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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  July 4, 2020 12:02am-12:31am CEST

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states it's independence day weekend in the grip of a resurgent 19 outbreak so will the millions of americans heed the warnings to keep their distance and stay safe or is the biggest party in the u.s. heading towards another health care emergency i'm. and this is the day. this is a. first. we've learned that the best way that we can both remain open while also containing the spread of. is through the strategy. that will slow the spread. away from. it's not an either or choice. you can
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social. right. also on the day turkey acquits a number of amnesty international volunteers terrorism charges while others including imus international's former head in turkey are convicted it's surreal. to be convicted of. the most rapid increase in new corona virus infections since the u.s. outbreak began at least 15 u.s. states have reported single day infection figures moves to left health restrictions and reopen the economy have shifted to a halt but this is also the weekend of the 4th of july u.s.
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independence day events have been scaled back and officials a public private gatherings w.'s washington bureau chief in a poll has been to ocean city maryland to gauge the mood. for many americans this is the 1st time out of 2 months. they are hungry for fun and some. want to celebrate this 4th of july weekend as they normally do but i'd like to keep moving on do the fireworks continue normality as much as we can moving back to normalcy is what we'd like to do i think if you take the right precautions there's nothing to be scared they don't want your party to know what you enjoy yourself but you have you know how many thousands in a group one at protests how to deal with the pandemic is highly politicized some fear that the restrictions are taking away their personal freedom others just see in the responsible actions i expect here in our community here in maryland that because it's tore season now for a project like that these cases are going to come back as people do not socially
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distance or where there are mass while visiting our beaches i don't think president do anything i think he will continue to you know say it's a hoax and not believe in the science that is there causing so many cases and. this lack of guidance creates a dilemma for business owners between health concerns and remaining competitive. brenda parker once in the bar and grill in the 5th generation. we want to know where i'm at but if they don't know where i'm at we can tell them where i'm at because it's their right to wear a mask or not i don't feel safe with them around at night when i'm at you know that class where i'm at. but yeah i would rather that where. they can make it i could make it a law that you know we have to where it is recommended and if there are safety in our health. you know you make it where you know you get fined $500.00 if you don't harm. the united states are facing
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a new record high of with 19 infections little would you know here at the boardwalk in ocean city maryland the majority of the people is not wearing a mask they tell us we are here to fun we want to celebrate we are done with this why was the business owners obviously do have a different approach they fear that after the. weekend they will face a new wave which will lead to a new lock down and that would bring them to their knees in 2 weeks' time we will know whether the right steps were taken if people celebrated this unprecedented for him to live in a responsible way for the worst fears of the next wave. to come to. of course if people sticks or social distancing on hygiene advice on where face masks the 4th of july doesn't have to become a super spreader event but figures going into the celebrations are not encouraging
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let's look at the data shows the number of new cases every day from the beginning of the outbreak in the u.s. a rising steadily at 1st the cuff and flattens with cases left and often even falling from the end of april to the middle of june but in the last couple weeks seen being seen new infections skyrocket rocketing again so more than 55000 new infections registered. well dr under 5 go is a global health expert i'm c.e.o. of the health finance institute in washington d.c. welcome to the w one of the politicians i asked about rocketing infection rates they often say that it's because they're doing more testing is that the whole story there in the us. high and think it's all much for having me unfortunately that is not the news story the whole story at all we had across the board in the last 7 days a 38 percent increase in cases we've had over 55 you cut 55000 new
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cases yesterday and that is unfortunately not due to testing at all but the rates going up again ok so infections are increasing that the message from the federal government has been confusing but vice president mike pence who's leading the government's coronavirus that task force now seems to be pushing a consistent message let's just hear from if all of us will put into practice the guidance from statement local officials which is wash your hands practice good hygiene we're mask when it's indicated by local officials or wear a mask when you can social distant we know that we can do what florida did for those many months and what other impacted areas around the country did we can slow this road we can flatten the curve so dr if i go are you satisfied with the federal leadership in this crisis. if there ever was a time to have
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a true federal nonpolitical response to a national threat then it's because of cool and a virus and the time is really now and i would really like the push of leadership for a more consistent message and for not just putting the onus on local governments but actually at the federal level come out with a statement that yes we need to socially just and we need to perhaps close our nic and the economy again for a couple of weeks so that we can open the schools and we all need to wear masks and it's not up to the individual it should be really mandated so i think i am encouraged that there starts to be more consistency at the federal level in terms of messaging but we're not nearly billing enough or seeing enough or money leaders so just just to be clear from from your perspective as a global health expert you think there is a caries for the locked out to be reimposed stage.
