tv DW News Deutsche Welle June 19, 2020 8:00am-8:16am CEST
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i think nice things to look at me. to see could have been the only shot starts july 3rd d w. this is the day of you news live from berlin europe's unprecedented economic recovery plan evil leaders are preparing to debate a 750000000000 euro plan plan to help europe bounce back from the worst economic straits since the depression. but can europe overcome divisions on how the money is to be paid out also on the show australia says it is under cyber attack from
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a state based actor targeting public services government and businesses the prime minister is not naming the culprits but the speculation is it's china. and as beijing says it has the latest drone a virus outbreak under control we have a report on how the chinese government is stifling voices criticize like this if they're criticizing his handling of the panda. i'm brian thomas good to have you with us today european union leaders are preparing for what's expected to be difficult talks today on a future buzz budget and an unprecedented 750000000000 euro covert recovery fund they're holding a video conference that they hope will pave the way to a plan to help the block bounce back from the crisis the chancellor merkel has
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called the biggest challenge in europe's history but deep divisions remain over how the money should be paid out. let's go straight to brussels now the mass is standing by for more on this good morning to you go argh can you tell us what are the fault lines on this budget brian appreciate appears to me that the biggest sticking point really here is whether we should have grants or loans as a main part of this recovery fund now the arguments are on the table that the french german initiative says it should mainly be grounds because the economic crisis is fierce and on the other side you have the so-called frugal 4 states in the north of europe you have the netherlands you have denmark austria sweden and they say look we rather have loans and also they want to look into the criteria who will get how much money. and because they see their argument is you know we
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don't want to reward countries on the basis of their economic performance before the corona crisis and that is what currently they say the proposal of the european commission foresees ok well when the german chancellor spoke of about this ahead of today's summit you picked up on some of the challenges you mentioned georg when addressing the bundestag let's take a listen to that. chancellor merkel says the e.u. faces the greatest challenge in its history economic freefall unemployment industrial bankruptcies and rising debt and all of this just weeks before germany takes over the rotating e.q. presidency. countries accusing is no country can overcome this crisis alone we can only made it if we work with each other and for each other our common goal has to be to overcome this crisis as a community with long term solutions merkel defended
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a plan to rescue package worth 750000000000 euros saying this is a way to fight populism and european division but the far right if tea party says this sum is too high and these crises won't be solved by spending massive amounts to help companies out of debt no to 9000000000 euros in transfers and liability risks the german people's money should not be spent rescuing europe fend it to business friendly f.d.p. party wants structural reforms and if i were to be malicious i'd say the support is not going to the people actually suffering from the pandemic it's going to the countries that are the least competitive and have the highest reform deficits it's the germany you presidency will be one to focus on climate protection america has also said fighting climate change tops her agenda along with digitisation so that europe can become stronger and more independent. we just heard some of the domestic criticism of this package inside the bundestag what about throughout the 27 member
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states is there enough political will on so many different fronts to keep europe united on this. i'd say it's a natural process that you have the formation of pressure groups you have countries in the east of europe who are looking where are our advantages in the upcoming budget because look we're not only looking at this recovery fund we're also looking at the financial framework of the european union so there's a lot of interest involved and let's bear in mind it's only one month since my call and market proposed this you have to say revolutionary idea to make mutual debts to have the european commission take up debts on the financial markets and then handed out to member states and so i think it'll take some time many diplomats have told me look this is today will only be the starting point of a much longer to bait until we get to actually have a rescue package on the table but there isn't a lot a lot of time for so many countries that need this cash desperately when can we
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expect some person to person on video conference meetings moving forward. that's let's say i would expect that to happen in july at least that is what many member states would like to have personal meetings because look there's also an argument here on the table when it comes to video conferences once a camera zoomed out from one of those meetings and there were a lot of people sitting in the room with a state leader so whatever state leaders say in these video conferences it will be public and that restrains them of course from the deals you have when they meet in person when they can walk across the table have a break a little bilateral on the sites and that is i think definitely what it will take in order to get this this rescue fund over the line gary thanks very much for that from brussels. let's get to briefed on some of the other stories making the news this hour brazil's kovan 1005 democrats spreading quickly according to the health
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ministry the country will soon top 1000000 confirmed factions and 50000 deaths zola's on to the world's worst outbreak of sort of the us. facebook has removed dad spy us president donald trump's reelection campaign the ads contain a symbol that was used in nazi germany facebook has released a statement saying he's trump campaign messages while aided their policy on organized hate. colombia's army has freed 2 ters kidnapped by suspected grows 3 months ago and then a swiss and brazilian so they were abducted gunpoint while returning to bogota after visiting the pacific coast region has seen a rise in violence as part dissidents and drug gangs compete for territory. now in a sophisticated cyber attack by a state based actor has been launched against australia the country's prime minister's hold a briefing to warn the country of specific risks as the ongoing hack reaches more
