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tv   Close up  Deutsche Welle  July 7, 2020 6:30pm-7:01pm CEST

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to prevent bacterial growth. use safe water and safe raw materials to avoid content. food producers are the ones primarily responsible for the safety of the food. but you can protect yourself and your family from diseases and all by plying the 5 kilos to sea for food use them you also have a role to play. the coronavirus crisis right wing extremists could take advantage of it to push their agenda does this tom tom it's a dream come true for these right wing subversives they can't wait to get started that's good and. right wing enemies of the state have a stablished contacts with units of german soldiers and police. doesn't to feel we
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have to look at the sum total of all the individual cases is there an actual unit was it just that it's working ammunition from special police units has ended up with the right wing extremists but official investigations of the situation have stalled. thus taught us that tolerance i believe the public now trust the police less than it used to mine as a friend said just reports indicate that plans for a coup attempt against the german government have already been drafted. in these documents the start date is called day x. . and the secure seal florentines have to take this seriously to maintain the public's trust in our constitutional state in chief you know ones on the stuff but are they doing enough to crack down on right wing extremists among soldiers and police and their plans to disrupt the government.
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this is the village of bond's call in the eastern state of mecklenburg for palma in the summer of 2017 special federal police unit searched a number of homes here. and one house officers found more than $50000.00 rounds of ammunition and several. weapons in the home belonged to marco jean a former member of an elite state police unit. he was charged with a number of weapons violations and went on trial in late 2019. marco g. told the court that he was simply preparing for a possible catastrophe. he and several associates had formed a group called north koreans. at the eve of the investigation showed that the group had also stocked up on supplies of quicklime and body bags that and saw it in. a
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state police report concluded that marco g. represented a potential threat to the state it's not for cavendish to handle it every viewer of his chant traffic clearly reveals his right wing extremist and xenophobic views and the court determined that he had rejected the constitutional principles of the german state eek tutt marco g. was convicted and sentenced to 21 months probation. several of his friends were in court to hear the decision. among them was juergen s. who had received an important email from him and 2016. and he's an athlete and the message said that over the last 16 months a network of right wingers had been established across europe and that nearly 2000 potential members had been contacted or will pop. but does this network
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actually exist can the german people still trust the police and the military the bun despair your fondest. wish to pursue mention on zama norman it's a house of. cards. we've come to southern germany to follow up on a lead they're supposed to be an extremist right wing group here that allegedly has ties to the elite the boom is fair unit the car as car. we're looking for a member of that group a weapons dealer called el when we find him he agrees to an interview provided we don't show his face. as a former soldier he says he 1st met the conspirators in 2015 when a member of the car as car invited him to a meeting of like minded individuals the group is said to have included
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soldiers and police officers this work and for that was not the meeting and. then where i'm not going to say he's at the barracks incog you've got good sources the cosco barracks and call of is a high security area. and if i had the man who invited him to the meeting as andre s also known to some group members as. refugee nuestro we were impressed that he could organize a meeting with the 54 i'm sure that. claims that another meeting someone suggested that on day x. the coup participants should take over the college barracks and seize the weapons stored there. after our meeting with bowker al someone else associated with the group gives us a hard drive filled with alarming photographs and my hands. the data indicates that
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folk are al had been organizing training exercises since 2014. this activity included preparations for sabotaging bridges. we also find an email from andrea asked of poker l. asking him to design an identification badges for a certain group leaders. the badges featured a skull and crossbones and a logo that stood for day x. the group's organizational efforts were clearly well advanced. by 2015 andrzej as another cause com members had set up a north korean chat group assigning various tasks to individual members and recruiting new supporters the network spread across germany.
