tv The Day Deutsche Welle June 17, 2020 2:02am-2:30am CEST
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in the race to prevent another coronavirus outbreak in china where the pandemic began but the virus is it returning it never left in fact the number of new infections worldwide is increasing faster than ever more than 100000 new cases every day which makes today's news from the u.k. even more important scientists at oxford say they've discovered the 1st treatment for coated 19 a steroids that spin around 60 years it's readily available it's cheap and it saves lives in berlin this is the day. i'm absolutely delighted that today we can announce the 1st successful clinical trial for treatment volkova 90 k. i can help to one contacts with 2 persons faster than was previously possible based on those that i made that weren't very worried for i don't know what the situation
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will be like in future as we don't have much information that found out that. even in countries that have demonstrated the ability to stop restaurants recent countries my stay to the possibility the surgeons. also coming up u.s. president trump says he's cutting u.s. troop numbers in germany because germany refuses to pay more for defense tonight a case of a president cutting his nose to spite his face germany as you know is very delinquent in their. payments to nato so we're protecting germany and it delinquent that doesn't make sense. to our viewers on p.b.s. in the united states and all around the world welcome we begin the day with what looks like a major breakthrough in treating covert 19 and. comes not
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a moment too soon researchers at oxford in the u.k. say the low cost steroids dexa methods could be the difference between life and death for people infected with the coronavirus in a major study the steroids reduced deaths by 30 percent in patients on ventilators and by 20 percent in patients receiving oxygen dexa methods own it was developed more than 50 years ago it is widely available and as a generic drug which means the cost is minimal when news of the lifesaving treatment comes as the pandemic continues to spread across the globe the number of new infections is increasing faster than ever before a 100000 new cases are reported daily some of those new cases are in china where the pandemic began half a year ago and for the past 2 months there have been no new cases reported in china but now in beijing a new outbreak has set off alarms beijing authorities have closed all schools and
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they are urging people not to leave the city there have been dozens of new cases in recent days this latest outbreak has been linked to a host self foods market. well it was have a year ago when china suddenly became the epicenter of the new corona virus outbreak since then the virus has spread across the globe and the epicenter has shifted with it from china to italy and to the united states and now the world health organization is warning that the viral hotspot has moved yet again this time to central and south america we have asked for 1000000 cases and the epidemic is not only in ringback there. we have not seen transmission. that is the case is almost all countries in latin america and fuel in the car and then our eyes well my 1st guest tonight is an infectious diseases physician
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and scientists isaac bo gough's joins me from toronto in canada dr but gosh it's good to have you on the day so we're looking at the steroids that we've used for half a century that could be the difference between life and death for coded 19 patients would you say this is the biggest development we've seen since the pandemic began certainly if it pans out and if the data that they're reporting does is accurate reproducible it would certainly be a major major development in the treatment of hospitalized patients with copd 19 infections we only have a press release we actually don't have access to the data we're going to be we're still waiting for that peer reviewed. publication to come out in a in a medical journal and when that does you can be sure that the medical and scientific community will pore over that to look at the strengths the benefits the weakness of the 30 and figure out how we integrate that into our repeat clinical
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practice what we would do we know exactly how this stair would work so we know that steroids helps to reduce inflammation in the body how does that work then to fight against the 19. yes certainly if this does pan out of that this truly does reduce mortality in hospital eyes patients it would probably work by a couple of mechanisms number one as you point out is probably reduces the significant inflammatory response that occurs in the longer than probably elsewhere in the body with the coping 19 infection the 2nd thing they can do is really dampen down the body's immunologic response to the virus and we know that some people just have a very vigorous immune response to this infection and that can often set off a cascade that could be rather damaging to the body so it might work through both of those mechanisms you mentioned the immune system dr bogan is this steroids been better for older people who have severe coded 19 because we know that older