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absolutely and unfortunately yes and as everybody else i would love to have a summer where i can travel were my my children can play outside with with other children however we are not there we have close to 60000 new cases per day we might see 100000 new cases we see consistently a 1000 or more deaths each day so for us to really avert just getting even worse we need to unfortunately pull together for a couple of weeks stay indoors again socially distance and then beat the virus in the same fashion that some of our european friends have done so successfully ok so let's look at the. vaccines and the research and of things do you think that the u.s. government is doing as much as it can to fund treatment for covered patients i mean the research into treatments and vaccines. i know that there are funding at least for a big city in trials. for subsequent basis of that's definitely heading in the right
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direction however i am worried about the excess ability and the pricing when treatment does become available so i think again more should be done and more should be done to guarantee x. is for all because we don't use often will get sick and essential care workers and essential workers are more likely to be exposed so again it's something where i would love to push the government to make sure that publicly funded research also benefits the public and doesn't fall prey to price gouging i don't you you suspect that may be a thing we do is it's interesting that here in europe i just didn't you were just expected to be there for everyone but you do suspect that might not be the case in the united states. both of you see already for for example of mtesa beard at the pricing for americans is higher than the pricing for non americans so it's not
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whether this is likely to happen health care provision is treated like as if health care was was a free a function in market but we don't choose to get sick so there is what we as economists call an inelastic demand curve if you're sick you're willing to pay almost anything to become better and that means the prices can be driven up if it's not regulated and there's much less price regulation in the us than there is a european market in germany for example there is a there's a negotiation between pharma and the government on how much how much drugs in cost we don't have that in the united states and that means that patients will be charged more you mentioned the drug rep desi which has cut coronavirus recovery times in a number of patients we heard this week that the u.s. is buying nearly all of the next 3 months projected production of this drug i wonder what you think of that decision. as
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a global health specialist in global health is a public good and as such it should be delivery of care should be done should be should be considerate from an ethical perspective and not just from a market perspective so i would love to see a reality where there wasn't this type of hamster buying but merely making sure that those who need it most have access to it. so. i again i encourage our leaders to make this is to make sure that we create the greatest public health and this public good and that might mean also creating allowing other countries his or other stakeholders to share in that market ok i got a quick word as the u.s. heads into independence day festivities or what would be your message to americans this weekend. definitely if you're outside please joe and stayed
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long in crowded places practice good hygiene and. stable stay with close ones and those who have been socially just visiting with and it will be worth it if we want to see your kids in school and minimize that's in the country good talking to you thank you so much for joining us dr under fire from the health partners institute in washington d.c. . thank you so much. but as you heard. it said antiviral drug has been found to shorten treatment times recovered 19 patients will now be a u. has just approved its use after that u.s. decision to buy up all global stocks now brussels is in talks with the drugs u.s. manufacturer guinea had to try and obtain its own doses but with stocks to win playing it's far from certain how much will get. it said to ease symptoms and reduce the length of the illness it might even save lives and easy via was
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developed to cure a ball are but is now the biggest hope in the fight against colbert 19 but who gets access to the drug the us department of health and human services has bought up 90 percent of u.s. truck make a production over the next few months. we were not informed by the us government about it and we learnt about it through the media to commissions now as i said a few months ago. having discussions in detail to reserve a sufficient number of doses for the e.u. member states. this one of the most profitable pharmaceutical companies worldwide with sales reaching 22000000000 dollars last year the e.u. commission has now approved them dizzy or for the e.u. had promised to deliver as soon as approval is granted but since the us government bought up most of their product there is doubt. if words fail