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members of the elite commando force appeared to have been actively preparing for the day x. operation. are these isolated cases. some say that the cost com military units have a fundamental problem with right wing activity and that this dates back to the founding of the organization and 1996 and one of its 1st commanders ira let's mass murders here we started. into that situation the general bryan hunt consul was appointed commander in 2000 and later he was accused of making inappropriate public and was removed from his posts in that last match. but critics claim that these problems have persisted and the government has failed to address them. to fall when i'm miffed i'm not a gnomon of unblock off we need to take a long hard look at the role of the kind of it's simply not acceptable for them to
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claim that they can't be investigated because they're engaged in classified operations biskit mission. allowing extremism to flourish strong overseas again my god i'm just him are i sometimes you can have too much secrecy and that can cause problems. in our research indicates that andre ass and marco g. were actively planning a coup attempt. we track down a day x. mobilization plan allegedly drafted in 2016 that includes maps showing where the conspirators were to gather when they got the go ahead from their commanders. here at a military training ground in the state of boston for to back. the cause cause has carried out legitimate exercises here.
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the day x. headquarters was said to be located in a small building like this one. the plan included code words and radio frequency. group members were to identify themselves by rolling up their left shirtsleeve. personnel will assemble at south alpha gray. this area will serve as a transfer point for the secret operations center these instructions must be carried out to the letter. the site is believed to have been chosen by folks. some of the buildings here are used as artillery practice targets. the operation also called for taking over a vehicle storage site and. we couldn't find anything about that in our copy of the plan but one expert speculates on what the conspirators might have had in mind. here spirit cuts part mission because of all the transportation would play
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a big role in these sorts of situations especially in a north kreutzer operation. they would have to move their own troops around and they may also have a plan to arrest potential opponents and to do that you need vehicles including trucks partners cut numbers since you got a country's. one group member proposed that such enemies be rounded up on day x. and transported and military trucks past any police roadblocks. the presenters said to include leftists f.t.p. politicians and refugee aid workers were then to be executed. marco g. recruited that group member himself. this is 15 capital of the state of mecklenburg for paula. preparations for a military parade are underway. we're going to meet derek friedrich a bonus fair veteran and social democrat member of the state parliament. he's been
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warning for years that north croyde 60 mists have infiltrated local military reserve units to ship the country stands for will not so long ago i can't understand why the investigation is taking so long it's been dragging on and on. and if you take a look at recent events you'll realize that we have to get to the bottom of this right away. we need to clean house would like to been. one of marco g.'s close contacts a former east german soldier named your guess is not facing charges at this time. in 2016 the 2 exchanged a series of e-mails that indicates that it was your guess who set up the meeting point in bahrain located near a military training area. in fact our research has allowed us to establish the outline of an entire network of such points. your gas is also
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a sergeant in the bone despair reserve. many of the other conspirators are also alleged to be reservists york served for some time at the air force base at all stock laca a euro fighter squadron is stationed there. when the squadron commander left his job and 2019 invited york yes to his official farewell celebration despite the fact that he was already known to federal authorities as a suspected right wing extremist. we wanted to discuss this with the new squadron commander but base of facials referred us to the defense ministry no one there would talk to us about the case. we also contacted the military counter-intelligence service and they wouldn't talk to us either. as we have been sort of uranium this is a high security military base and home to some of the buddhas vans most
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sophisticated weapons systems it's in this situation has to be thorough investigated. that we identified a further associate of marco g. and the court amin p. 2 trains 0 fighter pilots at the rostock air base. how have those suspected of supporting a right wing anti-government movement managed to gain access to high security military sites. constantine for notes is a member of the bonus talk oversight panel that's responsible for germany's intelligence agencies. and that truly shut eye in the possibility of a coup attempt even during the pandemic may seem unlikely but we still have to take it seriously and react accordingly the image question. our research indicates that many of the alleged isolated cases in the police and the military
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are connected. for example volga l. the weapons dealer confirmed that the group led by andrea s. had contact with the bones as fire officer called bronco a. in that so he was at the safe house he was there yes. to have the standoff on one occasion he took me aside. before and asked how he could get his hands on a weapon in germany and those fans as the victims often visits. the man at the same palace was franco a who in 2017 burst through attention to right wing extremism in the german military. for over a year he posed as a syrian refugee. and its decision on his case the german supreme court cited
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a number of extremist statements that he made. people do not accept the greatest truth if it is not connected with a triggering event. you should destroy the entire system. a struggle for i knew from them for i believe that from the very beginning these people believed at least to a certain extent that day x. could actually take place and they trying to find ways to make it happen. in early 2017 bronco a was in vienna. at the airport he had a weapon in a public toilet and then posted the location to his whatsapp group. the group also included other soldiers. he was arrested when he tried to retrieve the gun. that evening an annual ball sponsored by austria's right wing
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freedom party was to be held. the event often draws lots of demonstrators. investigators believe that bronco intended to carry out an attack there he believed that since he was registered as a refugee many would blame the crime on the immigrant community. that's less fun call a was believed to have been preparing an attack that with then be attributed to islamists or leftists or whomever the little league and the north crites group was considering similar measures time they figured that a provocation might be the best way to get things moving then as least 1000 posse at zogby had a few. cases like this have prompted speculation about what marco g. actually intended to do with the stockpile of weapons and ammunition that he kept at his house and where he got all that ammo.
