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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 14, 2020 7:00am-7:15am CEST

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churchill in terms of. good food to the good. this is the w.'s allies are from berlin and california other times the latest u.s. state to roll back its reopening efforts to the governor ordering all bars or restaurants and movie theaters to shut again and an ongoing surging new coronavirus cases hospitals in several california counties are already under strain also coming up. a reminder that going on vacation is no vacation from social distancing on the
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spanish party island majorca hundreds are again packing the bars and beaches ignoring guidelines germany's health minister warns reckless party couldn't trigger a 2nd wave of the coronavirus. and in peru out of work and out of option the virus leaves the poorest struggling to stay afloat. i'm claire edges and welcome to the show amid an ongoing surge in corona virus cases across several u.s. states california has announced it is once again shutting down state authorities there have ordered the closure of restaurants bars and movie theaters across america as most populous state several rural rural counties are experiencing strains to their hospital systems all cases are also mounting. in large
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metropolitan areas including los angeles and san francisco. back to square one california shuts down most of its public life for the 2nd time back in march it was the 1st us state to impose a strict stay at home order even closing down its beaches parks and campsites but now that more is known about how the virus is transmitted the state has shifted its policy allowing outdoor activities to continue while closing most indoor facilities today we are announcing additional statewide actions as a relates to our stay at home order here in the state of california we are now effectively rather fact of today requiring all counties to close their indoor act to vittie stared indoor operations the governor is acting on the fact that nuke over 1000 cases in the state have surpassed 8000 a day more than twice as many as a month ago this could soon overburdened hospitals in rural parts of california
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beyond bars and restaurants the governor has also called for the closing of gyms hair salons churches and non-essential workplaces in most counties but even those lucky enough to work in an area where businesses like these remain open don't know for how long. if we don't make no no money to pay the rent the leno show for $2.00 so everybody has a problem yeah and also we don't have any income and then the family of family the problem to me with more than 7500000 californians already filing for unemployment benefits since the pandemic hit the latest shutdown could mean the final blow for countless livelihoods. many in california won't be happy that the state is going back on its reopening efforts here's utopia washington correspondent stephan simons on how people might respond to having restrictions reimposed as we
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know in california as well as in other states there were a lot of people unhappy with the lockdown with shelter in place orders with the country actually not functioning and then using their jobs and having no income being at home trying to figure out childcare and being with their with their children they were not going to school however this is for everybody a stark reminder this is not going to get it's not over yet and as dr felt she the i mean america has. been those well known and. the authority in the church is disease already said we're just in the middle of it this is not the end so there will be reactions there will be harsh reactions on one side and the other probably from washington there won't be any good reactions coming to this. well made that resurgence of the coronavirus in the united states the world health organization is headed gave another stark warning saying the pandemic will intensify unless more
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countries adopt comprehensive plans to combat it if the basics out and followed there is only one way responding mickey is going to go it's going to get worse and worse and worse there will be no return to the old norman for the foreseeable future but there is a road to a situation where we can control the disease and get on without lives well german health minister young spawn has warned there could be a renewed outbreak of coronavirus if tourists let down their guard on vacation he said he was alarmed by images of germans of flouting social distancing guidelines while partying on the beaches of majorca spawn's says the danger of a 2nd wave is real and he's urging tourists to follow the rules. on my yorkers beaches holiday makers enjoy the sun and the fresh breeze but at night all the coronavirus related rules seem forgotten on the party strip the so-called
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tourists drinking and dancing with few face masks and little social distancing to be seen. german health minister young man has expressed concern. of course in this that we have to be very careful that the ballot man doesn't become a 2nd girl what i mean by that is the risk of infection is particularly high when people don't stick to the rules. of the austrian ski resort was one of the 1st coronavirus hot spots from upraise ski parties the virus started to spread all over europe. the health minister urged holiday makers to save vigilant in order to prevent new infections. when i see pictures from the baltic sea resorts and there is a breeze and everyone's looking out for one another bit i don't get nervous. but
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it's when i see people partying and drinking out of the same bottles when people are hugging that of course increases the risk as musical. said he understood that tourists are impatient after months of lockdown but that their behavior would increase the risk of spreading coronavirus and potentially trigger a 2nd wave of infections. well south african president cyril ramaphosa has reimposed a ban on alcohol sales and is bringing back a national curfew the government had loosened one of the world's strictest lock downs setting off a sharp spike in cases of coke at 19. south africa is going through stormy times not only in terms of the weather covered $1000.00 cases like hundreds of thousands of south african lost jobs because of the lock down the economy is shrinking and then on sunday the president's made an announcement that shocked those who like to
