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tv   Global 3000  Deutsche Welle  August 26, 2020 3:30am-4:00am CEST

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nearly every week really every week should be but as shocks young people from sub-saharan africa are simply left to their fight divots in the middle of the desert in the cell of priests all. the journey has become more dangerous and more expensive too without money many migrants become stranded in other days and many resort to sex work. id b.c. arrive here panelists they have nothing at all. so they have to make money somehow . it's measure of that these women offer their services the less than 10 year rose hoping to eventually scrape together enough money to pay traffic around. these young migrants have bought was a canisters and food in preparation for their journey. in the ghetto with air traffic a has given them accommodation while they wait they cook will be their only meal of
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the day. god who. were there while it is that he wouldn't. know where he was in the courtyard a few young women gather around another woman a few years older than a are we soon realise what is happening the nigerian mafia has come to neighboring mission to recruit sex workers. altogether. first girds is. for young women don't realize that the older woman is a paid recruit shot she doesn't want to show her face and tells us her sister is waiting for the group in libya. what kind of job she took she told you you were going to do. like myself that she is walking with us again this is a lady do you know you spoke that is the danger for the girl that he grabbed and sometimes the horses used to press to take us there now we know. of. but you know
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with a small gesture there are crucial ends the conversation. in . the transit camp run by the international organization for migration or i.o.m. helps tend to migrants who have been sent back from libya many a traumatised mentally and physically but despite the dangers of the journey many of the people he have attempted it several times. in the other day as the i.o.m. offers them food and shelter if they are prepared to return home for point. like. the 1st wife board lists of the nationalities of everyone in the camp so take any for example 182 migrants or from there on a soccer. right now there are 399 people here and all i can remember the number cookout it was
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a couple inches and this is the season how many have you helped in 2017 and we had 5000 people here like i did said 5000 men women and children who have survived the terrible journey the camp's doctors try to help as best they can. see that they arrive here worn out for and with all kinds of illnesses sometimes they're totally hydrated but when they're crossing the desert just they drink just a few swallows of water to ease their thirst that's not nearly enough while you they need 3 to 5 liters a day please do. you mean if they don't get that they might die within as little as 48 hours without water you'll survive 3 days at most we should view that box he mocks. what happened here let me tell you through. the time look you can. see. you guys are supposed to take should you go. too quick to dismiss i get this
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so when i go to the till it's in so should be done it's job one for the economy to do when you book do you see many injuries teaches peace. more effectively i do you know can only be. yes we get a lot of people with gunshot wounds. the ones get infected and we often have to amputate the leg. goes through before these gunshot wounds come from bandits demand that migrants hand over everything they possess got to do she do for them. he says you see this if the migrants refuse you refuse to do need to get shot at the force you see day by luis you put up box you don't know sometimes i migrants suffer gunshot wounds when the army shoots at the valuables that they're in it but much else comes with i mean. the local traffic is still live it tends to libyan ones. these men from cameroon oh they're risky to a place between warring militias. so one of you know i want to go home this is
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receiving terrible things migrants were beaten raped castrated this happens to a lot of people. why do you need to be. yes people dying like flies. so often human as hell on earth a woman arrived with her 15 year old daughter. they took away her daughter and sold her and the mother wants to intervene and i'm going to show him so they locked her in a dark hole after that i never saw her again as you know if i gave water to a man i couldn't understand he spoke english the next morning they killed him as if he were a cockroach that was the worst affected site. szilard is it that their end of the desert to the mediterranean the abuse. i tell my brothers don't try this absolutely not i gave you i didn't want to believe it is
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human right and when i saw it for myself i almost went crazy because that's why i tell any migrant thinking of doing this don't take this route. the trip to sub in the middle of the libyan desert takes at least 3 days and then it takes weeks if not months to reach the capital tripoli this stage of the journey through libya is even more perilous. tripoli is one of the most dangerous cities in the world the area around the city is under control of the un backed government there are countless militias the country is awash in weapons. thousands of migrants in the city live crowded together under richard conditions there are about 30 official detention centers
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under the nominal control of authorities in addition there's a substantial number of apartments and factory buildings where criminals hold migrants under lock and key and demand ransom for them. this man is desperate if his girlfriend has been detained by traffic is in tripoli for 2 months he's finally been able to talk on the phone to her he tells me the traffickers want to sell her who get rid of. the day i ask him how much ransom they demand he says that recently they demanded 450 euros and his girlfriend told him the same amount. she called him again just a day ago and told him that she and the other women are not being fed. he says he is desperate to get her out of there somehow. to squeeze as much money out as possible from the families the kidnappers tell the prisoners to call them. the man recorded his girlfriend's phone call.
