tv Euromaxx Deutsche Welle August 2, 2020 8:30am-9:00am CEST
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you're just moving. and successful beyond belief. we're going to do it this is the way we're doing. we would start 7 on g.w. . what's that job openings out there for chickens find out later in the show. and with that one welcome to another edition of euro max let's see what else we have lined up for you. a live sized version of the classic boardgame count on
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germany's my no bail and. how to prepare louis choose from cyprus in many different ways. or to choose can with a little imagination be compared to champaign as in both cases the name is protected only about 2 dozen people are allowed to call themselves or to quote to design us the ana is awarded by the french federation of old quit too and fashion which also to sites who may participate as a guest design at the party or 2 shows this year you man aisa was invited he is a self-taught fashion designer who was born in cameroon but because of the growing up on that make it like old design as he could only present his designs in digital form. this is the man aisa is new collection. he's the 1st designer from cameroon to showcase his creations at the paris shows even if
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this time only on film. has been living in the fashion capital paris for more than 20 years. to me paris is like a museum there's always something new to discover. fashion is everywhere culture is also very present so many people from all over the world come together here paris is a very international city and very important for fashion. she draws inspiration from both africa and europe he sees himself as a kind of ambassador for africa and the look serious fashion industry. i don't try to make clothes like do your or long gone. and i don't have the means to do that. if you've got me from a different world and that's what i'd like to bring across using my designs to tell
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my story of africa. i want to show that the fabrics can be worked well and that the clothes can compete internationally with. it to be a fit. he designs most of the fabrics himself. this series was produced in ghana it will be used to make a coat ordered by a customer. but. there are machines very modern ones that can produce these kinds of fabrics in a modern way. in africa we don't have these machines yet. there's still a lot of sewing by hand like back in the day. but also working by hand is very time consuming but when it's done well it's really high quality. it will soon be a fish to. the city or the government. and as opposed to popular cliches not everything needs to be colorful. learned of the trade all by
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himself an exception in paris is elitist fashion seen. the son of a professional boxer and a model he grew up in cameroon and was interested in his mother's exclusive dresses from an early age but with. it my mom was pretty cocky she was very beautiful and liked to wear nice dresses. as a child and i was allowed to close the. door it all made an impression on me and i started to sketch from an early age. i wasn't talking so it just sort of developed i drew figures in the sand with a stick that's all so then i designed a clothes for them. that's how it all began. with. later he became a dancer and performed in a traditional group with his siblings he started modeling 1st in cameroon and later
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for well known brands in france. eventually he found that his own fashion label. his 1st own couture show in january 2020 caused a stir the international fashion scene was delighted by his mix of traditional craftsmanship and modern design. it was a milestone and not just for a easy to deal with it was as if a door was opened it was a historic moment and then event for the media to organize everything because everyone was surprised when the paris chamber of commerce for fashion announced that we could take part at the hold coach a week it will mordovia you. and yet black designers are still an exception at. big fashion shows even if there have been some changes to take fashion houses like louis vuitton for example whose head designer is virgil ablow
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supermodel naomi campbell says it's not enough and recently called for more black models and designers in the fashion industry. trying to read a sustainable conversations with minorities to be in the early days so it's good that she said it but it would have been better if she had said it earlier when she was still a superstar. singer from birth as she is that you go forward she's had a great career she is our voice. but sometimes you don't think of raising that voice when you're at the top and in the spotlight put it well it's a shame she did not do it earlier. now the man i.e.c. hopes that his fashion is not only admired but bought into especially by african haute couture customers looking for traditional yet elegant design. but this is the best dressed lady by fog this is fleet up and it is
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a white misconception that chickens are color blind that is not chewed and at least frida is anything but a stupid chicken in fact she often appears in theater place chicken was said to be intelligent some mammals they are all kinds of surprising things to say about chickens for example they could even have a career as a model and according to the photographers we're about to meet this potential is completely on the estimated. proud self-assured and with elegant feathers. these words describe the ornamental chickens displayed in coffee table books by photographers matteo trying to leave and marino monte from milan they both openly admit they're fascinated with chickens and have even acquired a few of their own. their pets could just as easily struck the catwalk.
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it was a love at 1st sight i never would have expected it. chickens make very good motifs they're very photogenic and great and. they know right away what they're supposed to do but you don't have to explain it to them. they need hardly any make up from our experience in the advertising and fashion industries chickens are the best top models and the most natural. and they also seem to be the most patient they obediently follow whatever directions the photographers give them. for their latest project tranche alenia and merino monte posed 2 chickens each from one of a total 60 breeds as lovers chicken in love as the snappy though somewhat tongue in cheek title. the relationship between rooster and hen a close loving one and unconditional love. hens love their
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rooster and always run after him and every morning the rooster looks at his hands as if he'd never seen them before. 5 years ago in search of an ideal the 2 men attended a bird show and were surprised by the great variety of chickens they grabbed their cameras and the hens and roosters strutted their. stuff. the result their 1st photo book titled simply chicken featuring 200 glossy images of 100 different breeds of chickens. but we were primarily interested in the aesthetic aspect. that explains the beauty and success of the book. so you just don't expect chickens to look so great. like kevin the proud rooster in mateo trenchantly nice garden in milan he and his hens chanel.
