tv DW News Deutsche Welle July 9, 2020 5:00pm-5:31pm CEST
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this is from the u.s. president donald trump told. tax return to new york prosecutors the country's supreme court ruled the president does not have absolute immunity from criminal investigation but blocks congress from receiving similar. also on the program. bring it stream is a. germany security threat to the findings from a government report on increasing. the country's domestic security chief says we
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are seeing a new front of hate and contempt. mass gatherings after protests against a proposed. putting on the beach street protests to say the president is using the political get. a welcome to the program the u.s. supreme court has ruled that a new york prosecutor can have access to president trump's financial records but blocked congress from obtaining similar documents the justices rejected arguments by the president's lawyers that he is immune from investigation while in office the president's tax returns a big source as part of a grand jury investigation into allegations that include the payment of hush money to women who say they had affairs with the president and happens to strict attorney
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described the decision as a tremendous victory for the u.s. justice system. as for what this means with our washington bureau chief in a poll welcome to rulings today one for the president what against it just talk us through what was decided. well phil 1st of all it shows that checks and balances all still in place in the united states even a president all trump is not immune against in the investigations as long as he remains in office that's how his lawyers were arguing so why did the same supreme court decide on the one hand he decided that trump for now can block the release of his final records to congress that's a really bad news for the democrats because they were so eager to get all this information and to see why and why trump is hiding his financial records so
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badly but on the other hand they also do scientists. that he has to show the records also deliver the records to the prosecutors in new york so that is a stunning defeat for donald trump and so let's let's talk about what does it mean politically where months away from actually. getting the democrats were hoping for a bit to use this in some way. so as this is such a complicated mature as such a complicated case it probably will take weeks mainly months so experts say that we won't get the information what is in these takes releases before the elections and that was obviously what the democrats were hoping for that they find out something which they can all that they would be able to use against donald trump that's the downside for the democrats on the other hand from now will face the fact that his
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information will will will be investigated at some point maybe after the election so what it probably means for the next couple of weeks and months this will be in the focus this will be another main story and that doesn't come to in a very good moment for trump because as we all know he's handling the corona crisis not very well of the economy is not doing well more and more recovery republicans are turning away from him so it's not what he wanted he wanted to clear decision today from the supreme supreme court that he will never have to show his tax information his financial records and that's not what you got today are you but washington bureau chief of. to germany where the interior minister domestic security chief released a report profiling crime committed in the country last year they concluded that the
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biggest danger facing germany is right wing extremism. the security threats in germany are manifold with one area still a particularly high concern says the german interior minister. let me start off with the area of right wing extremism racism and anti semitism this area is the greatest threat to security in germany. nothing is change that on the contrary the number of offenses the number of people linked to rightwing extremist circles and the number of violent far right extremists has increased further. to extremist just. a number of particularly brutal far right acts made headlines over the last year in 29000 pro migration conservative politician via term lipka was killed and a gunman killed 2 people in an attack on a synagogue and. in february this year
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a gunman shot dead 9 people in one hour some 90 percent of anti semitic acts in germany a far right motivated the report lists around $8000.00 more right wing extremists on the radar of german intelligence agents compared to last year. that spike in numbers in part comes from the authorities putting the so-called fluke of the a party under observation an unofficial grouping of far right politicians. but opposing politicians want the whole party to face scrutiny. of the bill is not the entire a 50 but it has spread across the entire a 50 the fuel is deeply rooted within the f.d.a. which is why it would be important to put the f.d.a. as a whole under surveillance because there are traces of the fugal everywhere. and as far as security is concerned left wing and islamist terrorism remain the 2 other
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big threats cyber attacks and espionage also play an increased role readiness to commit violence is growing on all sides. as a society we must be alarmed that the threshold to commit violence has been declining steadily that the number of fires and acts as risen exorbitantly and that online we are witnessing the rise of a front of hate in contempt which makes the unspeakable acceptable and paves the way for violent acts in real life. the german interior minister stressed that no previous german government has been as active in its efforts to combat right wing extremism 3 far right groups have been banned they say here alone new special units within the agencies have been founded and a special government committee $100.00 over its findings to the german parliament next spring. take a closer look at this report with the political correspondent. well so this
