tv Made in Germany Deutsche Welle June 24, 2020 2:30am-3:00am CEST
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but all of them come straight from the heart. for there's no more delicious the mushroom. from their 1st glimpse of the world to their final resting place the russians d.w. documentary. the corona virus outbreak has been a disaster in so many ways from the tragic loss of life it a blitter righted international financial markets in one fell swoop it tore down the intricate network we call the modern global economy and it sent us all home with lots of time on our hands to think about what sort of world we really want for the future so is the pandemic actually an opportunity
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a 2nd chance that's how topical made today how many of us spend less time thinking and more time in front of the play station during lockdown mega waste of time in my opinion but hey it's relaxing and entertaining for a lot of people and using multiplayer games in order to spend time with friends online is definitely wild way of social distancing some gaming operations have seen a boom in sales but not every company is getting an equal slice of the pie or report a kind stein himself gaming expert in fact took a closer look. 3 . hours or more. i've been playing video games my whole life but in
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lockdown the time i spent on gaming just exco. with me millions of people entered the virtual world and as some companies revenue suggest these are great times for the gaming industry console select the nintendo's which will literally sold out. game publisher activision blizzard even beat analyst expectations by more than 50 percent. but these insane numbers don't tell the whole story there are many people in the industry that don't profit at all from. one company that is missing out on the boom is jager the small developer based in berlin has been around for over 20 years and is one of the oldest gaming companies and jerome. currently they're working on an update for their game their cycle it's a space suit of that is free meaning you don't need to buy a 2 player. that itself here all the customization options but you can
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spend between 10 and a 100 euros to get yourself some new clothes or different looking weapons. for some people the coronavirus time has meant a boom or incredible sales. but with us in our case we aren't really seeing a huge difference in sales but we do notice that we have a lot of new players who just take a look at the game they're looking at it because they have more time. with it or the use of the art of making money with video games has changed and. over the past decades with scoring big time. it used to be that once you bought a game you own that's it no questions asked nowadays you can get. up there gambling boxes which all course real world money and even make winning easier for you. this phenomenon is called
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pay to win and true game must take that but why would you go missing out on a bunch of money. if. we tried to maintain a good balance the feels good for us. where old game is too. and we want a game that's not paid to win so why should we put that in there. this project is our maybe objective least speaking we could maybe make more money that way. ultimately we'd be destroying ourselves. he's got one sector that hasn't been doing well is life gaming events in 2019 competitive game played for $200000000.00 euros in prize money and off hours and watched them do it but this year major events like the us are one in cologne have had to be delayed online with new challenges.
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also face the challenge that many tournaments like the major counter strike can't be easily carried out online. you have to remember that lots of the teams come together from different parts of the world. so just ensuring connectivity or figuring out the timing is hard. when you play afternoon might be a good time for one person but it's the middle of the night on the other side of the world. so you can compensate a little by hosting those events or live but what happens when the game and the game you play to make a living. only can happen i thought was big events. oh it's very close let's ask tekken 7 legend hours and. hours away the. player all the way. like many other pakistani players he can't compete online because he's internet is just too bad and even pro players like him can't always
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afford to practice offline at home talk about in 2090 and 2000. dollars rising when he was 90 just source of income source i guess i lost my major source of income in 2008 it is very bad because i am not. so sponsors will not show an interest in me because i am more complete again. this is this is very bad about it . is one of the lucky few who sponsor hasn't abandoned him his friends on the other hand risk losing their jobs if they contract. yes the coronavirus is reducing the gaming industry but just to a very very limited extent and we're already in the midst of what is going to be a major recession so everyone is going to have less cash in their pockets i might choose gaming over food at least for a couple of days but many will so these positive effects for the gaming industry
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are going to wear off very soon. it is much more important to make for me though one of the best things that come out of this crisis is that we're finally using the internet for so much more than just playing games or looking up the telephone book for example online but in many areas progress is being hampered by put digital infrastructure if you didn't know already germany's performance on that front is atrocious let's take a look at an international comparison from the organization for economic cooperation and development when it comes to the percentage of high speed fiber optic cable networks in the country fixed internet connections south korea comes out on top in europe spain is way ahead of germany to the o.e.c.d. average lies around 25 percent even a lagging u.s. speeds germany has high speed fiber makes up just 3.6 percent of connections this is raising fears that german industry could lose its competitive edge my colleague
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is schmidt talked to some people in southwestern germany who are frustrated with the situation. i don't know what the problem is i can't explain it. has serious issues with his internet connection the businessman just can't get anything to download at 5 megabits per 2nd his connection speed is 5 times slower than average speeds in germany video conferencing is impossible. his company produces high tech circuit boards but internet connections are here in the countryside so we tried it with 2 employees working from home but after 2 weeks we have to stop because nothing worked after 9 am. the grievous consequences are that we can't use any online services such as cloud based storage we have to
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organize all this ourselves and buy lots of expensive hardware and software. in 2018 we had to buy a server for around 100000 euros. and in the future the company's telecoms provider has said that week internet connection will also be used for internet calls telephone and internet used to be separate our phone connection used i.s.d.n. technology and we've been given notice that this is being discontinued we think the introduction to internet telephony will make the connection even slower. in a nearby town and a fortifying in internet speeds are significantly faster the coronavirus is proving to be a driver of digital life they should at the local university students can no longer attend classes but lectures are being held online. if we set up a new video platform that we weren't planning on getting up and running so quickly . or. 1200