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and samantha are house chickens of the cochon breed queen victoria introduced these unusually large chickens from asia to europe in the 19th century. for chicken in love the photographers brought roosters and hens of different races together as couples a dutch crested with a bantam y. and. a silky with an. idea i mean they've found all they wanted we went searching for what chickens looked best together but not like a breeder was we mixed breeds and sexes to get a colorful variety like we have in our human society. and what about 2 roosters. why not. the rooster may protect his hands but he doesn't have that great a reputation as a romantic lover. in the roosters the worst example and absolutely not
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a role model when it comes to romance fine doesn't do anything he doesn't produce anything and it dominates hundreds of hands we're not and definitely not politically correct but it works. right. now it's offended we've heard his feelings and it's no real tragedy. everything always revolves around him the rooster. but now my tail trying to leave me and marino monte have proven that hens too can hold their own in the spotlight. anyone who has ever looked around a toy shop would probably recognize these honey comes they play an important role in the bought game khattab it is the 2nd most favorite ballgame in the world
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following willfully facebook phone book and microsoft gates plate sure because it's all about power and ownership this year the bought game celebrate its 25th birthday and now you can play it in a big way. these honeycombs on the island of mine now in lake constants are actually part of the x x l edition of the boardgame katon to mark it's 25th anniversary the world famous classic games board was recreated on an area someone hector in size the biggest version in the world the game's fans are delighted. it's neat i love. this is amazing the kids love it too and it's also really diversified. the game's creator klaus toy down worked on katon for 4 years before it came out in 1995 thereby creating a totally new kind of board game. and. it's always the
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stories that are in the back of my head where i say it would be great to experience this story in a game and with katon it was the story of the vikings not so much the aggressive aspect but more their expedition that they just say allowed to see they discovered iceland north america and my idea was what do they do then they have to chop trees plant crops and so on and from this rather romantic idea i started developing this game on these groups and thinking whether in a field or on the board of players turn has 3 phases rolling the dice to determine the yield of resources training and constructing new roads and settlements and skillful expansion is the key to winning. today numerous additions are available the board game is won numerous awards and been translated into more than 40 different languages selling over 32000000 times. in 2000 to the 1st catan world championship even took place and the game is also longer the digital world people
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are still just as fascinated and excited by it as ever the tanana has been so successful because it's really rich in variety and at some point you're hooked we one started playing and then we simply couldn't stop. the basic idea of the. game is just so brilliant so the combination of tactics having different strategies but also be lucky that's really unique. on the super sized board in mind now all the fields from the original board game are included 19 honeycomb shaped landscapes using plants flooring and the right objects the resources. clay. and wood are displayed. 10 gardeners spent 3 months working on the giant game. we collected ideas dismissed a few again we reshaped some things and bit by bit the different themes came into
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being. it was always really important to us that we filled the individual themes with like. the so-called flower island my now in lake constance is a magnet for tourism in south germany it attracts over a 1000000 visitors every year. throughout the entire summer they can enjoy the game both the large sized version. and the original board games to. his invention is more than just fun when i attended katon world championship and see players from different countries that are normally enemies and i see these players interacting as if these problems did not exist sitting at the same table training and bargaining those are the moments when i sometimes wish that politicians would play the game together to. 25 years ago katon entered our living rooms and now it has set up home on an island where the head board game will move to next remains to be seen.
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and now for another international export hit this time in the cold and every well it sounds like. nothing in particular but others laugh this cheese because it goes well with so many different dishes and it has to put it nicely a very mild flavor we are talking about how loony and it comes from the sun drenched island of cyprus. graded. on pasta as a burger. with fruit. in an omelette. the semi solid cheese traditionally made from sheep and goats milk is a real all around for cypriot cook marlena joanna d's tastes like home this cheese is milder than fat and a little rubbery and consistency that's what makes it so unique quite soft cheese.
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as you. chile and an even squeak here taste when you create or. pan fried or grill that's the classic way to cook it. means for the short time medium to high temperature for a short time just to get some color and then. if whether it's fresh and filled with meant or age to with a hearty taste. is traditionally part of numerous dishes and cypriot cuisine. marlena joe wanted to use constantly develops new recipes like the holy burger. the burger mainly consists of grated whole potatoes onions and eggs. we. all agree or. and we can. be too.
