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tv   100 Million Views  Deutsche Welle  July 22, 2020 8:15pm-9:01pm CEST

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outstretched arms us presidents below. i said in our group and 10 years old they were subsequently treated for smoke inhalation to the people who caught them reportedly suffered broken oh yes. that's it for this news update thank you for watching to give you. a meal call complete the 2nd season of only. the planet on the brink of disaster we did a long in-depth interview with experts about one question how to change the longer if.
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you want to save it that they may have made it to know. that it's about the if you just. came to. this will guy with a funny accent well that's those people in the study it is me eat them of those days of so disappointed because videos need to get me into the. meat and this was the this is them made me feel these and another pleasant thing at all is believe that my videos could touch people change the perspective and maybe even make a change and it was a semantic thing they all in the that is an audience a stage. and then came you to my this is what happens when you give everyone a voice a chance to be heard the stage to see them boys that thought it didn't matter if you move. your diplomas to give every one of those.
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you know michel single with no agency and it's been mental but. in the damage is being released and even in a blessed people saving for change you tubes for missed this with the sort of feel in my day and the mind can. leave you to lose him in the now say one minute to website the c.e.o. of google calls is the next step in the evolution of the internet. was how many menus to get lower and lower and lower and lower so what happened between us and we'll true still having a killer move in truth has been deleting clips from channels over war crimes police . say inside the suitcase for a while the of the you to bill so this to suits you to the employees and then to for me to is a separate part of the work that longs to be fulfilled the steps and stuff of my
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journey from the symphony so far it's a cold for just one system both but the news. i know. kill him because it's late. oh my god so what the hell do me and seen this video of a woman pissing holes what was a music and says it all so the fish will play ok maybe deals will show in the museums and in the news but the milky way clearly makes a change and a total failure i have no income. what do they know that i don't dish than i am i. suspect my bits. and go on and global just don't be just buying those secrets but
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a success. but only said. nice to meet you. so this view is the view from the finnish yeah from the don't have it here ok so i saw this view of black shadow right here well here yeah i start word starts or the video starts i'm standing right there and i see the whole thing that's the video was so. awful when. job or rainbow my. double rainbow all the way across.
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i wasn't doing it because i was famous are a thing i was just doing on because it's a safer place to put my my my content it's also a way for me to prove that the things that i say are true because it doesn't sound real god touched me he knocked me and he touched me knock me to the ground and then he started speaking to me and to me maybe god is not god maybe god is googling you to know if that's a tool that god uses. to touch people used to yes he got the right to vote thank you thank you i thank you yes it's made me an icon in a me me in a living legend and it just keeps going like i'm getting more famous literally she was. thank
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you. thank you. thank. god that we. don't i want to be like you i want to go over and to feel great about it all the 1st thing is you have to not want to. give up it was to get out but then you will never happen to you whenever someone sees a rainbow they're going to think of this right who does that god. so the guy uploaded his video on january 2010 you say maty yeah yeah yeah yeah we're talking about you 70 right nothing happened jimmy kimmel tweeted my friend todd as declared this funniest video in the world he might very well be right and actually
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just after it became fire it definitely couldn't happen without jimmy kimmel now whether jimmy kimmel is gone or not i don't know but but jimmy kimmel is our gatekeeper what is good if you have some gatekeepers would be an entity an organization a person that controlled information or the people that can start manipulating and influencing and controlling the information in order for it to go viral every network have different leaders have different gatekeepers making my work because they're connecting god this is not my song. i think it will be much more easier for you to find those jimmy kimmel's and make it viral because of them. civility isn't the voice of the voice of the people it's minutes navigated by the gatekeepers those standing at the gates signaling right to their fame their way into will be
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the next rector to turn to the bench or kill all the same subjects. i'm looking for in the generous. it was for house yeah looking for a house i want to deliver a message. does she know you are coming yeah. kennedy if you. can tell me if it's better than i want to be in the ellen degeneres show so living in alaska. me name is it the most and i mean you 2 before me is a. i think satirical video for the past i wanted to become a famous you to bill but i'm but i'm a fairly low. but they are pleased with my channel and i would be famous for your just that with for me it's middle of life or this. is.
