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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 21, 2020 7:00pm-7:15pm CEST

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this is d.w. news live from berlin jubilation after european union leaders strike a deal on a multibillion euro coronavirus recovery package. europe be strong europe is united states. after 4 days and nights they finally agree on the details of loans and grants to be given to member states hit hardest by the pandemic so who won and who lost also coming up here in germany the high profile trial of the man accused of targeting a synagogue in the city of hama get some 2.2 passers by were killed during the
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attack. i'm sumi so misconducts good to have you with us european leaders have sealed a deal on an unprecedented 750000000000 euro coronavirus recovery fund after 4 days of heated talks leaders finally agreed on the details of loans and grants to be given to countries hardest hit by the pandemic now all of the 750000000000 euros 390000000000 will be given in the form of grants the remaining 360000000000 euros will be disbursed in the form of cheap loans it is a compromise that satisfies the demands of more fiscally conservative countries good morning everyone and we did it's europe east strong europe is united states level for these were the words the delegate. have been working towards
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a deal has been done and the wrangling can stop everyone can go home some kind of win or relief was visible on their faces despite the masks. e.u. council chief francis emmanuel mccall and ursula fund a line commission president plus standing tallest of the mole mark reiter from the netherlands. he had led the group who'd limited the grants and made them conditional what i was aiming for and i think we have achieved the emergency brake i mean emergency break at the level of european council to be able to enforce the reforms in member states if they are not taking place against the broker of that particular member states. have to agree with european commission. states like poland and victor all bans hungary they insisted though they hadn't been boxed in by any of. the rule of law and budget. was.
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packed was successfully rejected despite underlying problems that haven't gone away maclin macor say the e.u. works. after a very long session we have reached a good conclusion and i am very happy about that therefore. europe has shown that it is prepared to take new paths in what is a very special situation i believe that is necessary extraordinary events and in this case that's the pandemic that has reached us all demand extraordinary new methods what. the whole thing may have been close but mcchrystal says the deal they reached will help all 27 e.u. nations history over i'm convinced that this plan this budget will respond to the health economic and social challenges we are all facing in our countries are going
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to be. it was a long fight 4 days of negotiations brought significant divisions to light but the deal stands and now everyone can go home. and let's go right to brussels our correspondent mike sander is standing by for us there hi max so how much relief is there that this could get done after 4 days and nights of wrangling. well there is a lot of relief here in brussels and in all of europe and like to say but yeah we saw it in the report leaders where this was a severely contentious issue with a lot of the vide within the block the leaders were divided to caps largely around the issue of the e.u. recovery fund with rubles on one side northern european countries are pressing for grants and strict controls such as the netherlands then you had germany and france on the other side largely advocating for sorry loans on the frugal grants on the on that on the german french side for dead countries hated hardest by the covert 900 pandemic so it says
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a lot about the compromise that now all 27 leaders managed to go home claiming claiming victory so a lot of relief there french president mccall said today this was a historic day for europe a chance of course of austria and the dutch prime minister makoto said this is a good deal for europe but also for taxpayers at home and the italian prime minister contact. whose country will get the lion's share of the funds said he is sure that the package would help challenge challenge the crisis head on and if you look to eastern european countries such as hungary and poland i'm accused of breaching the rule of law time and time again another device divisive topic here at at the summit they said they fought hard and gained a huge victory and medical german chancellor merkel as we know are a little bit more measured but also relieved she said tough talks but in the end what counts is that we managed to come together and go and go out with
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a deal and we know germany recently took over the rotating presidency of the e.u. i mean how important was it to the german chancellor to get an agreement here. well we can't overstress germany's position in all of this especially how much this position changed just a few months ago germany would clearly be sitting in the in the camp with the other frugal countries with no evelyn's for example. a debt union in the past in past crises was unthinkable and would have been unthinkable with with germany but this is exactly what leaders agreed on here today merkel has done a complete your u. turn joined president mccall in his proposal to neutralize debt and experts say this might have to do with merkel heading out of office not having to worry about what voters at home think and some say this might have been her greatest achievement in the e.u. for in the history max center for us in brussels thank you
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and now to some other stories that are making headlines around the world a group of british m.p.'s has criticised the government for failing to protect u.k. elections from russian interference a report by parliament's intelligence and security committee says downing street avoided investigating in russian meddling in britain's political system the committee also accused the government of delaying the publication of its report of the trial of former sudanese leader marsh are bashir has been adjourned due to a lack of social distancing and court a khartoum judge said a larger court room will have to be found for the next hearing in august is facing charges relating to the military coup that brought him to power in 1989 police in zimbabwe have arrested a prominent investigative journalist hopewell chin on all filmed his attention he's just the latest critic of the government to be arrested ahead of anti-corruption protests planned for later this month the new german our security has been kidnapped outside her gallery by unidentified gunmen in iraq friends of helen mavis
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said she had feared for her safety due to her involvement in a recent protest the iraqi interior ministry says security forces are searching for her. the trial has begun here in germany of the man accused of attacking a synagogue in the eastern city of harlow last october he's alleged to have killed 2 passers by after failing to gain access to the synagogue on yom kapoor the holiest day in the jewish calendar prosecutors say he intended to massacre the worshipers inside. and wearing a coronavirus face mask 28 year old was led into court to answer for one of the worst anti semitic attacks in postwar german history it left 2 people dead but prosecutors allege he intended to kill many more $43.00 victims and relatives have joined the trial as co plaintiffs they want answers but there are concerns the suspect could seek an opportunity to spread more anti semitic hatred.
