tv The Day Deutsche Welle August 14, 2020 10:30pm-11:01pm CEST
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i see a sure i see a shot i feel sure. but how would the world sound without the biggest composer of all time i can't even begin to imagine a world class horn player single willis on a musical journey of discovery. of. a world without beethoven starts september 16th on t.w. . fresh from baiting me a year about allowing syrian migrants to cross from turkey into greece turkish president better typer one is now picking a fight with a you member greece over territory and middle exportation rights greece once e.u. sanctions france the said watch it's a greek and turkish vessels have already collided at sea so where will this and i'm phil gale in berlin and this is the day.
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i mean we cannot leave any attack on our civilian vessels unanswered before using the song to the governments of the we've shown we can respond and we will do so again if needed. all. these families in these tensions are worrying it's important to deescalate and i think out for me in that instead of indulging greece and giving unconditional support the e.u. should tell athens to be reasonable in the guardedness sniffers by pursuing its policy of aggressive provocation of turkey's only paving the way for severe sanctions against it for the browns island was that france especially should avoid
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steps that they still like tensions on but are so much to get a bullying get nowhere of them but. also on the day german officials warn of the country as at the start of a 2nd wave of corona virus infection and abstain to the lest of high risk areas. we have to keep restricting our contact with others keeping up social distancing and we must wear masks there's no alternative otherwise we risk losing control and . we begin today with an increasingly tense military standoff between greece and turkey over energy reserves in the east and the mediterranean sea where turkey is prospecting friction between these 2 and nato allies is nothing new but this week 2 of their ships collided athens says this was an accident ankara says it was a provocation tensions escalated further when france center frigates to the region
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now a spokesman for i'm going to machall says the german chancellor has spoken with both sides and urged deescalation. these tensions are worrying it's important to deescalate and to avoid any further aggravation from my point with this is this and it is important that the 2 states enter into direct dialogue with each other by actually discussing their legal disagreements over them maritime clients that well tensions have been rising ever since turkey launched oil and gas exploration homework in the disputed area of the mediterranean france has called for a huge sanctions against turkey and on thursday held military training exercises with greek forces off the island of crete. turkish naval warships a school the a retreat in the eastern mediterranean the drilling vessel is carrying out a seismic survey to look for oil and gas reserves but these are disputed
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waters. turkey says it plans to issue gas exploration and drilling licenses between the greek island of crete and cypress its nato ally greece very mentally opposes this plan and has sent wool ships to protect what it says is part of its continental shelf. initio of support for greece france on thursday took part in a joint training exercise with the greek navy of crete. there bill richardson in the venice book in response to turkey's deployment of its fleet we've also deployed our own putting our armed forces on alert i'm confident they do greeks have the same absolute trust in the capabilities of our armed forces as i do little when faced with provocation we maintain the strength that stems from our levelheadedness . turkey's president and 2 on has vowed to defend
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ankara's interests in the region but he's also called for calm what then is the truth really all the parts to a solution in the eastern mediterranean is via dialogue and negotiation if we act with common sense and reason we can find a win win solution that meets everyone's interests we're not chasing any unnecessary adventures all seeking tensions. tensions though have existed between these 2 regional rivals for centuries more than 4 decades after they fought a war over the island of cyprus the dispute has never been fully resolved. and conflict flared again earlier this year when turkey opened its border allowing fountains of migrants in to greece. this ship is now at the center of the latest territory andrew. both sides know just how much is its stake if this
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dispute is not resolved quickly. let's get more on this from correspondent to dorian jones in istanbul welcome dorian as we just heard greece and turkey have had tensions simmering for years if not decades in the aegean and eastern med why is this bubbling up now. but it's all up to to do with a massive discovery of natural gas in the region and that really has unfrozen these tents conflict potential conflict between these 2 countries as both countries now see an opportunity of of limitless unlimited supplies of natural resources to their energy hungry economies so both are engaged in a scramble for these resources both in each in c. and eastern mediterranean and the world sort of looks at these 2 old foes bearing in mind that the 2 countries have come into military conflict before.
