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tv   DW News Africa  Deutsche Welle  August 18, 2020 11:30pm-11:46pm CEST

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oh call who a lot of or that are doing everything possible to make sure those frozen are for the real good part them part ready for the real world the way to grow larger and more durable sawyer where. we're not totally screws. everything but the good. news africa coming up on the program today and that's gone up in smoke for the 1st time in nearly 6 months cigarette sales are allowed again in south africa but what was the objective off the bat and did it do any more than light up sales in the black markets. and how the pandemic has inspired creative solutions and political
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will to get. to residence in nairobi biggest informal settlements. news africa it's good to have your company sales off tobacco and the whole products have resumed in south africa as the government eases the country's restrictions cigarette sales in particular have been back. in march the bad was controversial from the beginning supported by public health groups and criticised by the industry and the public but now that the bad has been lifted what did the government achieve. in a moment i'll be asking that to my guest but 1st or day to day there were queues outside liquor stores in south africa drinkers and smokers. a reporter sent us this
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report the band of the sale of cigarettes had devastating impacts on businesses in the industry like the one of bravo her family has been selling tobacco products in cape town for 35 years now she had to close one of her shops and only remains with this one here locked down was horrific and it is her think you can even if the recoup your losses there's no scenes what say that because anything that you present people will work around it as as they head as a smoker i am i'm i'm happy i'm here because there was a lot of it was not going there was a lot of you know you go 'd. to get it's going. to get in there and go before the sale of cigarettes has been booming on the black markets many brands were widely available and studies suggest that only a very few people in fact really quit smoking. there's no doubt that smoking is bad
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for your health and the government argues that it's more likely for you to end up in an intensive care unit as a smoker if you get 90 and the government also claims that there's a common practice of people passing on their cigarettes to each other which could possibly spread the virus but many smokers are angry at the government's decision. i feel like everybody's going to die anyway so why do they keep it in the smoke somehow we're going to die sometime we don't enjoy. this time here was able to one little one is spread all over the world was. just destroyed some in government will also be relieved that the restrictions for smokers are lifted because it had a major impact on the finances of the governments if there's only illegal trades there are no taxes on the south african revenue so. of azhar of you predicted
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a shortfall of 15000000000 euros this year because of business closures and job loss those so to the question we are asking on this was the ban on the sale of cigarettes effective it's one of where to put a dr katherine a fan she is a specialist scientist for tobacco and other products welcome to day diary is africa. yes maybe start off with that with an outline of what what was the government trying to achieve in the banning of the sale of cigarettes was it to stop people smoking. thanks christine and i think the government was trying to protect the citizens because that because we know it's. not one of the citizens because. of. a serious substance use as well as. some of these things are already known restructures what we've seen so this is the country has a very disadvantageous position which it does look quite busy so.
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we had to rest on the government. to put an extra leo that section you know for us not to see what we see any other countries and so our right i mean. everything that you've mentioned you know the diabetes and the age hiv and tuberculosis etc and that's not gone away the bands now being lifted cigarettes and alcohol are now being sold so what are we to make of that has the band been effective is has it haven't been forced to lift the ban because it's ineffective. no the government does not refer to the rim of the ground because when it did we know that. a lot of people asked what's more clearly into the reach of all between it's want it i'm. going to plant then you don't get locked down so i believe that has never been seen in south africa or. also.
