tv DW News Deutsche Welle June 18, 2020 9:00am-9:30am CEST
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this is deja vu news live from berlin germany's flan for europe chancellor on a macro is in the german parliament this morning where she said to outline her goals for the 6 months presidency of the european council which begins july the 1st her biggest aims for a coronavirus recovery package and a bigger budget to secure the future of the.
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i'm brian thomas thanks so much for joining us today on the 1st of july germany will be assuming the presidency of the council of the european union now this means that until the end of this year germany will chair the meetings of the council and will be tabling e.u. legislation this morning on a macro will set out to the german parliament her vision for europe and where it should be heading we're seeing some live images right now for from that session that's just getting underway at the bundestag at this hour. the president of the german bund a cycle of gong show you blow will be addressing parliament 1st medical's statement is expected to include details of a massive stimulus package to all economies recover from the impact of the coded pandemic and plans for the distribution of a 1 point one trillion euro budget
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you have used chief political editor michelle acuff they're standing by for us at this hour at the parliament good day to you michelle can you tell us about the priorities berlin will be setting out for europe during its 6 month presidency. well the overarching party is getting through the corona crisis angela merkel said it before she's called this the deepest crisis of the e.u. since it was founded and she sees a european integration much used phrase i could almost say it's something that she needs to build within this crisis she says that europe could emerge from it even stronger but there are many question marks because after all the couple of months ahead will so over money 27 parties are trying to get a share that they can sell as a success that is normal procedure with another long term budget in the pipeline
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and of top of that the question is how this recovery fund will come together where germany has already crossed its own red line of allowing debt funded recovery plan that america doesn't really expect she's already said that this week much headway coming this week with the 1st summit on the budget coming up but one thing is clear that big lofty aims of closer ties with africa also the green deal might not get as much face time amongst e.u. leaders as initially planned so it's all about crisis management ok let's hold on a bit especially about the growing crisis management the european union is said to contract we're looking at about 7 percent this year it's a huge economy it's very very. pandemic shutdown brings the worst economic shocks since the 1930 s. and the great depression what's in the americas plan to cope economically does you have some specific ideas how to manage this in such a huge and diverse e.u.
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economy. well basically she wants to equip countries like spain italy hardest hit by the pandemic but those already deeply in debt like poor to go with the financial means to come out of this having invested in their infrastructure and future. years ago and it was wrong that it is the young mr o'reilly jump in there sorry our own america has just reached the podium floats you look at it. i know when we resume the presidency we will have a job that i will look forward to and which the whole of the german government is looking forward to europe needs us as much as we need to know that. it is not just a legacy that we were gifted by history we need europe as a project to lead us into the future europe isn't just something we have it is
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something become i don't need to show you europe is an open and make system of peace and liberty a system we can need to continually improve when it was created europe was devastated destroyed fragmented. after the civilizations rupture of the show of the 2nd world war all of that caused by a nationalist socialist terra ruling in germany despite all that the founding fathers and mothers managed to overcome this deep suspicion and the experience of war and distribution that was never forgotten never denied it was accepted and turned into a peaceful and democratic europe at that time they had this determination to reconcile which hope couldn't you create a european community from the ruins of the wall on that basis the members
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decided. to do away with border checks and to realize democracy and the rule of law and that was a lesson learned from this terrible will never again inboard nationalist races to terror marginalization the possibility that in europe the political cultural and religious diversity of people what not simply be respected but protected you can ask the european union what we have managed to grow the union hasn't simply enlarged it has said deep inside europe hasn't grown bigger with every single summit at negotiation with every conflict and dispute in substance of course even though it is sometimes a. very wearying princes but it all helped to gain great tranter
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standing from each other and it has helped us to come through a serious crisis in the last german peasants in 27 we had a problem then the financial crisis the crisis of. government debt which was the problem in 2008 and then lastly in 2015 the huge migration movement none of this has ever been easy have a bitter conflicts and those most hurt there was also a misunderstanding occasionally there was a. wrong assessment of whatever was done but it never led to a rejection and however paradoxically i may be this is not something which is going to be adversely affected by the united kingdom leaving the european union on the contrary this decision which we did not wish to see has actually meant that the 27 member countries of the european union are given
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a now stronger than ever driven by the certainty that they can only be. managing to live and experience our european values and defend our interests globally as a community and this is a great achievement for little bones in the union thank you then when i'm 1000 perhaps ladies and gentleman europe suffers from the fact that those of us who wish to have here a say to the rarely we can be proud that maybe one of the problems is that we've taken europe to granted for far too long that we've left it to the opponents of yoga to talk about that. we can convince to feel that we should have made that the whole of the political debate could. and that of course means there can also be criticism that can be impatience because all of artists just as necessarily
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has a sense of community and imagination to hear it and that may say that speaking personally as a german as somebody whose 1st 35 years of our life in a german democratic republic of the me unit with its democratic promise of freedom of the equality is still something which makes me feel a great sense of gratitude thank you we. have been doing that we got back and it obliges me to use all my power to try to make that european problem is coming to fruition and europe is not going to be the sort of europe we want to see if we simply sit back and accept that passively europe can only flourish if we have a great almost strength to it if we develop ambitious ideas of what europe can still become. and that is a responsibility which we are shouldering at a time when the european union is facing the largest challenge in its history.