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people's immune systems tend to be more sluggish and they don't react the same way as a young person's would. yeah i'm fortunately we just don't know it really we don't know a lot about this trial we only know basically how the trial was conducted and that we have early evidence of a mortality benefit but we really need to see the data and really pore over the data more closely that the you know who has enrolled how the trial was actually conducted look at there are the typical analyses to really have a much better understanding a more granular perspective of what this means and how we can integrate it into a clinical practice but you know at the surface if we're talking about reducing mortality by about one 3rd of people who have a breathing tube and by about 20 percent of people who are just on the hospital ward but require supplemental wanted and then clearly this would be a significant help to many of us who are on the frontline working on coping 90 and
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it's certainly good to be able to report positive news in this pandemic for a change dr isaac book. this issue dr because we appreciate your time and your insights tonight thank you. thanks. we're germany has launched its official smartphone app to fight the spread of the virus the technology can send warnings to users if they've been in close contact with anyone who has been confirmed to have the virus the coded app uses bluetooth technology to determine which other smartphones are in the vicinity of a person and for how long if an app user with coronavirus comes near you for a certain amount of time that apps ins your app a warning message no data is exchanged and the data about you it remains stored on your smartphone. or germany is not the 1st country to see technology this way and
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the mobile phone as a way to keep the coronavirus in check it's still too early to say if the apps are affected against the pandemic but there are concerns that the cost in terms of privacy could be too high take a look here in china as the coronavirus spread the government set out to fight it with the help of a smartphone app launched in february the alley play health code app was the 1st attempt to slow the transmission rate of covert 19 by tracking infected people digitally using information from their smartphones. the app analyzes personal data to assign a color code that either grants users access to or bars them from buses trains and public spaces. south korea launched its own contact tracing program shortly after china requiring all international visitors to download a tracing app at the airport but the country's effort to monitor the virus doesn't
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rely on this app alone the south korean health authority also tracks infected people using surveillance cameras and credit card information. singapore led the way in creating an app that can monitor the spread of the virus without government surveillance the country's app trace together uses encrypted anonymous data to alert those who have come in contact with infected people australia has launched its own app based on the trace together protocol. in europe france italy and germany launched coronavirus tracing apps this month prioritizing privacy the italian and german apps use a decentralized approach they don't store users' information on a server but rather on the user's phones the french stop covert app however is centralized it does store data on government run servers but says the data is deleted after 14 days. the u.k. is preparing to launch an app similar to the french model later this month. the
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european commission has called for a common tracing technology across the e.u. but so far member countries have been going it alone. for my next guest tonight is dennis can she kept a specialist in i.t. security law he is a board member at the european academy for freedom of information and data protection he joins us tonight from the german city of braman it's good to have you on the show let me ask you have you already downloaded this app. yes at the moment only for formation testing purposes but this might change in the next week and i tried to do that as well but i understand if your i if you have an i phone in your i tunes connection is not with the german i tunes store then you can't download is that true. yes there are especially some problems and the 2nd question is you have to update the newest version of your i o. s. ok so a couple blockades there let's talk about to the at being voluntary i read today
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that about 60 percent of germans would have to download this app to effectively trace and track infections do you think this app should be mandatory. and my idea the question is here how does. this state check and sanction this if that would be mandatory so this normally would require access to every smartphone then we would be in a surveillance state of course and no one wants that and i thought it was also have would be validation of the constitution in this case we know that the german government said that it needed extra time to roll out this app because they wanted to make sure that the app meets the country's high data privacy standards so tell me what do you say does it meet those standards. yes generally spoken i would say that this meets the standards this basically is the reason because.
