tv In Good Shape Deutsche Welle June 19, 2020 6:30pm-7:01pm CEST
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mindlessness. like. giving she painted me. and mine. i knew fascination only those who look at me. the secret of mona lisa starts july 3rd d. w. . you're watching in good shape belt so on d. w. posted by dr costin that could touch. hello welcome to in good shape. what does it actually mean to be fixed.
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surely comes from fitting like my shirts i fit like a block. of the origin of the road still remains unclear interests believe that it need come from do it with swerd. it may also be that it comes from the elite in the. fight. anyhow let's take a look what a famous search engine shows went into the word fit. oh i see a lot of young girls and lean. it seems that fitness is just something for young people isn't it. introducing the seniors. this team of 9 older people is going to get down and dirty for in good shape. they're going to tackle a 5 kilometer obstacle course involving hurdles and muck soaked mayhem. it's known
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as tough mudder and like the name says it's not for the squeamish and for. nothing they're getting their 1st taste right now watching others doing the course is actually going to looks like a lot of fun. and they're up for the challenge. oh yeah the instructor really is here to prepare the contestants with some intensive training on obstacles similar to those in the competitive event. it's my movie there are always 2 ways of getting over a hurdle with power or technique you guys ready. jump up elbow down and then bring this like up just fine you. simply enough in theory at least. but will it always seem years manage the 5 k. slog through mud and over the hurdles are they in shape for the challenge.
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here or. i will show you the results of this experiment with you in just a moment but 1st i will have a nice talk with the fitness pro dr fernando de meo here at the center for sports medicine in berlin. do you want to know how you can stay 40 years long 40 years old i am paid you right now. there are more than 650 skeletal muscles in your body and when we move come into action i quote me smile 17 or bend and frowning uses over 40 different muscles muscles are important strength is
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important no matter what we are. this gym caters to very specifically entail people like darby who's been doing weight training for 20 years has been the constant and what training is important that often gets you through the day better. and sometimes you can show off a bit with your strength with the customer not one god. sports scientist andre is closer has developed a program for the elderly so how does it differ from normal weight training. if there's not that much difference between a 30 year old any 80 year old it's more to do with less movement and exertion once you're past 50 systems and trophy faster and will deteriorate if we don't counteract that with a certain amount of intensive exercise but the training methods themselves are virtually identical well into old age. to understand why weight
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training is especially important for older people we need to look at our muscle structure. skeletal muscles consist of red fiber is high in stamina but low on strength and white fibers which is strong but are not as good for insurance. the white fibers tend to atrophy from about the age of 30 but they're the very ones needed to keep a stable on our feet falls are one of the most frequent causes of injury in old age . have a must over the force of more in 1st couple of years when you stumble on the stairs forces equivalent to 9 times your body weight come into play as you age and muscles weaken without enough exercise you can't muster the same strength as we used to think it was about aging now we know it's a process that people simply move less generally as they age and they also don't do enough intensive exercise. thanks to her weight
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training gabby is fit and independent at 78. as of this. is how well it works in summer 2002 i did some gardening and in the evening i had back pain and then in summer 2003 after 6 months exercising hair i did the same work again and i thought hey my back spine noise no super. studies do indeed show that weight training. it's especially beneficial for the elderly when it comes to. us. and it works best when they push themselves to their limits even with preexisting condition so high blood pressure or joint problems don't necessarily disqualify. as you get older the temptation is always to find out how far can still go but you
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have to clear that with the doctors you can't just go at it like crazy without checking you over. anyone with joint problems should consult a doctor about possible restrictions not weight training can benefit everyone at any age. i know that dr fernando de meo he's a sports doctor here at the temple fishbowl media scene in berlin which insulates into center for sports medicine hi nice to meet you today and what does fitness actually mean many people associate fitness with strength they have large muscles the body be lost but indeed fitness is a composite of 5 different abilities it is strength in durance flexibility coordination and speed all 5 are related to feet and if you lack one of them you cannot consider yourself quite fit well ok do understand this about strength and
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endurance because this is classical fitness but why is cutting nation so important well consider a person who want to dance even they are strong and they are very resistant they come down for hours about it's not going to be fun it's not going to be graceful it's not all not going to be nice for the partner you need all 5 abilities if you are not coordinated while driving a bike for example or if you are not flexible enough you are going to find it out and you're going to see that you have a lack of ability in this area i myself am a runner and i think i've got very good in durance and i'm not very flexible so do you think i should work on my flexibility to consider myself being fit if you observe body builder for example is there really large person with a huge muscle mass but something falls behind or under the bed and he has to reach to find it well he is going to see that these huge muscles in this strength is not
