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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  July 8, 2020 12:02am-12:31am CEST

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just like us president donald trump has don't play the severity of the pandemic just last friday bill sonora vetoed legislation requiring people to wear face masks in shops and churches today brazil's president announced that he has tested positive for the corona virus and he says he is taking a drug that doctors say does not work against covert 19 u.s. president trump however says it does tonight a lesson in the power of a virus and a lesson in the limits of political power lessons learned the hard way i'm bored golf in berlin this is the day. both of you will work as if you started on sunday with an on we'll see what were some during the day on monday. together with my doctor i then told that the symptoms could be a possible culprit 19 infection. or 3. considering the symptoms or
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the medical team decided to use hydroxy kill report. pleasures if i hadn't taken the test i wouldn't know how to say and it turned out to be positive. up with you. also coming up tonight the new security law in hong kong what does it mean for free speech online and what about social media companies can they adapt or will they have to pick up and leap wythenshawe like it will. even save. us to continue to receive funding we have to somehow. their worst scenario than me may also consider to move to. other countries. and to our viewers. p.b.s.
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in the united states and all around the world welcome we begin the day with the coronavirus and presidential powers today u.s. president donald trump notified members of congress that he is withdrawing the country from the world health organization with the number of new corona virus infections soaring in the u.s. and with hospitals filling up taking the u.s. out of the w.h.o. may appear self defeating but it is in line with trump's attempts to deflect efforts to blame him for america's coronavirus crisis while trump continues to ignore the reality of the pandemic another president no longer has that option today brazilian president is liable sanaa announced that he has tested positive for the corona virus the 65 year old has symptoms but he told reporters today that he is feeling better thanks to the anti-military a drug pushed by president trump olson r.-o. is known as the trump of south america both leaders have
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a lot in common they downplayed the pandemic and they've refused to stand behind efforts to stop the virus from spreading the virus however does not recognize executive power or privilege of any time so far trump has avoided infection today he and the world to sell 1st hand that the title mr president means nothing to the coronavirus. from the very beginning of the outbreak of which i am both repeatedly played down the risks of the corona virus and initially described this as an issue flu he also flouted central distancing the recommendations and other measures including plan facemasks in public. has been tested 3 times previously who came back negative however on cheese day the preceding and rightwing lead to confirm to local media had tested positive for 19 you will soon it'll be a row it's. don't it on sunday with
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a certain feeling of being known well the cult was a monday with news the tiredness a bit of muscle pain under fever that reached 38 degrees in the names of the new and i then thought that with the symptoms and with the presidential dr believing it to be a possible curvy 1000 infection i had a c.t. scan at a military hospital here in brasilia my lungs were clear. brazil is the 2nd worst hit country in the world after the us with more than 65000 deaths and at least 1600000 coronavirus cases. despite this pass restaurants and other businesses are slowly reopening the people still have to outs and they're getting as long as we follow the safety measures space between the tables i think it's worth reopening but if we are the only ones in here but if for instance there's someone on another table i think i would probably feel
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uncomfortable to w.h.o. has one the content is far from over as it's taking its toll around the wild parties. that have now been 11400000 cases of coffee of 19 and more than 535000 lives have been lost the outbreak is accelerating and we have clearly not reached the peak of the pundit make the world health organization also wish to pursue ian president also narrow a speedy recovery in his own battle against the coronavirus of a more this was go now to rio de janeiro talk to journalists much he is able he's been following this story forced good evening to you might say yes does this have any impact on both an hour's ability to execute the office of president.