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well absolutely and when you go back to 1996 we had a very similar situation where warships from both countries were contesting this uninhabited islet of a car dock in the sea and it only took me it was only the time intervention of washington in a late night phone call to both the leaders of greece and turkey where they read the right tack and said whoever fired 1st washington will put its full support to the other country and that of her to what was seen as almost inevitable conflict so yes there is the potential for confrontation but the same time i think both sides realize that any armed confrontation is need for size interest this time it seems that the germany is having some measure of success in calming things down with much more temperate language. absolutely chancellor angela merkel has dealt with the turkish president richard type of one
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for over a decade and there is an element of trust between the 2 leaders they know that they can work together and i think that into perspective that chancellor merkel is seen as the honest broker that they are looking to to avert this escalating crisis how athens perceives the german role is unclear but for short the moment chancellor merkel has intervened she did broker what was seen as a deescalation where both sides agreed to work together but that was a collapse following the announcement of a deal between athens and egypt which are saw a large tranche of the eastern mediterranean open to development which ankara contests and ankara tore up the agreement so we're going ahead with this seismic studies in these contested waters but at the end of the day i think is looking to merkel to find a way out of this escalating crisis so you foreign minister has had a virtual meeting on friday the top of the agenda was supposed to be valorous this is now made it on to that greece is looking for
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a new commitment for potential sanctions against it is it likely to get it well that's very unclear because any sanctions require unanimity among all the e.u. members and has been working very hard on multi and e.u. member and they have been working to sign a number of agreements and i think uncle will be looking at these possibly molto blocking any such move and i think there is also awareness in the in. assessment of europe that while it threatens sanctions it really delivers anything meaningful and i think they are also aware that if ankara did face major sanctions from the european union economic ones that could threaten a major economic crisis in turkey and that could have major destabilizing effects across the region. right so france has sent warships to the area for joint exercises with the greek navy and turkey once again finds itself at odds with its suppose it allies within nato well this is i think from our own
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christmas break of the most serious escalation france's a direct military involvement has signed this military agreement with the greek cypriots and is strongly backing our friends in its stance against ankara and the deployment of military warships in this area is seen from on christmas spectators in bolding offense does have a far smaller military than turkey's but with the backing of france it. is taking on even more assertive stance france and offense pushed back saying that they are only defending the rights of another but it is a big concern for monk this perspective france's involvement they see this is a major escalation in the crisis and let's be clear relations between paris and ankara before this latest potential crisis was at rock bottom both leaders who of type are one and the french president have very poor relations and this is late it's likely to lead to a further worsening of relations between france and turkey wichita here as ever
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dorian jones in istanbul found here. the odds are i've definitely got a funny feeling about it but i will absolutely stick to all the safety precautions and rules. we're going to a finger i would have cancelled if we were staying in a hotel but i'm fine about it when we're for small and. i thought i could just as easily get infected in germany when i get back out get tested at the airport then a week later i think it will be safe because the answers are not well since those people flew to spain for their holidays on wednesday the german government has declared spading looting the tourist and the yorker a coronavirus risk region consequently those people we just heard from who were looking forward to 2 weeks of a sun sea and sangria will now face a 2 weeks of quarantine when they get home so let's take a closer look at that decision and its implications with the w.
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political correspondent simon young and e.w. reporter pablo a folie ellis who has himself just returned from spain welcome both let's start with you simon young what has prompted this move from berlin. well phil it's really the dramatic increase in infections in spain the orthorexic is there have reported more than $56.00 cases per 100000 inhabitants and indeed that spin the case for more than a week now so the threshold as far as the german authorities is concerned is 50 cases but 100000 so you can see that's just pushed pushed up above that and that is why the authorities here in germany have issued this travel warning to apply to the whole of spain except for the canary islands and of course spain is a hugely popular destination for german tourists and there really is
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a risk of the virus being imported from there and is there an o.l. simon orders berlin expect german citizens to just do as they're told. well what this decision today to designate spain is a risk area means 1st of all the travel warning but that's just advice no known essential travel should be undertaken to spain is what the german government is saying the other thing is that there will be a compulsion to put a negative corona test been carried out not more than 48 hours before people arrive in germany or to go for the people will return from spain left to go into quarantine for up to 14 days and there are a hefty fines up to 25000 euros backing that up so people really are being required to follow these measures and other countries have already been on this list now i mean the parts of spain have as well but now pretty much the whole of
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spain is published this is this must be quite a blow for spain this is a big holiday destination for germans and of course spain only recently emerging from particularly severe lockdown that's right i mean it was incredibly tough respond here it's you know right up until pretty much the middle end of june people's movement within the country was actually restricted in even since then we've seen sort of localized restrictions on people's movements we saw it and the province of j. the which is a big agricultural region and cut their own yeah and we've also seen it in towns as well and people you know were hoping that things would slowly get back to normal and when i was there you could sense that there is a new needs amongst people it certainly feels very different in spain to germany people walking around of course on the street with mosques you mentioned before tourism is a huge industry for spain so this is a massive blow particular for regions like the bleriot for york is where over 40
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percent of the economy actually relies on tourism and that's just tourism but then you have to factor in all the other added industries that maybe don't even fall in . to the 40 percent that are also going to be affected by this so you know it's a big blow to the minister a foreign minister has said that she yet understands the decision and that she will be working closely with germany is about to find that action and that reaction there from the from the the foreign minister the to his right the foreign minister interesting because this is an issue that could easily become just a political side and saying that the german government's decision was based on the infection rates we've seen today the news that the u.k. has imposed quarantine measures against france and france responded by saying well we're thinking about a reciprocal measure so it's a bit madrid clearly taking a much more measured response to this and deemed that they're taking a more measured approach and also let's not forget one thing which is very different to the way the u.k.
