tv In Good Shape Deutsche Welle July 4, 2020 7:30pm-8:01pm CEST
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experience not to. do totally. house in a drama competition rivalry marketing numbers atmosphere power fight that's how intuition and love hate money. fans from scientists fans and fans old kick off on you tube joining us. hello and welcome to get sick do you have as many imperfections as i do my body fat and my resting heart rate are too high i'm also not satisfied with the way i
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process my stress and i manage my time and i really have to do something about my wrinkles and i could be much more effective in my job and i also don't spend my leisure time in an optimal way and if i could get myself to drink more green tea i would be in better shape and more efficient and what about you are you working on yourself optimisations like me so what's the point can we be perfectly happy and can we be happy perfect. i'm eating paper feet she says signs journalist and she's written a book with a great title how good should i end up being and this is my 1st question how good should i end up being should end up being as good as you want to bain and that is. ok but right now we're living in the age of self optimization. the calories we're trying to go out for run and so on so why do you think this is the age of so of
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optimization because people comparing themselves with as a all the time and if you come pay yourself with those of people and you're only one then you have to lose. do you have a pattern that you happen to see a dog sitting in front of the mirror for hours grumpy because he's unhappy about his appearance also cat ever worried about how you might feel about her we humans are different we always want to be better than we are with this human nature it's always been like that today it has become something more an obsession self optimization we went to sleep better work better better and live better. you get everything but it's never enough can you. can't there's always something i can get down more gentle you've got this in the
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system demands just total success for it for me that. they. have self optimisation oh man. it's just a couple talks for head i had my cheeks done once to. chin . lips a brow lift once and my job here they firmed up my jaw and i'm talking. i think that's all that's. ready go. yes now you're in the rhythm i can't get up come i will.
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ever get out of this but if this is what you're seeing here don't try this at home . this is basically a commercial freezer. if you've got good food what are we got there for degrees. it should be around 0 to $2.00 degrees. thank. goodness if you've been in for a minute now. that's. what a funny idea so what do you seem right why is somebody using a freezer for optimisation maybe you're thinking off ice cream that has always been comfort when you feel troubled the child all reserves you think ice cream is more like seeking comfort and to get some reward for the soap optimisation yeah
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it's a reward and it's also like a security line in the wallet that feels so much in a world that feels like i am not enough so i'm trying to improve so i'm safe in this but i would put myself into a freezer i mean this hurts this is painful why do i have to optimize myself over the trash old physical pain. so maybe what's missing is somebody that says stop somebody that's caring for you and that's who says no don't do that you're good enough you already have done so much and you are good in this world and that's . somebody that is against your own thinking yeah but you might say this but when i think of myself i'm very hard on myself but i'm not as hard on you so why am i so hard on myself for not in other people be
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a better friends for yourself that is kind that's part of the solution be a better friend for yourself and ask yourself ok if a friend was here now and i was saying this i was thinking this what would he or she say and then you can give yourself the answer because you already have it in you ok but if you really want to give it a go and so popular as myself i really need some professional to help me like a personal trainer. i'm 36 years. i studied sports science in both woman i've lived and worked as a personal trainer in berlin for the past 12 years and as a personal trainer i aim to help my clients attain the best possible level of physical mobility and.
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i 1st try to define what my clients want to achieve they each have their own specific goals which can vary widely for some clients it's about losing weight others want to build strength and grow muscles everyone wants to be able to look in the mirror and feel good about themselves so i set up a training plan and then we get to work. exercise and fitness are not always the primary goals of training and optimization . i often work with my clients on stress management or nutrition those can be issues that need a lot of attention and all work and. it's not just about doing an exercise once twice or 3 times a week and feeling that you can take the self optimization box for many of my
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clients there are all kinds of other issues sleeping well. organizing and optimizing their work life or their family life i try to help with that i'll bounce ideas off them and offer support is best i can. best. begins autumn and you should always start by defining your goals what would make you happy and you shouldn't let social media and other people's opinions influence you too much or think about what else. you would like to look like and how you might get there a personal trainer can be of assistance but you can also read up on the matter yourself or get advice and support from your family or perhaps your colleagues and then chart your own course. in our high pressure society position can be
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a never ending quest once you have tenure i gotta wait you then want bigger muscles or lose even more weight you might even have a dream job but creative promotion i think you should always take things one step at a time and reflect on what your next goal might be all work towards that without piling up a whole bunch of goals and ambitions to stay focused on trying just sometimes i just feel content and with that goodbye just. when you watch t.v. commercials all take a look at the industry wants to tell us you're not good you have to buy the better so do you think this health optimisation is not from me but it's brought to me from the outside from rather companies exactly this is how making money works in the well right now so. companies the most money if we feel bad we're willing to spend more and we're willing to spend more on things that we don't need
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to advertise in that manner that makes us feel bad that's the best way to make money right now ok but if i get better if i get smarter more handsome and so yeah it makes me feel good so what's so bad about it now it's great do it yeah think about that you say that. makes me not happy yet it will make you happy if you do too much so you get used to being a person that constantly works on himself so you do this or that and you try to be strong in the squad and try to be prepared for everything. but it won't work because. it's something new that comes out so you get on the pressure to do more and more and more and that's a lot of stress. if you want to be perfect all around tried by a. well you don't know. it's a follow you think if you want to be flawless you have to be honest with yourself.
