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tv   DW News - Africa  Deutsche Welle  July 27, 2020 11:30pm-11:46pm CEST

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beethoven is for slate is for clement. 202250th anniversary here. welcome to global 3000 people all over the world are taking a stand against racism in germany activists and scholars search for solutions to the country's racism problem. the elephants are coming in india and a launch system warns diligence when the massive mammals are headed their way. but 1st we go to hong kong where protesters use blank pieces of paper to symbolize the
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suppression of freedom of expression. the fate of a small 1106 where kilometer corner of china was determined by opium. it was here in the 19th century that the british manufactured the drug and sold it to china. the chinese emperor tried to stop the opium trade but the british increased pressure attacked china and occupied hong kong. in the years that followed treaties were signed the grant of the british 99 years of rule over hong kong. during those years they grew into a financial metropolis in 1907 the leasing agreement expired and the british handed hong kong over china agreed that the so-called administrative region was to remain autonomous for 50 years but then beijing began to intervene politically and more and more members of the pro-democracy movement began taking to the streets. in 2019
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the situation escalated and more than a 1000000 hong kong residents took part in protests originally the demonstrations were against a proposed extradition law and then turned into opposition to the influence of china's communist party but now a new national security law has silenced the demonstrators. a lot has changed in hong kong you can see it on the streets it used to be that many kathie's in restaurants exhibited post it notes with pro-democracy sayings written on them now the notes are all blank it's the same for a cafe owner dixon the blank poster is the new form of protest written political statements are now too risky. the police can put the national security law into effect. just being accused could lead to arrest and imprisonment.
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demonstrators holding up blank signs overnight political opinions have become dangerous in hong kong. as soon as the new national security law was instituted the 1st arrest came a young man with a flag demanding hong kong's independence. just in the last few weeks 10 people were arrested under the new loan no one knows which political slogans are still allowed. should be left 50 although eventually to leave people guessing is that they will be more who has offensiveness willing to to speak at that meeting that may be. well sound was. public libraries and school libraries are now being forced to remove books that aren't following the party line. books by democracy activists have already vanished. most teachers are disheartened but
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resistance could cost them their job. many in hong kong won't express their criticisms in public. we see that it's. freedom of speech freedom. of press or you for. freedom of publication also. strict. prohibits or controlled by the girl from one we're free to it's cultural worth ruining your come back to a home call. to strengthen your son's 3. the younger generation has been especially involved in the pro-democracy movement now schools are being targeted by beijing so called security law. even statements that teachers make in private are being monitored. there you receive to compress all into troops and their political concerns all and social performance the ones cost their school
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to even for us to kerry's or you from o'keefe warning to teachers and all these we just see that's. your stock routes different from before the atmosphere at schools has changed according to these students cake and k.f.c. they use the nicknames because they don't want to be recognized a month ago cakes music class chose the song glory to hong kong for a class project the song had become a him in the protest movement in the past year and a viral hit. students in schools and universities developed it made a video and then spread it on social media it was often sung at pro-democracy demonstrations. but cakes music teacher paid a high price for making the song
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a subject of the school exam she was fired. all told why i'm one of the students the president of the song and music class. i think we are now i feel guilty. you know that you know what he felt. the teacher was fired because of a song. i never thought i would have such terrible consequences what a whole the thing that angers cake and k.f.c. the most the reason given for firing the teacher was that teachers shouldn't influence their students but petri out of praising china's communist party are allowed in the school. they cite. the song without the communist party there would be no need china is not defined as a political song. why should glory to hong kong be considered a political song. cake and k.f.c.
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want to continue their protest the 14 and 16 year olds can't accept how the new law has already changed their lives free hong kong no longer exists in the same streets where a 1000000 people march to defend their rights in security and fear are now the new normal. fortunately in other parts of the world people can make their voices heard on the street. all around the globe millions are demonstrating against racism. the dehumanization of people with dark skin has occurred since time immemorial it was even used as a justification for slavery for some it's hard to believe that these prejudices are still so entrenched in people's minds how can we get rid of them.
