tv DW News Deutsche Welle July 21, 2020 10:00pm-10:30pm CEST
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this is d.w. news live from the european union leaders reach agreement on a coronavirus recovery package worth hundreds of billions of euros. europe east through europe is 3 nights to 4 days i'm not so far in the agree the details of loans and grants to be given to member states hit hardest by the pandemic so who what and who's not just also on the program a committee of british lawmakers criticizes the government for failing to investigate russian meddling in u.k. politics the long awaited report calls for immediate action to tackle the threat.
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to germany seize the stocks of a high profile trial of a man accused of targeting a synagogue in the city of holland and killing 2 passers by. and what happens when you can't even pretend to get up close and personal find out how the film industry is adapting to the coronavirus. welcome to the program european leaders have sealed the deal on president and $750000000000.00 euro coronavirus recovery fund after 4 days of often heated talks and leaders finally agreed the details of loans and grants to be given to countries hardest hit by the pandemic of this 750 a 1000000390 will be in the form of grants from. waiting 360000000000 will be in
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the form of cheap loans it's a compromise that satisfies the demands of the more fiscally conservative member countries good morning everyone and we did it europe is strong europe is united level for these were the words the delegates have been working towards a deal has been done and the wrangling can stop everyone can go home some kind of when our relief was visible on their faces despite the masks sharma shire council chief francis emmanuel mccall and ursula fund a line commission president plus standing to a list of them all. from the netherlands. he had led the group limited the grants and made them conditional what i was aiming for and i think we have achieved the emergency brake and emergency brake at the level of european council to be able to enforce the reforms in member states
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if they are not taking place against the broker of that particular member state. has agreed with european commission states like poland invicta all bans hungary they insisted that they hadn't been boxed in by any of them try to make a connection between the rule of law and budget. it was. packed was the 3rd set fully rejected despite underlying problems that haven't gone away maclin macor say the e.u. works. after a very long session we have reached a good conclusion and i am very happy about that therefore. europe has shown that it is prepared to take new paths in what is a very special situation i believe that is necessary extraordinary events and in this case that the pandemic that has reached us all demand extraordinary new
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methods what. the whole thing may have been close macron says the deal they reached will help all 27 you nations just recovering i'm convinced that this plan this budget will respond to the health economic and social challenges we are all facing in our countries are going to be. it was a long fight 4 days of negotiations brought significant divisions survive but the deal stands and now everyone can go home straight to brussels that where we join the w reporter mark zonder welcome mark said must be a lot of relief that this deal has finally been done. all quite some for yes that's right so we had some really intense days and nights here in brussels not just for the leaders but also for everybody else following the summit which really seemed to drag on forever we had some we saw it in the reports are really controversial issues on the table views very far apart so it didn't come as
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a surprise at all that when council presidential michel this morning called to an end of the summit everybody was relieved and happy and not just at the summit was over but also a deal was possible and it really speaks for the quality of the deal that every camp in this negotiation can now return home and claim victory starting with the french president nicolas that this was a historic deal for europe you've got the frugal as the austrian chancer for example and the dutch prime minister michael to who are really opposing the deal to the last minutes. who are now were who are saying that this was a great deal not just for europe but also for taxpayers at home and looking towards eastern europe through to hungary in poland the prime minister or been we just saw in the report he threatened to veto the deal and now he's saying we defended our pride so it really seems everybody thinks that he or she came out of this as a winner or at least they're trying to sell it as that and germany currently holds a us rotating presidency how important was it to chancellor machall to get an
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agreement. yeah you really cannot overstate the german role in the in this in these negotiations especially how much the german role changed and chancellor merkel's position changed just a few months ago she clearly would have been in the in the frugal camp in a room with with the austrians and the dutch she was always against communal debt this was her position but this is exactly what happened here today that that a deal was struck out on the basis of that so she took a real u. turn she got behind the french proposal which made possible now for the commission to borrow money at the financial markets and distribute it to countries hit hardest by the pandemic and some experts now are saying or asking raising the question why why is this why is this happening and there as to this is that she is in a very privileged position now she's it will not stand for elections again and so there's no real national interest there and this also might be a turning point