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that's not process any personal data at all of the normal case as all that the european and german data protection law does not even apply for their use cases and if you. there is an opinion poll that just came al that shows less than half of the people in germany now are willing to use this app in april more than half are willing now less than half are willing. to how do you explain that in our people right to be concerned that the app could be used to basically keep track of their movements i know that there are some concerns about that but at the moment there is not really a situation to be concerned because the epis just one building block to fight against a pen demick and compared to the situation that we had 2 or 3 months ago is a situation that changed it is not that acute anymore and if. 50 percent of germans
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would download the app in my opinion this would already be a great success and we know that the german government says that the data is anonymous you know is only stored on your smartphone let me ask you though as an id security expert you know that systems can be compromised right yeah you cannot be 100 percent sure that a system cannot be compromised this is a fact yes ok well let's hope that that doesn't happen dennis you keep your joining us tonight to talk about this new warning app here in germany to help stop the spread of the corona virus diskin to thank you you're welcome good night. present trump and i discussed this issue during a phone call last week and my message will start to the u.s. presence in europe it's good for europe but it's also good for north america and
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united states the united states and the president has announced what they have announced. but it remains but it's not yet decided how and when. this decision will be implemented now is nato secretary general you don't bag doing what he has done numerous times since donald trump moved into the white house trying to put a positive spin on the plans of the u.s. president that could be anything but positive for nato president trump has ordered the pentagon to reduce the number of u.s. troops stationed here in germany from 35000 to no more than 25000 trump says it's not right for germany to enjoy u.s. military protection and at the same time not increase its own defense spending will this hurt nato and german security or will this move hurt the u.s. most of all. for 70 years tens of thousands of american troops have been
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stationed in germany for europe their presence at bases like spangdahlem a guarantor of peace for the u.s. and expression of its military might. on monday donald trump confirmed he would be withdrawing almost $10000.00 of them blaming bare lens failure to meet its 2 percent need to defense spending commitments but he wrongly said it was indebted to the military alliance germany's delinquent they've been delinquent for years and they owe nato billions of dollars and they have to pay it so we're protecting germany and it delinquent that doesn't make sense like the u.s. military presence in germany was a reginald a bulwark against the soviet threat during the cold war and continues to be a deterrent against potential russian aggression trumps decision threatens to further strain the relationship between the 2 allies. germany since its
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serenity since 1900 is a very strong partner and we would like to be handled all saw even and that with the united states this is not the way you treat your close partners. u.s. presidents have long called for germany to increase defense spending but some suspect the latest decision is a reaction to german chancellor merkel for fusion to attend the g. 7 summit that was to be hosted by the us president later this month. trump seems to see. not anybody else as his systemic rival. for the impersonality matter is this is also part of the solution is policy so it's a less about the individuals or the. individuals to matter it is a new self definition of what the american interest seems to be which not clear if
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trump will be able to push through the troop withdrawal which faces stiff opposition in congress even members of his own party opposed the plan or more now i'm joined by. mr george test who knows both worlds of diplomacy and security he was a stony as ambassador to the u.s. and the sea and he spent part of his career at the estonian ministry of defense he's now with the international center for defense and security and he joins me tonight from the estonian capital mr choice it's good to have you on the day you are in a stone into a small baltic country your next door neighbor is russia now when we talk about a reduction in u.s. troops in germany who security is weakened more by that germany's or a stony. but evening i think that.
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trump's decision if it will be fully implemented will certainly increase the security of nato in general but secularly of the baltic states and poland who are on the front line but also that of germany so the implications of trump's plan are. severe in terms of political terms and in military terms 1st of all it came out as a surprise because the pentagon has. been a scheme that the preparations started already in september last year but no one was informed not even germany is the host country and this severe cuts of american forces in germany was not discussed either at the nato h.q. in brussels so this is a very bad political signal
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a new crack in the alliance and i'm sure russia has detected this and will readily exploit it on the other hand if the numbers of u.s. troops in germany are are diminished by about 30 percent that means that the weak reinforcements that the baltic states and poland have to count on in case of a crisis are not there and and perhaps let's say a 1000 or 2000 troops from germany could be redeployed to poland eventually that is one option perhaps in the future and that might seem to suggest that the defense of the baltic states and poland will improve but this is really not mr story because i mean let me if i could just interrupt to me what you're saying. here is if this troop reduction does take place your country you know the baltic
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countries your security is going to be endangered by this are you and your defense people are you going to nato are you going to washington to the white house or are you sounding the alarm and saying hey europe you know you're turning us into the future victims of a russian invasion well actually even our own minister of defense he gave an interview today was there you know rick and he clearly said that we are very ashes about this this isn't by president shop we don't know if it will be lamented or if it will be implemented slowly because there are only 4 and a half months until the us presidential elections we don't know who will be the next president and even if president and see news for another 4 years perhaps. we we may see a repetition of the syrian scenario there to president trump promised to bring back
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to the u.s. all the american troops on syria to bring them all back but as we see we are partly there they didn't let syria so in the same fashion it could be so that trump ordered that about $10000.00 troops would be pulled out from germany but in reality only a few would be actually moved back to the states to poland maybe and then as he may claim politically that his decision has been implemented where the damage would be limited yeah well we will have to see as you say there are only a few months until that presidential election in the u.s. and that election could change everything we will see mr call the story chester we appreciate your insights tonight thank you.