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but so no himself says no and he wants to go on to govern the country from his home by video conference so for at the moment it's not sure if he would do so really or if president. replace him. in the end it depends on the severity of the symptoms of both scenarios so the next days will be total and him brazil once he is we know that president wilson are says that he is taking the anti-malaria drug that has been pushed by us president donald trump no doctors say that medication does not work against 19 so do we know why is also not taking it. yeah i think he sed he still believes in this in medicine and simply as that he he thinks it can help he's convinced by it instead of the critics by experts. a recent study in man hours in the amazon capital of brazil showed that
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a crow kind can. cause heart attacks can of course problems which haven't been there before so it is not recommended by experts for all type of patients so for sonora taking it in the end maybe because his role model donald trump all had so promotes this type of medicine we know that there is a growing list of political leaders who have become infected with the coronavirus some have changed their policies about the virus some have not how do you think this will impact the policies of president. i think personally that it won't have a huge impact on his policies in future because i'm both an r. is really keen to get a common new economy back on track he needs a strong economy in order to be reelected in 2 years and this is main aim to he wants to achieve and on the other hand he's in the middle of
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a political crisis many ministers stepped back in the last weeks and months so he still he was a radical and the current cries and i think i think he will go on like this because he is under pressure. politically and that means he might not change too much correspondents yes it hurts reporting tonight from rio de janeiro in brazil but yes thank you. we are still meet deep in the 1st wave of this if you look at the at the graph from europe europe the european union as an entity it went and then came down to baseline now they're having little blips as you might expect if they try to be open we would help never came down to baseline and now we're searching back so it's a serious situation that we have to address immediately dr anthony fauci there
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america's top infectious disease expert on the worsening pandemic in the united states and now the coronavirus is threatening a new group of people more than a 1000000 international students in america some schools including harvard university plan to only offer courses online next semester u.s. immigration authorities say foreign students in rolled at schools with only online courses will not be allowed to stay in the u.s. and could face deportation. now this could impact more than a 1000000 students a large share of them coming from china south korea and canada and there has been a lot of reaction on social media to this the economist anybody tweeting the trumpet ministration has now decided to deport yes deport thousands of foreign students the most skilled and talented young men and women of the world already in the u.s. and holders of a valid visa if that's not america attempting suicide please explain what is
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president us richard haass president of the u.s. council on foreign relations tweeted this having foreign students on u.s. campuses is a great way to make none americans pro-american it's also a great way to introduce them to our ideals and persuade them to stay or take those ideals home we seem now to be intent on turning them away and turning them against us but some also defending the move mark krikorian executive director of the u.s. center for immigration studies tweeted this what would be the point of foreign students being physically in the u.s. if all classes are online unless the real goal is to get a job and or put down roots as part of a scheme to stay permanently well to discuss the impact of studying in the us and what today's announcement means to us power and influence i am joined tonight by dr andreas nick a member of the german parliament for the conservative c.d.u.
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party and also here in berlin professor would call you're an economics professor from the u.s. who teaches here in germany gentlemen to both of you welcome to the day mr nick let me start with you if you were one of those international students in the u.s. not so long ago i mean you studied at johns hopkins and harvard university just to name a few what impact did that have on hugh you are today. only on me personally but i think for generations of international students coming to the united states that has deeply shaped their and form their perception of the united states of their the ideals. of american democracy and has been a great element of soft power of the united states around the globe and i find it almost incredible that you would to deliberately. to hate that enormous element of
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soft power in shaping a fuse and perceptions around the world professor call your let me get your take on this i mean you have seen 1st hand what studying in the us can mean for your students right here in berlin haven't you tell me about that. ok for 25 years i taught in the john f. kennedy institute for north american studies at the university for women and we require our students to go abroad and naturally people would go to canada and the united states and to a student they would come back with a much richer different differentiated view of america what makes america great where america shares problems just like problems here in europe but it has an understanding. for the united states and respect
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a deep respect for its educational institutions they bring that back the other thing to keep in mind the american students gain enormously they don't have to come and go abroad to have close intimate contact with. students coming from abroad they enrich the campus environment in the united states it's hard to imagine the stem a group science technology engineering studies mathematical studies these are many many foreign students who may need help maintain the programs and that's where the long term innovations for the american economy are to be found out it's you can't find a better win win situation than bringing the ambitious talented students to the united states today the head of the council of foreign relations richard haass tweeted that forcing foreign students to leave will mark the end of u.s. soft power i'd like to get both of your reactions to the fessor call you let me
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stay with you just a moment i mean do you agree is this america attempting suicide. you know. many things going to happen one needs a longer term view but this is definitely a step and a major step in the wrong direction it also seems to signal a belief that this is not just a temporary problem the whole idea of online teaching is not to replace face to face long term and change the nature of higher education no it's an emergency measure chosen very responsibly by by the individual universities so in many ways it would almost seem like it's a surrender. to the codepage epidemic mr nic you know you and i have talked many times on this program about the importance of soft power
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especially for superpower like the united states do you see america's soft power being eroded here. i think it's clearly one more decisive step in giving up the moral leadership and the soft power that has shaped american foreign policy and america's wrote in the world for decades and don't forget i think this goes back much stronger to the founding of many of those u.s. universities. in the early days of the united states if i recall. from germany during the nazi time who came to us universities including the new school in new york and others. at the bar college which recently is representing so there's a lot much longer tradition than just people of all with generation here and. even in the words university and being credit lee attracting to talent from all over the world has been
