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tv   Eco Africa  Deutsche Welle  June 18, 2020 9:30pm-10:01pm CEST

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conspiracy theories can provide comfort you don't like reality create another. belief trust deception and. first. the digital revolution is transforming our lives from smartphones and apps to new ways of working but what about the environment can digitize ation help that you know also look at the impact of 19 pandemic shuts down much of the world welcome to a new edition of the who africa. lagos nigeria and hello for me
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to sundra to nobody here in the ugandan couple to kampala well uganda like the rest of the world is to buckling the corner virus and while they looked on only being lifted from sector to sector we're still registering squad a number of new cases still the show must go on and we've put together an interesting set of stories for you. we visit a man in ethiopia who help to bring clean water to his community. we also look at ways that dicta lives can be good and also bad for the environment . and looking and farmers who've discovered a look or 2 side crop raising still warms. covered in $1800.00 caused us to change the way we do many things like shopping for instance many wonder if it is still safe to do shopping b.z.
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outdoor markets or even on crowded streets that is partly why online shopping is common nowadays whether for clothes or groceries it is becoming boring these days also here in africa one company in zimbabwe for example delivers fresh produce and other items directly to your home now but helps the spread of the virus as well as reduce the amount of food wist. zimbabwe may be in lockdown but there isn't much social distancing it had all this market. and it too our cut to business hours means a large portion of the produce can't be sold and is going to waste. ended up working here we are at risk of catching and spreading the virus but we have few options we need the money. without business. in order to bring
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fresh produce directly to the customer mussa c were founded the startup fresh in a box customers can order fruit and vegetables boxes on line and have no need to be at the crowded markets before the panamic a team filled about $120.00 orders a day now it's more than $1000.00. and 15 u.s. dollars for a standard vegetable box it's still a bit of a luxury people having access to the internet now means that they can interact directly with us as farmers don't agree with us and engineers and they can get the full derek to their homes and we can assist in getting rid of the vast amount of projects that we have on all forms. ready packed boxes delivered each day in and around how to have a 12 hour delivery shift guarantee fresh products for many customers online
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shopping is not only convenience but also offers a sense of security. a was an easy easy way to get your vegetables especially when you're unlocked and. it means you don't have to go and fight with the shops. and all the social distancing in the queuing and the hassles. if you say. the freshman book startup walks with 100 in 1000 farmers in zimbabwe. their farm produce is harvested as part order and can be delivered just in time. one of the ethos of our company is to make sure that we have a very low carbon footprint in the everything that we do our packaging for example
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are really boxes form repurposed boxes from other industries so it's been a great way of us keeping costs down keeping our boxed cost price down and also keeping the environment clean. shopping online for fresh produce is not only convenient during the phenomena. but the sustainable way of managing the supply chain helps also to minimize food waste and food most. the story from zimbabwe is an example of one way addicted contribute to environmentalists and good health but growing reliance on powerful computers and data states is also having some negative impact on our ecosystems with a growing number of internet users expected any think any time anywhere dicta lies
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ations ecological footprint will place a grettir pressure on a natural systems let's take a look at a few funds. online activity is soaring and try getting ticks over farms are using more and more electricity digitalization is leaving a huge environmental footprint. today it's already responsible for 3 to 4 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions. that's more than all the e.u.'s waste industry produces each year. together cloud computer digital payment systems and online streaming require huge amounts of electricity. during the code 19 pandemic millions of children and young people were affected by school closures many of them had to take classes as well as socialize online. now over 50 percent of the world's
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population has access to the internet use in 2911 the number of internet users grew by 7 percent. if this trend continues digitalization will account for almost 8 percent of c o 2 emissions by 2025. on the counts of the 4th industrial revolution an ever increasing number of processes are being automated in sectors like manufacturing and health care over that will require even more internet traffic. the energy transition to renewables is also a digital transmission green tech startups are working on energy efficient digital infrastructure to make production processes and energy consumption more sustainable . digital data helps us better understand climate change and other environmental impacts on our ecosystems. intelligent traffic management not only reduces the
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amount of harmful pollutants on the streets but can help to prevent gridlock digital technology could. reduce global c o 2 emissions by 20 percent. digitalization can be green but we need to get more of our power from sustainable sources to prevent digital technology from further increasing harmful emissions. and not to another dig at a solution in this era of mass produced goods you don't or is know exactly what you are buying a lot of course medics for example contain micro plastics but what can you do to point them. well during your. content of the products before they buy them. it can provide detailed information on about her to 1000000 different products maybe your sample is on
