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tv   The 77 Percent  Deutsche Welle  August 22, 2020 7:30pm-8:01pm CEST

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thank you. i'm not nothing out of the germans well i guess sometimes i am but mostly i'm nothing with the term even german think deep into the german culture. you don't seem ridiculous grandma there you go it's all about who you know i'm rachel join me for me to everybody jump course. and low and a wild welcome to a brand new edition of the 77 percent a show that expose what might as well because young majority i mean a host. thanks for joining me today. in today's program we've been looking at the population growth in nigeria as our
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important each of you money take those 3 debates to conall. you more than big will be jumping on a so-called might. and last but what you will be heading to total to meet the cult of giants in what i think so wish was all the wonders of the capital and you know me. as you can tell being well lot on your agenda once again report takes us to west africa where the ba'ath weight is one of the highest in the world this growing young population could drive the local economy i guess that's what many people think but how many children can cause a financial bottom for 5 days and the theory of health problems for women having several pregnancies in a row but family planning and contraceptive methods a steer toward subject in many of the conservative with the majority countries of the region however instead of goal inflight slowly be changing
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a growing number of young couples want to take control over how many children they will have and when every day in going south goes door to door this is in families and had a kind maybe she said but the district godmother or until she wants to see change in her community. in the privacy of their homes she talks to women about sex and contraception the of the. people so not every woman is able to go to the clinic and choose a contraceptive method. she needs her husband to agree and sometimes also her mother in law some women come to the clinic and say my husband wants me to take this specific method even if it's not safe so we go and speak to the has been to raise his awareness of our role is to media. as you will have in media to such
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a grassroots level makes a big difference says sophie to rate a midwife at him by the view health center 10 years ago the government launched this outreach program to make family planning a priority they hope to decrease my terminal and unit told that. according to the world bank the fatality rates dropped below 5. children per woman in 2016 it was the 1st time in senegalese history the better rate is now $4.00 lower than other countries in the region such as new jersey or nigeria and the queue outside sophia's practice is always growing them enough. in 2009 when i started working here we had around 400 women a month we wanted contraceptives. now we have up to $2500.00 women a month so the growth has been exponential. massimo i did really well. i think it's because of all the awareness campaigns the media the
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funding's also women now realize the benefits of spacing out pregnancies for their babies their husbands and for themselves. if you give. them this mother of 3 comes here regularly to get the pale she doesn't want any more children as she wants to make sure her kids get the best education possible. family planning i have peace of mind now i can do whatever i want without thinking of getting pregnant or face this it is a worth. a go our own mental 5 percent of the population is muslim. society here is conservative softball as part of a growing young generation of religious leaders who promote family planning for house train more than 2500 moms across the country in assists but
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a koran advocates pressed feedin and space in our pregnancies. when you read to have the author of the words of the professor you can clearly see that he was against both pregnancy said they had terrible consequences for the newborns and for the mother. more and more mired couples are now using contraception but because sex outside marriage just consider topple single young people are often excluded from awareness campaigns on sexual and reproductive health. and. there because of the priority is to educate the youth pompons. you have to make them understand what is at stake when there is an unwanted pregnancy. what is at stake when they have an uncontrolled sexuality of the reason why. in a country like senegal must be a priority to. progress has
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been made but it's still a long way to go health workers women in. positions. where men across africa don't always have the freedom to make decisions over their own bodies often because of social pressure and tradition but family planning will play an increasing role in years to come because according to the wild bung africa's population is likely to double by 2050 meanwhile the resources are becoming. phosphate debate our reporter in india in mind he said nigeria which is projected to become the most populous country in the world. africa's population is growing fast predictions say that by the year 2100 build the
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full point 5000000000 africans that's about a 3rd of the entire global population so we're here in congo the most populous state in the most populous country in africa to find out how exactly that future we look for africa is my i want to begin with you should we trust these numbers are they accurate and where do they even come from for me the numbers are accurate because when you look at the investment like you are putting into research and i think you have. to. it's something i have got about because. the numbers might not be extremely precise but we know that africans are going to increase and i want to come to sign up because you're an advocate for children and adolescents and specifically against child marriage and i want to find out from you why do you think africa. are increasing in population where the rest of the world the trend
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seems like they're decreasing well because there are some months not some regulations with the guts of the nation like population is booming and is increasing they by d. and we are not doing anything about it in main judea precisely do not and the increase of child marriage and lots of child brides given by that very young age and the booming of the population this is causing a lot of problems from access to health kiya. a so mr director general we're hearing that resource is a stretched thin are you feeling it when you are governing indeed it is very true that facilities stretched at the moment we have 3000000 children in public primary schools which means a little forms i needed to my needs the education of these children and the government at the moment there's no top of these funds so if the government doesn't
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have money to take care of the people that it has right now how is nigeria going to take care of itself in the future zine i want to come back to you because i really want to get to the heart of this why then are we not we having 5.7 children that's the average age of number of births per woman in nigeria compared to one point something in europe why are we still having so many children if it's not working if we can't afford it because we didn't access the parmalee line and i think you are a productive pelts right and we are growing prize to leave without any relations make i said in the post list and also a darn nice summary joe's unquote our product does that is i picked in that also because of the system of my age and the prime least him of the not that's so. so weighs the balance between religion culture and really just being rational parmalee for lenin islam is at. when there are problems but it is not allowed when