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a key ingredient to so how and will remain so in the 21st century and i fear it is another element of what richard house is also cool the education of the united states as a global leader yeah it's a very good point it's a disturbing point because you can't buy soft power either you either have it or you don't underrate us nick member of the german parliament and professor irwin collier economics professor here in berlin to both of you gentlemen thank you very much we appreciate you sharing your stories with us tonight thank you. if they get . the new security law in hong kong has created more questions than answers how far will the law go in curtailing personal freedoms what we do know is this authorities in the territory have begun combing the city's libraries to find books that may violate the law all the wall which forbids supporting hong kong independence today hong kong chief executive kerry lamb warn
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people not to break the wall promising harsh consequences but pro-democracy activists fear the consequences are already real w.c. because reports. for years now everyone has joined fellow members of his party on the 1st of july to mark hong kong's had no fire to chinese fruit but everything changed now this week it isn't uncommon for such a small peaceful protest to have 100 plus police to search a dozen office by cast this movie didn't you know you may never see the picture made in hong kong as on the street like a lot because we are content not because. we are now happy with the company is because now we have to upgrade now very thick i think larry coming out of. the the 1st protest seems to new security will was put in place was to see offenders go to prison for life for suppression. several parties have now decided
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to disband some leading activist have fled but avery and his party are not about to follow suit. because if point they say the pot if you pal down now what's it to say that you do wrestle hong kong psychologically. the most selfless compared to go to prison for a long telling we're not going to take what we have been doing for you but depends on the bill. suppression that we are going to face of the future there will be a certain. mortification and transformation activists i mean hong kong there's no doubt a strong sense of fear also lose hope a supporter of self-censorship has been the most common reaction just as many pro-democracy restaurants have quickly taken down declarations for political messages leaving empty mammals as a way of silent protest. beijing in sr alone a fact only a minority of lawbreakers critics say political activism is under threat and that's
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just the 1st step in the now works for an n.c.o. based in hong kong for decades it has been executing for labor rights across asia hochul has been a popular hub for thousands of local and international n.g.o.s but a new law means many are now we considering the options there's a lot of m.b.a. quitting we don't know what do you mean by somehow may be where foreign forces because we have stuff from overseas under this law we are required i'm sure like how it will impact even the safety of individual staff or wollaston rights for us to if we continue to receive for funding we have to somehow p. pair are the worst scenario then we may also consider to move to. other countries. beijing has played down the last impact saying in nearly close to
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strengthen the management of n.g.o.s and our organizations in hong kong. even those do it clear how the security law will be implemented activists and efficacious here will have to be where the face a rocky road. was i and the uncertain future it is talk about that i want to bring in steve song he's director of the university of london's china institute he joins me tonight from nottingham is just wrong it's good to have you on the program let me 1st start by asking you what do you make of kerry lam today threatening harsh consequences for people who violate this new security law. but it is to be expected the new law was introduced to intimidate people in hong kong and they're full it is understandable that the chief executive would be making a statement like that in order to intimidate people there do you see this law as
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part of the process that beijing is now forcing to reclaim hong kong that's going to take us to the end of this period of 2 systems one state. well one country 2 system opposed to hong kong has effectively been pushed to and the chinese government who will say as it has already set that it is to strengthen in one country 2 system what they really meant is that's the strengthening in one country 2 systems as the communist party of china understands it and he finds it but that's not the way how people in hong kong would understand it is not the way how any objective analyst would understand it or what does that mean the mr song for the people in hong kong
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for those pro-democracy protesters and activists what what would you advise them to do in this situation. well what they should do is really a matter for damage to decide to do and it's not really for an outsider like myself to tell them to watch to do what the chinese government has done and is essentially east to criminal minds effectively all the major of protest actions that were being taken by people in hong kong who went out to protest in this some of year. and it includes in fact not only the action of toll tast it also include anybody who should give any 2 nations to eat protesters. for that matter any parents who go out to pick up
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a youngster who had been on a protest movement somewhere in hong kong they are now illegal we know that china strongly resent what it says is foreign interference in its domestic affairs and with that in mind and with knowing how important china is and remains as a trading partner. can the international community can it bring pressure to bear upon beijing when it comes to hong kong. well that depends on whether the international community has to winch to do so we are looking at some the e.u. working should get there with the u.k. and the 5 countries then i think that is going to be a lot of pressure on the chinese government open hong kong but you cannot walk to geta and the chinese government will be able to be by and new which is stan
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that modus operandi but this must come at the best time then for beijing when it looks at europe and it sees brecht's it taking place the u.k. and the european union are going separate ways they're not coming together this is exactly what china wants is an. i think you're absolutely right to be fair the chinese government had clearly he signed it that they would be doing something unknown to light of what they're doing now by no one but last year well people call it 19 and became a and issue. with 19 bringing countries in europe and dignity in the united states to its needy and dependent on china for p.p.s. from their perspective to tommy is now absolutely in a perfect to push a very very hot mind on hong kong mr steve song director of the university of
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london is trying to institute joining us tonight for not a good reason we appreciate your time and your insights tonight very valuable thank you thank you again situation is show us so us ok thank you duly noted. well the day is almost done the conversation continues online you can join us on twitter either at u.w. news or you can follow me at or at go off t.v. and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day see of the never before.
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huge numbers of corona virus infections in meat processing plant. crude treatment of livestock transfer to the cross near a. terrible living and work conditions for employees. how toxic is the meat industry. global 3000. next on d w. sound
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