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great. for centuries the mediterranean island of cyprus has been the home to home to me where exactly and by whom it was 1st produced remains a mystery to this day. probably arab invaders brought home to me to cyprus in the 7th century. and you move descend into part of this cuisine to the. shonan catch up. how you mean one of the all of this recorded it she says they were. the oldest a reference. for. me i was phoning of a nation document dated but 1550 for. the pan tele family farm is at the foot of the trudeau's mountains in western cypress here they use only goats or sheep's milk for their hello me the way it's
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traditionally been made in cyprus for centuries. in a little closer view of eve your garden is a milk is crucial to the whole loonies good taste yes it was here in the region around the city of pa force is the livestock find the most nutritious plants on the island. and his small dairy pantelis cantelli only makes cheese when he's got enough milk this time he only has goats milk. i take what i spoon falls of rennet a mixture of enzymes from the goat stomachs it curdles the milk i have the rennet to the milk at around 35 degrees celsius where it works best then the warm mixture is left to stand in the vats for about an hour. what remains is the liquid way and the kerns. pantelis pantelion his daughters press these into molds.
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once it has set its heated once more in the way. finally they conserve the finish to lummi and brine until it's consumed. there's so many food ready how do you know we is in guster not meat fashion internationally and nowadays it is used by. chefs and all of them to. follow me from cyprus is a hit the world over. and for the islanders it's. more than just another cheese it's an important part of cypriot culture. and if you are looking for more reports about food from all around europe than check out our new you tube channel the food here is a small taste of what we have on a. family to see these. stories
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. to see as. the small amazing the best chefs with their best tips from the lead dishes to eat in dine and order recipe secrets while. europe's diversity is a smorgasbord to my list going to. subscribe and enjoy deep w. food. julia was born in switzerland now he called his home he said travel and research like the german geography alex on the from home board he wants to explore and discover the world but julian shouting it is also an artist and he is currently one of the most successful in europe nature installations he takes things to the limits physically artistically and he travels to places few people ever go to one of his latest
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projects took him to regions where the icy temperatures pose a huge challenge. most works of art by usually known as start with a bold expedition of some kind a journey to the ends of the earth where few others would venture. for his latest project he's captured images of icebergs in a dark the poetic film. this is in suddenly used as bathed in this light you see this vision magically tragic and i don't like the grand finale of an opera script would be absolute sculpture the absolute object informants for us and you just can't comprehend it you'll never be able to bring it back and reproduce it and an exhibition space. he
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spent 2 years travelling through a variety of icy realms in switzerland iceland and greenland he filmed using drones often at temperatures below minus 30 degrees celsius. 'd the swiss born artist completes his films another works of art in his berlin studio. is like east coconuts for example piled up to create installations there radioactively contaminated having grown on the became e ass hole where the americans carried out nuclear weapons tests unlimited 20th century and sank decommissioned naval craft to capture the results on film. dives deep under water. now in his studio he's constructing an outsized lamp and filling it with palm oil from indonesia where the rain forest has been slashed and burned her palm oil plantations. he drew attention to this exploitation of
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nature in a performance together with muse. at berlin's bedtime club in 2018. voted to. provide the arnold where an average 3 degrees of global warming is the most optimistic scenario for the future these questions are highly relevant it's just absolutely insane of course it's something that affects my daily life as well and it changes my art too. has been causing a stir with his art for years in venice and 2012 he died pigeons with food coloring to create an independent artwork for the architecture. 5 years later he exhibited saul's collins and lithium brine in venice they both came from a salt wasteland in bolivia where lithium is mined for use in electronics. now use film on icebergs. yeah as
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a conceptual artist with many different forms of expression. i have an idea for a work that i've been trying to create and that determines the. so what i do is actually a dialogue with the locations i don't come along and try to bend the location to a work that i conceived in advance but instead i try to hear the voice of that location on. his next adventure already awaits him julio is a man who explores the relationship of humanity to nature through the media of art . and that's all for today but you can find lots more lifestyle and culture by following us on social media make sure to stop by our website d w dot com slash lifestyle to fight us thanks for watching and my wife i know.
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love life. i don't want to load them up. on the fun in a good line and i'm not the kind that i deny or the way my own life. that. tends to transcend the divergent lives of 3 passengers aboard a cross-country train. non-slip defunded samadhi donna. has a virus spread. why do we panic and when will all this trigger through the topics covered in the weekly radio show is called spectrum if you would like and information on the coronavirus or any other science topic you should really
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check out our podcast you can get it wherever you can get your podcast you can also find us at twitter dot com for inside science. a new era has become. the fire going to feel the need. to inflame. our use of. lasers pushed to the face of. flames that consumed forests and entire residential areas from. rising temperatures water shortages lem's clearance there's an abundance of flammable material once again i did there's no stopping the fires. in so many moons going up in smoke. movie concentration the world on fire starts aug 12th on t.w.
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a lot of the. play. this is a company's line from the anger over mosques and coronavirus restrictions here in the german capital. to democracies get rid of the laws that restrict us to get rid of the mosques that turn us into slaves cutting off our people from all over the country. and made and new spike in germany's infection right place 3 d. in early to this 1st battle breaking crowd also on the program after lashing the caravan try.
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