tv Close up Deutsche Welle June 30, 2020 12:30am-1:01am CEST
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conspiracy theories can provide comfort you don't like reality can create another. film about knowledge and belief trust deception. to pursuit of the goal of storage joy 1st on g.w. . please. come on this village elders have grave issues on their minds. they're holding a crisis means him to discuss whether their village has a future or not good luck to you but i've got a large part of our village has already been swallowed by sand but. soon the
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ranched will disappear but if you go. you can see how the palm trees are dying because of drought and the sand keeps on coming in and. playing. the desert is relentlessly encroaching on the air races which like so many others in morocco is at risk of disappearing. plagues it. because. we have come to her meat and has learned a smaller race a settlement in southeastern iraq. the sahara desert starts right behind the village. in the morning we meet talim by as in spelling of his
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pick up the model. i grew up here in how me and wants to show us what is happening here. with you where you. we're company her limb an acquaintance to the edge of the settlement with the palm groves and farmer's fields are located. palin says that there's practically nothing left of the green oasis of his childhood. because they didn't from the desert is quickly moving in from all sides on the away susan. from the east and west and. when he sees a light from monitors the are you to gauge the pace of climate change feel upbeat. when we arrive in the palm groves the weather sunday deteriorates a sense storm blows up. that has become the
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new normal here less and less rain and more and more sandstorms and soil erosion. this is what they are a sense of how many looks like now. it is sinking in desert sand. the impact of climate change has long been clear here. when the weather has settled halim and his acquaintance after doing get straight to work but. they want to fell one of the dead pantry it's worth is
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well suited to making furniture. but my 1st bit of a lot. of them was the trees stop producing dates long ago. the value it gave us here at. the pumps have fallen victim to the encroaching sand dunes. we are paying our last respects to this palm tree it's like burying someone look around we're in a graveyard. putting this palm tree to a good use is the least we can do for it 2nd thought it was it. after carter wants to make a table from the word for firmness in the region it's becoming increasingly difficult to make a living from agriculture they're being forced to diversify or change jobs
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completely. boy's life has also changed fundamentally. his father used to plant pantries here and could live well from the abundant they tell of us. now a few decades later his son sees himself as an activist who wants to draw attention to the dramatic changes in this region. why does this great god exist the answer is quite simple it's the lack of water. shortages are being caused by climate change. this is exonerating the process of creation that is if 30 years ago there were date. trees. there are a lot of important activities going on here that is up. there . a few 100 metres further on there is an abandoned pump the remains of
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a failed project years ago water was pumped up into a tank from deep in the ground the idea was to use the water to irrigate the airway says so. you know if you look. more. the government funded the project would bomb with you but the extreme heat and increasing numbers of sandstorms made the tank dry out leaving behind only salty posits. what has happened here is not an exception 2 thirds of all over a season morocco have disappeared over the last 100 years. a few kilometers away nicely old village has.
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the fortified kooser with its adobe walls dates back many centuries. in the maze of alleyways how limits bellies like now will be one of its fear remaining residents. he says that only about 10 families still live here. on the moon. both of them have been. in the past it used to be home to more than 1000 people but most have now moved away from the sand has crept into all of the houses pale i use is one of the few who is prepared to try and stand in the way of the desert. well now. i can only keep on saying it our
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problems stem from a lack of water. the nearby river dried out quite a long time ago. and as a result many people have left the village even the well of the moscow has run out of water. the younger people in particular are attracted to the big cities such as mark pesce casablanca and rob but only a small number remain but the key key feel you spoke. nothing can stop. it is getting into caspar villages. drafters the reason why people can't live here anymore can't lead contented in everyday life. the problem is forcing them to leave the did is evil in. the desert is on the march thanks to the rising temperatures decreasing rainfall and powerful storms it will ultimately take this cast. out this fall. for the
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better part of the kind of expert that. we leave her meat and drive some 50 kilometers through arid lands to the east where helen wants to show us a proper place this. thank you. thank the 1st thing we hear is a sound that we haven't heard for a long time. water flows out into a channel pumped up from great depths so the power plant. it's used to feel a sense. and this is what
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a healthy ellis' looks like a veritable forest. palm trees. thank the precious water is quickly distributed by the phone is immigration channeling its. thanks. to. both of them the because she did i mean she would tell him says i waste this is like a paradise every day provides shade and coolness for the fertile fields close to 2000000 moroccans still live in such oases between the atlas mountains and the sahara desert. yes. this is a true ecosystem it functions on 3 different levels likely the. date palms provide shade for the fruit trees and maintain provide shade of vegetables but really. it is all based on my knowledge of our ancestors the irrigation system of water all
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system on the part of the data used to be an ideal crop for the region this sugary sweet fruit is not very hard to produce but it does me 2 things and force at. its. full this green a racist a well had to be trolled 100 meters down into the ground causing its own problems. groundwater levels are increasingly dropping and the water that is drawn to the surface is salty as can be seen from the white deposits on the drainage ditches in the long term that's put is in for the oasis. just. that in her meat. perhaps 7000 people still live here the one time away settlement she sunshine came.
