tv Made in Germany Deutsche Welle June 19, 2020 5:30am-6:00am CEST
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downloads because there could be from super good seats to be. very costly as part of the interactive exercises the characters in the comic d.w. don't come splash don't land on facebook or in the story. learn german so free it w. . the coronavirus pandemic remains the overriding issue across the world and in our show today as well this is our planet seen from above while only a handful of astronauts ever see the world from this perspective all the rest of us remain on the ground and have nowhere else to go so in that sense and we're all in
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this together how well are we weathering the crisis how will the pandemic reshape our world that's all focused on made in germany today welcome for germans and germany enthusiastic this is news but a company stress enough how much germany's small and medium sized businesses are the absolute backbone of the economy and many fear that they are at much greater risk of going under because of the freeze and economic activity than the bigger well known companies are report them into a smith has been tracking the fortunes of a few small business owners a rollercoaster ride few have ever experienced before. next target the last few days has been an emotional roller coaster. as a fund and i went from thinking ok i quit to want and i can't face this and i'm just going to ride it out to good lord what's happening in the world.
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but life goes on life always goes on. here to an abandoned work place. alexander manufactures machines to make ice cream but now there's no market for them across germany fat grounds at amusement parks are shuttered orders are down by 50 percent. for spring is usually our busiest time that's when we get most of our business we've scaled down production and the workforce took holiday for which. came outside berlin this company that makes advertising materials has also seen a drop in clients it's opted to switch focus. that he can afford a friend of mine a local pharmacist called me up and said are pharmacy needed protective plexiglass screens and she gone to the hardware store to see if they could make something like
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that. then she told us because she knows we make lettering for example out of plexiglas we have lasers machinery know how so she asked us to make them screen us and fought with on what we came up with the design the very same day it was a sunday we got some screens ready and assemble them on monday and that's how we switched to making plexiglass protective screens. yeah if i'm carefully expunged speaking from export when you're probably wondering why i'm calling. as well i noticed that you bought some trainers 2 years ago. they must be getting a bit worn out by now so i thought i'd call and see if you want to new pair. since customers can't come to his shop frank here has decided to drum up business with some cold calling.
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most of his staff are at home and getting paid according to the state back to short time work scheme. the occasional customer agrees to make a purchase. the stores have been shut for 12 days now feels like much much longer but it's becoming more normal of some business. and that distracts me from the severity of the situation. delivers the orders by bike that saves money and it's environmentally friendly that's a priority for him even during the pandemic. but that just many orders he doesn't have any savings to fall back on if things carry on like this he'll go out of business in a few weeks. gemini's trying hard to prevent businesses from folding as they run out of order and money more than that it has created what it
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calls a protective shield to quote protect people's health safe jobs support companies and maintain social cohesion its bailout programs amount to $1.00 trillion euros so far that's a huge sum close to huff of germany's g.d.p. but there is more it's also lowering the value added tax and that is designed to help the public at large us consume is by making goods and services somewhat cheaper it's boosting investment in eco friendly technologies and providing financial support to municipalities and local authorities but of course a huge chunk of the money. it's going to businesses in the form of various schemes that includes cheap loans as well as learn guarantees and then there is courts of art short term work it takes the pressure off companies and helps workers keep their jobs and maintain income this scheme made in germany is drawing the attention of countries around the world.
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suzanna schmidt to have seen a german chemicals company. because of the coronavirus crisis there's less for her to do so she currently only goes to work 2 days a week and is paid for those days by her boss all times are tough so the company could terminate contracts but instead it's signed on to a short time works again which is part of germany's government unemployment insurance system workers can keep their jobs upon receiving partial unemployment benefits that costs the state less than paying out full unemployment benefits to workers who've been sacked. this scheme applies if at least 10 percent of a company's workforce have at least 10 percent less to do than usual whatever size the company. for the 3 days a week suzanne is not working the short time work scheme pays 60 percent of what
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she would have earned after deductions and with 20 percent paid by her employer she earns 80 percent of her usual salary that should be enough to get by on during this time her health insurance and pension fund contributions are also covered by the government. in april german companies put almost a 3rd of their workforce on short time work more than ever before. during the last major financial and economic crisis in 2009 millions were also put on short time work the scheme saved hundreds of thousands of jobs. in other countries have adopted this german model. the cost of the program is sort of the coronavirus crisis an estimated $34000000000.00 euros so far in order to support workers like susanna schmidt the government will go into debt the question now is how much new debt she was willing or able to take on. many businesses are
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desperately trying to stay afloat using creativity and relying on the government's help for some it's starting to resemble business as usual while others will have to get used to a new normal we rejoin for part 2 of his chronicle of lockdown and reopening. alexander kyle and his team are resuming production spring is in the air and ice cream parlors are reopening so they hope orders might start to trickle in. until that happens they're doing repairs and maintenance having something to do helps lift the spirits. journalists aren't allowed to go on location to film reports they could spread the virus only a single camera person can go out interviews are done via video calls.