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a little. but oh well just as i live a place i'm at is unbearable we're heading towards a silly at the libyan coast guard quarter. since then i've been in this prison you know people get raped tear and night arabs come and take women with them to be sold to brothels and. i don't want that to happen to me if you call somebody is. only a few international organization still maintain an office in tripoli one is the un refugee agency or u.n.h.c.r. which is holding a press conference here the u.n. agency are tries to obtain the release of his many migrants as possible but it has to focus its efforts on people who would be entitled to apply for asylum were allowed to visit the official centers for we've carried out about a 1000 visitors this year and they've always managed to get out refugees almost one
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pounds 900 this year for civil place listen to this. yeah they're from god as art does. so to go they tie the women up to this it is that if they want to sleep with a woman they tie up her arms and legs and hang her from the right part of the law or that are that are so. so cerebral that is horrible and painful to hear because what can be done to help her. so it sounds like one of the unofficial detention centers in the official ones conditions computer but not as terrible as the us if she's in the hands of traffickers now international aid organization can gain access to oxy. so that's heartbreaking yes it's a terrible situation and. it's impossible to locate the woman in tripoli but we are able to content to by phone. and i don't have the number of the cell phone the
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traffic is gave her so that she can beg her family for the money that i need is always in my laptop looks call her in italy. or your hello. hello. on the 2nd attempt we managed to talk to her her family has already paid money but the kidnappers want even more. yes it's money and the problem is when you fall into the hands they do everything they can to make money off you know people there can't get a ransom for they sell it for 750 euros that's what happened to several women hand laxness me. right now they're demanding they could lend of around $400.00 euros for my relief. i can't get my hands on that much money i've already begged my family
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if i don't pay jail cell me for women with babies and pregnant women they charge $1700.00 pounds for the other women 1200. visits and is meant for the 600 us please i want out of here i can take it here anymore thank you. i know. in tripoli people are being bought and sold and what is being called a modern slave trade. these give me inside just being free from you be imprisoned by the un refugee agency under one condition they have to return home immediately that's a fire was that enough it. was a bunch of awful it's not easy should we want to go home of the on station.
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a plane is being charted for them until that happens they have to wait in the hangar at the airport. there's a lot of reality you know we all wanted to go to europe and see if we would do better there but we didn't make it right as you know in libya they're killing us all so we'd rather were time going this way to make it to the bed because you've been totally i'm a c 8 it doesn't my body is broken but if you go down i was terribly cold all night get busy every day what are you glad to go back yes as glad as i would have been to make it to europe it was so. terrible why did i ever leave. the shockey say it it i was shot in the head that you shot you he saw you seen the soldiers from the libyan army and where here if you want i was traveling with a boy and it was it they shot him in the foot and then i am a national desert. my family was already in mourning often they thought i was dead
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but i fell asleep in the hospital on the 7th day of ramadan and i didn't wake up again until the 24th day. sheila said you should get home i called my mother and told her i'd been saved she didn't believe me this it is a good my son died 3 weeks ago she said why i said no it's really me and sent her a video so she could see me. if i wanted to go back home ever since because my family wants to see me if you see review of what you tried to go back many times but have been arrested and detained over and over again wikipedia says soft 11 i was in prison for 3 months myself when i got out but hardly a week later i was back in prison again but even now i still dream of europe after all this the grief just it difficult to k.-j. yes even with all the difficulties i had to overcome if i can find a way to get to europe that's where i want to go that's my dream i guess i. know him and the u.n. refugee agency can only help
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a fraction of those in need the others are held in captivity until the traffic is finally decided to get rid of them often the migrants are packed on a rubber boat 100 or 150 at a time the boats a big. but this is how the migrants a supposed to cross the mediterranean it's the final stage of a journey and a terrible ordeal every year several 1000 people drown in the mediterranean. in 2017 at the libyan coast guard became an additional. french mission lifeline a german sea rescue charity recorded this footage during a mission the coast guard demanded they hand over the my things they had just rescued even issuing warning shots at the vessel. every night of the libyan coast guard sets out to intercept migrants who try to make the crossing. they have repeatedly been accused of colluding with the militias and traffickers but europe relies on up. the coast guard receives funding and technical
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support from the european union especially italy. libyan navy spokes person says the aim is to turn back migrants before they reach libya. we are not europe's police for the. of what we see along the mediterranean to signal to migrants they have no chance of reaching europe. and then they won't even come to libya to begin with and. the. migrants who were turned back to land a sent to prison many end up sold to traffickers migrants from the mediterranean take enormous risks to avoid being intercepted by the libyan coast guard. they came aboard some of them on european aid organizations come to help shipwrecked people are rescue work becomes even more difficult when migrants see the foreign ships