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at the edge of the village there's a dried up riverbed the river drug used to run here one of the longest rivers in morocco. but since the dam was built in the high atlas mountains hardly any water flows south. the markings on the bridge are a reminder of better times now that there is little rainfall to this region is becoming less and less hospitable to humans. it's mainly the old people who have stayed behind like the farmer hardy. the 61 year old has 11 children from his 3 wives. most of his children have left the region. we're.
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almost 40 percent of all moroccans according to research are considering leaving the country climate change is a driver for migration. there isn't any work here anymore at least nothing that provides a living. the young people go to the cities to look for work our children have also gone here they visit us maybe once a year because here you really can't earn anything if. it is a simple hard life. money transfers from their grown up children help to keep them afloat. things were better in the past when they were able to sell their dates as far afield as marrakesh as you can. be you know when our oasis was still green we had everything we needed and we lived very well we could grow all kinds of vegetables and we kept sheep but that's
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impossible now. we lose sight of the sand dunes. tensely small vegetable garden it's all he has left. he is a subsistence farmer living from hand to mouth when he grows here is purely for his family's consumption. but the family doesn't know how long his garden will still be fruit it all hinges on one thing water. has as well but drawing water is becoming more and more difficult and he's having to dig deeper and deeper.
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there's less and less water by the day a little while ago we had to go 9 metres down to reach it now it's 16 metres and even there there's not enough water. but look how the sand is threatening us it wants to encroach everywhere that's why i'm planting bushes like this to stop the sand from finding its way into our garden or home. wrapped up a lot of. a lot of. love but hardy is fighting and losing battle. sand dunes now stand right outside his house and a handful of palm trees are all that's left to remind him of the oasis.
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in bygone times desert caravans used to stop off here on their way to timbuktu more recently it has attracted droves of tourists from all around the world. runs a small cafe in the center of the village which has become a meeting place for visitors and locals to a certain extent it has become a little oasis in its own right with espresso and internet access. also acts as a tourist guide offering group tours in the sahara. the region is a favorite destination among more adventurous travelers with the races drawing up some people have turned to desert tourism as an alternative source of income. next to the map are a few photos limbs father a highly regarded tribal chief and the young king mohammed the 6th the old photos
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evoke a time when water was not a problem in the oases. halim is keen to discuss the problem with scientist mary m. 10 after. the trained chemist works as a climate researcher at the max planck institute in mines and at the university of casablanca. one study that she's worked on predicts that summer temperatures in north africa will rise twice as much as the global average. the hot desert climate would be even worse in the future and especially in the summer the increase of temperature will be about $2.00 to $3.00 degrees. in the mine scenario by by 2050 up to 7 degrees in the worst
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scenario by the end of the century. satellite images captured by the european earth monitoring program kapan it has show the basis of how many surrounded by desert and animation shows how the vegetation has been changing over the last few years and fluctuations in rainfall and humidity. the higher temperature means that there will be more of operation from the soil less specific patient also less water in the site and the combination of both will increase the stocks on each of the songs actually which has a huge impact on the growth of activity and invitation dynamics in the song and the corporate world activity can follow up to 35 percent. is aware of this vicious circle he has experienced the encroaching desert sands
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firsthand. and the afternoon musicians gather outside his cafe. 2 palin has organized a smooth youth orchestra in the village that time to manage. suffrage of russian. to gather where for young people he wants to help preserve the local culture that includes the hypnotically rhythmic no one music. and how do you know your luck. i. think that.