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what i think it's very sweet it's to the heart it's good put it down to the gate it's ok thank you i don't pin the letter to the sure put that out ok. now. i found some good many years to prove that cats can teach us things very very important things for instance i watch meaningless kids' videos on the ellen show and they get. even she hit me with my political videos had no chance if i want to pass the gatekeepers i need to adjust to be less meaningful.
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so how can i try not to say anything after 10 years of making political videos how they would like to do without meaning so i go back to the video that drove me nuts this time as a source of inspiration. maybe i would just go. after you don't change a winning horse. and we're. going to send a message. my wife offers to be that girl and find me some money months you know we just need the great book turned their fish. leave it behind that you are you will. after spending a decade making my political feels a 22 2nd video by every single easy. decision to feel on the t.v.
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enough to say anything i still have the rising number with the message all without a need to moan i need millions it's time to take out the heavy guns my biggest. after getting more than 2000000 views i continue with my multiple. if you can't understand then copy the. people i followed all the home videos to you tube for everyone to see show the charts for. sure that. and even you can become a vital star. so i would need all kinds of combinations.
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rolling disappoints me instead of spitting the lamb on the swallows eagerly because i. always get a couple of the. usual looks bold from copping viral videos maybe he's moving to politics like me showing the storytelling political figures. they'll face as the to reject with no explanation really in the face of the 2 like immediately that just makes you happy when you see it. as a fund that does help to see the need for the celebrating too but for the sake of the experiment i photo he's how it's exactly. they beat you to speed you get to see your sponsor. but it
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still doesn't get me to the next. say visit one of the kids to get something. to go. yeah i felt good. in my real life. stay in your seat. you know. why. it's ok is just from the medicine ok. you. know it won't be for ever. this because one of the most legendary viral
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videos of all time david after dentist you know that video you're going to watch for the most successful viral videos of all time david put that down i feel funny happening to my chair and see. you see. david the work has to be true at the moment it just was back and this was 2008 we didn't have a you tube channel or anything like that the only reason he put the video on you tube was so he could get the link to send it to the family that was the only intention and then sunday we looked at it. and it was 10000 views and we were like
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what's going on and we never sent it to anybody we didn't send it to one person and then it wins they or thursday it was somewhere between 3 and 4000000 views but we were like worried like we're like what's why did this happen that you know we even thought of taking it down people told you about the video and the oh boy they wanted to call the police they wanted to put me in jail oh i'm very serious you can understand why some people think that's exploiting the child not good for him can't you it's been a very it's been a very positive experience for our family why is it positive what's positive about him tell me what the positives put them through private school and we're hoping that it will pay for some of david's or all of both boys college that's what we're hoping we kind of it's found money like winning the lottery so we can't complain too much he does in the reminding he. he is who he is he's pretty level headed he
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doesn't. seem to do now i still stand saying but i mean i never really lived. where i wasn't famous off a you tube video and then what you want to do in your life even maybe psychology like the chemical reactions in the brain that's interesting to me like when people go insane like what happens in their brain that makes them go insane stop. they believe that they've it's family will devalue moved the video. on that money from you to. the day that the doing a no for the everybody the chance nothing to be famous but also to get that from the intimate family moments as a bed and so on the world the tears the stout the documenting the kids moving looking for the slow mother situations. window. you'll be fined.