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they do everything they can to reach them. at the foot of. one such encounter took place in november 27th in. a rubber boat carrying an estimated $140.00 people started sinking in international waters off the libyan coast leaving coast guard and a vessel operated by the german n.g.o.s sea watch both arrived at the same. as the n.g.o.s rescue boats approached some migrants who could not swim was struggling to stay afloat the libyan crew made no move to help her. thank. you. the libyan coast guard signaled the sea what scruton leave and bait migrants to prevent them from jumping off the patrol boat. some my bones risk their lives in hopes of reaching the german risky vessel. that. was.
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the libyan boat sit off at high speed while one person was still clinging to the side ladder. to see what activists were only able to bring about half of the migrants on board. 5 people including one child drowned. sicily is the gateway to europe along the central mediterranean route in 201-712-0000 migrants an asylum seeker arrived here the following year 23000. the day after the encounter the queries rescue vessel operated by the french n.g.o.s and with mediterranean and doctors without borders arrived in sicily bringing more bodies recovered from the waters off the libyan coast. the fact that
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these boats are being intercepted and turned back to libya and that people are making that desperate move of jumping into the water when they see a coast guard vessel approach that's a situation that's not acceptable the world can't stand by and watch that we need to do something when we can't allow this situation to continue. the italian emergency sea rescue coordination service has priority to the libyans which further exacerbates the situation. on our way to the rescue we were told that the libyan coast guard had assumed coordination of the rescue and we were asked to stand by and we had to witness to rubber boats being intercepted by the libyan coast guard the people were brought on board and they were taken back to libya this is against international humanitarian practices it's against the principle of reform or where people return to a place that does not offer them safety. in 2018 italy decided to block the aquarius from the country's ports by the end of the year when the ngo was forced to
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take the aquarius out of operation it had rescued an estimated 29500 migrants and asylum seekers nearly a 3rd of them under the age of 18 in katanning had doctors without borders opened a clinic for people who need care for the physical and mental trauma they had suffered. but is it enough that the family. was gets. this critter here. still. opt outs from the. camping would be more for. this woman and her 2 young children were also one about in distress she survived. no i think not but. streamed into the boats the men try to scoop it out
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we didn't know where we where we had no phone nothing what everyone was praying. at on be the one side of the boat was already hanging in the water we climbed to the other side then the measure fell into the water to feel mixed with the water and scalded my legs duchamp my children were crying to high office by everyone was screaming we couldn't get any air it was hopeless with this if we didn't know if we would drift on to land somewhere or if we would have to build the world farewell. when the stick got to pass it in movies i gave my little son to a man so i could help my daughter i said when i turned around the man fell into the water with him to form one of our swords i saw my son in the water fighting for his life but i screamed i wanted to get into the water to save him but the others held me back and. he drowned and so did at least 2 women my i watched my son
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struggling and then he was gone with his. i feel terrible guilt why did i make this journey with my children by doing that i killed my son so work to be true. his son is buried here in the cemetery of katana alongside dozens of other migrants and silent seekers whose names will never be known and whose families will never learn if their fate. no clear what they're going they're on their list that have to. go straight. in sicily the arrival of migrants is often kept secret from the media the learned
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that a ship is about to dock. where is the vote this is the vote. so it's a vote from the u.s. the italian navy daily and maybe. today is different the vessel is not carrying hundreds of men women and children tonight there are only $26.00 people several libyan families rescued at sea the police customs officials the red cross and the u.n.h.c.r. i hate to see them. yes it was an exception we saw them in quite good good conditions and we were positively shocked because in the last months we have seen people don't want ties and also very affected generally they were in the last 3 months there was a decrease in their rivals but the influx as never as never stopped. in the coastal city of syracuse a special police unit investigates each individual landing. down the how they were
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when meeting a police officer who's nick. name is this smuggler don't. you feel that you should just sit there and let them out of the sons kind of her leni has been gathering information about the arrival of migrants feels. he and his task force question new arrivals about the sky feaster the man assigned by the traffic is to steer the boat at say. the cable could be that it just what was your next sometimes we don't find him migrants might say he fell into the sea or someone threw him overboard who is rich and. risk a feast and may have hundreds of migrants on his bus thought and he's not gentle with them. he tries to keep them in check with a stick or a knife by that was through these up with their liberal to suppress.
