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tv   Faith Matters  Deutsche Welle  July 5, 2020 10:30pm-11:01pm CEST

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serious knowledge to. be totally honest i. presented the drama competition rivalry marketing numbers atmosphere power 5 at sac intuition love hate money and as fans primes last fans and fans old boy to go off on you tube join us i. know. it's thursday evening and a district of the german city of s. and members of a local group called state guys from a walking the street says they have once a week for the past 2 years and say hey if people from accounting measurement support diversity and. that's just about it there's something menacing about the
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situation we don't want that here instead of. the scenes like this and not unique to us and similar groups have formed in many of the german cities vigilantes who claim that maintaining law and order because the police no longer do. i the 1st time we met with founding members of the count in this minting december 28th scene there was a clear sense of unease. they view the far right tendencies of the shayla youngster as a threat to the otherwise peaceful district. that was allowed to see them really loud and noisy they turned up on mass all dressed in black. on top of it and then they sort of surrounded us took photos and made videos called out to us made
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all that noise. it felt really threatening. many people find this still a youngster intimidating but in their facebook postings they claim to be harmless they invite people to approach them so we did. consent can you tell us what you stand for these and do you. get if you've been at all of the recent protests. definition and are committed to say nothing of why do you have beat him for speaking you would get lost in a few nish to show him. that all. the fear and think iraq was not enough that we have nothing to say now go you know see recognizable your face is covered i'm hearing you're freezing goodbye. the man who tried to really an offer to buy shining his smartphone light into our camera is
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a figure familiar to us having a reasonable conversation is not his thing. whenever the timeout the counter movement also demonstrates founded by a group of local residents it's now supported by members of unions political parties the local business community and churches. he he i'm speaking here today on behalf of the lutheran church because i believe it's crucial that the church does not stay silent the shayla young's claim there are vigilante groups marching for resident safety but i think they stir up fear and insecurity and they threaten the peace in our district and. he was there and i want to hold a citizens meeting in their district all including the still young ones who are willing to. the chechen which has to hannah miles up and preaches each sunday it's called the
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church of peace and she considers the name her mission she believes that the far right group is dividing society with their marches. if you aforementioned people here in stalest say they feel frightened media the. numbers are increasing this indeed they dress alike they wear black clothing and they march through our district it was obvious they don't say much since i am but there are presents that create so analysts and discovering whooshed it stood on the instinct just just what the steel a young stand for why they demonstrate is never expressed in public they behave as if they're out for an innocent stroll but their agenda is rooted in far right ideology their true intentions are revealed on the internet postings like these a typical of the group.
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xenophobia racist nationalistic. in reality they are the ones out of place in this peaceful district with its 17000 residents where the crime rate has been decreasing steadily for many years and still is i believe the sale is like a village within the city of s. and a lot of. the residents associate strongly with the district once it's lively and very diverse but i my malts of people shop at the market held 3 times a week and they like to be outside in cafes or on the banks of the horror as people from all backgrounds and social classes you hear all sorts of languages and that contributes greatly to the district's characters that. but the black clad figures you anybody different from them as a threat to their idea of a perfect gemini pistol should we try again to engage them in conversation
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christina saw morgan bottle a good amount of you know. a lot of them one of them decides to say something that's right no prisoner you want to ensure no one bothers our women and children. what do they have to fear here and steve young who looks. at what about the stuff happening in other parts of s. and you think you're all safe and friendly districts you're living in a fantasy world. do you think steel is dangerous you know not when we're around which you feel like i said we're pigeon fanciers. someone calls out to him he calls him. he has a teardrop tattoo a widely recognized prison tattoo. an internet search turns up several hits including a television feature from 2016 this is one of them a guy from asm. i was 16 or 17 when i got out of prison i started working as
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a waiter at a strip bar. much of cokers knife has been characterized by crime into the movie that was convicted over and over and no fewer than 30 times for promoting prostitution that's also for violent crimes he spent a total of 17 years in prison things. this man wants to make the district safe but you know why i'm here i'll tell you why. that's wrong. i'm going to hurt somebody else wants to talk but the others stop him before he starts to go near this sure there isn't we hear the words rapist and slash. stay down a typical market day no trace of the vigilantes here. and . this guy young said they have to patrol here to maintain security nonsensical utter rubbish but. they just want to show off like the right wing party
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that's all it is the guns they want to intimidate or evil and shift them to misery peace or there's no you know like crime rates or anything you would never hear that someone has been shot or anything like that so i think it's a very peaceful place to be or to live it. i want to excuse me do you have a minute do you know of a group called the sheila young ones who marched through town and says the evenings . yes i've heard of them also seen them here all frightened and we wonder what's behind it what do they want to protect us from we feel safer if they weren't around i'll admit i'm afraid of them but in a bright and it spreads wherever you go in every district they're all over the place want your new commission think come here from other districts to know they're brazen and the groups keep getting bigger and more threatening the. local residents have planned a public meeting in the church of peace they want to get this. the role of the