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i can't breathe the last words of george floyd his death sparked protests around the world including in germany. i live in experiencing racism a. feel powerless even the term race is a historical relic discredited as a biological concept shots under us from detroit to. being black in germany means having to constantly justify your humanity on every level. last year there was a 10 percent increase in racist incidents in germany $1176.00 in total so i design for a country like germany which is forever boasting about its democratic credentials not good enough. examples of every day racism being asked where do you come from being addressed in english all the time not being recognized as
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a citizen of germany being stead of a steady hum of hostility that never goes away that's hard to pinpoint. racism in germany is very subtle. didn't defective micro aggressions is very underestimation just. every time a black person or a person of color leaves their home experience hundreds of incidents of racism had something really. does almost symptoms of a deeply rooted problem by and large racist attitudes in germany are attributed to individuals a matter of personal prejudices but in fact there is clear evidence of structural racism across society. sean it starts with ignorance of the existence for decades of black germans and that kind.
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not seen as belonging to the population in. this. part of germany structural racism is the way we're made invisible. the loss of his hago and can't shape the age. even light and meant but to them human rights were white right in the 1900 century south west africa was colonized by the german empire its people subjugated. their race based nuremberg laws designed to protect german blood were introduced in 1935 according to the right citizenship law a citizen was only someone descended from germans a becomes as it will trash the best option i can imagine the germans are tired of having to keep addressing their to this tree but there's no way around it and moved
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on yeah indeed there has to be a willingness to dig deep into this very bloody marcie pacifist after the 2nd world war many african american g.i.'s remained in germany and started families it was an opportunity for germany to become a more diverse society but these children were often ostracized and many women were forced to give their children up for overseas adoption west germany wasn't ready to become less white while communist east germany flew in contract workers from socialist african countries such as mozambique only to eventually send them back many chapters in its history explain why black people don't feel at home in germany mainstream culture is white culture and most of the population is unaware of its white privilege this minute isn't exactly what i call the state of being happy a lot of middle class society and people on the left have understood that racism is bad but they see it as
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a right wing problem and they think they themselves are anti racist and that's all that can be expected it. there is now fresh debate about how germany reflects on its racist past but again this tackles the symptoms not the root cause is simply expunging the word race for. javanese basic little one to eradicate racism and white people need to realize it's not just a problem for black people and me expressing sympathy is nowhere near enough. that's with counseling it's vital that criticism of racism is built into the education system does more to pick up information multipliers education is racism and discrimination are issues that need to be part of their training communions could take another. type of als but i hope they will. we need control mechanisms for institutions independent control mechanisms for the police for schools sure
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this is some good some because racism is a problem for society as a whole no one can ignore us. old persons shall be equal before the law declares article 3 of the german basic little it's a promise that germany needs to deliver on once and for all. they need firewood to cook fields to harvest food and a place to live. in india 1300000 people need every bit of space they can get. in the last 20 years 18000 square kilometers of forest have been cleared to accommodate the expansion of cities and settlements but the habitats of many animals have been destroyed in the process in the southern indian state of karnataka that has resulted in human wildlife conflict sometimes
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with deadly results. thought change on my lap as morning and hasn't gotten off to a very good start for the coffee farmer is assessing the damage caused by his unwelcome visitors the elephants. it's not the 1st time the pesky package terms of caused damage to his plantation over the luckily only the door was broken down today. over the years the animals have ruined 7 hector's of rice fields as well as many coffee plants and palm trees. have a huge impact on our livelihood leaving our daily life has become very difficult they live in saddam age whatever we call it evaded a lot more of them if. the latest encounter however was different a message he received in time helped him avert a major disaster on his plantation. when one of the many women a week ago i got an alert message saying there is an elephant in this area one of
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my laborers who was in the paddy field he did not have a phone so i called someone else who alerted him they live and was right there he screamed and the liberal was able to escape if not for this warning he would have been getting back my. house one district where to my lap our lives has some of the largest populations of wild asian elephants in india live mostly in the plantations monocultures and paddy fields around the towns conflict with humans began to get serious around the main 970 s. when this district that used to be largely forest began to become urbanized the forest just now highly fragmented and largely replaced by human habitations. wild elephants have blundered into the villages up by lawyer and roman.


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