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we're building up inventory for now we assume that as the lockdown eases our customers will reactivate existing orders and start spending money again. on not really to challenge was finding ways to involve the people who do the metalworking or the graphics in the new production process. saying ok today you're not welding you're sticking lettering on plexiglass screens and helping with packaging i'd say that was the biggest problem the hardest adjustment. was. april the peak of the coronavirus crisis in germany with no income frank here gets a loan of 15000 euros from the state. and the financial aid is crucial it helps take some of the pressure off. we don't need to pay it back here. and the municipality our landlord says we don't have to pay rent at the moment otherwise
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things are normal we have to stop. ready and waiting the a definitely helps. us feel follett. we've had to tap into our financial reserves letting people go is not an option we need our employees we owe them a lot and we're paying them. for the food we're glad we found something to do no one has to sit around at home and rely on money from the state by making flexi glass screens were able to keep everybody on we don't need to send anyone home. at the end of april the state government says shops can reopen. drunk it informs his customers via social media that he's back and raring to go. so this is been day one of the great reopening. and it was amazing to have real
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contact with our customers again tomorrow and can contact it was fun thank you for being there all the best. the mood improving plans are being hatched again this machine just arrived from china. but given that it was only going to say you're not sure what to do with the 3 d. printer or how to use it to work on the it's always like that with us we buy new equipment and it stands around at 1st because we don't know what to do with it we just want to own it is always like that with the lasers they just stood around to be identified to use and now we use them all the time yes. we're slowly getting back to normal. by now we have 3 categories of goods. mom my mom you know running
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shoes or running stuff in general. then cycling on. cyclists. yet so many are moving more into hiking so i am feeling quite positive about things at the moment. all in all we got off quite likely considering the kind of business we're in. of course we've taken a hit. but when i look around and see how others are fairing restaurants and the food service sector in general i must say we are in relatively good shape. still the long drawn out crisis is not over yet many people's financial reserves have already been depleted and there might well be a 2nd wave of the coronavirus and all the anxieties of recent months would come rushing back. do pandemics have
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a silver lining i know that may seem like an inappropriate question but finding the good in between the doom and gloom might help us handle this whole situation just a little bit better so let's look back at major public health crises in the past in their aftermath some things did improve in important ways here's a swift trip through nearly every millenia of pandemics and when you'll. make spring death and economic devastation but they can also be a catalyst for change progress and innovation. in the 14th century the bubonic plague that caused huge boils and breathing difficulties killed a 3rd of europe's population. as a result labor became scarce and more expensive that triggered the 1st of innovation. wheels windmills and the printing press helped to replace human labor
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houses a brick and stone rather than low. made life harder for rats and fleas which spread the disease. or take cholera a bacterial infection that causes severe diarrhea it devastated many cities in the 19th century in 1902 it killed 8600 people in hamburg and cost the economy 400000000 marks the city had failed to build a sewerage system and provide clean water so as with them built in poor neighborhoods meeting. the flu pandemic of 1900 may have killed 15000000 people it's known as the spanish flu but it started in the united states where the virus jumped from pigs to people. while the city of st louis went into lockdown philadelphia carried on as normal and even put on a large parade its had twice as many deaths a saint louis. more people died in europe in 1900 of the flu than were killed in
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world war one including many young soldiers in response more attention was paid to hygiene and advances were made in the elegy. and what about the current coronavirus pandemic flu rather just to epidemiologists have overseen an unprecedented shutdown of the economy in many lands that's left many companies struggling to survive. but at least for a while air pollution dropped sharply. down and working from home have boosted digital technologies for communication administration and medicine that's one way corona may be changing the world. and there is another way that this crisis could be a catalyst for a better future to promote more eco friendly and responsible companies that's what many germans as well as the left and green opposition parties hopeful that the
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state could use its grants loans and guarantees to steer its economy towards more sustainability and financial responsibility but if you get into the nitty gritty of who's getting what and how that doesn't seem to be happening. the current virus crisis has been wearing people down for months for many companies revenue has all but dried up the government has had to step in. if your state makes so much money available out of tax revenue it's legitimate to establish certain criteria. major blue chip companies requested and received government support. for example germany's largest airline and finance what has protested against its bailout it says probably shift profits to tax havens. it's like stealing from the doctor who's trying to save your life. if the state and thus the people shells out vast sums to
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save big companies shouldn't it also set the terms. of the world's changed what society needs is solidarity. the once tight fisted government suddenly disperses huge sums. company 6 gets a credit line of 1500000000 euros sic on a may which owns electronics retail chains gets a loan of 1700000000. travel group to eat gets a loan of 1800000000. added baskets loans of about $3000000000.00 but tops the table with a package worth $9000000000.00 euro loans plus equity capital the state will buy new shares to take a 20 percent stake. without a bailout would collapse global travel has almost stopped in its tracks down 80 percent since march turns as c.e.o.
