deny the coronavirus exists. let's look at all the must been some of why don't people switch on their brains if this keeps going on like this i don't know when it will end as the one as mexico battles the virus charlie and diego are each playing their part but they're worried for the futures of their fellow citizens and their teams. well the day's almost gone the conversation continues online join us on twitter and you can follow me aboard goth t.v. and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another big will see that everybody.
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see a micro douse of l.s.d. . to improve your life. there are courses that teach you how to l.s.d. many docents not as a recreational drug but to help fight depression scientists are conducting research into psychedelics will they become socially acceptable again and go for ellis to use back when they were going to. w. armstrong really walk on the moon. isn't the earth really flies after all it. was the government in terms planes to poison us. conspiracy theories are spread like wildfire on the internet. innocent conspiracy
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