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and pleading with doesn't work we do have the option to give german and other drug makers a license to produce the drug even without approval for an appropriate field course . and according to the department of health the german government has already bought and stuart enough those of them dizzy via. a court in istanbul has sentenced a former leader of rights group amnesty international to 6 years in prison and the verdict against time a killing on terror related charges brought an end to what critics say was a politically motivated trial targeting opposition activists the court sentenced 3 other turkish defendants to prison and acquitted 7 german activists a story was one of the. why would free his arrest in istanbul 3 years ago triggered a crisis in relations between germany and turkey. well we can talk now with
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turkey on lists of the chevy cruze from the center for applied to to the studies of the german institute of international and security affairs in about and welcome to you. better stored and was charged with aiding a terror organization. this is the movement led by the muslim preacher a fertility glenn which is outlawed in turkey the evidence against him seemed flimsy at the trial was his acquittal or a so foregone conclusion it was a foregone conclusion even the prosecutor going to plan an indictment ask or he's accused of so today everybody knew that she would get there could i will go and say that he's a good sort of was pretty much certain at the moment he was a lot to leave church and it was more than 2 years ago and there were some stand accused that are long with an obvious conclusion but look you don't to make a connection between luck or everything else and his acquittal because this was not
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a legal case wasn't based on evidence at the 1st place if it was based on know that it shouldn't be having this case at all and even if he had the case ever should go should receive acquittal all 11 defendants should have to see it as you just mentioned 4 of only so this is not a direct connection between evidence and court decisions the decisions on what will to motivate them based on evidence ok so everybody expected this. even despite the flimsy evidence everybody expects a base to be kicked out so why go to the expense of having this trial in the 1st place one of what why why go through this process. well there are several directions of it 1st of all domestically cantin years and rest on how the us mint tops not so sad to members of the right to produce is what's government has been working doing for some time now it helps to limit the space for the society
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organizations discontinuous to lead of course and cases and as i said even stuff i was expected to see what good will it do it doesn't turn out the same for the old turkish citizens that's the domestic dimension international speaking turkey has now made one of its foreign policy initiatives to learn to let us versus them citizens and use the arrows use the time do so behind the bars and of course cases against them is as a bargaining in a large old process some people call it this hostage diplomacy in the general public knows the case of kenya's huge out on the nose the interest and lives of passed around ransom pro-ball that this wouldn't be the last case ok so that see the political dimension get some arrested we have here a case there west 7 of these defendants are acquitted turkey is often accused of of
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having a judiciary that these craven before. the president but i don't know should this case i give us some faith in the country's judiciary. if everybody did receive it i could tell i made of you could have talked about that but if you look at the evidence and if you compare the poor people whom you see sentences and other someone who didn't just even sentences it's hard to find any difference i would just say that the 4 of them gold short strong so still the conclusions are not based on evidence so they are fortunately luckily for you talked about this idea of turkish authorities how arresting a foreign activists this was a case involving a german citizen and cole was to add another rift between now and then does germany actually have much political difference leverage with turkey it does are
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germany's a major discounts and of course the us have leverage but turkey also commercially has lots of low voltage over germany and down look today it matters what matters is that each side is weather so you loose is know which are loaded and excite is legit to take this risk one applying those negatives and for the time getting it seems that turkey is more eager to use all the leverage it has more active and more offensive in that sense sometimes all playing starts. germany jimmie's more personal i would say it's not about liking loads but it's about willing to take this risk by employing those levers so this this case this is one of many that were brought up after the failed coup from 2016 how has president cracked down since then reshaped the country. the phrase and
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follow corrupt crackdown has accelerated massoud accelerated an order to ongoing process and that process was preserving the democratic institutions preserving its professional image of a democracy while undermining all the substance of it that i say undermining substance it involves undermining the independence of the dish it undermining look lol limiting civil society organizations caving freedom of expression and freedom of a right to the. right to form a should all the substations elements of don't want to see is being eroded and higher today it's fair to say that turkey is educate this year with the local elections and we don't have to guess to do shows that do not function thank you for joining us. from the german institute for international and security f.m.'s thank you. have backup plans