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badly. the shelves of shops and supermarkets are lined with products packaged in plastic but there are micro plastics hidden inside some products too especially cosmetics so how can consumers stay clear of products containing the tiny bits of plastic help is now at hand with an coaching barcode scanner and reveals a complete list of our products contents as well as an overall rating of its eco friendly innes. gratings in the course are actually based on experts alike greenpeace w w f our friends of the earth also we have our own scientific team who are its products based on latest type of ink research available since 2016 the
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swiss startup developed up in cooperation with the environmental group friends of the year. and in addition to cosmetics. they can also be used to examine the ingredients in processed foods and cleaning products giving health conscious shop is more confident in their purchasing choices. and how about you if you're also doing your bit tell us about it visit our website or send us a tweet. hash tag doing your bit. we share your stories. modern digital technology can be very useful in improving farming methods to our young agronomist in could have one has developed a will to deploy drones to make farming more efficient all saw more environmentally friendly his company has specialized in what it calls for a cessation agriculture let's go see this. thanks these tomato plantation is
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morny tugh not by far one cause but they are grown over an area the size of a small football pitch east of the bornean point c t obama vision of. the drone idea was launched by a local startup set up by of about cutting he wants to use the new surveillance technology to make traditional farming more productive and more sustainable. sent by example let's say a plot of land has an irrigation problem when one of its 5 hacked heads that's something you can't make out with your own eyes but a drone can identify the area in question and that makes it easier to resolve the problem and at the same time increase your year. when you know that you're and i mean really long after sitting off the drawing uses it's coming read to create digital aerial mops these are in turn related to
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a computer don't want the ground to detect. other issues on plantations it's bottling you i assisted from a farming called position agriculture. so everything. is because it means that we can use the technology to determine exactly where plants have been afflicted by a disease and instead of treating an entire person off land we can focus on the specific area actually affected. my theory and he's sure i'm sure for sure. that's also good for the environment if you will pesticides mean healthy soil on list pollution on plantations. from a fungus and what began walking together with the startup about a year ago in addition to the environmental aspect he also sees another crucial advantage for his country's agricultural industry.
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we have a lot of land and a lot of options for expanding off our land but it's physically demanding market and very tricky to implement which has put a lot of people off farming but this technology is extremely efficient and it also 10000 people back to farm us pleasure in the way they provide. much of the deforestation is done to provide space for huge new plantations ivory cost is the biggest cocoa producer in africa according to figures from the wild bank over the last half a century ivory coast has lost around 80 percent of its forests. or it buys of course we are fighting the 1st question a lot of farmers think they need to 20 and i thought in order to ensure a big carving but we show them how they can get similar with one head or just 5000
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square metres a little later the 2nd drawn is ready to take to the skies it has almost 10 liters of liquid best to say than bored we should be a play big zach leave it where it is needed. deploying drones also prevents damage to the plants roots from the heavy farming machines normally used. i can do with one drawn you can spray 2 hacked as in under 12 minutes with conventional means you'd need an entire day to cover one or 2 hectares. he now has a dozen strong team of prominent stuff i don't 40 customers are already using their phones little solution although attracting a plentiful wasn't easy at fast. the farming sector has been around for a long time when new technologies are introduced it takes a while for people to be convinced of the benefits with a cost of being
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a major fatah money timing from seed to harvest costs between food and $8.00 housing news which for many families initially seems a big but to the startups clinton now extending 2000000 senate gun that drones will be touching down farther afield to. how much do you know about so war yes they are caterpillars of them are native to china and i used to produce so for centuries most silk was produced in asia but over time the practice spread now and as a climate crisis is forcing farmers to final time it is to pull crops so farming is giving popularity in countries like. cyclones there are the leaves of marbury trees and they are giving hope to farmers in kenya due to the extreme weather patterns of recent years you don't know we know
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has turned to farming and this is the 26th the day and you can see the. already spinning. they are making a point. in other words they have already reached this stage that. stage yes as the us does they spin we have asked our quince the former senior research of the international center of insecure geology and ecology stuff at the same venture and 2015 what is left for us. in form of corns we shall subject it to post how this thing processes that includes the flow shown of the book and you know removing their pupae inside so that we use the remaining part of it for producing the thread today you don't know we know owns our own 500000 margaret trees planted over 5 because.
