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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 30, 2020 9:00pm-9:15pm CEST

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this is g w news live from berlin tonight a new security law is now in effect in hong kong violators could face life in prison the new law took effect just hours ago it criminalizes many of the forum for democracy protests that we have seen in hong kong in the last year activists fear this will deal an irreversible was to the chinese territories tanami also coming up fenced off and under surveillance a palestinian family shows g.w. news what their lines have become in the west bank as israel plans to annex parts
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of the territory. i'm burnt off it's good to have you with us a new security law for hong kong supported and pushed by beijing is now in effect and pro-democracy activists say this could be the beginning of the end of hong kong's autonomy the new law allows authorities to crack down on activities which beijing regards as subversive and it could see protesters dealt with by authorities in china rather than in hong kong chinese lawmakers passed the new rules on tuesday sparking protests internationally and in hong kong itself. they feared this might be their last chance to protest cheese de sac small been a shopping center a small that defy. went everyone knew things were changing something to show their
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faces. today i feel on top of that it's very sad because they can't pass a law and they even don't know the details of the law and they just pass it with no one rejecting so. i think most of all not people they are scared of. the details have now been released the chinese security law will crack down hard on what it terms terrorist activities it criminalizes subversion and succession efforts as well as foreign interference and could enable chinese authorities to operate in hong kong those convicted could be jailed for life and will be barred from standing in elections. it was scenes like these last summer that prompted the law huge demonstrations in favor of democracy and against chinese influence
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overwhelmed hong kong and embarrassed all thirty's hong kong's leader kerry lamb told the united nations the law was nothing to worry about it will only target an extremely small minority of people who have preached the law while the life and property basic rights and freedoms of the overwhelming majority of hong kong wrestlers will be protected but fear is reaching pro-democracy activists joshua one is now in hiding but expects to be arrested he says he's resigned from his group to protect them as saying if my voice will not be heard soon i hope that the international community will continue to speak up for hong kong and step up concrete efforts to defend our last bit of freedom. a law school to support hong kong as in the scared new world. are going to take the story now
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to albon chunk he is a research fellow at new york university school of law he's also worked as a barrister and lecturer in hong kong he joins me tonight from new york city it's good to have you on the program let me ask you you've worked as an attorney in hong kong before this new security law what does it mean for a pro-democracy protester who is arrested will they have access to an attorney and legal representation as has been the case well frankly there is still a lot that remains to be disclosed about how this new law and i use the term very loosely will operate we've seen from the cole 55 sussan nebulously defined serious cases may be sense to mainland courts for trial and prosecuted by mainland procuress those and in those instances the ability
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to access legal representation may be very much in depp's but in any event even for those and put national security cases that are tried in hong kong quotes it remains to be seen just how much access to lawyers will be allowed even under the preexisting will we've seen that arrestees have repeatedly complains that they're not being given prompt access to lawyers i expect that trend to continue and intensify under the new law all the of the way this new law as we understand it is rather vague and. and big and is it that way on purpose and does it mean that someone protesting beijing in hong kong could be arrested for anything. you are right to point out that the offense is all to find an extremely vague tums i would suggest that that is by design and what that means is that
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a much larger number of people are at risk of being prosecutors and that leaves at the mercy of the whims of the state it's in facts so you go back to your hypothetical that state gives the law goes much further because all too fuss yanked says that this law applies to apps done by non homecoming residents outside of hong kong so this in comps is any anti hong kong governmental anti p.r.c. government speech and calmed us down by anybody and if they happen to post through homecoming they could potentially be prosecuted down to about nil and what does it mean for hong kong's judiciary the judges for example in hong kong will they now be bypassed and will everything take place in mainland china. that is not you will case that's already happened we've seen with the interpretation of the hong
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kong basic law by the national people's congress standing committee that any legal decision any constitutional position of players who importance is already being taken out of the hands of hong kong judges i expect that to become much more frequency especially with the article $55.00 mechanism and even with the specifically hand-picked couldn't put national security judges in hong kong i suspect the mainland authorities will be keen to use their new found have just a couple of holes that we question you mentioned that this law bans any collusion with foreign forces foreign governments what is this going to do then for countries like the united states that have wanted to help the protesters in hong kong is this basically going to block a lot of the foreign aid that these protesters have enjoyed until now
