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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  July 30, 2020 4:00pm-4:30pm CEST

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this is the w. news live from berlin it's official now the coronavirus is decimating global economic growth united states has just announced his worst post-war contraction of g.d.p. that news coming on the heels of the release of figures showing a more than 10 percent plunge in europe's biggest economy germany years worth of growth wiped out across the world in a matter of months also coming up washington slashes the u.s. military presence in germany the decision to cut its troop strength here by a 3rd comes after president trump repeatedly said ellen was delinquent in its
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defense spending. with. a secure nasa launches its newest rover perseverance into space for 7 months journey destination mars its mission to look for signs of answered life on the surface of the red sox. i'm god as welcome to the program the u.s. economy shrank by a historic magnitude in the 2nd quarter a massive 33 percent fall in quarter on quarter g.d.p. that's according to figures just released by the u.s. government the huge quarterly construct a contraction is the biggest since records began in $147.00 covers the months april to june when large parts of the u.s. economy were at a standstill due to pandemic lockdowns meanwhile. we to double its claims have
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risen slightly suggesting any tentative recovery will be slow. joe proc in is the chief u.s. economist deaths as i had to market and we asked him for his assessment on the constants of the us economy we have over 20000000 people unemployed the bird out on a planet has fallen disproportionately on people of low wages and of people of minority ethnic groups. the situation would be even more dire were it not for a massive amount of federal fiscal support in the middle part of the year 2020 and were it not for more ter am's on rent mortgages and student loans that challenge we face going forward here is that federal fiscal stimulus is set to decline under current law the rent and loan moratoriums are also scheduled to expire so towards the end of this year we become increasingly concerned that what's right now is just an economic crisis could morph into something bigger perhaps even with
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a strong financial dimension and it's go straight to our financial correspondent charles who delenn his standing by in frankfurt chelsea's shocking figures there from the u.s. a drop in g.d.p. growth was expected but does this year's size of this economic contraction come as a surprise. it's a jaw dropping number we heard yesterday the chairman of the federal reserve say this is going to be the most severe recession of our lifetime and these numbers certainly confirm that a 33 percent contraction is enormous one thing that we really need to keep in mind we talk about this is that the u.s. sort of report reports g.d.p. and in a slightly strange way they take the contraction in this quarter and extrapolated over 4 quarters so they economy actually contracted by a 9.5 percent and this quarter so it's not as severe as as 33 percent but clearly there are still millions of people without jobs in the united states businesses are
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going under so really a lot of a lot of economic damage there josie stay with us we come back to you in a moment because this news follows more record breaking you can only figures from germany a german g.d.p. fell by more than 10 percent between a pro in june also the biggest drop in the country's modern history household spending business investment and exports all collapsed because of the coronavirus fundament wiping out nearly 10 years of economic growth. no the stock market crash nor the oil price shock managed what this tiny virus has done the fruits of 10 years of growth were wiped out within weeks the german economy collapsed in march but the federal statistics office says the full force of the crisis is only know being reflected in the numbers. 10 point one percent decline in the 2nd quarter it is never been anything like it everything has suffered exports imports a services investment it's only thanks to missive intervention by the state
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unemployment hasn't gone through the roof around $7000000.00 germans are currently on so-called short time would they work less and the state pays part of their wages they can all make observers divided some say the german economy is already on the recovery course others bracing for a tsunami of bankruptcies. which one is a let's go back to chelsea and find for chelsea how is the impact of this economic slump being felt in germany right now well it's been painful for for many many industries and many many people germany has gotten a lot of a lot of praise in europe and throughout the world for being quite aggressive with stimulus and really setting up a strong safety net to support workers but as you hear in that report there are still about 7000000 people who are on short time work schemes another 3000000
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people are without jobs right now and a lot of these people won't find jobs we've already seen many many of you know germany's powerhouse of volkswagen dime lawyer. bank saying that they're going to be cutting a lot of jobs so this clearly will have permanent damage for the economy so there have been all sort of job cuts but are there also any signs of a possible coverage of the job. the economy is recovering slowly but surely we have you know over over the past several weeks over the past few months as things have reopened we've seen production get back up and running carmakers are saying they're seeing more orders again obviously retail sales are up again but it's going to take a long time for their economy to get back to where it was before or likely not before 20212022 so there's still a long way ahead shell said with any of friendships thank you. just after those shocking figures were released u.s. president almost trump suggested delaying the 2020 presidential election until he
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says it would become safer to vote on hinted by coronavirus related restrictions the president took to twitter to say that quote universal mail in voting would make the election the most you know accurate and fraudulent in history then asked delay the election until people can properly securely and safely vote trump is currently lagging in opinion polls only congress can change the date which is set by law for november. united states has unveiled plans to withdraw nearly 12000 troops from germany that's a 3rd of its military footprint in the country defense officials say the count is in line with addressing you threats from china and russia president tied the reduction to germany's reluctance to spend more on its military. a historic reduction in the number of american troops stationed in germany even more will be leaving than expected. the u.s.