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concentration performance sucks ass to keep up with the demands of everyday life we need to optimize our body the thinking behind how movement called biohacking we want to challenge our bodies to make them more resistant. to pull is wearing a special mask that makes breathing more difficult. it's intended to strengthen his diaphragm. g.m. biohacking is that you push yourself on the one hand to find out where your limits are so that you can go beyond them then on the other hand you try to come back to a flow state to relax. after training he regenerates at a so-called. here you can find all kinds of equipment including the use of recovery that work for compression. you know you depending on how you program them you get a total partial foot massage. which can flush out lactic acid under the build up.
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you know it's so relaxing when the air goes out and your blood rushes back in. then it's on to the next thing you can turn on the red light briefly. gridlock therapy is designed to reenergize the body and boost performance. while you can feel all your cells going. it's like the sun without thinking. after his regeneration session much he has to pull head home there he tells us how he got into biohacking. this was my birthday 6 years ago i turned 34 and i was just burned out i was gaunt had. no wind durrance and i couldn't focus on anything more kind of constant. he says biohacking helped him overcome the burn
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eyes. and i had to find a solution for my life so i tried out various biohacking techniques i improved my diet did more exercise i focused on my digestive health especially and work to improve my sleep. before he goes to bed he now switches off his wife eye and makes sure he drinks enough fluids. special plaster to force him to breathe through his nose it's supposed to improve his sleep he wears it all nice. but could not be harmful. tamari said dr specializing in sports medicine you took a look at our footage despite the commune's on the king in its mild form where there's do more sports have a healthy diet and get sufficient sleep it's certainly a positive thing but the more advanced version especially with this breathing risk
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is more dangerous. to describe someone using this be under the supervision of a support stopped. perhaps not suitable for everyone but it seems to help. to find a way of burnout. you have just a secret between the 2 of us to try to optimise yourself sometimes a bit yeah that had to run and it's not going very well to try to optimize a little bit at what you stop a friend who says to you well i want to have a tummy tuck. you try to stop. i would talk to her and see what the underlying feeling is that she feel bad that she feel insecure but i stopped her though because i'm not a friend but i was want to be there for her and see if i can do something to make
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us feel better right so you try to advice or even better to just be your friend you just told me you started to run and it's not going very well but i'm running myself and it's going very well because i'm trying to optimize myself every single day counting my steps my calories that you can have my blood sugar tested some time with a little tiny chip inside my skin so do you think i've got obsessions yet sounds like definitely have an obsession there but 'd i can also see that you still have so that's not a problem that's a good thing. well the perfect body is important you know but what about your brain ok our brain is good well at least. bad with the latest technology you can even and hands your brains it's called brain hacking. knew harbison had his own brain 14 years ago he had an antenna attached to a sco he was
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a walking living cyborg harbison is completely color blind the sensor registers colors which are then translated into a range of vibrations he can feel hear. it also allows him to hear light wavelengths that other humans cannot see. change the way i see lives and i perceive. that their nature now because i. exist in nature i feel more connected to other species. with species that conceal. and infrasound i feel more connected to the cause. and feel the colors from space so it makes me feel more connected to reality to nature and to other animal species . just 5 years from now we'll all be upgrading our brains with
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technology that's according to. the high tech entrepreneur who co-founded the electric vehicle manufacturer tesla he also oversees research into turbo charging our brains. that's nearly a mecca journalist and former professor of communication sciences is fascinated by the idea of enhancing creativity and thought processes using brain hacking but she sees the risks. we do know something about the brain but not a lot before we're starting to try to optimize it before we really understood it the brain is the seat of everything that makes us human emotions love identities personality intelligence to go in there and perform some technical manipulations to achieve a certain outcome. that's pretty borderline or even a step too far as a consequence of. she did try out
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transcranial direct current stimulation a low voltage current is passed through the brain it's fancy it makes you better at a range of activities. and fun for anyone that the effect was pretty immediate wasn't for a long time i couldn't eat i felt really sick and i couldn't sleep i felt totally wide awake but not in a good way for it was unpleasant and in the midst of course medical science is exploring ways to cure diseases by means of intervening in the brain diseases such as alzheimer's and depression. the brain game project develops brain computer interfaces this woman was able to move a robotic arm and take a drink thinking about moving. her paralyzed are. so interested in the fight that kind of research is entirely different from efforts to hack your way to more cognitive capital using electric current drugs or implants to improve yourself to
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join the upper class of the cognitively enhanced. that's all about trying to acquire opportunities and advantages for yourself it's a hobby you're some fans of so called cognitive enhancement use drugs such as ritalin or l.s.d. in micro doses. they say they make you want to wake put you in a great mood and like you work with ease and efficiency. it's not unproblematic if we use meds in order to cope with the ever tougher demands of a competitive society to be able to keep up cognitively when people are under ever greater pressure and you mention i want to look if we were his or teasing substances brain or neuron handsome and in order to meet those challenges and hence meant in our own hands and we are resorting to means that were not intended to be used for that purpose then question the ultimate in the end and.