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account holders can use it similar. in more than $200.00 chat rooms and the lecturers are using that option. matthew i go is studying graphic design from his parents' home online extras took a little bit of getting used to but a student is glad that the summer semester is taking place despite the coronavirus pandemic during the lectures he can ask questions like you would have in the past. disfunction york. it's worked pretty well there's no buffering there were a few bugs at the start but now it works pretty well but internet connections can be a problem for some for those who live in rural districts things aren't quite as smooth sometimes you can't understand what they're saying and have to ask them to repeat something because they freeze up or whatever but it works pretty well for me open
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your foot to me it's going to good. yes now i can just about hear. problems with internet connections at home can make studying more difficult for some. form. i'm not sure the students will have the self-discipline to keep up with the course. i can see how many people have called it the videos. but i don't know which students they are the numbers are falling. back in the countryside and today if miller's internet provider has informed him that he can install his own fast internet connection albeit at his own cost the price tag 100000 euros. 100000 euros for fiber optic cables that we have to get installed that's out of the question it's far too expensive. now the businessman is hoping the local
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authorities will save the day there are plans to stop at high speed connections in the region but so far no date has been set for his village. slow surfing isn't coper germany's only problem in all things digital with many people now working from home brushing up on your tech capabilities is more important than ever i spent most of my morning doing exactly that well this strange time in all our lives has again prompted us to think about how to do things differently and how to get businesses workers up to speed on what's coming our way one company in hamburg is taking advantage of the increased demand food digital skillz. the global economy is in trouble supply chains spanning the planet have been disrupted the pandemic has highlighted the limits of the present economic system and the importance of digital technology knowing that fisher is
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a counterfeit in hamburg that describes itself as a school and pool for digital talent. we are seeing a growing interest in training in digital professions because of the crisis so. short courses it calls boot camps to train people in computer related fields. 3 months course in data science for a university graduate costs a little under 9000 euros. training as a web developer costs just under 8000. digitalisation combined with coronavirus were being forced to deal with these things no. flexibility and the willingness to go new ways are more important than ever that holds for training courses to remote learning is the order of the day.
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we see people who want to change their lives some have been working in their profession 15 or 20 years and now want to change course. they spent 3 months with us doing intensive training and so they can work in an entirely new field. the need for many more digital professionals did not start with the pandemic but it has made it great. the problem we are addressing on a small scale with our boot camps the lack of qualified personnel there are 124000 i.t. vacancies in germany right now on average it takes $150.00 days to fill a vacancy so there clearly aren't enough qualified. digital publishing is one industry more people n.p.r. publishes magazines one of the print runs of its paper editions have been falling for years its online presence has been growing fast its online publications now
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account for a 3rd of its revenues. to work on the future viability of a company. and that involves finding qualified stuff we have an arrangement with whereby we can contact its recent graduate student. so we can recruit good candidates for digital business. export driven manufacturing base is taking a battering because of the coronavirus crisis while digital developments are not a crisp eat. the digital. groups and make them more savvy. digital technologies play a key role in just about every sector of the economy nowadays there's no way around
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the need to optimize people's digital skill sets. health care workers have emerged as the real heroes of this pandemic we cheered them on banging on pots and pans from our balconies and applauding on street corners we realized how important they are and realized that just. willing to stick out. in times of so much uncertainty and anxiety it's a dangerous job it can cost you your life and just look at what nurses get paid in germany in comparison to senior physicians business consultants. they are just a 3rd. that's a real scandal. germany is one of the richest countries in the world its health is just. since the coronavirus hit they've been recognised as key workers for the w.h.o. says there is a global shortfall of 6000000 nurses. poorer countries are the biggest problem many
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of their nurses move to more affluent countries in search of better pay but here too they aren't particularly well remunerated in germany a nurse gets paid about 20 percent less than the average wage yet it's a hard job looking up to sick people round the clock and it comes with a lot of responsibility. so why isn't the pay better and industrial worker who is often male earns above average $1.00 reason workers afford hard for their share by striking if need be but nurses 4 out of 5 of whom are women face a problem it's one thing to close down a factory but an entire hospital what about the patients and besides measuring the value of good nursing is difficult if not impossible it doesn't show up on a balance sheet think germany the health insurance companies just pay great set rates per patient. yes the health care system here is very costly even if nurses
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wages are relatively low. it's funded by insurance contributions and taxes the question is will people be prepared to pay more to improve nurses' wages once the pandemic is over we may clap for health care workers but will we show our appreciation for real. among some for the great lockdown they're going to be a whole lot of little so-called kuroda babies being born couples have to fill the time somehow and it's not like babies stop being born during quarantine either you can lock down nature but it's been a very challenging time for the people having kids and the professionals who assisted. midwife cristiana kimmage shared her experiences with my colleague philip 5 stein. midwives services need to be constantly around the clock $365.00 days
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a year. but. i dread the like to see my profession getting more recognition and for the actual hours we put in to be paid promptly side additionally for good. it's a disastrous situation and for a country like ours i find the way made with free is treated is often disgraceful. my man with my name is nicholas i was born in 1968 i've been working as a self-employed midwife for a good 20 years now. i think the crisis has left us all feeling pretty unsettled tomorrow c.