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it is intentionally mad to check the will of the idea of let me help 2 people or 3 people like how other people are doing in their culture is prohibited i want to understand to what degree do women have the agency not necessary for family planning but even to space their children actually i do think they have a lot of c. because i just had a baby 5 months ago so i was like my husband and i decided to space you know to birth like let's go and check out the child spacing unit piece or like 5 to 6 women i think 3 of them came on their own but the hospital said they have to bring the husband or a written letter from him signed that he has agreed you know for them to do this piecing back i met a woman at the child spacing unit she's 39 and she's just tired she has 8 children so she doesn't want to you know do it anymore but the husband is and is insistent
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that she has to do it again what is going to happen to this set of women because a lot of them out there are tired they are sick but the husbands which are not even able to take care of them still want them to keep giving birth why why is that. line when you talk about these issues never been ones i guess because of the issue of gender equality it's like when they're talking about education because if it goes i educated all discussions will go down they are not even making any approach to have a bill to sign a bill of rights act so that it will address at least less. education ok let me come to the director general because you spoke directly to him that the idea of free education is really incompatible with what's happening right now because you're not even addressing things like child marriage indeed we are addressing things like child murders and we have this. arrangement where we give
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monies to parents of goes to allow them to continue their education of to secondary school level let me find out what is that what will a consequences if a parent is found to have given their child out for marriage when they're too young of course they have their extant laws rabbi if you refused to take your girl child to education due process would be for that anything. about where did you lead legal process i'm not a lawyer so i don't know any one of them i thought it would be a like a well known law but a moment like to come back to you. and i meant to ask what would happen if the government of nigeria today the federal government said that the problem of population growth is to begin nigeria and we now have to cap the number of children to one per woman one is is just an assumption. the question is based on assumption yes of course but i'm asking you is this something that you think could
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work in nigeria in cannes or even in africa it will work somewhere and it will not work somewhere. that. is in line with their culture and believe will accept and those that see it as negative will reject it won't we were able to do one thing that it's empower and create awareness and 1000 against hate them education because this side people that i give in but so if you give them a line is that if you need this is the point is that will happen if there is a population crisis in the country so it's not for you to type of the number of children that you're going to be given back to you can talk to the husband look i'm not able to get my to because of i'm not ready to go but because of my health condition because you can enlighten them even to people in new areas and once and that is my take so information for you is what would they mum is refusing but i'm not going to stay there because i don't want to start a war i wonder what do you think it's been a very exciting debate here in cannes oh i'm edith kimani thank you for watching.
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what i make fighting debate in d.c. thanks and thanks to all but. now if you would like to watch the full version of this straight debate please have a local noise you tube channel we can't wait to read all your comments there are rapidly growing population is also a challenge in mozambique where since 2005 the number of residents has increased by 30 per cent and more people means more and more cars trucks are the real wellbeing it is a daily struggle for many with them because as we found out on the streets of makoto but innovation is on its way. each morning before sunrise thousands of commuters cram into overcrowded mini buses in the outskirts of. the often have to wait for hours to get
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a free seat on one of these open trucks. known locally as my loves because the passengers on the crowded transporters have to hang on to each other in order not to fall. in more and they have a as a teacher who has to take this route each day getting to work takes her 2 hours she has had enough of that. no. fucking news is north of which transportation system but you don't have any other option available but today at least i'm lucky because i'm sitting in the front seat well spent most of the days and in the back this is not safe for talk or put our lives in danger every day then but that was nothing which not only is public transport. it is also unsafe a number of motor vehicles registered in mozambique has grown by more than 50 percent in the past 5 years and this has also resulted in increased bloodshed on the roads several 100 people are killed in traffic accidents to each here my love
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driver. has experienced many accidents. over the one where it was a big story that keeps running through my mind you know the roads here are not ok once one of the drivers had to hit the brakes abruptly and all the people fell on the street all of them all of them for sure. but. in order to make the streets safe of course he has tried to ban the use of open trucks in the past but the day they stopped operating tens of thousands of people fail to get to work bringing the city to a standstill authorities were forced to withdraw the decision. but safe alternatives are on their way software developer body talk has been well. immobility designed to get you to work on time and without stress. on its name where i work and sort of useful. against directing. is
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a service that is going to help was on beacon swear to transport most people are suffering every morning waiting for tuxes scrambling for my loves you but there might be a bit there and we are going to solve this problem. but for some. connects motorists who have empty seats never be a cold with passing just wanted to catch a lift into town or back. payment is done by a mobile money platforms such as mtesa one kilometer of the journey costs about $3.00 euros 7. this is not too expensive the public transport system costs around 20 louis and flat but it means that i have to go through so much trouble in the morning i have to fight for my place in the taxi so for me it's much better to pay a bit more for better and more reliable service this is much more efficient than
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the taxi speak of. the founders of want to revolutionize the private transport sector and provide a more dignified mode of transportation however the service is still in its infancy so far there are only 4 drivers taking part in the service and about 50 paying passengers. there's no money for publicity work. won't like all startups we are still a small enterprise we need to be patient for now and direct all our efforts into the right direction. is to keep growing we expect to be able to transport about 1000 people pay a day in diffuse. now which change to a different. will in kenya. well known for its well in a letter but not necessarily it's. not yet. with skateboarding
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kicking off in east africa in the lead up to its debut in the next olympics d.w. metz the children of nairobi were dreaming of becoming the world's best. when they grow up. it's a dance getting helps me to be strong when i am on my schedule but i feel free when i'm moving on the board especially when i'm dropping into the ball and i come out i feel so good. 16 year old. she gets the chance. to shine in my role being. 100 children but a skate park is the best part least the children think so.