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you know. i get that you're sort of you're you're you're you're you're pro at this this this this bad and how effective it's been i have but the message from the university of cape town for example they conducted a study they came to the conclusion that the ban was ineffective that people smokers in this already reduced the amount they smoked in fact they they pointed out that people perhaps even smoked more and smoked things that were not regulated which which in itself poses some kind of a health risk what do you have to say to that then. if you think i'd like to say that it depends on how you look at you don't want to look you know that i am on the band was not to stop this. behavior smoking what the serial smoking so if you have spoke you will be allowed to smoke a cigarette well you should not use smoking at the same rate as you were smoking so
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the lockdown even though reaps like you just don't get one you see says that those who are still smoking will smoke you this so you should not go smoke at this moment less and lots of them out you can all smoking so you can look at it from that perspective of trying to take as many people as possible trying to get as many people as possible of cigarettes you will see that one has been effective even with the evidence provided by the u.c. system right it does say that i know that you know beyond a pandemic as a year you're obviously advocating for more regulation and within south africa's to tobacco industry but i actually wanted to put this to you and i saw that in a in a in a report in may the w h o's say that over 80 percent of tobacco uses live in low and middle income countries that's pretty much at africa the whole continent what can we make off that the fact that people from from from our part of the world on more likely to smoke then involve countries. due to an east africa we have one of the west's
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smoking privileges as a continent and because of that it's about what he does shoot it looks at us as it would take stock markets would replace the dying markets of europe and america so we don't know who she is when called when you when you look at. markets who are manufacturers because they see us as people who don't like or tout you know markets or markets more resources being pumped into advertising that's all and that's why small people become smokers so the enemies will get well after the smoke. creates a problem for us as a continent as well as dr catherine f.a. thank you so much for that analysis from pretoria and here. on its reporting is in kenya where the pandemic has seen people come up with innovative ways to supply clean water to people living in informal settlements our
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correspondent visited keep it up in the capital nairobi that's a place where most residents don't have private toilets or running water but things are improving since the pandemic to get. car wash toilets shallow water all in one the women of this public bathrooms charge 5 shillings or 5 euro cents for a visit to the toilet and $0.10 for a shower. willing to bear my robbie's largest informal settlement and very few people here have their own tap water much less a private shower toilets. sharing a bathroom with hundreds of people is a ready a problem in normal times but during the pandemic it's even more of a health risk. than since corona started business has not changed because here people don't have a bathroom they don't have space for bathrooms and toilets we were very scared when one person went to the toilet the next person didn't want to go in so you've poured
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a lot of water and then went into the toilet. in nairobi as informal settlements providing clean water is big business anyone who has a connection sells that water on average residence told us they spend about 2 years 50 a week on the water. is a good idea sometimes we have no water here for people to wash their hands sometimes we have water so i put it out for them before corona you needed about 5 or 6 containers of water but now you need around 10 because you always have to wash your hands and when other people come by they have to wash their hands to. the price of water however is not the only thing residents have to tackle. the pipes contaminated groundwater and the disposal of waste and sewage a major problem. at this river water pipes flowing into keep there and was sewage running side by side but since the start of the corona pandemic the government has
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been trying to catch up to improve the infrastructure here absent all that has been the work of local n.g.o.s and private water suppliers who've been trying to fill the gaps. one local n.g.o.s can to change things a shuffle which has become to bear his biggest water supply through a rigorous filtration system they clean ground. water and supply residence with water stored far away from the sewers and distributed through aerial pipes to what has been certified to be so clean it's fit for drinking. water. previously we were receiving you know clinically more cases of. the users that is or maybe drinking that you want to hurt so sure of course now came up with the idea of supplying want of a blend system is to reduce or to drink will we get one diseases because once what opposites in drink just like is once you it's fated to be contaminated. since the start of the pandemic shuffle really became
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a visible presence of installing hand washing stations and providing its water free of charge. the government also stepped up its game according to nairobi water and sewage company its build boreholes and now deploys free water trucks to informal settlements on a daily basis the question is why it took a pandemic to make these changes. the government was up to its informal settlements are. going to move it but instead they kept on increasing. the policy changed up we hope to see you all be honest i was. up to now kibera hasn't seen a spike in chronic cases but even if the government is serious about improving its services it still has a long way to go 1st so now before we go a little known babble scientists feared had vanished on the face of the earth has been rediscovered in africa after 50 years it's called
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a so molly elephant shrew not because of its size its actually as small as a mouse but like an elephant it has a trunk if you look closely the research has found that during a recent expedition in. somalia. and that's it for now you can find most stories on our website that speed up the dot com fall obsession africa you can also visit us on twitter and on facebook makes type of. what secrets lie behind the walls. discover new adventures in 360 degree. and explore fascinating world heritage sites. g.w. world heritage 360 get the map now. being told it
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is for me. it's for. beethoven is for ham. and beethoven is for. beethoven is for everyone. beethoven 2022 the 50th anniversary year on d w. 3. after a series of scandals and controversies berlin's jewish museum is undergoing a transformation how will new leadership and the new permanent exhibition reshape the institution more on that coming up and. you've probably never heard of accordion like this but the way in virtue or so martino
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slivovitz goes brings the instrument new energy. and reimagining industrial landscapes paint jobs by street artists max show that functional can be playful to. welcome to arts and culture here in berlin the city where hitler and his men planned the murder of 6000000 jews the jewish museum stands as a symbol of transformation the building by architect daniel levy scans grabbed headlines around the world when it opened in 2001 but there were issues the exhibition inside came as an afterthought to the imposing architecture more recently the museum's last director got tangled up in controversy now after lock down the museum is reopening under new leadership with a new permanent exhibition.


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