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you'll be from. iceland to find out. how. not and. when the open. hopefully create they've had success. and so even the dominant position for a small child has become a play a big thing for several years ago it was as i used to write. a little longer. before long long one of the leaks that the world spent a lot of money for you. and they were buying the you tube website for $1650000000.00 our next guest is a big reason why. so
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i hear you want to be a you tube celebrity. or star or what is both of the. personally for me it's better to be a stark is you know have to continue to put out that content but you tube they don't want somebody like me anymore they don't know they don't want a video one video that gets 300000000 hits they want somebody that produces 300 videos that all get a 1000000 hits because at the end of the day you tube is a business and they make money by linking up advertisers with audiences and so if you have a person that's $300.00 videos that has
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a 1000000 hits on each one they have an audience of a 1000000 people around a 1000000 people and they know how all those people are they know how much money their audience makes they know where they live and they go to advertisers and say oh you're targeting 13 to 16 year old girls who live in a family of 4 their parents drive a car this type of car ok perfect we have this person who makes videos and that's exactly who watches their videos they're driven by their advertising revenue. please subscribing take a moment you tube change reality to suit its business most of the people most and turning to those of a lot of content on the global basis again you tube update to those normal counting views from now on we counsel and subscribers really. can't any such group in why do you can do this for. the phone people to see my political videos it was to me to make thousands of
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videos and occasionally feature with. so i make my way to meet to you tube build the figured out the. whole. thing get tugged at the community and on to the tone that. if someone could make even a call like me seeing them for the day. he was we are really every see. that's me and. i always. say that if you want to be a successful you too when you really want to blow up and you have to find something that hasn't been done or something that's been done and do it in a different way like for us there were other content creators or other lesbians online making videos there was no one that was doing it and saying where are these singing lesbian duo of you 2 yeah and you whatever it is you have to find your niche i think you're talking shirt idea is really great really something. i'm
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a fairly new to my name is make them out a little bit and maybe make it a little more positive you know not a higher pitch just you being positive. fairly muted but i'm good to be the most famous you to be in the. i think that's a really great idea it's a hit let's have your cert sing a song. watch the magician. star i think on the years ago while. i was good below scott and i was. like that yeah one to be just one to. have a great. i am not being sure. that the 1st exactly why she might fear. me. so since the
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bin creasy i've made my fist that is the use of the i phone by uniqueness. but this is only the 1st that so they learned back in the fifties and sixties and seventies that celebrities sold products and they're finding that you tubers have huge influences over their audience and all of them are they going to sell and definitely more than regular celebrities because they've grown to trust them they've grown to feel connected you know you meet george clooney or another brad pitt angelina jolie issued movie stars we like them we see them on screen but we don't feel connected to them but are you 2 person who you see. day to day life that they live it feels almost like a friend our vlog channel is definitely our diehards they want to see what we're doing every single day they're tweeting us all hours a day commenting on every photo and they've been with us through ups and downs and so these people for the further then we are like family almost morning so i just
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had to go get a showing off leaving i stopped by this coffee shop to get some water over this is my life even though my life is no less boring than those of the most successful you tube girls there's a washer and dryer right here in st this building i can do it at least once a day i'm busting my toes when i was young my parents didn't insist. that they were but i do this and then overdose a lot of holes as you can see and. it's better not to learn for me how to do it but they won't do it to normal and to know that they have a lot of bargains when they to use. soon to go to more friends. how is it to be how is it. the glamorous side is that you get to be our own boss and have your own business or company and make your own decisions but the other side is being an
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entrepreneur you can't ever stop working keep feeding the beast constant so yeah 16 years a week 6. yes it is serious if you want to start for. our career would disappear it would disappear if you think. we know what. this terrifying beast. to feed that we'd 6 meters away. and algorithm. were just mean the piece of the cold on you tube that decides what video should be ranking where in the list for one that's. minimum of 3 videos generally 3 videos is generally considered the minimum for the algorithm not to take you. also makes blogs.
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but mainly because that's what you can easily they've. decided to go 24 seventh's in my whole life with the. amount of videos. due to bill but they still film. can do a bit. till i was an alcoholic what do you mean it's all for free study losing the rich and the great here's how it kind of. it's not enough to leave the daily stuff i need to let go of my protections so my subscribers. oh. the. person. ever since phone with my wife form the moment the baby
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was gone she don't give me any attention i feel completely alone i have no sex even after once maybe you can give me a. digital out instead something like 1000 euros it's like having sex with do it for him he's so sensitive i'm not sure we can handle divorce please share comments like keep this night on it's time to meet my fans face to face so your fans and your bills meet offscreen. thank. you to the day one of the one in particular we want to thank you. chrissy was.