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report but so many others have highlighted a rise in anti semitism in germany. exactly what the reports make it makes very clear that the biggest threats of war one comes from germany's security even foreign agents left wing extremism in islamic terrorism but the far right terrorism indeed and if you look at the rhetoric of the far right here in germany that was spreading conspiracy theories for years against migrants for example especially after 2015 and a wave of asylum seekers that reach germany define right kept on saying that and to send it to get a view was imported even gemini by muslim migrants but if you look at the report you see that over 90 percent of anti-semitism tax here in germany stem from far right says and not from muslim communities and whole as they offered the interior minister to say that diesel is a disgrace that anti-semitism was on the rise in germany over all countries
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referring of course to germany's nazi past and to responsibly for the holocaust we've heard the interior minister saying that this government to do more than others to talk to extremism what is it doing. well the emphasis right now is put on trying to tackle new forms of extremism efforts are directed towards identifying isolated individuals or terrorist says outside to see if it's already known by the authorities and the needs of the dots more difficult to detect the reports of so highlight the threats represented by dozy individuals especially if they are in possession of weapons and so something that's taken very seriously are threats being sent email post look at a petition who was murdered last year had received such threats so bomb threats are taken very seriously and of course desk lists such as the one established by to far right terrorist group not course which are planned on targeting townsend's of left wing politicians journalists activists helping refugees for example so to focus on
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the all targets is right now he's very much an old those terrorists. but those who correspond to money will chavez thank you. research estimate the japanese home to about a 1000000 people of african heritage and many very say racism is part of their everyday existence to your lives have been talking to date. about their experiences. dancing us and us paver tabi but that wasn't why she stood out in school she stood out because she was one of their a few black pupils at her school in southern germany one of my live a pretty much all my friends were white i didn't look like they did and didn't do the same things that home that they did and in a way i always had the feeling i had 2 identities and had to read just depending on who i happened to be hanging out with dancing gave her a feeling of belonging because when she danced it didn't matter what color her skin was but in everyday life people make comments to put her in
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a box she says. the losses are going to be things like a what your university or what you were at high school these things make it hard to feel at home because you don't look like the others and you don't have your roots here like aviva mcgee what. in addition to her studies anna has a job as a social worker she supervises a group home for youngsters with mental disabilities and so when i get on the subway train sometimes i feel the looks like get in a certain tension for example that someone holds their bag a little closer or somebody will scrutinize your hair or your hands you just never know is it admiration like wow what beautiful hair she's got or is it discussed you never know. because sony is a billionaire as well she will start sociology studies this fall she's very close to her mother well he can realized very early on that her daughter was treated
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differently from white children. and she took ballet lessons like any go she wanted to dance ballet in a pink tutu and jump around and she came out of. the trial lesson totally dejected she was 3 years old and she said mom or i don't want to be brown anymore moments like these spurred into action she started a playgroup for afro german children so at least once a month her daughter would have the feeling of not being the only black child discuss this most look at racism can really be hurtful many people want to hear about these experiences they might think oh well it's once a month i know it's every day when you go out every day if you don't get a job or an apartment you applied for is not always for racist reasons of course but that's always one of the 1st things you wonder can't sue me hopes that the current debate about racism which change society's perception of people of color not just short term but the long term to take
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a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world will start in australia which has suspended an extradition agreement with whole call of the china imposed a national security law giving it sweeping new powers that prime minister scott morrison said australia would also extend visas for skilled workers from the chinese territory on slow hold call businesses to the country in front of me but. authorities say they have seized the migrants rescue boat operated by the german n.g.o.s sea watch claiming that it doesn't comply with safety regulations to the vessel sea watch 3 was used to rescue more than 200 people stranded at sea last month in april it's a live band of mica rescue ships and docking as its ports because of the corona virus pandemic. and surgeons at a hospital in rome have successfully separated twins who have been called joined at the back of their heads the 2 year old sisters are said to be recovering well the rest surgery was aided by a 3 day or vented reality map of their skulls and brains. now serbia