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and this is why for the german government this german. presidency of the council right in the middle of the pandemic it comes to it's a huge challenge because on the one hand we have to cope with the consequences of the crisis but equally we need to make europe more resilient and viable for the finish the crisis we are experiencing now is different from anything that we have experienced since you know it was founded. the 19th and to make hits all of us we weren't responsible for it and we want prepare for it not in germany not in your not in the world just in europe more than 100000 people lost their lives to it and a few weeks of economic shutdown have been sufficient. yet to endangered much that way 2 years to. the obvious freedoms and rights of citizens were temporary put on hold that was
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a very high province and everybody who joined in making this decision found that decision it's difficult to take and that includes me it was how important to restrict these fundamental rights because in a democratic society where nobody would oppose a restriction of family like fundamental rights wouldn't be a true democracy but there was still special circumstances which made me consider these measures to be not only right but a must. many of them like social distancing to one of the half meters or. wearing the face mask in public spaces these are things i still continue to be necessary. because comics the virus has not gone. it's there and as long as we don't have a vaccination is with us as you see everything equally there we must admit that the pin demick has really revealed the fragility of the european project all the
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initial reflexes even our own. national name character not really your opinion. of you are right some of the reasons for that may have been it was actually reasonable because a global pandemic. did anything about it i mean a global pandemic requires joint international action and mutual support i am glad that the european commission led by also now on the line the president has reacted fast and cautiously and kept requiring us to agree on matter is a pandemic however has also made clear how often europe is dependent on other countries 3rd countries when it comes to people even medicines particularly when it comes to medical equipment and the supplies of the same deficits which became clear once a different questions of the budget and how to deal with it and fiscal matters which
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exist within the european world exacerbated by the pandemic another factor is that everybody was hit by but not equally. the inequalities which exist within the european communities have been made deeper this pandemic shows us that europe is vulnerable which is why i'm saying with the utmost conviction cohesion and solidarity in europe have never been important as they are now. thank you if you think you've no country can withstand this crisis alone and in isolation it can only be overcome if we work with each other and for each other so i want joint objective has to be defined in joint sustainable way of coping with that crisis in a way that looks ahead into the future and that is going to be what will guide our
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presidency approach and i'm convinced that it's the pandemic commitment for the european there and it's not just some. thing which we need to do from a humane point of view but passionately trying to strive for a europe of solidarity is also going to be much more favorable economically in the long run than anything else of course a strong europe also requires a strong germany and to make sure that this remains so the german government will do all it can by. fighting the pandemic and its consequences with all determination and thanks to you and peace in the drum parliament reacting fast we've been able to pass some. measure of stimulus of that our already effective and we are now have a 130000000000 euros worth of a stimulus package which just can't make going through with it a liberation in the parliament but equally let us not forget that national measures can only be true his successful if the other member countries of the european union
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are also stronger and if national activity this flanked by european i thought have a tease. let me make it quite clear once again the pandemic and the economic slump which it has caused are indeed the greatest challenge in europe's history. how you're about cope with this crisis compared to other regions in the world will these signed on the prosperity of the citizens of europe and it will decide which row europe will play alone. but the task goes beyond that because it is a twofold task after all we live in that time independent of the pandemic the way in which we live and do business is undergoing profound change and that is driven by 2 developments one is climate change and having a low carbon and in future. or emissions lifestyle
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but also digitization which is fundamentally changing the way we live and work and all of these changes extremely rapidly. as a result our answer to the economic and social consequences other hand demick must not be returned to the normal standard of living and working instead a change to a new type of work. life needs to be helped strengthen. this world decide after the pandemic created competitive companies sustainably lasting the dogs will exist and we know that others in the world sitting quietly either they act with determination and very robustly it is in this period that i negotiate it would think president of france mark wrongly set up a 5000000005 trillion you need for your of sort of coverage of the