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that the lies that everybody's working with expensive camera shooting clothes and they can't get out of the you tube is in the world. was. round i me and bent down based you my thanks lee military when they gave me the ok and the shit they say that they think i knew for sure but see i was quite mean times and it was an outstanding job should you know we were down that it was some concession at that can't you see action was was. going to happen how much my check. but i do not raise what kind of company i have i do that they give me no
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nothing my friend that i owe them a lot with their sound and the 10000 pieces i would like. to read that's my power. when i see a teenager sitting tens of thousands of shirts and the stand it's an industry so i'm off to a convention open to the youtube industry only will they make sings hip and. how does she know yet and i managed to parlay my hands in she millions of dollars when i 1st saw videos like kind of was doing videos that were going to get me did i get a 100000000 views because i was getting ready. i go to the point i don't use like anything now that i have things like i thought i was one of the sweat of my videos just kind of building that foundation and then kind of like changed again to fit right someone a level that with brands what if you don't know how
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a website makes money it's because you are the product and they're selling you to advertisers right place so he can then you used to build on the stand that the audience is the board that they sell to the. 35. yeah. you know from the yeah yes you have those looking for the most you tube. it's not eat them up close to my rose yeah each on my wrist ok that's you it's midnight. i feel that they can be very good. all right well tell me how would you sell one of our products ok i mean 911 ok so the building collapsing please. you'll see that. or must. i go back to my management say i've got to find
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a great blogger who's talking about death and resurrection through nescafe i need any branding this letter needs from head to head why maybe it's funny but it just can't be death that happens at some brand so we'll just board the things and go with them is in charge of matching the clarion call to the algorithms i know one of those days yeah actually life is you know it's like a puzzle when you get close to work and how it changes yeah you'll reach a point where an algorithm. analyzes every single frame of your video in the odio track of course we were in the middle of the mingling i'll go with them ot of you tube is another thing i'm glad to see the steam some of the says that making a difference to be. this my. hands extends from the time to sensory response.
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c c o 2. c. r. f. s r. so let's. see if. we can as we succeed in the years to this year it's usually watched from start to finish because the person who would like to speak to try to get you to agree to eric's based on the video is being watched so if you have 100 percent switched time on your videos you can push just took a step toward the disappointment she whispered not to us but they. just seem to have if we actually asked to be a hunt for although weirdo children that just wanted to just wanted to seek comfort and dive into their art that nobody else out there accepted and now it just feels
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like every every 3rd kid is in it just for the money and just for the business yeah that's not that's not the honest platform i used to know and it hurts a little bit. but. you know i think you know you are 8 years way i would say that there have been 4 generations of you tube and we are in the the generation that is now grew up with you tube as a part of their childhood new tubers i'm calling all these all of the success of people making these millions would you subscribe if you haven't already they saw how these platforms can be star makers and now they're seeing it as their opportunity to launch their own personal brand or their business or assume that they convey again. the beauty of the people at home are not good for big businesses the generation that was born to say the new 2 because i mean i thought. of the. value of last minute of
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a feller's which was begun to fantasies about what if you can last up the economy she needs to last i think well we do then who do not want to shut out what it's always nice. to see how you motivated kids wanted me to secure the game in the final game. an example which you might deem the 6. most thoughtless reports of a famous online about the middle class i like to look it up but kim kardashian has . an email telling me what you made me feel of your thoughts real i am not really going to make you want this is the man of the money i'm like. i think there have been even the conventions organizers world comfortable abode than its effect on kids so they bought the next bit and so i have the pleasure of running the largest center in the world of its time and focusing on the relationship between young people in the media we want to focus a lot on the positive effects of media so let's keep that in mind is where we want
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to go in the next 40 to 44 course only on the positive i would like good for the balance of discussion definitely see so many credible opportunities of media freedom so i've seen effects on positive effects of better c. language math science engineering so we can only looks o'toole them can serve as long as they want to make them successful so. it's ok the situation yes no it's not nearly as problematic as our popular rhetoric or our media a general late conversation might suggest. to convene me on a 1st as if i'm talking with you tube c.e.o. so. the manager of the place about 4 years i guess and as the director of the particular center i've been there just as you had. some fun i've done some collaborative work and there was literally. i would not talk about that one air
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because i don't want to cause any problems for any of my companies i would never find though the real story because just took the festival to keep me out. claiming that i was asking questions. who. share. the montesquieu critical question i was kicked. bentley on you tube it was happening on a much loved you tube advertiser boycott started about 5 days ago after some ads from big corporations showed up in front of inappropriate content but the reaction has been countless advertisers threatening to or actually pulling out their money from you tube and those of the largest companies. most said this is certain to