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has banned gatherings of more than 10 people after anti-government rallies fill the streets of the capital belgrade for a 2nd day and night protesters are angry after the government proposed a 2nd lockdown due to a shop a spike in cases some critics of blamed a 2nd wave on serbia's president lifted an earlier lock down to allow elections. pandemic prostrations buffalo for on the streets of belgrade chaos erupted thousands of protesters battled with police and trying to storm the parliament that angry over the president's handling of the coronavirus pandemic balsa redoubtable the main reason we're here is to support the protests that are happening during these abnormal times when the country is falling apart. cases have spiked across the balkan country in recent weeks sobieraj 40 different highest kobe had 19
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death toll on kerry's day president alexander who checked originally announced a weekend curfew for belgrade but now his government says it won't reimpose a lock down. but no one is quite sure whether that will be enough to appease the demonstrate is and to keep the peace. so why did protests escalate so quickly into violence and well yet there's an expert on southeast europe with the german institute for international security affairs. the reason it's not all of them extraordinary is a deeply divided society in which the president mr gooch holds all power so they broke this partly because of that but then the but they go much deeper the society i think is for the up with the hubris of the president who split off like you get closer to shuttle bases for his rule actually hear something
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like the german president the good government and the prime minister should run the country she hold has all the reins of the party in his hands so it's a protest against 8 years of suppression of the freedom of the press of the freedom of the media and it's. in a way shows that this work in society is the great go for much much the pretty violent than ever before. disadvantage now to china where some of the 300 lawyers an activist arrested in a 2015 crackdown of being released they pushed back against presentation things moved to tighten restrictions on free speech but were arrested and sentenced for subversion of power so we'll hear now from one lawyer who just got out of prison is rebuilding his life as well as his desire to support individual rights a family reunited one too and john
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a prominent human rights lawyer was released from prison 2 months ago he's one of more than 200 lawyers were detained in 2015 when china's government started an unprecedented crackdown on lawyers. machines are one of those you know you feel when you lose something important and then you get it back i cannot find the right words for this feeling it feels like something exceptionally precious but there is also the fear that i might lose him again. hypothesis there's such a. one to one junk spent almost 5 years behind bars many things are new to him like this app that recognizes the names of plants. before a whole where you could now i've been released i feel drawn to nature i often go out to enjoy it that's how i started paying attention to plants i want to know their names i mean that during these years isn't whose name also took
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a toll on his wife. and it was that whatever i call these people came to my house and blocks the entrance. presidential would you be when i tried to open the door a man told me if you come out i will kill you. china's government was taking their revenge on the compelling on his behalf his son to enter and also witnessed the only see this. was you know you are 7 going to take my sword and fight against them . this is what i really want to do to others it's our. turn john was taken without warning after that his wife did not hear anything about him until his trial was announced more than 3 years later and indefinitely i am very tense very nervous i could not sleep. on december 26th of 20181 trend john was charged with state subversion
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a serious offense and turnbull clearly was hoping to get a glimpse of him in court but again state security had gathered in front of the homes of children which are still waiting for them i'm nervous i've been in situations often but every time is different. this doctor trip we're this is not about the rights of relatives this case is about state secrets here so we are going to load up on that right off my you know what. now the family is trying to put these experiences behind them will take time for them to get back to a new move life. after my release my son to die were very affectionate with each other at least on the surface pretty a strange man just quite obvious. when i tell him something he opposes me he rebels this gives me a headache i feel embarrassed. i want to stop become closer to each other.
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right now one tonight has a lot of time to spend with his family with origins have evolved as warriors license but he's already planning to appeal and to sue the government for its wrongdoing it's. a humanitarian group oxfam is warning that the coronavirus is crisis the hunger crisis in the poorest parts of the world they say that as many as 12000 people a day could die from hunger linked to the fallout from the pandemic a new study shows the disruption to food supplies and aid funding could push well over $100000000.00 the brink of starvation this year the lincoln countries including india south africa and brazil are said to being particularly at risk. when live years ago with oxfam international regional director for the whole east and central africa joins us from nairobi welcome to g.w.