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well it's been a football season like no other in the germany's bonus league halted for more than 2 months because of the coronavirus and now games are being played in empty stadiums but one thing it seems never changes as the folks in bavaria byron munich always when still a variance are champions for the 8th time in a row after defeating their brave men just before the break you see robert love and elsie put byron ahead which was all they needed to secure the win love and else he was having a career year also leaves the league in goals by and have now won a record 30 this league title. if the stadiums there there's more action here at the big table when chris harrington. did this thing despite wrapping up their 8th straight title here by unseasoned it really wasn't that great was it a brit you know byron munich did not coast to the title they spent a handful of weeks looking up at their rivals in november frankfurt hurt them badly
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in the nico kovacs had to go sadly out of nowhere hockey flick soon became the man starting off better than any buying coast before hand despite taking a few blows byron had more highs and lows live in dos he led the league in a career year thomas moved his assist numbers left defenders in fear rising star alfonso davis remember the name his speed left the opposition feeling shame this season was a roller coaster ride for sure showing the s. and downs buyer could endure the question remains how many will buy and win in a row 91011 brett no one really knows. the power of a pandemic when you're by immunity right yet so what does the future hold then for byron and the flick well the flick you know they were searching for a coach and a replacement hodgy flick definitely proved he fits the bill when you look at the numbers that he's pulled off he started better than any other bank notes of. we have a graphic we can take a look at you know 90 percent winning percentage that says it all that outdoes
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names like pep guardiola you know this hans he is a players coach the players seem to love him he gets the best out of his players and clearly they have their sights set on not only completing the double digits leverkusen the german cup but a potential trouble to win the champions league you know they are in a transitional phase right now but under that leadership you know who knows how much they can accomplish chris talk to me what does it do to the players you know we saw images from the game tonight i mean you can't see it really there but you know there are no there no of spectators there's no one watching the game there next to the pitch i mean what does it do then to to the game and it's better suite of course you know there are some teams that have you know hired the services of sports psychologists just just to deal with the absence you know of that reaction if you know from your fan base of course it's a bit sour you know not to have the fans you know but they're on autopilot and the players do this regardless and i'm sure they'll be very active on social media in
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any way they can to celebrate with their loyal fan base but of course you know this is the new norm we have to deal with yeah as long as they're getting paid i'm sure they are willing to deal with those in the stands right chris harrington it's always chris thank you very much ok are the days almost done the conversation it continues online join us on twitter either you news you can follow me a brick golf t.v. and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day we'll see you then everybody.
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sexual violence. it's been deployed strategically in many conflicts. the goal what is to destroy the morale of your opponent. the courts can't seem to deal with all the cases so most of the perpetrators go unpunished at war time break . in 45 minutes on d w. armstrong really walk on the moon. isn't the earth really flies hafter all. the government claims to. conspiracy theories to spread like wildfire on the internet.
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innocent conspiracy theories can provide comfort in template reality create another . assume about knowledge and belief trust and deception. democracy of the gullible starts july 1st on g.w. . the coronavirus pandemic remains the overriding issue across the world and i'll show today as well this is our planet theme from above while only.
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