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church as i see it for being is to create connections to promote peace in the district. and to come into contact with the people and bring the old message of the church and the bible to life he's leaving to play as a chef when i was growing up in the eighty's a popular slogan was make peace without weapons guns i think it's very relevant again now establishing this peace approaching one another not dividing the community living together despite differing views living and letting live but also seeking a commonality and mutual acceptance is the activity of and it's an 80. 1 man with insight into far right vigilante groups like this still a youngster is sociologist alexander heisler of the university of applied sciences indecl doff. and i think it's something like a right wing mix is the. that a mixed scene means that the core grew out of
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a typically violent and right wing hooligan scene. and various structures that are not essentially political are mixed into that like martial arts practitioners bouncers bikers people who have similar criminal or criminal backgrounds who come together with an organized far right extremist. wouldn't it is for that reason that in extremism research we use the term far right mixed. with full force when the when they see. this daily yanks are also part of a network they're closely connected to the self-styled brotherhood germany which originated in nearby dissolute. and is the acknowledged head of the group on the internet he's written about a day of retribution this facebook posting his since being deleted we come across videos taken in september 29th teen they show several at an anti islam
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demonstration in mention that better organized by brotherhood germany if we want to we'll beat you to death they chant. one of the clips shows me land attacking a counter protest at a demonstration in dissent dolfin nov 28th. he was arrested and fined. this same rational and has regularly marched with the state for the past 18 months. the essen police department is concerned about the situation in. police chief frank rich to estimate cities had to deploy police more than 100 times to restrain members of the far right group of people who used to this day are young aren't
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ordinary citizens here for at the core is a far right group that is loosely connected and to varying degrees supported by others outside of asms. at the same time members of the as and group participate in so-called walks or organized by groups in other towns or in the state security services know about their contacts to far right extremists or we of course want to gather as much information as possible so the police presence at demonstrations is not just for keeping order they're also carefully monitoring what's going on and trying to determine what we have to watch out for in the future all of us will forgive to go into we pay a visit to hannah a 20 minute drive from s. and the stay young also mable i sympathize is for demonstrations here in hand of the group calls itself the zug to all concerned citizens account to demonstrate or shows us where the far right assemble she doesn't want to get too close she was
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attacked recently. after one of the much is organized by the so-called concerned citizens she witnessed the car of the county demonstrator being vandalized she filmed the incident on half a. 1000000. i mean. the phone was damaged in this attack she reported the incident to the police it's still under investigation. an internet search reveals far right hastings by hand the vigilantes. that hear their opponents one ounce after 7 months of weekly marches in february 2020. the far right scene announced they would no longer be holding books in hanna . late summer 29002 spoke anti islam groups have gathered for
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a demonstration among them a several familiar faces men who march with the state a young as well as members of the lands brotherhood gemini. and of man i ask you a quick question we recognize you from sheila why you're here today and you can no comment i was asking him and he said no comment why do you feel the need to be here he won't answer we can see as we know you from why he here today. for a walk that's all he's allowed to say. in. your head that you just said leftist intimidation do you feel intimidated by the left. everybody hears of. why he's speaking for him county give me an interview we don't give interviews he's a big thing for the brotherhood are for and so he's a brotherhood are not about that they're here to represent myself but you said what
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are your eva says. on social media he's much less reserved this says it's time we germans made more use of our right to self-defense. the security barrier separates the 275 right demonstrators from the counter demonstration. and how we fought for human rights for decades everybody in the world has rights the right to lawsuits and it doesn't matter with the green or blue or black or goodness or double out our shots i'm angry and i'm furious and i could cry when i see what's happening in iraq. i never want to hear myself say i didn't know what was happening. somewhat by chance we saw something during the 2900 carnival when
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this truck appeared we took pictures with the phone later the carnival said they'd been deceived the truck had been registered by a family but in the procession it was unexpectedly carrying a young. band on the back they revealed their true face the german word for tick is used by the far right to describe people who support leftist and green politics this is clearly incitement to violence. the threats are more concrete on the internet someone wrote knowledge is power and i know for instance where certain people live and work and what kind of car they drive so to make trouble this is. my it's always dangerous when people with far right offshore that area antidemocratic social services think they can take the law into their own hands and when they present themselves as defenders of the german people especially against so-called enemies
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of the people all mine and the folks find of. danger lives and its. far right displays of power the actual use of violence. on. the strong arm displays continue this tale a young stem is straight that the streets apparently belong to them many residents have started avoiding the commercials and on thursday evenings. instead hundreds of tendin event in the lutheran church with esther the ship around them a survivor of the nazi concentration camp auschwitz. for months we've been witnessing far right thinking and discriminatory behavior here in. it makes many of us angry. vs who many if not people like musea aster who know from your own
