tv Doc Film Deutsche Welle July 28, 2020 11:15am-12:00pm CEST
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thanks a very much stacy for coming in on this today. and there's much more on these and other stories that are social media platforms and of course our web site as well i'm brian thomas for the entire news team thanks so much for being here. oh. for posters from nigeria you know that's what money would sponsor their unique. authentic. touch and successful beyond belief 7. ali would start august 7th d.w. .
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environmental economical and health problems affecting both farmers and consumers. who knew. that my name is some look. i'm 74 years old 60 years ago time people were very healthy. was number one in the world back then we never used chemicals to farm but farmers were later misled by agro chemical advertisement and started using that by you and that saddam had a lot of heart yeah. 18000000 rice farmers in thailand so mark is among the few who refuses to use chemicals involving whom. he has his simple and interesting way of growing chemical free rice. when the field is in the mid ninety's the population of apples now is exploded i found out my wife was.
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using pesticides i didn't agree and bought my docs instead of being fed. these awesome looks a.v.'s. their existence can be of tremendous benefit to mankind and the environment or the. oh. well. they are a cross breed between natives and cocky campbell ducks. the natives breed gives them a strong immune system and the cocky campbell great means they can lay lots of eggs
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. their future is determined by their gender. these workers are checking the gender of the ducklings. there's a hot spot in the rear end of male ducklings and only experts can feed. the. male ducklings as older to keep the price and will be raised for meat. females are more expensive and will be raised. doubts are raised in both closed environments and free range in the fields.
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i. need it. how old are the doc's. almost 3 months. today so nick is visiting the duck farm to reserve 3000 female docs he'll pick them up when they're 5 months old which is the perfect age for training. so look is discussing the new school year of the academy with his son and wife. it's a family business which needs all hands on deck. the
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for. the previous class of duck academy has retired and this is a boarding academy. some local and his helpers are preparing the dormitory for his new group of students. who don't need to put in a poem for the ride. just tie it to that wouldn't post the road to go here. the most necessary feature of this academy is the school bus. designed it himself using his 20 years of experience in transporting ducks. it has 7 levels and can carry up to 3000 ducks what makes it different from other trucks are the adjustable ramps which enable ducks to move up and down each level by themselves.
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come on hurry up. i. i get the oak rate i know i get a few smaller ones too but these are all a nice healthy sign. pens to train the 1st group of ducks to be leaders for the big group that will come later i doubt it's too long familiar but they'll soon find their way around. their arms. back and forth exploring. terribly proud leading the way cracking loudly she could make a good leader. see
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the dogs go up. learn to use the ramps to get up to the top level. i'm teaching them how to get on and off the truck they're still having trouble with the corners or what they'll learn eventually to use both levels. oh followed. by and now it's time i picked up the docs and lucky number today i'm getting out of 2900.
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count them and take them all out. and i want them on different levels i need right. now go out by themselves all. the way these are new ducks they won't know how to do that yet. each cost around $3.00. go up soon once already made it stick together docks no need to do this every day catch them and put them up there.
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field is 4 times cheaper. he takes them to his own fields as well as to his neighbors. i. they finally arrive at the destination. both the canteen and the playground await. but the students must 1st learn the 2nd lesson. lesson to getting off the truck. $3000.00 to get off the truck within 15 minutes.
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i. thank. getting off the truck might be simple for students in the lower levels yet bring me the stick i'm no level fast. but is not a simple for those on the upper decks i. close the ramp 1st all the go back up. chase them down to. that. i. so know has to use the emergency slide on the 1st day i. like skydiving oh god.
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i. think. i want to use the adjustable able to move down by them so i just need more time. on. the greens on which the ducks are equally feeding those of speech rights from the last growing season. the box get rid of these grains and prevent them from growing and mixing with next season's crop. prepping the field is only one of the many duties the ducks have to help someone grow his rise. and there's always spillage at least one or 2 bucket farms power.
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however. getting 3000 students to stop playing is no easy task. that is easy to recognize. it tells them if it's time to go home or out to the field. but it takes months of training. i've. used my voice and i caught a cold and my voice wouldn't work properly but the whistle sounds the same. to. some people call me crazy yeah blowing my whistle like i'm a soldier that the banks don't understand. but i do. i just do things my way .