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financial framework of the european union is to be supported by this package so that in particular those regions of europe which were most affected by the pandemic can be supported with investment into their future viability. i strongly welcome the fact that the european commission with its proposal for the next montana financial framework has already submitted a plan for economic recovery and this plan also reflects clients a number of initiatives that we've proposed in the germans. plan. the economic strength in europe is a very important feature which is why it is not to ask to act fast and decisively and that is why i want to make sure that in the council we try to achieve an agreement as soon as possible on both the man monti annual financial framework and to the special recovery fund a starting position isn't easy at all but i'm hoping that all men the countries
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will act in a spirit of compromise given this unprecedented situation i think it will be best if we manage to agree before summer recess but then we will you negotiate with the european parliament during our president say a national parliaments would have sufficient time to ratify decisions until the end of the hearing and such a situation the plan for the recovery of europe and the march on your financial framework which are 2 sides of one coin could actually start to have an effect and benefit europe from 2021 it is the 1st meeting as a video conference for tomorrow this is only initial exchange but after that intensive consultations will have to have the president of the council but of course decisions can only be made when the council actually needs physically. the plan for the recovery of europe is expressed slave related to the pandemic it is targeted and limited in time for the. if this will enable the commission
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just once to take up bonds only hope of the european union from the international financial markets and do stuff to combat the consequences of the pandemic we're trying to make sure that this will be on a sound from legal footing and requiring unanimity in the council and respecting national parliaments sovereignty i respect the proposal made by the commission to actually make sure that this is something which they decide on their own. funds program which all member countries need to the greater this recovery fund is absolutely necessary in order to help to all the areas and regions in europe most adversely affected can i come by that sanny way in which convergence competitiveness and cohesion in europe can be ensured in the long run. it's going to be i think that the economy must not allow that $100.00 m.
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it will have to make sure that the economic aspect is a european union countries will drift apart because that would actually we can be the single market which is after all core element of europe we will work with determination to prevent a lasting digital divide to take place in europe and of course we must not people who are anti democratic forces radical author retiree and movements there are only waiting for such a thing as an economic crisis to then misuse it for their own political ends. thank you very much if somebody is seem to feel addressed by this comment. of these movements only wait to create social fear and. to spread uncertainty making sure we have sustainable development in all the regions of europe is also
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a political tool against populism and against radicals thank. you ladies and gentlemen of the expectations of the german presidency of the council will be very high we have to be aware of that which is why we have tried to find our focus areas apart from the pandemic but we also decided on the big challenges of our time and there are 3 areas up mention today one. climate protection and that is also transiting through a climate neutral economy because climate change and our way of working and living is going to be changed in the most profound way. we have decided on the basis of the climate agreement reached last year using the national program and the european recovery fund to make sure that green growth and digital progress are
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focused on the suggestions for the green deal that has come from the commission is one of the central ideas and it also constitutes a great opportunity particularly for those european companies which had such highly innovative power looking at the viability of europe but looking at what future generations will face we also need to negotiate quite intensively about in european the climate protection law the idea being to make sure that all member countries join and we want to make sure that by 25th europe will be climate neutral that is something which was a difficult. goal to achieve but we want to actually can start in stone legally and secondly digitization we want to make sure we can digitize business answers side to this will help cement the economic success of europe will allow us to act even in the future in order to achieve that we need to be. independent in digital
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terms and economic terms the pandemic however has made very clear how dependent we are when it comes to digitization of others from the point of your technology as well as services but if i speak of digital sovereignty that doesn't mean that we have to do everything ourselves in europe but we've got to be able to decide our selves just where european independence is needed and how to implement it this holds true for setting up a secure and trustworthy data infrastructure in europe but it also has. true for building up capacities for important technologies such as ai. and here we want to use the presidency of the council to make further progress and thirdly. the global and dramatic consequences of the pandemic require europe to take more global responsibility. thank. you know this
