tv In Good Shape Deutsche Welle August 9, 2020 6:02am-6:30am CEST
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ready to. i already did you want to talk oh you mean you want to start the show ok hello and welcome to in good shape i mean this is not a religion just a t.v. joy just a prop real economist is illegal in many countries it's said to be unhealthy and dangerous but what's so bad about smoking a joint is it really dangerous in medicine it is used in treating many conditions like multiple sclerosis pain and even cancer. unpretentious plant is heating up on mines not only in germany that's how dangerous is cannabis at this therapy group for cannabis addicts participants learn how to improve their awareness of themselves and their feelings the group comprises people from all
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walks of life all of them began smoking marijuana in their late teens just for the bonds but in some cases due to insecurity or confidence issues. like my mother father and i know what hit them during the you pretty i had a culture connecting with people on the board and i've been. i didn't really understand how people work. and i was just and i noticed that once i smoked a joint all those worries would just go away or god forbid thinking i'd begin. the drug helped many of the group to subdue stress. but it also meant to problems with a smile to call to talk it's so addictive mentally it's not like the jitters you get from alcohol my image but when you feel this emptiness the alarm bells start ringing and you have this absolute need which was i should have been confronting myself but instead i needed a fix so yes the mental addiction was. really strong. in
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addition to taking over addicts lives marijuana consumption can also lead to mental illness in sabrina's case those problems spiraled out of control. started with paranoia i ended up taking down my smoke detector because i genuinely thought it was bugged. by the end i was convinced i could hear people talking through the wall and that the t.v. was talking to me. i was petrified. she no longer has those who loosen ations but sabrina dunn still suffer from anxiety she never imagined cannabis could have such an effect. of french citizens but i never considered it dangerous smoking dope was no big deal everyone does it plus i've never had a problem before. many young people in particular
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underestimate the risks involved in smoking marijuana so is it a dangerous drug or a beneficial medicine weighing the pros and cons is far from a black and white affair it's a question like many best answered by doctors and scientists. andrea young is a doctor and researcher as co-founder of the organization mind she works to bring about a change of perspective in dealing with psychedelics normally i would now have an interview with dr jung here in person on this tree trunk but in the times of the novel coronavirus everything's different so i will having this talk via video call . dr albert of things for this talk you in this unusual setting the mind foundation promotes the development of psychedelic science and its application in real life what role does cannabis play in this context psychedelics and cannabis have
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basically faced the same fate in the past decades they both were. made illegal and therefore neither practical application nor science in this area was possible therefore we don't only promote if i could alex science but also research and medical application of calibers. you also work as a doctor on emergency calls do you have to risk to people who have over consumed wheat as perhaps compared to those who are intoxicated by alcohol. or frankly speaking i have never attended as an emergency physician to somebody who was just intoxicated with cannabis if there was mix consumption for example without all this can well happen but our frequent customer is the person who is drunk on alcohol and unable to cope what are the telltale signs that indicate we're becoming
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addicted to cannabis. addiction is usually a gradual process so you get used to using cannabis more you don't reflect on every use it's just part of your everyday life so if you find yourself smoking cannabis in the morning after getting up in order to be able to cope with your day and not just in the evening after a long day or with friends where you for example share a joint then you should start thinking about the fact that you might be developing a substance dependence. there are scientists who claim that pot dumber than non pot smokers and other claims to have found that potatoes have more sex than others why is the discussion about tenebrous so emotional and so bitter in many places in the world. it is definitely an overt charge discussion what is being discussed there is not the consequences of the substance use neither beneficial nor in
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a negative way what is being discussed is moral higher ground on whether it's ok to smoke cannabis are not and frankly were why are there different positions on this so their country is where smoking a joint is far more ok to socially than drinking alcohol for example. according to you and study more than 192000000 people consume cannabis but why is cannabis so attractive to. a life without drugs it shouldn't be too hard. but the statistics speak for themselves marijuana and other drugs are widely used all over the world why are we all getting high it's partly about self optimisation life is stressful popping a pill or having a few drinks can make us feel more awake more extroverted more interest.