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these young women were purchased by the nigerian mafia in their home countries and sent to italy. instead of working as cleaners or child minders they are trafficked into sex with. some of the women report they are subjected to black magic rituals to frighten them into submission they are tens of thousands of euros to their traffickers which they have to pay off. we don't know and are we that we have to do this kind of job i wish we no would a calm here to do this kind of job oh no it's not good with off choice to you know to do work to solve that most of us that that is you know we have found work to go to school that me i left desire that my sister she lent their dress and much they pay and sometimes the pay 10 year old but some of them if they are good maybe they will give you life 15 years it is your be able one going to say ok now i stop this
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yes yes i want to. know when i want to do it i was tough it and that is fine because it's not good for young people the moment to get married we need to settle down into after don't need to plan good future for ourselves so we wanted to do this kind of florida is a far less you know we can do that any country can go america. if we have the opportunity to go to other countries yes if we argue. that the women are paid $10.00 to $15.00 euros per customer sometimes less. than men also face a desperate situation trying to find work consistently. these men travel many kilometers each day to have money. have a survey they survive the desert and the mediterranean only to be exploited here to
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see. just 20 euros sequestering hawt. after harvesting onion there's not much work here you take what you get. 20 euros for 8 hours of work in the camps migrants asylum seekers receive a small daily allowance but not in cash. to euro's at $0.50 in cigarettes that's. what that says he doesn't see they're not going to 50 it's a joke cicely is no good. the man had to cut a deal mineo a former u.s. military base that was once europe's largest reception centers for migrants and asylum seekers at its height it held up to $4000.00 people kept under guard sometime after filming it was closed. the camp karalee receives 29 years a day per resident a few years ago it was $45.00 euros we are saved ministration how much is that the
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migrants an asylum seekers receive i hear they get to 50 worth of cigarettes. that's a legally permitted amount of non-cash benefits. it's dispersed of what they call the desire of many oh there's also a bag of toiletries at no charge i ask how many cigarettes are received the answer it depends on the current price right now in pakistan 5 euros the same as a cell phone card a captive of what we thought we would have a better life here not this disaster. said the city disappointed totally disappointed. and would you made the journey again. she said if i had known all this why not. really one personally i would in hope of a better life than the for a few lucky ones will receive asylum. the rest only
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a temporary suspension of deportation within 3 years some 6 out of 10 residents of cartagena will have been sent. to shows it is. a self optimizing city that minimizes emissions separates waste and in the best case the recycle center. can these visions become reality they are urgently needed. in the city the living space of the future with room for everyone. to reach across and. 30 minutes w.
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the world economic africa the fight against illegal logging in ghana lumber and exotic woods are among the country's most important exports but illegal logging is threatening the trade. compilation now an app is helping to curb the ruthless exploitation and to be a sustainable forestry action dance. eco africa. 90 minutes on d w. they've been robbed of their soul that's what a people experiences when their heritage is taken from them. countless cultural riches were brutally stolen from africa and carted off to europe by colonialists. each artifact has blood on it from the ones that have yet to heal.
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what should be done with the stone or from africa. this is being hotly debated on both continents not. only seoul starts september 7th on d w. such. this is dave and these are our top stories the family of a black man shot by police have said he is power lies and will likely never walk again offices in the u.s. city of can no show wisconsin shot 29 year old jacob blake several times in the back as he tried to get into the s.u.v. where his children were sitting the incident a spot and that.


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