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drown their frustration with a glass of wine or beer now decided to say you the dispensing and the distribution of whole will be suspended with immediate effect. there is. now clear evidence that the resumption of. his use solitude in substantial pressure being put on hospitals. including trauma and i.c.u. to south africa already banned the sales of alcohol in the early stages of the lock down but the industry pushed for reopening warning of massive job losses what happened after wards the hospital admissions went up significantly about 17000 alcohol related trauma admissions in hospitals where records every week that's why for now the liquor stores throughout the country remain closed again and i cannot change to me going to be straightforward i'm not going to be rude i think it's
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terrible i think it's a realistically because in the leaking industry is not only the people working in the bottle store there's a better a 1000000 people now then all have to be at home no i don't call it did most of us think that does work we will always fight to the people of the ladies who are a woman who are violated every time just because a phone call so i support the president did put in there was very good he's done perfect the president also announced tonight curfew and stricter controls to enforce the airing of face masks but many here fear that this might not be enough to weather the storm off corona virus there's still a massive lead off intensive care units testing kits and a shortage of about $12000.00 health care workers. while with over 320000 confirmed corona virus infections is 2nd only to brazil confirmed cases in south america as well as placing a huge burden on fragile health care system the pandemic is making it harder for
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the poorest to earn a living we bring you this report from the capital lima. arturo is afraid of infection but he has no choice he was laid off from his job in retail now he sells past. face shields his commission is $0.50 per sealed. i have 3 kids i have to go out and earn money to feed my family. corona has hit hard 70 percent of peruvians live day to day working as street sellers or in construction block down measures here were initially strict and almost impossible to follow some rules have been relaxed and then the rules at the hardest in some areas outside the capital lima mayors have set up soup kitchens. there are lots of children and old people in need most of the people here live hand to mouth. and be in the. intensive care beds are a luxury here the whole country has just over 1000 beds for 32000000 inhabitants
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doctors warn that's well below international standards. our health system has been broken for years now we're paying the price for having no real health policy for 4 decades. oxygen tanks for sick relatives do it yourself medicine where the state has fallen short. well let's go now to some other stories making news around the world in san diego hundreds of firefighters have been battling a blaze on a u.s. war vessel for a 2nd day the fire started on sunday in the lower cargo hold of the u.s.s. a. which was docked at the u.s. naval base in san diego for routine maintenance about 60 people have received medical attention. police in southern california have said a body found in a lake has been identified as the missing actress. who went missing last week the
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33 year old is believed to have drowned after renting a boat with her 4 year old son he was found safe in the vessel rivera start in 6 seasons of the musical comedy. e.u. foreign ministers have met in person for the 1st time in months they discussed taking measures against china over the controversial new security law imposed on hong kong human rights concerns in turkey were also on the agenda in brussels. well german chancellor angela merkel has called for a huge effort from the european union to counter the economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic she spoke after meeting italian prime minister just at they contact for talks near berlin the pair are working to build solidarity ahead of a summit in brussels this weekend where you readers will have bait a proposed 750000000000 euro recovery package but a number of northern european countries
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a want to curb the chancellor's ambitious plans diplomacy in times of corona while the leaders of germany and italy practice social distancing they've moved closer on policy issues the move made possible by germany's concession for europe to borrow more money to help rebuild after the current crisis without action economic forecasts are bleak. that's. that is why we want to head into the talks and brussels in a spirit of great friendship and with great solidarity. we hope the talks will give us all the chance to come out of this big humanitarian disaster and also out of the ensuing economic downturn in the best possible shape is what the hosts. conti has been touting italy's reform plans here in me is a back that consists of an energy transition a green new deal the dismantling of italy's notorious bureaucracy and improvements to its justice system. we need to move fast react quickly history has shown us that
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the best reactions aren't worth much if they come too slowly it's this they know that what neither leader is willing to predict whether the upcoming talks in brussels will make significant progress deciding this could be the beginning of a long process. let's go to sports now and n.f.l. football team of the washington redskins has confirmed it will change its name following renewed protests the term the redskins has long been offensive to many native americans and the team's owner had previously stated he would never change it now he has reconsidered after pressure from sponsors. pro tennis now and here in berlin a moment you don't often see in the game a double tweener as in 2 shots between the legs. 1st of germany's tommy haas in white manages it without hurting himself and then yannick center of italy gets
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it done as well hoss won the point and the small socially distance crowd cheered when i won the 1st round 1st round match of a mid pandemic exhibition china and. you're watching the news don't forget you can get all the latest on our website that's t w dot com and you can follow us on twitter and instagram too at the end it's i mean i rejoice and ben thanks so much for joining us. a meal time to go complete the 2nd season of only. the planet on the brink of disaster we did a long interview experts about one question how to change.


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