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what's more these attempts to boost mental performance are not based on solid science and have many ethical and social implications. well we talked about optimization of our body brain and all we have to talk about beauty well i don't have to do anything because i'm a natural in 2017 almost 24000000 cosmetic operations were performed well light those procedures used to be expensive and complicated but today it's more quick and easy like beauty to go. to beauty. here's big business the internet is full of videos about transforming your look at adverts for cosmetic surgery as if it were the most normal thing in the world. this beauty parlor can cause medics surgery practice in 0 welcomes between 40 and 80 clients
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and patients a day of all shapes and sizes. it offers all manner of treatments from face lifts to penis enlargement and everything in between. mythologised christophe berra says botox remains the most popular treatment. especially in the face the wrinkles on the forehead the vertical lines here the crow's feet around the eyes those are the most popular areas. and we use high in the running acid to fill certain wrinkles around the nose and from the mouth to the chin. one 5th of his female patients are under 35 some are under the spell of the women who've log about their cosmetic adventures on you tube. here i am at the airport i'm going to get my
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breasts done. for the bloggers getting cosmetic surgery is almost like a hobby. that encourages others says dr. i see many young people they've probably been influenced by what they see in various shows on television or videos on you tube the numbers are definitely rising . there are more open to the idea ready to think about what they might get out of it if they undergo a medical cosmetic treatment. 24 year old you need a shower visit cosmetic surgeon at another clinics. several times a year to have her lips done so much to me and to me. she says she does it for herself trying to. do.
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in the plea i always wanted to have big lips. and a colleague of mine got hers done and she inspired me to do the same. i like to see it 1st in others in people i know. in my. in russia we say beauty saves the world and i found that has great meaning it says i want to be perfect i'm a perfectionist. millions of people around the world put up with the blood and the pain you know just to change the way they look and the number may well be growing. if you always try to optimize yourself this is a lot of stress and stress is not very healthy i know this because i'm a doctor yet that's why the myself won't help if you always try to improve yourself he'll get used to the feeling of being
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a person that's not ready for his own life but why am i always focusing on the things. i'm missing in myself which are bad not all the good things of all my resources so so why use it that way because you're used to it where years to look at the moments in the day that were bad the moments that really tell a friend or a family about so if you just change that and you get used to thinking about those moments that were great and probably said you know. well then that changes fundamentally but. but but very hard to be done and how can i change it so how can a focus on all the good things in the. it's just the right word yes that's a look at the things that were good in the day and to make them bigger in your own . in the way that you would tell a day in the end ok so so it's like mindfulness just yet it's also.
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it's a new habit of looking at your day and self and friendly way and that in a critical way as humans we always try to optimize all self and we try to optimize this in good shape and we need your help so write us your comments by email. in good shape your weekly health. covers many aspects of health care we look at what's new in medical treatment nutrition fitness and. we discuss these topics in depth with specialists and give you the chance to pose questions do get in touch. honestly this was a great show it was the best show ever heard was a great script perfect camera work and a great presenter as always. say hey
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to morrow. chandi w. . thrown into china's cultural revolution. the red children. born to immigrants who had come to help build a new nation. raised to be loyal to the regime and devoted to the great townsman mauer's adama until the persecution of their parents they was that lines to the truth. childhood under mao are. you 75 minutes on d w. w's crime fighter are back africa's most successful radio drama series continues this season the stories focus on hate speech the invention of sustainable charcoal
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production. olympus are available online and of course you can share and discuss songs because facebook page and other social media platforms. are fighters to me no. this is some dope story the stubborn rice farmer from thailand. is for. his credo no chemical. his wife thought it was a series of. steps . i. don't stand a chance. to. talk.
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starts july 27th. lol. play play play. play play. this is the news a live from burlesque president donald trump stokes division on u.s. independence day as a record surgeon coronavirus kay says casts a shadow over celebration in a speech at mount rushmore attacks protesters who. turned slave owners and the president has promised a special evening as july 4th festivities moved to washington d.c.
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