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because i must get. the opening 24 it's not just new stuff just past. but also its largest. self confidence they've been able to express themselves they've been able to pull from them both to open up and appreciate them he says when she watches the children skate and she sees just troubled past neglect and abandonment. she sees a brighter future. as often as i dream of going to the olympics one day and introducing women. showing them they shouldn't be afraid of skating because nothing is impossible you just have to have them move around and be feeling and have enough confidence confident enough. to make
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a living with skateboarding one day and when she wants to build a home for nairobi's underprivileged children. and i'm sure in the dream house well thought only be escaped. now from east africa obama. to west africa we're traveling to total it's time for our not my city today guy did go on to ask how to always keen to share his passion about the tokens capital with us. i'm glad he's so giants i'll introduce you to my beautiful city love me one of my sources of inspiration i hope you like it all. at the so i was born into a good couple to know me which is home to more than 1700000 people. voted on the border with ghana the coastal city of course not only miles and miles of beaches but it's also home to the leading container port in west africa but the city does
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not profit much from needs as it is mainly used for transfer shipments the majority of the population evolves from one truth. no man can please and these sense of tranquility is also noticeable in a studio located in the neighborhood of come in. this is why i communicate with the would i like to bring new life to the dead mice cultures can be up to 4 metres tall i use my artworks to talk about a feeling in my heart my goal is to give something new to the world. to move. the 20 year old artist never picks up wood from living trees one serving nature is very important to him they and scatter also incorporates recycled materials into his actual works to make people aware of the importance of protecting the environment like many cities in west africa a man has
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a problem with its whisks management this interim i always feel shocked when i see people to rubbish on the street that is why i gather to waste to include it in my work i even pay people to go to the rubbish dump and collect trash for me. if you're so. good at the so also looks for inspiration beyond environmental issues he also gathers ideas from the local academic shot and historical treasures such as lamaze old pierre which was built by the german colonial regime in the early 20th century what i'm what i'm here so here i think the old port is like a giant sculpture it's like a museum where parents can tell their children about the colonial history of total new york. was a german colony and while one at which point it was taken over by britain and france in the commercial heart of la may this colonial heritage blends with more
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than acted like the piece monuments located into one of the sculpture takes its inspiration from picasso his piece down. this statue inspires me a lot it's a great monument to direct presents peace in the world there's also this moral project initiated by 2 goalies artist jimmy hope. here for our book many to police artist have worked on this mural. 8 of your i.q. whenever i come here i feel like i am immersed in a world full of art around really. i think so often comes to the beach to share his act with everybody but on these occasions they usually made out of sand on sundays the beach of longer becomes the city's main government please come here to eat and drink one and dance with your
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friends and laughter and a great way to end the week and the perfect sport to say goodbye to tell me it was a pleasure to show you around my city law me i hope you liked it come and discover it for yourself see you soon. thank you to full well we have come to the end of wash i hope you have enjoyed yourself i know i have and if you would like to give us a story suggestions or also give feedback on the show you can write to us at 77. dot com and as usual i leave you with the gift of a beautiful song this is by may eugene from got up and join. with me again. during.
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the break. good. news it was just us. but i'm. going to put him in the booth is going to be going to go down. when you go beyond the be. the be. the bad. the boob. tube.
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the but. the be. it's quite as simple as it seems. to understand the world better we need to take a closer look at. the experience knowledge
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tomorrow she. touched on a digital. windy day become victims of human trafficking. young man nigerian women. his new job nothing of it is based in his apology. to europe under false pretenses end up on the street. nigerian trafficked women. in 75 minutes on t.w. board. mates who is for me. beethoven is for use. beethoven is for help. is for.
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beethoven it is for them. beethoven is for us. beethoven is for them on. the odd beethoven 202250th anniversary here on deal here. can't sleep. listen carefully. don't look too soon. to be going to. feel much. discomfort the. place.
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subscribe to the documentary on you tube. the utter. place. to play. this is the news line from alexei navalny arrives in the german capital russian opposition latest long journey from siberia in set the takes any way doctors will try to find out what's behind the apparent poisoning and they've been fighting for his life plus a friend of his tells the russian authorities are in no hurry to investigate.


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