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has reacted for example to the increase in numbers in places like france in spain in the netherlands where it's been a complete essentially quarantine for those countries what germany did initially was it's at right 3 regions in spain's numbers peaked this was a few weeks ago i have on i don't yeah and in the northeast they said right we're going to do a lock down for those then as they saw the numbers increasing in places like madrid in the basque country they said well at those at least but when they saw that the numbers were increasing in the rest of the country they shot over and they've done the same with antwerp in belgium so they're looking at it more on a regional basis which shows you a big difference politically and i germany is dealing with this so simon you know how are germans reacting to the abrupt imposition of restrictions quarantining holidaymakers while they're still abroad or indeed sealing off whole apartment buildings at short notice. well i think germans on the whole will comply a lot of people remember those dire scenes in spain in the health system there back
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in the spring and one thing to say about the travel warning is it has its positive side because it means that they catch those who have to cancel can get their money back more easily and so on one place to look for german reaction will be as you mentioned new york it's a base where tens of thousands of germans live semi permanently they had around 5000000 german tourists there last year because a lot of those people are younger tourists they want to party on the beach and i'm afraid they don't always observe the social distancing simon young func you for that problem fully thank you. the pandemic means that many aspects of public life here in germany have been restricted for instance public swimming pools are only allowed to admit a fraction of normal visits and numbers there is little wonder that a recent heat wave is sending presence here in the capital fleeing to the lakes that surround the city but that comes with its challenges. berlin in the summer
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and the living is easy swimmable lakes are just a subway ride away stand up paddling afterwork no problem an august heat wave with temperatures over 35 degrees and strict visitor quotas on city swimming pools has sent people flocking to the lakes. it's great you can go in the water without freezing with this heat it's a nice way to cool off who. doesn't get that many really beautiful sunny warm days so when it's nice out you have to take advantage of it and that makes life more stressful for the people who enforce park rules like here at the schloss in the lake usually their job consists of walking around and making sure people are all getting along but now they also have to make sure visitors follow park rules. i'd say we're overstretched on busy days there are 6 of us and 40 or $50000.00 visitors that gives us plenty to do. it's still early afternoon on
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a weekday the park wharton's have time to remind people to maintain social distancing. enough or maybe move up a little bit so you're one and a half metres apart the park wardens already have their hands full with preventing forest fires protecting nature and resolving conflicts. on this front. the number of swimming accidents is also rising after doing around they report to park manager mox huppah. the record highs senators know the coronavirus added a lot to our workload tire we can't just stop our fire protection efforts but there can be a lot of aggression between visitors we have to mediate that and also deal with corona so we try to combine everything and we appeal to everyone to exercise self discipline and responsibility that's typically what i call fighting for the opinion
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of the park wardens do what they can they hope that berlin's legendary schlock and say named one of the world's most beautiful swimming spots by c.n.n. doesn't earn new notoriety as a coronavirus hot spot. cricket . 60. senators. like there mr knight is now i would say have a house and had a career change that was actually quentin jade the principal of childersburg a high school in alabama getting the covert hygiene message across in a rather and forgettable way and principal late joins us now welcome to the devil you can't touch this with a hit way back in 1990 long before i would guess your students were born what do
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they make of it well if they had just really enjoyed this been brought along and just having appears to be able to remember part of the history share with their kids it's just been amazing and to be honest it's just been a blast that everyone loved the ninety's and it was a great time so it's been great to have that that to come back here year in 2020 where we're going through so much i will we all love a flashback let's just take another quick look at you busting several moves. touched. you can't touch this. you can't touch this. girl no sorry gets me so hard all the teachers say oh my lord colby expressing they . can't think of books around this town that has. no life and these are taking. a toll just you don't. give it up