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a historic turning point. or a turning point in european history so to say so did we've got this agreement but the deal still isn't completely done subtle to say what happens next that's right there's still some work to do i say that most of the heavy lifting has been done already but now after the council follows negotiations in the in the parliament they will negotiate and also have to vote on the deal in the end commission present from the line already to leaders that they shouldn't take this for granted take the deal for granted there are still some issues that will be be rise raised by the parliament which is rule of law which you heard about and and cuts to the budget for example so it's a legal details still need to be ironed out but the political deal so far is pretty much done. in brussels than here. well here in germany the trial has begun of the man accused of attacking a synagogue in the eastern city of hallam last october is alleged to have killed 2
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passers by after failing to get into the synagogue on yom kippur or the holiest day in the jewish calendar prosecutors say he intended to massacre the worshippers inside. under armed guard and wearing a coronavirus face mask 28 year old stephan b. was led into court to answer for one of the worst anti semitic attacks in post-war german history it left 2 people dead but prosecutors allege he intended to kill many more $43.00 victims and relatives have joined the trial as co plaintiffs they want answers but there are concerns the suspect could seek an opportunity to spread more anti semitic hatred. because. of this case is that the perpetrator has already confessed he doesn't deny it and i have learned from the files that in the end he only denies he has killed by arguing that he believes that armed struggle is necessary to achieve certain political
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goals. phobic and related to anti semitism. yet it was your last year judaism's holiest day when an armed men tried to storm this synagogue in hella 52 worshipers were inside only the sturdiness of the door prevented what investigators say would have been a massacre. and then shot and killed 2 people nearby this video was filmed by a member of the public the perpetrator live streamed footage of his attack on an internet gaming site. the case has drawn huge interest the start of proceedings was delayed for 2 hours while dozens of reporters and others passed through security. across germany people are concerned about
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a rise in the number and severity of anti semitic crimes according to official figures such attacks rose by 13 percent last year the interior ministry says right wing extremists are to blame despite that context the authorities say they're reacting to violence with fairness. that. defendant is presumed innocent until a final judgment has been made his statements in the investigation and the videos which are supposed to show parts of what happened to not change anything the presumption of innocence applies without restriction. the suspect told the judge today that he liked using the internet because people could talk freely there that chimes with warnings for instance from the government's commissioner for protecting jewish life that social media gives a new outlet to hatred and it's just one of the aspects to consider as the call tries to understand an attack that struck not only against jews but against german society as a whole. they attack and how against
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a backdrop of increasing anti semitism in germany the correspondent brand has been speaking about this with the country's 1st anti semitism commissioner felix klein was the. person who did this attack and he is a confused individual who often xenophobic and semitic thought that he is basically a confused person and what he did has no significance for german society what would you say. i would say that the attack shows that anti-semitism is a deep rooted problem in the german society of course at 1st sight the perpetrator acted alone but he was fed with anti-semitic conspiracy myths in the nets he could radicalize himself very quickly and to an enormous extent via the internet almost alone and we have to absolutely react as
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politicians but also as a society to counter these kind of phenomena so how significant a threat would you say is anti semitism in german society is a very widespread well according to the most recent surveys around 20 percent of the german population have bias against do so and this and the israel related anti-semitism is even more widely spread it's about 40 percent so we have a big problem and that has direct consequences also on. on the people. on the on the anti-semitic attacks we have in the penal law of the of 2000 and i summited incidents every year or last year we counted that and so we see that although the semitic criminal attacks are only the peak of the iceberg that we have
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a deep. problem society which we have to which we have to treat and reaction against. people from the jewish community in holland have recently said after this attack that they feel unsafe that they don't want to identify themselves as jews in society is that a feeling that is widespread among strews in germany well we have to. take these observations serious and these reactions of course should not be at all like this the state has to guarantee the safety of its citizens every god is of their faith and their background and immediately after the attack of the federal government has passed a package of measures measures safeguarding the security of the jewish community. the law against speech in the internet which is now being passed in the bonus track enables. the police and prosecutors to
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identify. perpetrators that spread hate and anti-semitism in the internet much more quickly than before what are your personal feelings about this trial how do you personally kind of react as this trial is going on what do you feel i see this trial as a great opportunity to discuss the roots of anti-semitism in german society and also the reactions of society to to show that anti-semitism can. threaten us all if after all i mean the 2 people who were killed in the anti-semitic attack we're not jews so it shows that it isn't can hurt anybody and that german society. is realizing that its threat not only to the jewish community but to us all to our democracy. it's a crime thank you very much for talking to torture villar. a german is anti semitism commission and accept klein speaking with transplants take