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secretary of defense mark esper announced the withdrawal downplaying its significance it is important to note that in nato's 71 year history the size composition and disposition of u.s. forces in europe has changed many times but u.s. president donald trump said the move is meant to send a message to germany where the 4th. thing trump often points out that germany does not meet a nato guideline that all members should spend 2 percent of their economic output on defense germany only spends 1.4 percent but that guideline refers to spending on each country's own military not directly to nato medo members are now seeking answers as to how the new u.s. plan will be carried out and what it will mean for the future of european security there has been pushback from the u.s. congress and analysts say even the pentagon was reluctant to carry out trumps demand for troop withdrawal you can imagine the arguments and the discussions and
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disagreements that would have been going on back in washington inside the pentagon and with the white house but at the end of the day the president says we're going to do this and so the department of defense of us ok well here's here's how we're going to do it there are about 24000 u.s. troops will remain in germany but some observers worry trumps costly message to its nato allies could weaken the whole alliance. public prosecutors in switzerland have announced to open criminal proceedings against president john ensign teano charges relate to secret meetings he held with the swiss attorney general michel alba in meetings took place in 20162017 while he thought was under investigation by the swiss of humans office for option infantino was reelected president of football's international governing. just last year. on of some of the other stories making headlines around the world the us administration has agreed to gradually
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withdraw federal police from the city of portland oregon after weeks of clashes with protesters local authorities have criticised the agents presence saying it made matters worse washington's that the officers were needed protect federal court buildings. u.s. lawmakers have accused apple facebook google and amazon of using harmful practices to stifle their competitors the c.e.o.'s of the tech giants were testifying as an antitrust hearing a congressional panel is weighing whether to regulate the company's more heavily. tens of thousands of people after again taken to the streets in cities across border area demanding the resignation of the government and the chief prosecutor accusing them of suppressing free speech having ties with the mafia and refusing to fight corruption the anti-government rallies are biggest 7 years. of already have disqualified
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a dozen pro-democracy candidates from running in upcoming elections the government said they have failed to uphold the city's constitution among those bodies prominent activists joshua won't he said the decision showed a total disregard for the will of hong kong's. now to something truly out of this we're. just launched a new mission to models to search for signs of life an atlas 5 rocket blasted off from cape canaveral florida. on. orders perseverance that's not new rover to rock samples and help scientists who study the martian surface like never before it's equipped with the most complex were baltic system nasa has ever developed an. excitement is growing mission control let's bring in mitchell to he is a program scientists with a mass 2020 exploration program at nasa headquarters in washington and joins us now
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from them which they have been rovers on mars before what is the big difference of this the very big difference is that we've finally designed instruments to really look in detail at the rock record to see on the level of microorganisms which is what we think life might be the kind of life that might have existed on mars so we'll be finally be able to see things in the detail that we need really to tease apart whether this landing site in these rocks where he was habitable and whether it left behind evidence that life might have been there. if you indeed find microbial life on mas what kind of impact will that have why should i care. well so we really don't understand how life started on earth and so just finding another example of life somewhere beyond earth will be a really big deal because it will tell us that there is something fundamental about
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life that it sort of wants to start to be clear we're looking for evidence in the ancient rock record on mars that life might have left behind that posits we're not looking for current life on mars but we do see that mars and earth are similar geologically and so this would mean if we find evidence for life on mars this would mean that there are a set of conditions that could be sort of universal that law that allowed life and in fact sort of make life form but if we're looking into the future this seems to be a race to moscow right now why is it so important for us to learn something about a planet that when i would have so much trouble to live on well so one of the things that makes it hard to live on is that has a very thin atmosphere so it's not able to trap heat from the sun to keep it warm one of the things that we know about life on earth is that wherever there is liquid water within certain limits of temperature for example we find things alive in that water here on earth and so we can take lessons from studying mars that help us
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understand what conditions are necessary for life and what can happen to a planet when conditions and environmental factors change. so one of the questions that is on everybody's mind of course all the time when do you think that the 1st human mission to moscow will be on its way. we're working on sending people back to the moon 1st sort of as a base for getting to mars eventually and we're planning to do that by the middle of the coming decade and so after that we'll probably you know it'll take a little while for us to to scale things up to being able to get out to mars so it'll probably be a few a couple decades further down the road. and so it's about one thank you very much mitch schultz a good program scientists at nasa thank you. and that's it for me on the news scene for now while iraq will have an update for you at the top of the albums