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might make us all more sociable less anxious and drugs can also help keep our energy levels up whether we're working or partying what else would we want. perhaps a sense of happiness some drugs can make us pay for it everything seems amazing wondrous or hilarious and sometimes happiness is simply absence of. on drugs things don't seem so serious and sometimes we take drugs simply because we are for. another reason for turning to drugs self discovery. pollution agenda substances turn our perception upside down. we might think that we can see music or taste colored people who find
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the life true are often attracted to the potentially mind altering effects of psychedelics. and of course drugs help us relax yoga forget it who's got time for the downward dog. it's a lot easier to reach for a joint and. chillout without having to do headstands. optimization happiness so discovery relaxation just 4 of the reasons why drugs are so widely used. consists of more than 500 different ingredients like proteins vitamins and cannabinoids these can be broken down into t.h.c. tetra how do you know and c.b.d. kennedy deal c b d is not intoxicating unlike t.h.c. . cannabis is one of the oldest cultivated plants in the world specially bred
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strains contain a substance called cannabis dial or c b d used for medical purposes. c b d has no intoxicating effect and is not addictive it's contained in a whole range of medicinal products and is seen as particularly effective for people with sleep disorders. eva mills has been working with c.b.d. for years internationally research is underway looking into kind of a dial as a possible treatment for schizophrenia and epilepsy. the psychiatrist prescribes pure c.b.d. for anxiety and stress related conditions. that's the i believe it's the most underestimated and one of the most valuable substances that i've come across in my medical career most people actually have stress related conditions such as sleep destruction we're going through a very difficult time right now and i'd like to see more people discovering the
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benefits of c.b.d. and realising that it's like a part of their own body that they can use to regenerate themselves. you know the young person the body actually has its own endo can have a noise system. if stress hormones enter the bloodstream the body generates its own in the canal benoit's to compensate. c.b.d. has the same effect it would do stress levels and helps with sleep disorders. has this office with my patients say they now sleep much better they sleep for a longer period without waking up in the middle of the night and feel more rested for longer as a result of course of it. but the quality of c.b.d. products varies greatly it's important only to buy those that have been produced according to pharmaceutical standards. and you also need to be careful if you're already on other medication as there can be complications. as hooked
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up all c.b.d. has an effect on the liver on certain enzymes that prevent other drugs from being broken down so if you're taking quite a few different drugs and then c.b.d. on top it can strengthen or weaken the effect of the other drugs and in some cases that can be dangerous stunts and feel that. the medical world has yet to explore the full benefits of c.b.d. but it looks like a treatment method with a lot of potential. today the hype is particularly big with c.b.d. oil i can see it as a g.p. in my practice c.b.d. it's not intoxicating unlike t.h.c. where there's a sudden euphoria about c.b.d. . come from. c.v. d. compared to cannabis is a bit like coke and coke 0 so basically it's the guilt free version the one that morally seems acceptable even in cultures where intoxicating or south of cannabis is being found on legalized so basically it's the.