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and also the families are having to adjust and we're trying to reassure them for the. 4.8 kilos. that's a pretty packets. there since you have yes and now over to dad's. cristiana never really suggested working from home and you do wonder how would that be possible for a midwife sure you can use video conferencing and phone calls to address the concerns of young families but only up to a certain point it is important to have that personal element seeing and talking to each other directly. not something you can just dispense with via some digital option time because. of the sticky.
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i sometimes fantasize about this crisis leading to positive social change. i would love to see a big rethink on what kind of society we want to have. and what the important things are. this. it would be nice if you could make sure you drink a bit of a liquid iron supplement look. i'm one of the main factors that i'd like to see introduced in our profession is a guarantee of one to one supervision jeering birth and for people to realize how crucial that is. this is real prevention and we will probably even see in studies in the future that it reduces costs but. if you could come over here for a moment i'll show you if you put your hands on her belly like this you'll feel very
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clearly where your child is. down here right now. or you can feel it over here with your left hand. quick quick quick quick quick. quick quick. long it's so clear and you can hear it just with your ear. for this for me it's the most beautiful profession in there it's working with such an intense connection to life. i always say that every woman is entitled to made wish regardless of whether she's
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had a miscarriage a planned devotion or an induced abortion due to complications. from i don't know my name is cutter. i've been a midwife for 19 years for 15 of those have been accompanying home births and 9 years ago i started my own practice. what was terrible when the corona crisis started was that all the courses had to be cancelled. the restriction on movement and personal contact made that inevitable. but we moved to postnatal and prenatal courses online and there was an amazing response to that. the women were just happy that there was anything at all up and running.
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in the men right now i'm a bit concerned under current conditions there are certain support visits and other services the 10 now being compressed into emails. carried out via video phone. and sometimes i fear that this fact will be used against us people will say oh it looks like that's working i hope that's not the case he definitely this. is good so we don't have enough midwives as a result of vacancies and not being felt and fewer colleagues are willing to work in delivering rooms because the conditions are simply too demanding standard dot com so blasts and. so i think at the top you're taking care of 4 or 5 women in labor at the same time which means constantly to ing and fro ing a lot of the women feel neglected and more interventions become necessary simply
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because there's not enough time i'm truck to tell you guys. on the be. you know so must get. through. the winter. and hope. qualities are created he will joy the moments of creativity where people sing from their balconies but it does sometimes maybe angry people just clapping leaves us feeling underappreciated. because the clapping doesn't bias anything.
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mastro some plastic waste german consumers carefully gather separate unsafe plastics and there are still the biggest producers of plastic waste into the bread and recycling it they export it why can't they give it up the bookings for clues in place to the burma nice problem with possibly 15 minutes on g.w.
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. an unprecedented approach. handling of the coronavirus pandemic. has become a polarizing topic with the country. it's relaxed attitude has left those affected feeling helpless and grieving. they are paying the price for smeaton strategy herd immunity. $3000.00 and. 90 minutes on d w. beethoven is for me. beethoven is for use. beethoven is for help. beethoven is for her. is for the.
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beethoven is for cause. beethoven is for the law firm of beethoven 2020 the 250th anniversary here on dio you. my smile and. nod and even she painted me. claim the most amazing food those who need to treat. my onset. i am going to unsolder the original. claim the secret of the only son starts john 3rd d. w. .
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play. play. this is live from the lockdown restrictions of reimposed in germany following a major corona virus outbreak at a slaughterhouse hundreds of thousands of people in the country's north west are facts local media say police will use force to ensure compliance if needed also on the program iran is the country hardest hit.
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