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marco didn't respond to our request. it's for an interview so we go to visit him and dansko a woman who answers the door refuses to talk to us. despairing prosecutor's office has determined that much of the ammunition came from bone despair and police warehouses. it's actually quite easy to determine the origins of this kind of ammo if you know what to look for. we talked to someone who does. this for to go from 0 to just offense from leeds and these were military grade realms of fancy pure they have a very high penetration capability solution to quite effective against a wide variety of targets looking as this has nothing to do with self defense so it does offensive doesn't it was wonderful asking those needs if these rounds can penetrate body armor so we can assume that they might be used against police
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officers and security forces insurgency now i'm getting pretty tired bound to forts again. to find out where the ammunition came from you have to look for the specific lot number on the package. and often with units on trudge on from even with containers of 500 or 1000 rounds and you'll find individual packages like these and i didn't put one on the lot number is always stand on the bottom of each round to. to perform. these contractors a shift to the appropriate department which then hands them out to individual offices would be and for tonight the department's key correct or decision it so you can quickly determine when the ammunition came in and when it went down just now of conifer and despite our prosecutors are still trying to figure out how the police could lose track of so much ammo the car the plot of course we contacted the
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relevant authorities and asked. for specific information the investigation is still underway and if you. we try to figure out for ourselves where the ammunition came from the results are startling. the rounds had originally been supplied to bone despair and the lead police units all over germany for example 1200 cartridges were traced back to the state of north rhine-westphalia. we find out that special police units from dusseldorf cologne in dortmund often trained in the wide open spaces of mechlin ball for 4 men. did any of the officers have contact with markos group. we want to talk to the authorities and do spork who distribute ammunition to individual departments. they declined to be interviewed but later admitted in an e-mail that the rounds had indeed come from the states police
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stockpiles. north rhine-westphalia has now revised its ammunition distribution system but it's still not clear who was actually responsible for handing over the rounds to an authorized individuals. the officials say they can't comment on an ongoing criminal investigation. 100 other cartridges that later turned up in marco's stockpile were determined to have come from an elite police unit in bavaria the us cause. we go to munich to meet a very in parliament member florian ritter. we wanted to find out whether he was aware of any contacts between the us and the right wingers. to chivvy a foreign several us come embers were recently investigated for allegedly sharing objectionable content on chat apps indeed in officials determined that some of that
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content might if the. one anti semitic. after learning that ammunition from varia had been submitted as evidence in a criminal trial and sherene. filed a written request demanding that the authorities explain the situation. the answer that i got from the interior ministry was astonishing they said that no ammunition had gone missing. but prosecutors and bean have been able to prove just the opposite. the various state premier apparently has little interest in pursuing this potentially explosive matter. connections between the north koreans group and bavaria and that's a problems for. dealing with a terrorist network here. from federal varian sources.