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easy way to get some of the effects that cannabis can mediate but we also have to see that there's a strange development in the market if you can go and get. c.b.d. beverage is cappuccino our breakfast cereal with c.b.d. alike in some us states that's a strange development we've definitely overshot where we want to go with that there also seem to be positive results among us in patients with multiple sclerosis how does cannabis work there. in 88. roses and also in epileptics the main mechanism seems to be that the level of arousal is mediated in the body so the tension in the expression of the nerves nerves firing away is being limited and lowered there are many articles that claim that cannabis helps against cancer this is surely nonsense isn't it. at
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this point in time we don't really have the scientific evidence to say whether or not cannabis can be a treatment for a certain kind of cancer it is definitely not the case that it's a panacea and heal all fly all kinds of cancer as it is being promoted alongside. for example but on the other hand this seems to be scientific evidence that some forms of tumor can be positively influenced by the use of cannabis what definitely is the case is that the side effects of cancer can be alleviated by the use of cannabis so anorexia lots of effort sides north. as noisy and vomiting with kyocera ph is something that definitely can be positively affected with cannabis use so in any case this weed words to fight pain
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cannabis was mentioned in a chinese medical book 2700 b.c. as a joke and also as a gravity. trick and not now. has his pain under control thanks to cannabis in his case inhaling the drug via an ija and is there a puti prescribed legally by his doctor his preferred strain of cannabis is called penelope which has a well balanced ratio of the active ingredients t.h.c. and c.b.d. . the 38 year old e-commerce manager 1st started using medicinal cannabis just a couple of months ago before hand one doctor after the next had refused to give him a prescription leading him to procure the drug illegally from a dealer. patrick m. does not smoke cannabis to get high. he uses it to combat the chronic pain he's
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been suffering from for the last 9 years since an accident while on duty with the local volunteer fire department cannabis has helped provide some pain relief for the point is stopping the pain. so i this is absolutely enough and if you're not expecting the sensation of being high then it can be annoying from the office he gets his medicinal cannabis over the counter at his local pharmacy. for 10 grams of penelope police appear. the pharmacy orders the cannabis from the netherlands and canada and demand is getting higher premium content even if you but i've had a lot of positive feedback from patients like mr bolton with all manner of conditions they've all experienced a significant improvement in the quality of life. in the limbs quality had to go on . and that's been
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a blessing for patrick and thanks to the cannabis treatment he feels far better physically and is now able to take care of daily chores again without any pain. cannabis is not a recreational drug but medicine medicine that after his serious accident has given him a better quality of life. cannabis cultivation produces bets that contain far more t.h.c. them before whole set of problems well in the good old times the garden grown cannabis strains that were circulating had a lower percentage of t.h.c. you saw like 456 percent of t.h.c. and also a balanced amount of c.b.d. which is the other active component that we spoke about t.h.c. is the one inducing. cycle top effect c.b.d. is mediating more relaxation of the muscles and so on so on. now we have
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the that is the model. 5 strains of cannabis that contain up to 20 percent of cannabis that poses several problems the 1st is that he has cannabis strains tend to be unbalanced so if the t.h.c. level goes up like that the c.b.d. level is lowered automatically they can basically exist in the same space at the same time in those amounts. the other thing is that the yad effect is far far stronger from from lower doses and more difficult to control and how should one deal with a situation is a consumer well in using psychoactive substances legal or illegal the same basic rules apply you should know yourself know your substance know your dosage and note setting you using him and all these factors come together so be aware of what you're using why you're using it and try to make the most yeah clever decisions on substance use if you're able to make considering all those
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factors cannabis is mostly smoked with tobacco away lidia's as a doctor cannot prove. well being a doctor myself i can fully agree one of the risks is that if you smoke cannabis with tobacco you get all the side effects that you have with smoking tobacco from lung cancer to see you p.d. and all the other problems. when people smoke cannabis purely there's also impact on the lungs but not as high as it would be in combination with tobacco vaporizer so basically having a little contraption in the machine where you put the cannabis onto the electric coil that heats up and that doesn't burn the canisters just sets free the essential materials you want to inhale is a better variation but we also have to be careful not to mix up vaporizing with a ping so they ping would be mixing the c.b.d.