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this is our control heritage that we want to preserve. we would like to train young people to play modern music that also to preserve our traditions. because they are threatened by today's consumerism but also by climate change because it leads to migration. was. in our music is believed to have its roots in sub-saharan africa a legacy of the black slaves transported along the transfer her and trade routes. with haleem we head south still home to morocco as remaining traditional nomad communities but their future too is at risk from climate change.
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after just a few kilometers aleem stops by a tree. he shows us the skeleton of a young candle which probably starve to death. and it's far from being the only one camels and dromedaries are extremely frugal creatures but even for them it's more and more difficult to find sufficient food. to. really this is part of our new reality camel house represents what i choose when 23 or 10 camels die and the nomads lose a large part of well so their traditional way of life is disappearing before. they carry on through a barren stony landscape until we reach
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a chain of mountains and a large herd of camel. yes yes yes. there is a dried up riverbed and a little better taishan where the animals can graze. the camels are being looked after by young men like hermie. their owners used to be known but they settled nearby long ago. so the. honey tells her that finding places where the camels can
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graze remains difficult and they have no choice but to buy fodder for the animals. the lives of the camel drivers and herders of being transformed. maidana t. has left its mark here to. more than 60 percent of morocco's nomads have already given up a nomadic lifestyle as. this is partly down to the draw of modern comforts but it's also a result of climate change. thanks to the camel drivers spend the night in the open they don't have a tent. they are perhaps only $20000.00 traditional nomads left in america and with every passing year the numbers continue
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220-0000 it's sad obviously one of so well actually we grew up here in the south. but what we were used to no longer exists. i only feel good when my animals feel good i look we're very. little. and so climate change is threatening an entire culture. so. i thought one last look at the oasis settlement of how meat it is long. on the outskirts the village elders hold regular meetings in the shade of the poems they meet a yield of dates is a symbol for the problems of this endangered oasis. listening to these men it becomes clear how creeping environmental changes linked to global
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warming have slowly undermined the foundations on which these people's lives have been built. the climate crisis has become an everyday reality. thank. you as the drought increases in severity it'll make things more and more difficult you can see how the palm trees are dying off how the desert is encroaching more and more and making the situation worse and worse and that's why most people have moved away and only a few people like us have stayed on. the behalf of yes people have left because they couldn't bury. not having any water around and. i have a well with a motorized pump. but to keep it running i have to add money but i can cover those costs with farming that's why we definitely need help. many of the
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wells are 20 meters deep but some people are drilling down 100 meters to get water but what comes out of those wells salty water but there's no point irrigating the fields with salt water it's useless. when. a limb demonstrates the water parks and innovation from the netherlands. the seedling is placed inside the biodegradable container and then planted into the soil. then the water box is filled up with water. with its own little individual water tank each plant has a better chance of surviving. the people here desperately hope that these trees will act as a barrier to hold back the desert islands. have the only. it's
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their last ditch attempt to defend their fields and gardens against the sahara. just a few kilometers away are the tears of garda they are the highest in morocco and attract many term residents. beautiful though they may be these growing dreams are also of a force of nature to be reckoned with. players who saw only a few 1000000000 and wish to cry me a song going on we have the most beautiful sand do you see here. they have become
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a big tourist attraction if you put that help to us when things started going downhill we pull out. you see fast the desert is both a friend and an enemy it's rich but fragile at the same to be fraudulent so finding the right balance is crucial pulling still holds out hope that humans and the deserts can continue to co-exist. play . pick up africa. back to the fisa when century psalmist become one train cuts it's possible ecological with him in southern africa abolishing the ban stingrays that keeps oil
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from becoming depleted and protects the habitats other wild animals shedding a mission skill that's a contribution to a sustainable future eco council going to. spend 30 minutes on w. . good. luck to the business he's a. pleasure braman still the relegation. zone stuff last it. was just a chance to play out things last most of the muslim you can't blame. stayed up today don't miss our highlights w. program mine w dot com highlights. this
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is news live from berlin what will it cost to save europe's economy the leaders of germany and france have planned for a post pandemic recovery at their 1st face to face talks and months the german chancellor and french president met near berlin there hoping to win over skeptics to to their multi-billion euro coronavirus rescue package also coming up. the muslim women who say chinese authorities are forcing birth control on them in an apparent effort to reduce their population and xing john crops. and putin's attempt .
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