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so that tell us more than about the connections between the pandemic and this worsening hunger. so what what is happening is that we already have a 'd vulnerability is within the system lead to the fact that in some of these countries conflict has been an ongoing issue climate the climate crisis was living affecting them and we have a global broken food system anyway and higher consuming inequalities in many parts of the world and the confluence of all of this is what has driven more people into food insecurity. and into actual hunger so for instance in the horn east and central africa for example there are 47000000 people who are on the brink of starvation and hunger and this speaks to the fact that in many of these countries we're talking about particularly the 10 part spot countries in the world where
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already did they were all these compounding problems and coping this coming in to increase the challenges that these countries faced such as saudi arabia i mean serious us south sudan and sudan yemen syria. democratic republic of the congo go. if your via these all the countries were most affected afghanistan by the situation where a moment and your report says a middle income countries are particularly at risk why. yes because well so we had really these countries who had this confluence of. factors and vulnerabilities existing preexisting before coated 19 but in. as we have also seen even the engine was included in the engine hospitals particularly india south africa and brazil as you've already mentioned in your report where. people were somehow managing up to now have been
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pushed over and tipped over the age into hunger as well and this is particularly related to the mess and employments that that has taken place job losses. the international labor organization for instance says say that. 305000000 full time jobs have been lost over this period due to the corona virus so these types of events push people who are somehow managing up to now rather interesting to asian with the going to be able to manage so the pandemic of course is a global problem everyone is suffering so who can help. i think there's several things that can be done so with the 1st one is they united nations has created it and they make a p.r. . 19 global humanitarian response appeal currently it's
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only funded 24 percent. looking for $7800000000.00 what we would like to see is more governments more donors putting into that into that facility which will then support these types of famine. countries who have the need particularly in the hot spots. to be able to respond properly to to the 90. both from the point of view of that strengthening the health systems but also beginning to strengthen the food security systems in most countries and social protection systems rather than we would want to see a focus on. canceling headed for some of these low income countries that would go a long way to releasing money that they're currently using to service their debts and to private businesses and institutions generally go into that the cultural $6.00 deaths yes their social security so. we say that ok well thank you so much for
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joining us and explaining that for us at live years ago from oxford thank you. that's in japan where dozens of been killed as landslides and floodwaters ripped through the south west of the country rescuers are searching for survivors and hundreds of thousands of people have been ordered to leave their homes and the country's meterological agency is warning that heavy rains will continue to hit the region over the coming days. flooding and mudslides have devastated this region normally renowned for its hot springs and scenic mountain trails a popular tourist destination transformed into a wasteland local residents hotel workers and visitors or have been caught up in the aftermath of the massive downpours. the land just crumbled more than i ever thought it could be rocks were falling into the valley and the river also sounded
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different. going up and i have never seen so much rain it just kept falling on and on. japan's weather agency has ordered the evacuation of nearly half a 1000000 people but moving into shelters is not compulsory and many a choosing to stay put perhaps because of fears over the coronavirus again during war emergency units are carrying out search and rescue missions in various areas we will continue to do our utmost for the disaster prioritizing people's lives. the authorities are warning that more widespread heavy rain is likely to fall in the next 3 days for the destruction and loss of life look highly likely. this is day dubliners here's a reminder of our top story the u.s. supreme court says will the president trump must hand over financial records including his tax returns to new york prosecutors or same cotto blocked congress
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justice for the victims of the stripper in the genocide that's catherine bond business and. the human rights advocate wants to identify each of the 1000 to the last man heard of. this huge undertaking the still under way 25 years after the infamous massacre in bosnia herzegovina some goods on the us. next on t.w. .
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hundreds off the eaves in my times. where i come from rajoy remains an import fountain soft transmitting new and form ish and when i was young my country was in drawing the news conference the more troubling of people most people would regard that are around to see if. it was my jaw to turin one off the lot just say it's sold out everyone in that column. and listen to those against me. nothing has been from inception my long cardia enjoy nothing more than the long view even if it's not by us i was a twit of. my choice to discard because given the
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way so transmitted from the troops. when it was my gosh mom much. and i want. to tell. hello and a warm welcome and to focus on europe liz show and it's great to have your company so far the coronavirus pandemic hasn't affected germany as much as it has many other countries but the danger isn't over yet it's called 1000 hotspots are still popping up in different parts of the country. germany's biggest meat processing company 10 years had to be shut down because of an out.
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