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network then we have to find out how that's happening. in solution. with the german government has to protect itself against such threats. you can't just close your eyes and has that the problem will go away. that would be extremely dangerous again. manes most. finally managed to get the various state criminal police office to admit that prosecutors are investigating the situation. but they declined to comment further and they certainly didn't want to talk on camera citing the ongoing criminal investigation and. i'm sure it's we also have to protect the officials who were sworn to uphold the
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german constitution and to protect our democratic way of life. to commence its beauty if we don't do that we will expose those officials to a public debate that they really don't deserve to be part of and you switch to. the discovery of the ammunition that had been stored and turned into a national scandal for the police and the bone to spare. but most of the investigative work was left to prosecutors in. a private shooting range. provided clues. for years and structures from several police units attended shooting competitions there. including some of the units from which marco jean got his ammunition and. the events were authorized by mechlin borgs interior ministry and organized by
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a civilian who turned them into a kind of weapons trade fair. state interior minister norman's copy was the competition's patron and often attended the events himself. we visit the shooting range and may 2019 and talk to the people who run it. since then we've learned that some of them had close ties to the north koreans group and marco g. who went there for shooting practice evidence presented at this 15 trial indicated that the ranges owner frank t. passed along north quotes instructions to marco. the better we can communicate the easier it will be for us to meet on day x. but until then we have to keep a low profile. and state interior minister coffey also met often with frank t. at the shooting competitions. did the minister notice anything unusual at these
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events. the ministry has set up a commission to investigate all this it's not yet clear how much progress they've made. so we contact the ministry for more information and they don't respond to our requests so we decide to go there in person. name the city if. we've been trying to find out more about north courts and the shooting range system we'd like to talk to mr coffey about that but no one has responded to our requests or an interview and i really really. good maybe we could talk to you about it i'll see what i can do as ok.
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a few minutes later a security guard arrives please leave the building. no interview no please leave he's already been misled has said she'd be back you have to leave now. the moment but she said she'd be back yes please leave the building as if she promised to talk to us as complete leave the building for us and it was ok. the minister seems to be stonewalling us the federal interior minister hoarse to say all 4 won't talk to us about right wing extremists either officials at the defense ministry tell us that they are pursuing a 0 tolerance policy on right wing extremism but it's the federal prosecutor's office that should be tackling these cases they say that they have no evidence that andre ass or marco g. were members of a terrorist organization because you just asked him again can you explain why the investigations are going nowhere. why not.
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to my fb in studying this process for a long time lines and i still can't understand why it's taking so long but an interval in canada doesn't cancel was enough to see whole muscles is plugged in muslims in the sca fruit i think that sometimes the authorities are just being cautious because the situation has attracted so much attention they don't want to cause trouble if you stop off to go but the interior ministry has announced new measures to fight right wing extremism. this is them that you should not or any of we have to play an active role in this effort was even more so than the rest of the government. sponsored will be cordial to survive. so is a coup attempt really possible. doesn't it last bus after this is like a cancer that's growing in our society because it undermines the public's trust in the people who are supposed to protect us when people feel that they're in some
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sort of danger they may now feel uncomfortable about calling the police virtually each inmate in book 4 palm if i were in mecklenburg for palmer. my family think twice about it off as fast as christmas family. so have the authorities successfully tackled this threat he advised mr bond so no the threat remains and it's important to stress that the right wing structures are still in place as they have been for decades in germany and a highly dangerous and they feel is tied to the. right wing extremists continue to involve trade germany's security apparatus and the government needs to do more to stop them they pose a serious threat to democracy. they
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were almost down for the come. true a great deal. and in the winter they were still behind. but true champion stand up. and fight. on the back of the living championships in. 30 minutes on d w. what secrets lie behind small. discover new adventures in 360 degree.
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and explore fascinating world heritage sites. world heritage 360 getting up now. this is d.w. news live from bob and the man who just missed the coronavirus is just a little flu now. as impulse not tells well he's tested positive and you know seems to not be a convo it's a social distancing also on the program a fresh warning from paul calls to be done about big controversial new security the chief executive that anyone caught violating the new goals will face serious
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consequences for democracy activists fear there will be more suppression off dissent. and his judgment about to apologize for it.


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