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many of the farmers in the region are following his example. to find a profitable crop to sustain their livelihood there ditching traditional cash crops such as coffee maize or sugar cane we haven't been working. to develop technologies for this ilk so that we can give farmers their seeds. and. under english and specific. groups. of villages where they cannot. for the calls and we are linking farmers markets. on your soup production amounts to approximately 2 metric tons of dried cochran's but the potential is far greater the amount of berry trees whose leaves the warms it
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tyrant and resistant to the cord morcha souness's pairing of silk worms for production of raw silk or sorry concha is becoming increasingly popular as a result we have. in the country and in countries where it is actually done isn't getting the production is in china. japan. and in india it is india isn't doing well. so if you lead kenya and continued to. 96 is also used in the manufacture of skin products contact lenses soaps and proven organic products the national sorry culture research center is contrary offering from a subsidy plants and mary berry cuttings are very subsidized rates and with the help of international investors they're also working to try and farm of and help
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them identify markets. they recently know 100 he has a goal to come had to been just to sue because puerto ended after that. we study that lot of say culture on the soup so now we. high technology to. take culture but we can't use it because. japan is too developed and also the crime rate the crime rates in the kenya is much better than japan to take culture and by adopting to the changing climatic conditions small scale firmest like you to know we know how phone the way of sustaining their livelihoods . according to the world health organization about 2200000000 people around the
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world don't have access to safe drinking water one region particularly hard hit out of africa where many people can only dream of having one awards or anywhere near their home and it is for that very reason that after many years abroad engine if ecod do return to his native ethiopia to still want to talk in the rural communities in recognition of his own standing saugus he was awarded an international prize on the of this year. like many people in rural ethiopia this mother of 7 doesn't have a water tap in her home until recently she and her family had to fetch their water from far away but now a water tap has been installed on a field just one minute away from where they live. in the morning to be fashed
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water and then we were going to get in the evening and last year we started using the water nearby it's cleaner and it's improved our hygiene. in this region 250 kilometers west of ethiopia's capital addis ababa 9000 new water points have been installed. they provide locals with access to a reliable supply of clean water. the project was initiated by mechanical engineer for a car to a lake. he spent 16 years in germany as a political refugee but returned to ethiopia to contribute to his country's development and nature conservation efforts. i was in would reading the political activities of the 970 s. i had a problem with that region and then i leave the country and i came through germany as if you just as i was about to finish it. there was
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a regime change in ethiopia and i told is it time to go home and to rid of the people because. people i mean. it's a country and nobody would help as a country there are now fewer cases of worms and bacterial infections thanks to the new system it benefits not only hemans but cattle too. we used to fetch water in the mud and we had many problems now water is accessible close to our home and we have regained our health and the health of our children to. meet the burden of fetching water is often carried by children and particularly girls this girl does it about 3 times every day reducing the walking distances to water points improves the lives of children in many ways if she did going to a distant place to teach whatever they don't have much time to do their homework is and would not be in this school we seem to also get used to it's not the place. and
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it would be the abused. and when it will fire forms at home another problem is logging trees a file for firewood or to make way for new fields the deforestation is a cause for concern you see. on the mountains there was a forest before the youth. with no trees to secure the soil it washes away with the seasonal rains this phenomenon called erosion stops the water from being kept in the ground. to tackle the threat of a russian the government has the villages dig trenches in the fields not about it but not much but about it. you know you cannot plan when you are. the water from the fields above will flow into trenches this will prevent soil abrasion and also reduce drought. on mt and total close to address the terracing technique has already borne fruit beckerman this natural
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spring was 1st discovered by clergymen working for emperor mentally in the late 19th century it was rehabilitated by ficarra to a lakers team and now provides more water than ever. we still have to stand in line but the amount of water has increased a lot before the water wasn't clean and wild animals cattle and humans were all using up together. these young indigenous trees were also planted by the community during the last rainy season in part to counter the adverse effect of the eucalyptus tree which flourishes here means you can produce a fast growing through from arthur area there are globs pre about 3 can up the street is draining much water from the ground whatever we have submitted an application to remove this one and replace it by indigenous trees so we kind of.
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even if drought and deforestation continue to hamper access to water in rural areas . has managed to improve the water supply for more than 55000 people in ethiopia. i'm afraid we've run out of time for today we hold this sure has given you some useful information on how our digital world does have some positive benefits for both people and environment wishing you good health in this difficult times then take care and goodbye for now for me now in lagos nigeria. for me sundra to no deal here in kampala please do join us once again next week for another edition of a africa in the meantime you can visit a website on social media channels all the best to you and try to stay safe get by .
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the power of points. where i come from i never saw the sun way to. heaven i know enough in brazil my son was always a man since the portuguese word for sun it's masculine when i moved to germany as a 10 year old i want to cut through the month you need that would change how i see the world because in germany. this family. even now but the side of a good use so much time with the ponytail instead of
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a deep voice extroverted guy seemed absolutely incredible. i realized how language shapes and thinking how definitions are not only a mental image just what our whole perception of the world. does inside saved my life and was one of the reasons i became a journalist i'm a storyteller and i use my words to help with intercultural understand my name and then i'm away due to my work and to town people. and language courses. or. any time anywhere. w. . some people don't care about me. because they don't see night beauty.
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some people don't care because they think i have nothing to give. but 2000000000 people who do. too then i am everything. the a food. life you hood. but day by day i need to sit. and so does everything. 1000000000 people who care about me. me me. and now.
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this is g.w. news why but from a contract killing here in the german capital carried out on the orders of the russian government prosecutors say the kremlin ordered last year's murder of a georgian man in a berlin park. threatens to retaliate for the moves to punish russia for the murder also coming up tonight german chancellor angela merkel outlining ambitious goals for the upcoming german force and see of the european council be included coronavirus recovery package and a bigger budget to get the european union through what she.


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