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a look at some other stories making news around the world. has been kidnapped outside her gallery by. identified gunmen in iraq friends of helen mavis say she feared for her safety because of her involvement in a recent protest the iraqi interior ministry says security forces are searching for . emergency services in china say they have managed to rescue most of those that trapped by flooding in the province last weekend more than 3000000 people have been hit by flooding which worsened when the levees to keep flood waters back on sunday . this drama in western ukraine has ended all of the people being held on a bus have been freed and the hostage taker arrested by police 13 people were held for most of the day as the gunman made animal rights to my. ok which of british lawmakers is criticize the government for failing to investigate russian meddling
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in u.k. politics in its delayed and highly anticipated report the intelligence and security committee was that the u.k. is a top target for russian interference but it says officials turned a blind eye to allegations that moscow was trying to influence key votes such as the bracks referendum. now the british have it in black and white who the kremlin interfered in the $24.00 teens are non-issues independence referendum members of the intelligence and security committee also believe russia intended to influence the brics that referendum to help so discord in the e.u. but they say the government was not interested that no one in government knew if russia interfered and or sort influence the referendum because they did not want to know the u.k. government of actively avoided looking for evidence that russia into field the report says that the 2014 referendum in scotland in which 55 percent of scots voted
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against secession from the u.k. was the 1st post soviet interference by russia in a democratic election in the west russian influence is the new normal says committee member kevin jones so the question is who is protecting british public from interference in our democratic process when a no show we found no one is parliamentarian suspect that this is why prime minister johnson delayed the publication of the report for so long 4 years british media have reported on the close ties between wealthy russians and the tory party especially members of the house of lords these relationships should be carefully scrutinized given the potential for the russian state to explore. the must be complete from sponsored by any links of russian businesses at every level of politics and we do not have in respect of the hundreds of lords present the
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committee calls for a full report on russian election interference. that have got to stop where years of conflict have left the health care system that was under-resourced and struggling even before the coronavirus pandemic hit now with cases of barely any ventilators and not enough skilled workers to build them but help could be on the way thanks to a team of young afghan women the keen interest in robotics. this is what the new ventilator prototype looks like and these young women designed it especially for afghanistan hospitals when they're not going to school in herat in the far west of afghanistan they spend their time optimizing robots. the women started working on this ventilator in may they got tips on line from harvard university specialists it only took them 3 months to finish the prototype it was based on a ventilator from the massachusetts institute of technology that comes in that
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around $20000.00 but the prototype designed by these young women only cost $700.00 . but when we let him go that we decided to build a ventilator in afghanistan because the number of these machines in afghanistan is low we hope it will be able to be used in hospitals. so far more than 35000 people in afghanistan have tested positive for the coronavirus. more than $1000.00 of them have died as a result of the infection one reason is that there are only about $800.00 ventilators in the entire country all of them are expensive imports the young women's prototype offers a long term improvement to the current situation. and girls robotics team have built some ventilators and we are in the process of evaluating the quality of their devices the machines must be tested on humans and then we'll be able to use them in hospitals we appreciate their work. even in the capital kabul
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the clinics lack sufficient staff and technology to deal with the corona crisis but the women from the afghan robotics team are laying the foundation for change. more news from around the world now starting in israel where thousands of people have protested against the prime minister binyamin netanyahu and against his government's handling of the corona virus pandemic business owners are protesting the trading restrictions and anti corruption activists amongst near the prime minister's official residence in jerusalem the 5 premier has been under pressure i made an on going corruption trial and surging infection rates. police in zimbabwe have arrested a prominent investigative journalist. who filmed his detention is the latest of the government's critics to be arrested to have an anti corruption protests planned for later this month. irish budget line ryanair has announced that it will close its
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base at frankfurt han ample in november it's also reported to be considering closing its hubs that. the decision is in response to german pilots rejection of proposed pay cuts because of the covert $19.00 business. well the pandemic hit the pause button on the global film and t.v. industry as europe emerges from the lock down film it has resumed but how do you shoot an intimate scene and keep social distance it's time to get creative. these old scenes from the german tell a novella or was an already rosa's could need a rewrite. his acting is very physical and includes working together closely with other people literally closely because that's not possible anymore maybe i find them on when you're acting you don't want to feel like you're on set but this little voice in your head says keep your distance one and a half metres you want to have meters and. the same applies behind the camera right