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up and he. kind of his oil in the. liquid that is then used in the cigarette and looked harmless for a while but we are no finding especially in the us for it's very popular among young people that those perhaps contaminated liquids perhaps just the difference in themselves can cause severe lung damage disease is a problem that should not be underestimated. in the use of cannabis why. doesn't work. the war on drugs has sold the months the alcohol prohibition in that it says has shown it to if you make something with a big people are going to find it on the black market because if people want to go for a cycle topic of substance they're just going to acquire a regulated legalized market with these substances the more homeless ones as possible gives us the option to a keep people away from the more dangerous substances and being gives us access to
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educate them and also makes it possible for people to ask for help cannabis is still a criminal offense in many countries of the world but other countries legalizing it like canada. this is one of 3 greenhouses each home 270000 plants there operated by a subsidiary of canopy growth a canadian company that is the world leader and legally grown cannabis sense canada legalized recreational use of the drug in 28. and shot up by almost 300 percent previously canopy growths production and export business was limited to medicinal marijuana. vancouver is the capital of british columbia and of canada's marijuana boom weed shops seem to have popped up on every street corner since legalization now
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a number so many that supplies are sometimes then on the ground. evergreen are run by mike baboons was the 1st licensed cannabis dispensary in vancouver as well as a range of marijuana goods the store also offers pipes and other paraphernalia and the right soundtrack. but it's far from a free for all customers have to be 19 or over and all products come with me warning labels. sears don't check your id stores do legalizing it every where in the name states where they've legalized it they've done studies less miners have access to it. we then move on to the university of british columbia hospital sends legalization dr eric desk he has seen a steady stream of patients asking about the potential benefits of cannabis.
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the last week alone i've had a 12 year old come and talk to me about cannabis and i've had an 85 year old come and talk to me about cannabis all the 12 year olds we don't recommend you plan smoking put materials of any kind this person was an athlete and we told him about the harmful effects on their lungs please think about these potential consequences . in medical social economic and legal terms canada has seen a range of changes since legalization and the old black market for marijuana might soon be history. consumption has increased by over 25 percent and october is set to see beer and wine suppliers offering new products in pews through t.h.c. . and then even gigantic greenhouses like this one might struggle to meet demand.
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as a father of 2 teenage girls i'm a bit very devoted legalizing cannabis from my point of view it's a free ticket to get the stuff for them how do you see that. to be very honest. anywhere in the world the teenager wants to smoke pot he is going to find pot from friends on the schoolyards. at the sports center wherever it is available and the problem is today that in the best case he gets it from a friend and it's a harmless situation but if he's confronted with a dealer who's not only sounding cannabis but sells little pills and powders on the side that can cause far greater harm this situation i would not want to see my teenagers and so for me having coffee shops having cannabis distribution pharmacy is where you can go perhaps gads yeah like kind of a slice and compulsorily getting information before you get it and also have people you can talk to when you have a problem with
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a substance that's the fast safe version and this is something we've all worked too many views have written to us a small part to be able to sleep better to cope better with attention deficit syndrome a woman during menstruation what could you advise people who said they have similar problems should they just try it. if with a new medical system cannabis products available through specialized doctors are your g.p. go for it talk to them and in many countries you will have a good chance to be treated with cannabis products for those described problems so object defy the discussion provide more information thanks so much for this talk and greetings to you home office but most importantly please observe the legal restrictions in your country because we don't want you to do anything illegal but what you can do legally is vitus and you may do you good shape your weekly health show on d w covers many aspects of health care we look at what's new in medical treatment
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tradition fitness and. we discuss these topics in depth with special and give you the chance to pose your own questions. so to get in touch. with this was a very very relaxing show and it was very fascinating so i'm a little bit sorry and disappointed that this is a fake and see you again next week and so then let's all try to stay relaxed and in good shape.
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heidelberg as romantic as ever the tourists are staying away because of the rotavirus can't imagine what does that mean for locals out for tourists so like me to manage to come what's the likely outcome of that dream destination for people from all over the world oh maybe even more romantic than before are tricky m. w's. it was the worst industrial disaster of all time.
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points and gas leak in. 35 years on people are still suffering the consequences the state can't cope and any help for the victims is coming from a network of dedicated medics lawyers and activists the foy's and legacy. in 60 minutes on d w. the time and place captured in pictures. images of gaza. a photo studios archive documents lives in bygone era us. at least to those living today. they are guarding gaza's past
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