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enough for daily activities which are also there are important well people do have different levels of fitness some people run a marathon and others are just bystanders and a lot of breath is that the kind of predisposition. of course the huge part of it is inherited and we are born with different abilities but we all share. ability is the ability to improve our physical performance if we work out we adapt to exercise we adapt to physical ability and this is common for everybody hence if you say i am not very fit i was not born there if it where you can get fitter if you exercise. even why growing older or is it normal that the fitness level decreases over age 9 what we observe is that people in their seventy's who are very active and kept exercising in the last 20 years they are fewer than people in their fifty's who do
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not and therefore the question is rather are it just one person alder and losses physical ability or just they move less they are a list active time and therefore they lose their physical activity is around a i realize that getting slower while i'm aging right now do you just have to accept my loss of fitness do you have to accept it no you do not how you can but if you do not accept it you can be active and actively working against that by means of exercise so it is useful to fight to keep your level of fitness or to even increase it while aging if you do not use a certain ability you are going to lose it and that applies to your ability to exercise to ability to play piano to your ability to speak a different language if you stopped play piano for 10 years you lose the ability if you stop using your muscles for 10 years you lose the ability and how can you keep
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the loss of your fitness to a minimum the biz that you can do is move to a jungle where you have to climb the trees and run away from the lion and look for fruits to keep yourself alive but right now these activities are not necessary anymore and therefore we do not use the functions we need to keep ourselves a life therefore what you can do is to replace these movements you can be more active you can for example go for a walk or walk up stairs not using the elevators and riding your bike you state of your car but that is going to be enough to keep your. for a long time when everybody talks. about how can we take. the lower legs of track runners have about 30 percent more mass than normal the
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upper arm of a tennis player up to 40 percent more. athletes like volleyball players have the strongest ball as they jump and hit the ball. what can even an athlete strain their own bones into better shape. we ask. and bone specialist dr how that works. to take you throughout our lives bones continue to be remodeled and renewed in response to the stress on them. right into old age there's plenty of activity going on. that's because the muscles attached to our bones pull and exert forces on them. doesn't move it will fracture over time however that elasticities decreases. that's where the team of bone renovators come in cells known as osteoclasts osteoblasts and. they all still classed the cleanup crew breaking down bone tissue that has become too weak. then come the blasts they were
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missing bone material. as for the sites. there are 4 men who oversee the entire operation but there's otherwise well organized team has a weak link by the time we reach 40. start slacking off when it comes to delivering construction material. this can result in a loss of mass. but people can help themselves through physical activity so they occur in most knows a range of simple exercises for giving your bones or. out in the shopping mall she soon finds passers by eager to join in. this and belly on the bold with your feet providing support at the back and then
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from a rounded position you straighten your back and body with you alms forming a u. and then back down again. 2 sessions of 10 repetitions help to bolster all the back muscles which pull on your spine. that instructs the body to send fresh bone mass to every vertebra. don't feel like you do something for al as for that area if the next exercise is on force. dependent with your hands need to be directly beneath your shoulders and your knees and your hip joints you then stretch out your right tom and your left leg and then drew in your right elbow to meet your left knee in the middle. and then stretch out again very get good. exercises like this are called functional training as long as you don't have osteoporosis you can practice at home on your own as a preventative measure. if you do have osteoporosis you should ask your doctor to
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prescribe sessions with a physio therapist either alone or in a group. the final exercise is for beefing up. your training equipment here consists of 2 bottles of water. carrying their weight via your back and you move forward one step at a time using your knees as. it's the spring enos that matters not how low you get what you should do this for one or 2 minutes or 2 times a week. and the exercise also means a worker. sense of balance is helping to keep us on our feet and avoid nasty fawns more good news for those good old bones in. which deficits can be sensitive about well it is something you can count on you are
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going to lose physical ability if you do not exercise and it is the same as asking how many crashes sure should i support before you are driving your car how many crashes should i have before i sign. this well you are doing before because you know it's something that can't happen you do not expect it to have it you don't want it to happen but it can be therefore it's better to prevent and to start exercising at the right time and not to wait until you realize that you are not fit enough but how do we counteract them or avoid them can you give us some practical advice you have 2 possibilities if you have an active lifestyle if you walk a lot if you use the stairs since those of the elevator you are going to keep your physical ability your performance for a longer time that if you want to increase it for example after the seas or after