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get you keep up with the news on our web site t w dot com stay tune up on one of the john she has a fresh additional c.w. special coverage of the call at 19 and of golfers in berlin and sort. of combating the corona pandemic. where does research stand. what are scientists learning. background information and news of. our corona update. from covert 19 special next on d w. there's
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been a lot of rage be it about toilet paper or masks the coronavirus pandemic sometimes results in aggressive behavior. and that has even led to death cringe bus driver felipe monkey or was killed by a group of teenagers after asking them to wear masks to get on his bus. uncontrollable anger seems to be on the rise in lockdown social distancing mask wearing uncertainty about jobs on the future could all of that be causing a pandemic of stress and frustration. welcome to you covered not in special here on the. use i want to get jones very relaxed in the in the to have you with us i don't
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know if you've observed this kind of aggression in your daily life too but the longer the pandemic lasts the more people seem to be losing their cool well i've certainly noticed more road rage when riding my bike through berlin is it just me or is there more of it my colleague james jackson went to find out. fights in the supermarket and harassment on public transport i've seen more and more videos on social media of fights happening in public and i've even seen some confrontations on the streets so i spoke to a conflict expert cutting them back to find out why is this happening conflict is all the conflicts that normally occur in everyday life are covered with an extra layer of stress this was the it was not me i believe. palin's police union told us that social media doesn't tell the whole story while charges for verbal abuse have gone up 10 percent compared to last year charges 1st salts and bodily harm are actually slightly down some people sense a rise in aggression but others don't we meet them to zoom in on
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a cashier who seem this new tension at work. but there are also people who came in and said no i'm not wearing a mask there was one time when we said ok then you can go shopping and the person got really aggressive. and. she would have loved to work from home for a week or 2 as well to take a breather. yeah the israelis. one day i was sitting at the cash register and there was a moment when i had several customers nagging me yelling at me and then a colleague came over and asked me if everything was ok and then i really just fell apart a little bit. of this is. this is. the stress caused by the current pandemic is affecting 50 percent of people in germany a survey found this stress reveals the rifts in our society that's one monday
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experience she wanted to stay anonymous because of the lockdown people always like people have to stay home and they just met and they're trying to blame once someone did trying to find a reason why this happened and they would say because of china because of chinese people are doing this because come from china that's why we're all in this together because of them because other asian in their eyes are sore like chinese and you also included that the arch chinese people so now it's all just. all together and yeah we got blamed for that. one so for the monday tries to hide that she's asian on the street the aggression caused by current often hits the most vulnerable experience. let's hope that with the loosening restrictions people will be more patient with each other. and for more i'm joined by douglas fields he is a neuroscientist and he's also the author of a book called why we snap so let me start by asking you when was the last time you
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snapped. well i don't know about the last time but i was excited in writing this book provoked to write this book because i snapped when i was robbed and i fought to get my wallet back which is not what you should do and so i realized that that was a very dangerous response i wanted to understand is something in your environment can cause you to gauge an aggressive response to risk your life i want to understand how that worked so that's what led to my interest in the subject well i mean from europe savation because i mean to day obviously we say that people are more aggressive now than they were before the pandemic but is this actually true or is this just opposition well there's no question that the 10 pandemic is causing an increase in rigor and in aggression and it seems that almost anything can cause an aggressive response but that's not true aggression is dangerous and it risks your
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life and limb so it's highly controlled by brain circuitry very specific circus the thing to understand is that aggression is controlled by the brain's threat detection mechanism and it operates quickly without conscious deliberation and this pandemic situation is pressing on the circuitry and in fact there are only 9 triggers for aggression and these are controlled by different circuits in the brain this is the new insight that we're getting from neural science into this. the subject of aggression the coded pandemic presses on several of the specific circuits that cause a person to have an aggressive response right and this is also what you write in your book of balance you describe those 9 specific trick as could you just briefly name that this which tickets ah these. yes there are scientific names for them i created a number on it called life mort's because it makes it easier to understand rather than the scientific terminology the most obvious one is the s in life mort's for
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stopped that's also restraint aggression on an animal or a person who is restrained or trapped will have an aggressive response to break free of that aggression we see this in the road you know when you are held up in traffic you get angry and you're ready to fight and you know you don't become bored or tired or something else that's because being held up. trips this aggressive response to break free of the restraint obviously being sequestered during the pandemic prevented from going about our daily activities this pressing on this s. triggering and provoking an aggressive response but but it doesn't dare do it in the same it doesn't do it in the same way to everybody i mean not everybody is new zing there rags it's just a few people so what's the difference. well we all have the same circus and we respond to the same triggers there are individual differences these are biological genetic they're also determined by a person's previous life history and experience so yes different people have