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and more of the nation's infrastructure scott morrison says all levels of government critical critical infrastructure and essential services like health and education are being targeted he stopped short of specifically naming any suspects but australia's public broadcaster the a.b.c. is reporting that federal agencies believe china is to blame here some of what scott morrison had to say. we know he does a sophisticated study by saw the actor because of the sky will and nature of the targeting and the try craft used there are not a lodge number of state by state actors the can engage in this type of activity and it is created by strongly advise that we have received that this has been done by i started by stacked with very very significant type abilities. or earlier we spoke with josh keller he's a technology and politics reporter with the guardian australia and melbourne he
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says that a range of cyber attacks have been going on for a while against australia we want to know why the government has chosen this particular time to make the statement. this is an ongoing issue we businesses and government targets particularly not keeping up state with we making sure that they're on top of this our securities are not vulnerabilities not making sure that the cheaper authentication not making sure that their systems are secure and that makes them want to attacks like these which are very you know embarrassingly easy to exploit if you're not keeping us safe is i think the government is a little bit frustrated that i guess the public is not taking a bit more seriously are promising a bit like the coronavirus warnings where almost 0 to wash their hands and things like that we say simply the government saying it is this do you do like you don't hope this will stop the other thing is that although not explicitly and then insurance for them a bit of a warning 'd shot to china to say you know you're 'd doing it and you know we but the people that is the goals of the future if we will is really only very few
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countries i think it's basically just china russia and maybe north korea that would be potentially targeting a share of the capabilities 'd to do large scale attacks like this i mean obviously the united states would but there's nare already for the united states so it makes more sense for it to be one of those 3 and i think you know the signs point to a big shot of islam but parts of it are some things that have been become unhinged thing we not name them i think that's a more of a diplomatic thing that they're going to watch while there are international chatter is going to interpret it is a sham and we shouldn't see what they say in the next couple of days josh hiller there china has reported 25 new cases of trying a virus in the capital beijing backing up claims that the government has the latest outbreak under control authorities acting quickly to contain that new outbreak the spread last week from a food market but critics say the government's exploiting the pandemic for propaganda means and that any criticism of its handling of the current crisis is being stifled. few in china have felt the economic impact of the coronavirus as
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much as migrant workers. who are young she is a day laborer who usually works on construction sites but the building sector took a hit from the coronavirus outbreak nonetheless. finding a job is harder now than it was. there more protective regulations like social distancing rules. but we have survived the worst months of the pandemic threat even quite sure that she wasn't. at private job center as postings on the windows show how much the job market has taken a hit wages are declining the equivalent of around 20 u.s. dollars per day instead of 30. but who are you and she says he doesn't want to criticize china in front of the international media. she junie is one of the few people in china willing to speak out he's a human rights lawyer and authorities have been watching him more closely since the pandemic began. when many chinese took to social media to call for freedom of
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speech he participated by signing a petition. with the police told me that if i didn't cooperate with them and delete what i had written if i continued to speak my mind there would be consequences for my family and me. she worries that the government will use the pandemic to tighten its control over chinese citizens a number of journalists have already felt the pressure. now leads a war was a news anchor for state controlled media when the pandemic kid he quit his job to report independently from. a classified ad called for night shift workers at a funeral home lead took the job hoping to find out the true number of people who had succumbed to the virus. he was broadcasting live when plainclothes police
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entered his apartment and arrested him he disappeared for 2 months. in april he appeared in a single video explaining that he was simply in quarantine that many of his viewers say he had been forced to lie. china's critics say state propaganda has been ramped up since the pandemic began state t.v. portrays china as a global savior sending health care supplies by the ton to countries in need national pride is on the rise china's handling of the crisis has been a model for the world that's the opinion of many here at the great wall. this is how china works 1st our leaders come up with a plan and the people should follow without raising too many objections and benefits everyone you know kind of offending began the way that a hallmark. so here you see the difference between socialism and capitalism you
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should probably take a lesson from china china believed it had the coronavirus pandemic under control the economy was once again up and running but a new outbreak threatens to draw the country back into a crisis. this did of years just get your mind of our top stories this hour elaters are due to hold a video conference and debate a 750000000000 euro fund to help europe bounce back from the deep economic crisis brought about by the cope with that damage they face divisions over whether the money is handed out directly grants or. and the australian prime minister scott morrison says the country's under cyber attack from the foreign states based actors all levels of government critical infrastructure essential services are being targeted australia's public broadcaster the a.b.c. is reporting the federal agencies believe china bought the time. don't forget you can always get data of the news on the go download an app from google play or
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from your app store this gives you access to all the latest news around the world as well as push notifications breaking news and if you are part of a news story you can use that app to send us photos and videos of what's happening where you. i'm brian thomas for the entire news team. that's about. combating the corona pandemic. where does research stand. what are scientists learning. background information and news. hour corona update. covert 19 special next on d w.
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