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the winter you move less during the winter well in this case you need more activity and you need an exercise program you have several possibilities you can work out in the facility or you can work together with a trainer or you have many resources in the internet different training programs for different this is it or different goals and other any specific activities you would advise to your patients the best is always the combination of different for example if you run a lot you are not walking with your upper body muscles if you swim you are not walking on your flexibility therefore the best solution is to combine different spots. what i usually find very difficult is to find the road for sports and exercise and we do have other things to do not live in the recommendation of the american college of sports medicine also of the. few minutes in is at least
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5 are worse per week and that can see a lot but most people spend 5 hours on on sunday watching t.v. and doing nothing therefore it's not too much and i personally would say at least daily 3040 minutes even more when you can rise your heart beat and that is going to be enough so this is not a bob competitive sports it's more of. being active it's not all about competitive sport it's about exercise of out walking the chimpanzees are not competing with each other they are just trying to keep themselves fit a life and healthy and that should be also the goal to keep on moving to exercise to have a more productive life to feel better and not to win something that isn't ideal kind of sport for everyone the best exercise routine the best sport for you is the one you like the most because the most important part of the training program for an exercise program is too near to stick to it and if you don't like what you are
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doing you are going to find some excuses to avoid it but if you really like it if you if you are looking forward for your hour they were you exercise well you are going to keep on it well back in the olden days everything was much more difficult if you want to eat something new had to go out into the forest and hunt deer and thing bring it back home and cook and eat it and today you just go to the fridge and pop anything into the microwave but i think today it's the same with sports and exercise modern life makes it much easier like an s. . is pumping iron for hours on end really necessary or is there an alternative instead of working out how about electro mild stimulation or e.m.'s. thomas and matt ideal for comparison tests because they're identical twins.
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thomas on the left will be doing classic weight training while mathias will try out e.m.'s they'll be put through their paces by hines klein he's a leading expert in electric muscle stimulation. the 1st step is for both brothers to take to the scales before taking to the weights for a muscle strength evaluation. of. stuff. overall you had very similar results. in some areas your stats were practically identical the few differences are very limited. c.s. is trying out c.m.'s for the 1st time it's like a natural muscle contraction which also involves current running across the brain. with natural muscle contractions the brain dispatches an electrical impulse that
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travels along your old pathways at its target the relevant muscle fiber that impulse eventually reaches the protein filaments. this causes them to overlap and slide past each other. the muscle contracts and releases its power. with electric stimulation you bypass the brain by attaching electrodes directly onto the muscle. now the current flows through the skin and straight to the nerve endings on the muscle from where the command again reaches the protein strands if the subject now consciously tenses their muscles the 2 come oms from the e.m.'s cuff and the brain and. fight each other. rocking the special full body suit
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contains a range of electrodes to ensure that pull the vital muscle groups can become fit. the electrodes. in the wall. just stand there you start getting a feel for it and i pick the fruit up. hold several different poses for 20 minutes each the electrical current increases the muscle tension. thomas need while we'll be working out with weights for the next 6 weeks i'm playing it's tough going isn't it. the intensity depends on the number of repetitions. which i determine 151210 c. . 6 weeks later it's time to review the results and what can. trot come come come come come come come come come come come come come. come come
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come come come come come come come come come come come come come. i'll pass then muscle strength increased and if so by how much remember that they started out in pretty much the same shape. as my tears after m.s. your stats have increased not massively between one in 10 percent with a few staying the same. as what you promised and you did classical training using the pyramid system and have increases of between 10 and 25 percent this was a full 20 percent so your rates of improvement are a lot higher ready. but that's also because of the initial evaluation which did use weights so the classical training program was more similar to the test than e.m.'s which takes a holistic approach without the use of weights and. basically both training methods worked both improved. no electrical stimulation does work although you still have to sweat for me it's. got to me what's your take on this
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training when people ask me that i ask them if i can offer you a pill where you have all the nutrients that you need you don't have to eat anymore would you take it of course you save a lot of time but you are not going to cook anymore you are not going to enjoy the smell of the days of the food you are not talking with friends while you cook or while you eat that means exercise is not only pumping with your muscles it's much more than that this enjoying the nature of moving yourself meeting new people and if you are only using synthetic exercice metal you are going to lose the whole rest thank you so much for the very interesting talk and now it's have a look at our senior citizens at the training goes and what the results. are 9 senior contestants have been training hard for the 5 k. obstacle course through the mud. hole. and goes.
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