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to phase out coal as an energy source by 2038 the government's trying to end the country's dependence on fossil fuels in favor of renewable resources like wind power the climate activists 18 years is too long to wait. a future without coal power the message put out loud and clear by environmental activists who draped it across the front of the german parliament for those protesting in berlin germany's plan to abandon call in 18 years time will be too little too late they want the end of coal to happen soon or to meet the targets set out in the paris climate agreements. we are protesting against the core law because it doesn't promote the coal face else you can because it leaves coal fired power plants on the grid and because it betrays the paris climate
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agreements for the this call law is a historical mistake among the paris agreement with dream up and it gives the companies billions in compensation without receiving anything in return. the law is the result of 3 years of consultation a process almost as laborious as abandoning call itself the aim to reassure industry that it will still get reliable power and at the same time to persuade people in the affected regions that after inevitable job losses new opportunities will emerge more than 40000000000 euros were earmarked for projects in the collected corners of the country on top of compensation for coal plant operators. and his tortious that this really is a historic step germany is one of the 1st industrialised countries to end both coal and nuclear electricity generation at the same time the way has been prepared by
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a commission including many different groups and parts of society this is now been turned into law and that's a great success. with nuclear power production also set to be abandoned by 2022 germany is setting the course for a carbon free future it hopes that other countries may also follow soon. to botswana where authorities are trying to work out why hundreds of fans have been found dead over recent months conservationists are alarmed because it doesn't seem to be any clear sign of what's causing the deaths you may find some images in this report upsetting. the elephants are dying hundreds of carcasses scattered across the beautiful landscape of botswana the cause still a mystery it doesn't seem like they died at the hands of poachers their valuable tusks have not been removed the 2 most likely explanations for their deaths
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poisoning or disease several elephants were spotted by locals in the area looking weak and disoriented or have difficulty walking whenever they went out there were they would see more and more of them. and also. ones who were you know. what heroes your what about apparently. and it seemed they were even dying you know very suddenly and some of. those were animals who could fall and go walking there are more than 130000 elephants in botswana the world's largest population to some they've become a pest with the government saying such high numbers have led to conflicts with humans as they eat farmers' crops last year they became targets again one of the already has lifted a 5 year ban on elephant hunting and sparking outrage among conservationists worldwide but today authorities in conservationists alike are focusing on the
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mysterious deaths they're hoping to find out what's happening so they can stop the elephants dying. while many festivals around the world have been cancelled this year because of a coronavirus pandemic one event in belgium has managed to find a work around the paradise city and actually music festival has reinvented itself to adapt to physical distancing roles i put in party goes on small boats of 8 friends and it was a much smaller event than usual with me for hundreds of people allowed to attend but it usually tracks around $10000.00 a day. well the day is almost done but the cum station continues online you can join us on twitter at state of the news or you can follow me at phil don't forget use a hash tag the day i was watching from a good to. the
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point of strong opinions clear positions from international perspectives. the corona virus continues to spread relentlessly and it's the poor who are suffering most both in better off industrialized countries and in the global south side of the international community respond joined me and my grandson to the point
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shortly. to the point. of the next book on the t w. i'm neal i'm good welcome to the 2nd season of on the fence it's about the environment still about society still about us but off planet on the brink we spoke to several leading experts in the film. look at just a couple of the fans. were all set. to go beyond the obvious. that were real live.
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as we take on the world. where it. is the stories that matter to you. about something. good or what ever it takes if you are running. your company. introducing another w. . made for mines. the corona pandemic has so far cost half a 1000000 lives worldwide especially hard hit to countries with high population densities and the poor are also disproportionately affected in better old industrial countries germany and other european nations are spending billions to try and revive their struggling economies we are asked poverty on the rise is the coded cure worse than the virus.


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