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says it's losing more than a 1000000 euros an hour the state may be the largest shareholder but according to loft under it won't influence management but intends quote to exercise the voting rights that attach to the shares only under exceptional circumstances such as protection against a takeover. the question is why would this not be the moment to insist on say measures to enhance climate protection. plans are chances should be made to reduce its emissions like in france if so much money is made available to help companies they should do everything they can to help meet the goals of the paris agreement on climate change. but this would also be a great opportunity for the companies because their current business models have no future. of course reducing greenhouse gas emissions is key to mitigating climate change but finance what is focusing on other issues. as study it
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commission came to the conclusion that lost tons are probably diverts profits by as many as $92.00 subsidiaries to low tax jurisdictions such as island switzerland panama the cayman islands and malta. and found a subsidiary that with a staff of 2 and profits of about $200000000.00 euros a year. rinder strive if the state takes a stake in the company it must ensure that the interests of the taxpayer of the citizens are taken into account and for large firms that receive money need to be transparent about the corporate structure about where they pay their taxes and how much that's the only way we can be sure they don't shift profits in order to avoid paying tax here in an official. year. love terms a c.e.o. says the state is paying a low price for its new shares and the risk of a loss is low quote theoretically the state could exit at
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a high profit immediately after entry this increases the likelihood that the taxpayer will receive the high return. they allow this must also be used to promote sustainability and climate protection companies that fail to grasp that are going to have serious problems and will eventually go under. bush with. lufthansa has been expelled from the dark blue chip index it's no longer worth an elf i have the impression its bailout is a missed opportunity. only change if it's to their benefit. if the state saves companies from bankruptcy it only seems right that they then be a blind to contribute to the common good. i was one of the lucky ones who could work from home these past months this is actually my 1st time in the studio since the beginning of the pandemic but i felt powerless the world was and is in crisis and i was stuck at home feeling unable to do anything to help or at
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least that's what i thought but i ventured out mislead virtually and found many ways to help others one of which is actually contributing to find a cure for this vicious virus. thing i was doing this current crisis doesn't just benefit those in need but yourself as well and there's so many ways of doing that some more unusual than others. this olympic medals completed an entire triathlon in his house in spain to fund efforts to fight the growing of ours. let's virial of course we're not all viral heroes but we don't have to be they of us are spending a lot less money than we usually do money that's missing in other places. you used to commute spend money laundering out to a restaurant. i know good times but if you can you might
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turn into money you have left over to charity there are so many struggling right now or give the money to those places you'd be going by donating buying their outfits. to the government's astutely. who are doing is just trying to achieve. community. by providing food and so too should material so we went out. so. what. i decided to reach out to my facebook friends and i asked them if they would help me raise some money to help feed 100 people and now i've done 2000 people who outreach can be as easy as just putting up a sign in your neighborhood offering help to those in need as long as you yourself are healthy this is even
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a dedicated function for that on facebook where you can offer and find help in your local area. for example my computer is working really hard right now to me here. trying to help find the treatment for covered 90 this guy explain it for you. create. a map search these protests and these 3. very important other stuff the better understand how the proteins and dissimulation that we do they require a massive pair of computing power that is why it's old and it's old it's composed of personal computers laptops from people all over the world. according to holding a town and is now the biggest supercomputer on. these mappings opened up new possibilities for treatments against the law and the research was
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a hoping they can see the scenes on the ground and there are many other projects you can participate in if you're interested look for citizen science projects. it's been an outpouring of support for essential workers world wide. yeah i mean clapping his whole his. appreciation by i think it's just coming from the right. wrong place right now. health care workers started government petitions one form or another could pay of health care workers and $1.00 for their overall better protection and treat. i want them to the consider what we have to do want to daily basis on how we are good our lives every single day we're worker jane people to sign the online petition and then to reach out to you but there are representatives and senators to support the bill there is similar petitions worldwide you can sign clapping and rice but actually getting active to support the
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essential workers that's more effective. i know it's boring and i know you everyone sick of being home oh gosh just stay at home really if we get slow or stop the spread of this virus by just take it easy precautions and staying away from people that's the best thing so i'm going to stay put and help as much as i can from the safety of my own home i board belgians from my favorite places and my computer is diligently computing for science. thanks so much for watching and if you feel like it please take out the other episodes of hash tag in this together. you can find them on the d w news facebook page let's keep hanging in there wait industry get up and we need each other to make it to the other side that's it for today on made in germany thank you for watching.
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. most of her come on. the father of the turks. he created the modern state but his reforms remained controversy and to this day. was the man behind this vision. revered by some cursed by others how to jerk the father of modern turkey. in 75 minutes on t.w. . w.'s crime fighters are back never goes most successful radio drama series continues this season the stories focus on hate speech color of prevention and sustainable chocolate production. all of a sow's are available online and of course you can share and discuss on africa's
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facebook page and other social media platforms. crime fighters tune in now. indeed. climate change. because there's so. much missing people. what ideas do they have for their future. d.w. dot com african they go sit in the making business coach and mentor. like . to think she. didn't she painted me.
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dance in a saloon there you soon look at me. my own said. i am and i'm so over the original. the secret of an only son starts july 3rd d. w. . this is d w news and these are our top stories a strategy in prime minister scott morrison says the country is on to cyber attack from a foreign state. he says all levels of government critical infrastructure and essential services are being targeted a public broadcast of the i.p.c.c. reports that federal agencies below.
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