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different responses to the same triggers if i could mention 2 other triggers that i think are very good some insight into one that's less obvious is the trigger which is order in society social animals use aggression to maintain order in society human beings are strictly social are survivals dependent upon being part of a society and we use aggression to maintain social order all of our laws are and mechanisms of controlling behavior with aggression imprisonment capital punishment taking away resources and fines and eccentric i mean we we get angry when someone runs a stop sign because they're breaking the rules in the cove a situation people are feeling that their rules of society their freedom to travel associate conduct their businesses are being violated and that presses on the same triggers that cause riots right and i'm innocent on the sales if i just what i just mentioned these are obviously triggers that we will have to live with until there's
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a vaccine or excel law for 19 hopefully people find a way to deal with it better than breaking things and getting aggressive really interesting ductless failed thank you so much for your time please try not to snack too much. all right thank you very much. now then time for more of your questions now and that means i went to a science correspondent to derek williams. why has germany being so successful in fighting covert 19. germany's case fatality rate and its over 200000 confirmed coping 1000 infections is quite low and and it has one of the highest recovery rates in the world most experts say that that's because the country got a lot of things right here in the early stages of the pandemic there was some luck
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involved i'd say the virus didn't strike germany massively and practically without warning like it did for example italy so so the country had a few crucial weeks to prepare and and that used them the political response to the looming pandemic was very swift compared to other countries one of the 1st tests for the coronavirus was developed here in berlin and it began to be used widely in the country very early on it didn't hurt to have a highly respected leader making decisions that people listen to among other things those decisions helped to protect the country's elderly which which many think is the big reason behind germany's low mortality numbers and the strong economy and the german lack of debt has allowed a more cautious measured reopening of society and the economy so so although
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there's been a surge in new cases in the last couple of weeks that some experts think might signal the start of a 2nd wave i think that in general most germans would view the national response at least up until now as a success. in general have we seen a low a prevalence of the fires. soon africa. africa has seen over 850000 confirmed cases of coke at night so far not that's a lot but it's still just a small percentage of the more than 16 and a half 1000000 cases confirmed worldwide is that all down to the under reporting border is there something else going on i'm not an expert on epidemiology and certainly not for africa but reading into this i discovered a hypothesis on why the prevalence is still fairly low in africa that to me seemed
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plausible that said that the countries with the highest international exposure called gateway countries have been the ones to be hit 1st and hardest countries like south africa and egypt well over half of the continent's reported cases so far have been from those 2 countries alone countries with fewer links abroad remained largely free of covert 19 in the initial months of the outbreak the experts think but now that the virus has spread to every country in africa many of them expect internal domestic transmission to begin playing a much bigger role and there are worries that as it picks up speed misinformation and generally inadequate health care infrastructure could turn the continent into the next global hotspot. and that's this edition of coverage in 1000 special here on news from here that seeing
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them berlin as always thanks for watching and today more than ever do stay cool. into the conflict zone in these extraordinary times we decided to take the opportunity to focus. on the impact that the coronavirus pandemic is having on human rights around the world there are reports of invasive surveillance authoritarian power grabs my guest is the head of human rights watch a kind of problem of how many limitations are people willing to accept in order to fight a threat like corona virus conflicts of. next phone books .
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what secrets lie behind things one. discover new adventures in the 360 degree. and explore fascinating world heritage sites. p.w. world heritage 360 getting up now. why subscribe to do you know what your books you mean your favorite writer seems i like to see myself as the kid sky in the strange grown up world do you know where your books are new to. far more posters from nigeria who we are as a people you know that's what money would stunts will do you need. point 000. 000 authentic. the tort system or bring down a long. and successful beyond belief. that normally would
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this is the way we're doing. nollywood start aug 7th on d w. subject to pills it literally is apathetic of the bulk of you have called coronavirus the new terrorism nobody wants to see a dictatorship go to over or over their head. conflict zone it is on summer break and we look back at this season's most controversial interviews in april we decided to take the opportunity to focus on the impact of the coronavirus pandemic is having on human rights.


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