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at a time where the political climate not just in europe but all over the world has become rougher antidemocratic off of it tarion. ideas proposed against under human being all of these movements are on the rise denying what europe has set out to achieve they want to undermine the rule of law they want to harm people's dignity they want to question fundamental rights and civil rights. the culture of remember this looking back into history that is something they want to stop and above all they want to take one thing away that we need in the most important sense the right to distinguish between right and wrong truth and lie information this information. thanks. david i think this is something we need to stand up against not just here and not just in europe and europe its promise of peace freedom and equality
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a very precious and we must react if that is damage from inside as well as outside every single generation has the job to be filled up with life every time and that's not a historical burden it's a gift of democracy. so particularly noun the world needs europe to speak up with a strong voice to protect the dignity of human life and democracy. in freedom many humanitarian crises are also getting worse but apparently seem less important given the current pandemic events and that is why during our presidency we must make sure we also look at the needs and requirements of other parts of the world africa is going to be one of the foreign policy focal points of germany as president said we're seeing already that african countries are suffering particularly when it
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comes to the economic and political consequences of the pandemic but equally many countries in africa have a lot of experience in combating condemn experimental. ghana and when it comes to the ebola virus. in october at the summit there full we will try to make sure that we find a joint answer to the crisis how to mitigate the consequences of the pandemic but we will also see that we want to look at africa as a continent of the future and tough it is a relationship in partnership. with europe's relations with china are also going to be one of the focal points of our presidency their decision but on 14 september we were going to have a e.u. china meeting and that we don't decided to move that was not an easy decision to be
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taken. together with our french colleagues and the chinese president i agree that we have to do it later because particularly given the strategic importance of the partnership between europe and china it's very important that europe will speak with one voice the one voice of all 27 member countries theirs and say only way we can really defend our own interests. i favor an open minded dialogue so we can continue working with trying now on things like at the concluding investment agreement achieving progress in climate protection all when it comes to what. joint girl in africa but equally important are questions of the rule of law and human rights and last but not least the future of hong kong where we are extremely concerned that the important principle of one country 2 systems is increasingly being undermined that is a dialogue we will continue while we hold the presidency on the council of we hope that results can be achieved in the interest of climate protection free trade of
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multilateralism. was just because your comics the cover 19 a pandemic. has completely turned our social political and economic life on its head we live in the middle of a pandemic but as europe managed to overcome the last crisis i'm also convinced that this crisis is one together we will overcome we would use about asking early on what the lessons are we can learn from that and what germany can contribute. commission present on the line suggested a future conference for europe and that might be an appropriate format if in that framework we could concentrate on a few issues in the foreseeable future concrete tangible results could be achieved what example the further development of the shank of the system modernization of the competitive laws in order to make it fit for the new challenges of digitization
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. and we want to make sure that we have protection against pandemic maybe we can also create a foreign and security council for europe because that's very important but the money crucial aspect is going to be that here in europe we are brave that we stand up for each other and that we are willing to trade a new path. together for europe's recovery that is the motto of the german presidency and. money the german government and i personally would do my utmost. to to achieve. presidency with all the passion i can muster and i can only tell you together. please give us you support for this way ahead and i'm convinced commitment to europe is going to be with thank you.
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together for europe's economy the motto for the 6 month german presidency which begins on july 1st chasseur on a macro there live laying out to the german parliament her vision for the 6 months of the german your council presidency calling it the biggest challenge in the use history she said the e.u. recovery plan tied to the pinned will be limited in time that it will involve borrowing on international money markets and will respect national party parliaments he also added that the union must work to keep member states from drift drifting apart and that nationalist interests will be working to exploit the crisis to erode your.
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