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of this case is that the perpetrator has already confessed he doesn't deny. i have learned from the files that in the end he only denies he has killed by arguing that he believes that struggle is necessary to achieve certain political goals. phobic and related to anti semitism. yet it was your last year judaism's holiest day when an armed men tried to storm the synagogue in her 52 worshippers were inside only the stood in his of the door prevented what investigators say would have been a massacre. and then shot and killed 2 people nearby
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this video was filmed by a member of the public the perpetrator live streamed footage of his attack on an internet gaming site. the case has drawn huge interest the start of proceedings was delayed for 2 hours while dozens of reporters and others passed through security. across germany people are concerned about a rise in the number and severity of anti semitic crimes according to official figures such attacks rose by 13 percent last year the interior ministry says right wing extremists are to blame despite that context the authorities say they're reacting to violence with fairness. the defendant is presumed innocent until a final judgment has been made his statements in the investigation and the videos which are supposed to show parts of what happened do not change anything the presumption of innocence applies without restriction. the suspect told the judge
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today that he liked using the internet because people could talk freely there that chimes with warnings for instance from the government's commissioner for protecting jewish life that social media gives a new outlet to hatred that's just one of the aspects to consider as the call tries to understand an attack that struck not only against jews but against german society as a whole. let's bring in their oh he's in my blood now hollow where the trial is taking place tell us what happened in court today. this was a 1st opportunity sumi for those in attendance including many of the plaintiffs on their relatives to hear directly from the alleged perpetrator not only about his his life but also about his political motivations about why he carried out the attack and what was actually behind that it was also a 1st opportunity for many people outside the court to not only protest but also remember the victims there was
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a relatively big protest of people not only remembering that the 2 people who died in holly but also other victims of violence in germany it was also an opportunity for politicians here to express their view one politician for example green member of parliament to me who's been very vocal about fighting racism and anti-semitism in this country actually spoke to him after this 1st day of proceedings on base is what he had to say it has all the ingredients he's an entity's anti-semitic he's a racist he's an entire muslim so he chose cleared that's really cool ization takes place it has to do with the refugee crisis because that's what he takes as he has his argument and he's figure is very clear i do what everybody beliefs but they're . not courageous enough that i'm doing what everybody believes this very very dangerous because it has a parliamentary wing of the parliamentary wing of this ideas the if the party so it's it's poisoning our society and that's why it is very clear that this guy gets
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punished but it's also very important that we go to all those crazy guys somewhere around germany with similar abuse. he has to tell us a very strong words from chemist amir there i mean how is this changing how politicians here in germany deal with extremism and i semitism. politicians here in germany in particular the government had been criticized for overlooking this problem for not taking it seriously enough at least that's what critics said and. certainly this case in this case in mark divert specifically raises awareness and raises also awareness when it comes to the importance of fighting and semitism fighting racism and taking concrete measures to do so and that includes not only naming and i understand it isn't commissioner but also again taking other measures like protecting synagogues as well our correspondent thomas spare reporting from us have the trial then mike de burgh thank you so much.
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now one more item before we go in the sport of professional surfing prizes are usually given to those who can stay on top of the waves but once a year the world a surf league hands out an award for going on tour in spectacular style nominations have been announced for the white out of the year entries include smashing scenes from the famous wave known as jaws off the coast of hawaii as well as some of the waves off of portugal and ireland and the public can now vote online for their favorite one. right that's it for this use up they thank you so much for watching t w news so forget that you can always get the latest news and information around the clock on the website if you dot com and you can also get the latest headlines by following us on twitter for all of us here in berlin thank you for watching.
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combating the corona pandemic. where does research stand. what are scientists learning. background information and news. hour corona update. code 19 special and next on do you.


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