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boycott you tube and it's going to the fact that you tube is the next to violent and this is kong and they can i see the videos so you tube decided to play it safe they stopped showing kids not only an i says videos but in many videos mediums the out of concerns was not pleasant. and friendly. as you know in the past year we've been hit with you tube's master monetization of l g b t channels so we got engaged and we are obviously super excited about it we uploaded the video and within 2 minutes the video with the monetize we couldn't figure out why the video was pretty p.g. accept that it said future wife in the title one of our videos are out to love video then you tube actually reached out to us about 4 years ago didn't make the video you know email and said we would love for you to make this video showing what it's like to love another woman and now you too busy monetize it for we don't know what the reason is what they do is they were look at the title they look at sundown
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and they say is this even remotely whatsoever something that could potentially be problematic you to became the big. over here. never to hog i want you or. otherwise. to make that. trip is a political actor it has interest and exercise power there is no information that is neutral there is no technology does neutral we're at a loss at this point and we just don't know what to do the viral part of it went from having a job to having a hobby i have been putting all of my money into this channel it's really painful to see people lose their jobs their home the life's work. but they can understand your tube's decision to please the after all it's business but the more the search the less it makes sense you'd have not only prevented the burns full but he hadn't
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even diluted millions of readers and. do you to g.t. content creators i mean that's a really intense statement but sleep it wasn't for the. way did you think of the millions of videos including videos documenting. an effort to protect viewers from violent videos you tube has been deleting clips and channels showing atrocities in syria in some cases those videos may have been the only evidence out they are crimes activists warry without this video proof crimes may go unpunished so maybe they made the big move to clean a form that they. only destiny consuming. you're worried about economic incentives that's worrying i'm worried about political incentives where particular part isn't incentives are being played and we don't know that. this is political did the wipe out millions of videos from conflict
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zones or the leaders of huge markets like china and versa that they don't need to worry about spilling was a nice spring happening in you tube i literally cannot put into words how angry are you certain is that they made this huge move without providing explanation so the public to the millions of year to visit woke up to discover that their life's work to day terror inside you tube headquarters we have a report that you were to. fire we have 4 victims who have all been transported gunshot really injuries senior law enforcement officials tell n.b.c. news the suspect is a woman in her mid thirty's and multiple law enforcement sources tell n.p.c. news she died at the scene the identity of the shooter now seen she shot a man and 2 women before taking her own life growing on you tube if not in your
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hands. all because i'm always quantrill in your channel. superior a few hours after the shooting seems videos will be lifted from the way. she was wiped off the collective consciousness as if she never existed. yeah a lot of people are for the argument you know it's a private company and so you know we should have a big say in anything that goes on at the same time we're talking about a monopoly people have to step in and make sure that this company is in deciding the fate of the entire economy or our society and right now you tube is deciding the fate of our society in many many ways. look at these moments and these stories and secrets from relationships every
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corner of the world. i would have liked to tell you that after everything that happened i took my fate into my own hands listen to you tube and took my gift to the streets. but in the us used to build that invested many years and most of them money can't really leave you to your. belongs to all subscribers oh there's the kid we can take anything. you tube he's dared to. not see this since just subjects without property without basic odds. me. son timmy changes and we make you think
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great again i'm here on the slip didn't make it yeah. so my lesson vices keep it free from this seize the pussy be tempted to sort of update oh something strange and with a silver always ominous you'll see the. move and don't be heavy take it easy bios of some nice stuff and never single and be ok. meet me. and if you're saying that then whining about you feel just because they couldn't become. ever video of my son who can easily play the the men's lives you know they've done it in the middle east with all the walls of his very weak and anyway
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my computer those most in the. but believe me you can easily get one hump of medium view. into the conflict zone. there's trouble in the newsroom with mounting demonstrations against the prime minister she was just corruption and mishandling despite being house prices i guess this week in jerusalem is near the bottom for a man of the city for the leading politician mr netanyahu secrets totty although he was finally coming off the prime minister's wife conflict for. $36.00. oh oh.
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literature invites us to see people in particular. to see some as the kids find strength growing up. might. be good on you 2. are they friends like me. or are they not enemies i never heard saracen. donald trump and the sunday mirror putin our 2 part documentary analyzers just a relationship between russia and the us and between their presidents how does their rivalry and their dangerous mutual admiration affect the rest of the world's . bosom bullies trump and putin starts august 3rd on d w. this
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is going to be news live from new charges against top executives at germany's why a cod state prosecutors arrest 3 full of board members including former c.e.o. baucus brown for a 2nd time investigators now say the onetime pinchuk company faked earnings over the past 5 years also on the program 55 is a call to china's consulate in houston texas as washington orders its closure citing concerns over u.s. intellectual property what diplomats and burning sense to.


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