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well i'd argue that these processes haven't enjoyed much in the way of foreign aid atoll they have hatched statements. large numbers of statements expressing concern and occasionally expressing support but not very much has happened in terms of substance if a to demonstrate this and so at least on that front nothing will change the difference of course is that these happenings and a geisha is a foreign interference will now warrants prosecution potentially in the mainland. elving john joining us tonight from new york city mr john we appreciate your time and your insights tonight talking about this new security law in hong kong thank you thank you. the israeli cabinet could be poised to debate whether to annex several jewish settlements in the occupied west bank the move would inflame
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tensions with the palestinians and hamper any future peace negotiations over the status of the territory beit except as a palestinian enclave on the west bank just outside of jerusalem a completely surrounded by a village of israeli settlers soon the settler land could become part of israel the palestinians say that would make life even tougher for them w.'s correspondent tanya kramer reports tonight from. this town the road leads to the palestinian village of beit exeunt next to the security barrier that separates israel from the occupied west bank at this particular spot the fence of the israeli battery of a 3rd round a house belonging to one palestinian family that i it's live in this almost unique and clay for right next to it to the settlement the entrance gate and cameras are remotely monitored. like other palestinian solders that i have wonders what will happen to his home if the settlement becomes officially part of israel
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a move based on the controversial you as peace proposal put forth in january. but. i consider the annexation that we're hearing about to be a show of american and israeli arrogance in order to confiscate more land the israeli and american governments just want the land but without the people killed it's only a money and. so far israel hasn't presented any official maps to explain which areas it could next cursed and where the lines would be drawn and i have this concern that the move could lead to yet more isolation and further restrictions on movement is specially since the tram plan and visions only limited enclaves for the palestinians. that. there's no future. there's no hope of. my hopes are gone that so the support we see for the israelis nobody cares about us
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palestinians out off at work not sure because of the movement between different parts of the occupied west bank is already very complicated for palestinians so no we also want to go to the settlement it's just literally and lead away from us but to get there we have to drive to the nearest checkpoint and it will take us some time. it's more than an hour's drive to cross the kalandia checkpoint. only palestinians with an israeli permit can cross from here. from there we return to this settlement are given high. who is one of the settlements founders like most residents he's waiting for more details on the an exaggeration plans from the israeli government a developer for 2 shia holy although a significant things that could come out of this plan is that it can open up a very positive opportunity for us to expand or settlements for our children and
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it's also good for the people on the other side of the fence if an exaggeration goes ahead it's expected to be a long process on the palestinian side of the fence uncertainty is crowing as once again maps are rethinking that without the people living there having much say about where the lines are drawn. reddit became the latest online platform to take action against hate speech on monday and closed down 2000 kill in a crackdown that the tech companies says is aimed at community that promote hate by call the game that howard is here at the big table with me out to talk about this this seems like a big move why is it significant because many headlines that we've read of the past months and years have preferred to on the facebook and twitter the bahamut spittle of the wall read it has gone on to the right space but it's a place that if you've been there and you use it has long made facebook and twitter look time this is where real height has lived online particularly aggressive it's
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a place where people of color and they ridicule and it's a place where users were allowed to traffic in stolen nude photos and there was not no action taken against them so that's why it's amazing that on monday i read it suddenly shut down 2000 groups or suburbs it's on the grounds that they allowed height speech does including the largest pro trump community on break that cold the donald now in the run for the election trump participated in a q. and i am the saudis not officially connected to them but he's the individual of those 2000 who's lost most by by these actions of 2003 shut down these last 800000 followers just on that soft it's huge and that's not the only blood that donald trump has suffered online in the past few weeks is it so the 1st one it warning shot we had was tweet effect checking trump's tweets the false claims he made last month but now it's. very much the ripple effect is going out reddit announced this
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ban just after that twitch announced it had suspended president trump channel 3 broadcasting the speech where he referred to mexicans as rapists earlier this month snap chat said it would no longer promote trump he's got $1500000.00 followers there but he'll no longer train on that platform so it's a lot of people don't make any mistake facebook and twitter are still his largest concerns but 1st some of the smaller audiences if you put them together but it's also demographically they talk to a really gung audience who are going to be voting for the 1st time to 2020 we've been going to the 2nd we're going from supporters go online now dance given has got the answer and that is by downloading the trump campaign app i can say what they want when they want and how they want directly to that audience if you can move that audience he's. made it out of the damage and if you can do that because it's not it's easier said than done online it's just that and they think very much you're watching the news or forget you can keep up to date on our web site it's t w dot com i'll be back at the top of the more world news followed by the day i have
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to see you then. combating the corona pandemic. where does research stand. what are scientists learning. background information and news. hour carona update. 19 special next on d w. how does a virus spread.


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