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all that matters. is the c.d.c. i mean so principle lay out what we're trying to achieve what we wanted to get the message across about making sure that we're following the new guidelines that have been put in place to try to help promote safety and awareness on campus but we also want to have a little bit of fun with our students before they came at school and we try to do b.t.o. at least 2 times a year just to really connect with them and engage on their level and it was so fun i just to create that that that piece of art that is now traveled across the world also this is a this is a at a children's high tradition one of the kids think of hero moves that well they they have the typical my prince will embarrass me because they know i don't mind getting on their level and dancing a lot of them realize i can dance but it's just fine to just continue to be
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creative as an educator just to promote educators we can do a lot more than that and just teach we can really connect to make these connections with our students lots of parents of course are worried about whether it's going to be safe to send their kids back to school after the summer holidays how difficult you're finding it to protecting your students especially with so much politics in the mix. yeah politics has definitely put a damper on the entire situation but educators we have to be focused on what's important as to student safety so we we've done a physical distancing within our lunchrooms our hallway changes are going to look different our classrooms look different we actually have 50 percent of the students that are coming each and every day and that starts on august the 20th or it's here so we're just working all these different parameters make sure we're checking temperatures with the wellness checks to just as sure safety and wellness is not 100 percent true but our goal is to try to make sure we're following these guidelines to have the maximum benefit to try to provide everything we can for the kids while we can i'm just everybody is this is the message of your video is that
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you any of us think i welcomed that because we see pictures and news reports that an america of these anti mask is and people who say it's a but it's my right to choose to wear a mask oh not having had any sort of pushback on this not really not a lot of pushback on the goal of the video is to spread cheer so for a little bit over 2 minutes you can to sit back have a great laugh only at some of my students and teachers and just enjoy life that's one thing i think we all need to agree upon is just laughter is good for the soul so regardless of how people politically feel about the situation with massive school is a requirement as set forth by our district set or by our state government regarding the mess so we're going to follow our rules we teach our children to be extremely civil to follow the rules of all the guidelines and to be compliant so that we can hopefully be coping 1000 and get back to doing all the things that we love ok so briefly what's next at an album maybe america's got present got talent told that to the day job. well i'm still i'm still in prison i'm still a dad i'm still
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a father we have this thing called dancing with the stars that's what i hope i get a chance to be invited it would be great just to go and represent for educators across the world but i'm just we're still working on another song to put out and just going to continue to keep it fun for our kids and try to definitely keep their safety 1st and foremost i quit talking to a thank you for joining us principal quentin lane from childersburg a high school in alabama. i'm that was the day i was ever come to say she continues online you can find us on twitter i've got b.t.w. you sold out. i don't got to use a hash tag today link and i with another nugget of principle question me about. any don't wash again. and please let's all be so bold last year so moved back at 60 you better not coping a better season to take hold of your kept under your arm like they liked it your
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own kids. everybody feels good just too much and these other things that you can't touch. oh geez. why are you so cold. every time you see me that is sick time i'm going to keep my head clean the kids are older right now why would i ever stop doing this while others didn't feel i don't want to be sick. all the classroom fumbles.
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more on to the point. to the point. of the minutes on the d w like. oh. my god just love. for the russian soul. so many different walks of life. some are. awfully strong but all of them come straight from the heart to explain or see it because there's no more delusional marshfield in trucks coming. from. the logs to their final resting place the russians are doubling documentary. carefully. their soon. to be
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a good. discover . the book. subscribe to documentary on the tube. i think it's everything. i think i'm listening. so much different culture between here and there challenging for empathy. to some of the so i think it was worth it for me to come to germany. in the thick of my license to work as a swimming instructor to share knowledge to children other dogs just run fast just as. what's your story take part share it on info migrants dot net.
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this is p.w. news live from scotland no letup in the demonstrations against president look at shango in the news cheered on by onlookers thousands of protesters marched on the government buildings in the capital minsk to condemn political violence and demanded new elections it's the biggest challenge to look at shadows faced in 26 years and popped also on the program authorities in afghanistan release more
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