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mean when i need to be gentle when your training animals you can't shout at them or be aggressive they have feelings. but it's their instinct to react all day and one when they go into the field thanks start searching with them for something to eat strong as you well know they're eating snails. every night and if there's no food in one spot they move to another there. is no stopping. i the field grazing of ducks is chilly these folk. wisdom that we brought to thailand over 100 years ago. or currently there are around 10000000 in the field grazing ducks in the country. to. take his dogs home every day but most field grazing dock owners take ducks to feed
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in different rice wheat and that the ducks sleep out about. between provinces. field grazing raise them for meat and eggs. to raise ducks is to avoid the use of chemicals. some of it has around 40 acres of rice fields. this is a newly planted plot. the rice plots. these ones are about 14 days old. i'm also checking facts. because i don't use chemical pesticides on my you know they normally come out to fade in the morning. or in light or a plant sprouting after 2 days if it ran short after that for snails or
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everything like little lawn mowers have to take extra care until the rice is a month. golden apples nails were imported as a food source from japan and taiwan. however they brid with native snails resulting in apples snails which quickly spread and became the worst enemy for younger ice plants this is one of the main reasons for the increase in agriculture called use. chemical usage in farming started in thailand around 50 years ago it was the result of the post world war 2 green revolution. he could. have that there were several changes one of them was the introduction of new types of rice the native varieties were abandoned in favor of the new west that had a higher yield and shorter stocks or they require the use of chemical fertilizers
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and insecticides. there has been a drastic increase in agro chemical imports in 2000 puting thailand imported around 80000 tonnes but recently this amount has increased by well 100 percent to almost 200000 tonnes. bad people have got the. oath or to carry out regular studies on occupational diseases and they show that a 3rd of thai farmers have abnormally high levels of chemicals in our blog. or may have no idea past the use of chemical pesticides in addition to snails these substances and so kill eels fish and crabs the downtown on the right side way. grazing his ducks in other people's fields has potential dangers. it's all it needs
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to be extra careful. how i ask people if they use chemicals i have fields i need to know in advance because if they've recently spray tan. fields the chemicals could harm the docks. they just harvested the rice. there's a lot of spillage for the ducks. now and show me. when did they spray the field it's. ok to keep a few days ago right. the owner always does it himself. pop them off. let them. know that. there are snail shells birds have come here to feed there's lots of rice spillage in there. while some that ducks are popular among his neighbors he must check that the field
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i'm slowly getting the hang of the job i don't have to use the emergency slide that i have really improved i just have to keep training them like this and they'll be even better by their by i getting more used to it every month from now they'll be past that i believe i. have my neighbor called and said if you docs are still out and about so i need to can pick them up. thank you so much over there.
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are well fed. it depends on how much food there is in the fields snails if there isn't enough the number of aches goes down. so much duck eggs are in high demand. they provide him with substantial extra income customers either come to buy direct whole place orders. 20 percent and i cover my costs at 50 percent i make a nice profit. today is the most in day in the bucket and it's good to me yeah. so much is going to release his students into a new to grow rice field. thank
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the ducks a very good night in the past few days we need it for 5 people to drive from down. no i think i only need 10 minutes of my time to the 1st day it took 2 hours. i. couldn't go now it usually takes them about 20 to 25 minutes to get back in. and there are only a lot of doctors. no other farmers allowed ducks into the growing rice field for fear that the ducks will ruin their crops i don't know child. he lets the ducks great is when the rice is just one month old they are these pest control is. passing through just nails and
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caterpillars and. the docks catch the insects in the air yeah yeah out here we have some 90 bucks. yeah but the normally pests are rice but the ducks eat them to yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. particularly look these are apples now and the end and i know i am one of them i additionally they provide free delivery of natural fertilizer. but now the ducks excrement i found allies in south wales docks digests now as quickly as now shelton stay in tact for 10 years decomposes in the dark stomach and a half an hour i know their digestive system is a magazine thank her rewrite. they also make sure we control it i. don't need to be on the
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docks go into the fields they step on like we had some fatten them up by but the rice is strong enough to survive and can hang around that the. if we leave i'll walk out of farmers think i'm crazy for letting the ducks trample over the rice like that yeah but you'll see later that he knows better here because it's fact that.
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the ducks have completed their mission in some looks field the rice no bears grain . it is a time farming tradition to conduct a rice blessing ceremony. that are coming up blessing ceremonies were passed down to us from our ancestors the ceremony is to appease the qual the soul of the plants. toskala time can count on me when the 1st grains appear at the ceremony takes place on the thames or 11th day of the growing moon up back to ask the goddess of rice made for her blessing.
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now hold that the water had told her mother see proposed mother not dora but mother shakti when mother sees who shot plane stay with us that. we'll see today is the good day today is every night we bring you sandal wood powder and aromatic oils that i share you with them dress you comb your hair and put makeup on your face you're nash's from the pregnant field we bring you fruits sour and sweet to her that no mice rats outlets caterpillars or worms destroy our rice. sagal so. we turn to you. take a look in the mirror. how come your hair. so mark and his wife still recall the incident from over 20 years ago which led
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some work on the part of raising field grazing ducks. around the spraying their fields with chemicals all the past came to us. i said we should try using chemicals on just one plot of land i would but he refused. i was worried that adults were destroying our rice plants but he said that to me leave once therefore when. i went home crying i didn't believe. me my wife both passed aside for us i went to the pharmacy on my motorbike to get some and i sprayed it on the snails. i noticed snakes and other animals. i said did you papist besides. that i couldn't get all the snails by hand anymore so i stopped going to the fields . and elaborate my 100 docs and
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release them on to ask yourself i am you. know i do think when he asked me to perform the blessing ceremony. i look to see how i rise transfer are doing and they were flourishing. our ancestors were right. like a fact their children without using chemicals are allowed. her. now if we get 30 buckets of rice by growing our crops place where we don't make a loss how the families make a loss if they harvest less than 50 to 60 it's because their costs are too high.
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i mean provide people with quality food. it's not harmful to just amuse or to the child i want to make up and it doesn't make people sick because i'm a no harmful resit jasper. even if the whole world challenges me i will fight against the use of chemicals. her to. the growing season is go way back to go with the ducks mission is.
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kickoff. from the refugee camp in gonna to one of the top football leagues in the world alphonso davis. fire munich's the 19 year old's undeniable talent has made him a shooting star. it's the stuff of fairy tales to live in for his story yes the young kids have to go. 90 minutes on d w. that is for me. to. be
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