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suffering where fascism and racism lead could talk about the more compellingly and warning against them. darfur. we stood in line and waited for a number to be tattooed on our left arm. yet for i usually see the number of rounds of 948. names were disposed of we were merely numbers who are don't know. that this division ran a reads from the book she wrote about her experiences in the nazi era in the 1930 s. it was hitler's so-called brown shirts that took over the streets on the pretext of establishing law and order festivals around and the self-styled vigilante committees today are a grim reminder of those times. we were in german occupied poland. with that post as the support diversity group also draws parallels between hit this
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and the need far right. one should never lose sight of what could happen again at any time but i wouldn't say we're afraid we go out and defend our position we refuse to be intimidated it's an interesting. they want to prevent the far right turning violent as happened in the 1900 searchings the horrors of the nazi regime must never be repeated. with that in mind the churches have organized ecumenical prayers for peace. we see that he's can't be taken for granted we want to take action of course for us christians prayer is also taking action but we want to do our part so that people in our district can live together in peace. the christians here i didn't it's not the ethnic minorities the migrants that threaten the peace in germany it's groups
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like this still a young smith their street marches they exclude people spread hate and threaten anybody who thinks differently. oh lism is not an alternative. dividing people into separate groups is no solution. is to turn off. anyone who thinks that way is a victim of demagogues who are really interested in their own power. we are indeed visible we're all different but we're all one. we're sisters and brothers and as humans we are one. protestant c.-a have a history of tolerance in the said rice this was what was known as a confessing congregation one the to pose the nazis. this is
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a given my reason yes it's a tradition in this parish in the nazi era our parish stood on the side of the confessing church although there was certainly a lot of argument and discussion but they did take the stand before. an unambiguous position but also a willingness to engage in dialogue there placing great hopes on the citizens meeting held in the church of peace the purpose is to discuss the fears aroused by far right marches through the district to the surprise of many people members of the far right group also turn up will dialogue be possible and i'm impressed and very happy that so many people have come. i don't think we'll get anywhere the way we've been going this is the welcome to all of you who've joined tonight's meeting there's enough room here for every view. the knife the discussion last 3 allies
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the meeting took place shortly before the cave at 19 lock down the prevailing view is that the make people uncomfortable that they themselves feel unjustly treated we're just walking around just taking a stroll i was. so everyone in this room is talking about the steel young but none of you have had the guts to talk to us or to discuss things. but do they really want to talk a brief flashback last week cheaply whistles what kind of statement was that comment. it was this very man we tried to speak with months ago was what does 1st class creamy don't you speak my language no comment there are no comment thank you for the why you assembling here doesn't matter then why you demonstrating or not demonstrating. we try again to talk to them at the meeting in the church without the camera but they didn't say anything.
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at the meeting gets out of hand the suggestion is made that the church organize a follow up. this 1st attempt to engage with a young has not gone so well. oh. she initiated a shit when a month it's difficult when people don't follow the rules of discussion. that was obviously the case here when people were booed and people spoke in generalizations it t.v. course of water that made things stressful on me of course the establishments out about there but the suggestion at the end that we meet again perhaps in a smaller constellation is a good start to me over a bit and especially i hope it will happen we'll see i think it was a small but positive results from the saving on its line is a bit misty is obvious phonies. but past amounts of wind may be too optimistic
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after the meeting the weekly strollers continue and no one's willing to talk. this was one of the last evening's demonstrations were permitted before the cave in 1000 looked down with of all of them. not many counter-protest as a present maybe people so the issue had been resolved. as if it doesn't match the sewage that time i find it distressing that is still a youngster still a presence in the district. if immigrants and it makes me happy that so many people are willing to take a stand to meet and talk about the problems before the moon or wants to read but i also see that it's difficult to deescalate the situation does it what's on the totes with the if i have the impression that the battle lines have been drawn problems if one can often how to vote or don't and i don't see any practical way of deescalating heinberg be governed by a reach it's difficult at the moment and it's religious so it's right. but then the
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lockdown prevents public gatherings this is where the far right group usually assembles at the end of march there's no sign of them it's quiet in the district. past a muslim once ministry is severely hampered by the lockdown she's also troubled by the fact that far right groups in germany is spreading conspiracy theories about covert 19 on the internet but she's encouraged by the interfaith response. it's. a movie and it's very encouraging to feel that we're not alone in our mission there's a lot of support from other districts other churches and communities to mine shaft as it is in so we work closely with the catholic church and leave us off the biden mostly mission and the 2 muslim communities here are also very interested in seeing peaceful coexistence continue. our church is also active in other cities that's
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very encouraging and empowering does this i'm fussy a boutique in this instance but the fear remains that when they look down is eased . back on the streets making their presence felt once again.
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it. is quite simple as it seeks. to understand the why. we need to take a closer. experience not
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lol blame. blame. blame. blame blame. this is d. w. new saliva from berlin and croatia votes and parliamentary elections and dominated by the coronavirus cases are on the rise and the tourism dependent economy is in crisis the ruling conservatives are set to form a new coalition government also coming up. parts of australia's 2nd city melbourne are back in lockdown to fight a 2nd wave of infections 9 public housing blocks are put under quarantine.


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