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. film sets are crowded places. you keep your distance but then your broker cannot remove your masks 10 minute break to get some fresh air. only through the inputs just another thing i have to think about i have my lines the scene my screen partners the set and then suddenly someone yells from behind one meter 15 and i'm like some kind of common down trick but it startles you and totally throws you off yeah that was too close. as i spend 80 percent of the day brandishing my yardstick constantly reminding people come on guys maintain a distance enough strength that it's probably the problem is that we have to completely rethink our usual routines muscles filming has totally changed it's not there to talk. as what sean leg takes longer and costs more in part. you can't make movies without
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insurance and a pandemic like over 19 is not insured that's a risk it's something we have to discuss with clients and more importantly with policymakers what does it is it worth taking that risk at the end of the day the who think yeah yeah totally but there's no sense in not filming you have to do it differently taking every single project into account on an individual basis i stand here my baton we've set up a crisis team that draws up an action plan for every production in conjunction with our company doctor to establish who gets tested when and how often you have to find invasion most contested so could we end up with clumsy cheaper looking films if it doesn't i don't think anyone will notice the difference and we even airbrushed out the plexiglas during the kiss in a wedding scene no i don't think people will notice it but a sex scene without getting close without rigorous testing and lengthy quarantines
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it just won't happen. the lights out to viewers are reassured that we're keeping our distance yes mom i will. but at some point it will just look awkward that's passed on as if we're just glad to be filming again that is as long as viewers don't switch off which was the 1st. footballer. i don't mean doesn't only have a reputation as a world class football team it's also the heart of the game's youth movement the clubs a magnet for bright young stars itching to hitch to hit the pitch. batting him who's just signed a long term contract with dortmund at the tender age of 17. it was a bit overboard to welcome by his new club and teammates. for 17 year old sudden millionaire jude bellingham it might even be called cheesy. but hey jude that club dortmund seems to always be good enough to make the champions
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league tournaments and always challenges for 2nd in the bundesliga. so the size of the the stadium and the quotes in the pictures and. get a real realize a sheen of how big the club is and so real on a to b. . who else founded in honor at a very young age superstar in the making jaden sand show joined dortmund at 17. you know the funny thing is now associated with the youth movement in football 19 year old erling holland joined the club just this year and has scored 16 goals already have a phenomenal track record in terms of. what they want to pay for players and what they're getting and you know the most striking example of course is monday at age 19 before he helped france win the world cup. signed with dortmund at age 17 american christian pulis sic debuted for dortmund he's now at london's
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chelsea and don't forget robert leaven at age 21 the striker left poland for dortmund it became one of europe's best before moving to buyer from a i think it's the perfect club right now in this point my development there's not a better club in the world at producing young talent and developing them for the next level the thing is that next level for young stars is often somewhere other than dortmund maybe rivals like biron or clubs in england or spain holding on to the stars requires trophies and dortmund fans know they get close but don't often win those trophies. now there is a story of a teenager another teenage footballer this time in russia who's got to be one of the luckiest people alive so knock out for the fleeting moment when the blinding flash strikes the pitch at a small moscow stadium ivan the ball. is unconscience he's jersey burton smoking is coach helps. save the goalkeeper 3 weeks later the only
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evidence of the strike is a burn on his chest so another look at the flash shows the stunning power of lightning which somehow spanned the 16 year old boy. well this is day w newsline from bell and i'll be back at the top of the hour with the whole world news and i'm back in just a moment with a look at the day's big events in the desk with.
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the fun. are they friends say wanted to be with you that she should i steer toward you which it wasn't really a bull fight among the chinese new management or are they can i mean he's going to finish the job he's still in the building she approached you would go in but he's usually what he's going to go skittish if i get more firm right jeff donald trump
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and flooding your putin now we're 2 point complementary analyzes the difficult relationship between russia and the west and between the presidents how does their model marine and their dangerous mutual admiration affect the. the world has some bullies trump and putin starts august 3rd on d. w. . in the eye of climate change. or sit. ups nice to people. what ideas do they have for their future. t.w. dot com african i guess it is the i think you. could. i was here when i arrived here i slept with people in a room. it was hard i was. even got white hair.
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and. this keeps me a little bunch maybe to interact with the face you want to know their story. her fighting and reliable information for margaret. the european union agrees to spend 758000000000 euros to boost economies that hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic leaders of member states agreed to give brussels unprecedented the powers to spend borrow and levy taxes across the bloc so as these union of 27 sovereign states just tiptoed a little closer to becoming a european repub.
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