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tv   Nahaufnahme  Deutsche Welle  August 26, 2020 5:15am-5:46am CEST

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this is the news from lynn you can keep up to date with the news on our website www dot com follow us on twitter add on instagram as well as i've told me a lot of all thanks for your call. combating the corona pandemic. where does research stand. what are scientists learning. background information and news of. our corona update. $1000.00 special next on d w. every day counts for us and for our planet. this is hans way to bring you more
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conservation. how do we make see the screen. how can we protect our kids. we can make a difference to. the ideas the environmental series in 2000 on t.w. dawn. they call themselves long holos or long tailless some of being sick almost as long as the new coronavirus has been around. covert 19 is causing more long term damage than thought. was a constant. problem diagnosed with some blood clots smaller blood clots in or with my lungs then i got a lot of respect tree problems here doctors just do not understand why i have still got blood clots but i want them to find. what's going on with some opportunity.
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after kovac 19 i lost almost half my hair. the hostel doesn't call we hope the majority of the lesser symptoms will disappear after a time but as with the 1st sars pandemic will almost certainly witness permanent health issues but to what extent he's annoying thousands of people of all ages staying sick for weeks even months a study by denmark's our host university found a 3rd of corona patients suffered long term side effects for some the virus just comes and goes or just doesn't go rather it stays the disease can damage the lungs heart and brain increasing the risk of long term health problems suzanne ahead her husband peter cuneo were among the 1st people in germany to contract the coronavirus back in march as they emerged from quarantine 2 weeks later they
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thought everything would be fine but we were wrong because even now 5 months later suzanne the health of a she is still suffering from the effects of the virus before she was very active and highly sporty that's all changed. as you can see mood i'm very tired i can easily go to bed and fall asleep at 8 o'clock that wasn't the case before and that's the main problem the tiredness it's really debilitating she's not alone many doctors say they see patients who are struggling to fully recover after an acute coronavirus infection years the. we're seeing patients who had dogged by health problems for weeks even months afterwards even though the virus is no longer present and they should actually be healthy again. nicole haskell also suffers from exhaustion during her illness with coronavirus she
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lost her sense of taste and smell 3 months later she can still barely smell anything not even her morning coffee does for me it's very limiting because i can't really explain it it's something that really affects my quality of life. the cause could be an impairment in the old factory bold during the sars outbreak in 2002 experiments on animals showed the virus could work its way through the nerve endings in the linings of the nose and the olfactory nerve to the brain's own factory system before heading on over the sign up says it's likely that this can also occur with covert 19 scotto it's actually so they could be that some of these patients have actually suffered some brain damage because with patients who present only with impairments to their senses of taste and smell which is a common neurological symptom when we investigate them with m.r.
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imaging we can see damage to the factory bulb. the psychological stress caused by the pandemic could play a role to recall haskett hope she'll one day return to her old self but she says her brother's experience has scared her as a member you know that i'm kind isn't my brother didn't have any proper symptoms and he's only started to feel really bad since he recovered he has pains in his joints his knees really hurt he constantly has the feeling that he's out of breath also artemis as yet no one knows what is actually causing such symptoms or how long they could go on for researches across the globe are working to come up with answers but it'll be some time before they have them. of course joins us from the university of coding in way he says thing if ization great to have you on the show you found covered 1000 can affect the kidneys early on and that can be detected
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detected in a urine sample what's that mean for the course of the disease yes indeed well we know that sucker of the quick 90 get sicker than others so days after onset of symptoms we be know that some need i.c.u. care and. so our idea actually was to use the urine to an identified the suck rupa earlier in terms of well once the urine gets who was a tiff in terms of the organ infection it tells us that this patient is at risk. so i actually use this urine sample to try to identify you as i'm with the organ failure patient at rest so this is a good warning sign of a serious infection are there other warning signs too yes i think there are
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however if you imagine yourself being affected cope with 19 patient being at home cantin it is hard for your family doctor to take you every day for all different signs of. organ failure so if you use this you want dipstick it's easy to use like a pregnancy test it makes it a lot easier for your family doctor to to identify your you know that you are at risk. so once you are identified the family doctor will take a closer look at what you can transfer you to the hospital what about knowing yourself whether whether or not you're at risk before it even gets that far mean some people have mild symptoms some have now and others get really sick that does it all come down to how healthy we are. it's a very good question that is very hard to answer because we are still in the one
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face in code 19 and the data are confusing. everywhere in the world so let me put it to affect us that i think are quite important here the 1st vector is better so if you are a male in your fifty's or sixty's. and if your immune system simply over x. and we don't know why some it was into the systems over eric to become seriously ill some other factors of course are being overweight of being a smoker and that that also play a role here. and the 2nd i think even more important factor is exposed for and so the higher the virus load you are exposed to the higher your risk is. think of this. people being in operation potties
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they we had high exposure and by the way that the highest exposure extreme have for their health care workers at the emergency departments and i see you as being as close to going to your little patients so please be aware that the health care workers are at the highest risk and definitely when it comes back to the patient if they take all the boxes initial to get seriously ill what measures can you take . well just to make sure that this is not an official recommendation by myself or we were just curiosity. as in my personal opinion here is. if our rhythm including the ewing dipstick tells you that this patient is at risk i would consider it 2 points the 1st point is to anticoagulation yourself more aggressively in 2 to korea instrumentality iran's
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because we know that trump in public events are a major employer in the setting and the 2nd point is that once you are at risk to deteriorate it was very tempting to start the antiviral medication you actually have earlier before you would get sicker briefly as far as the length of time that a patient can suffer as a possible to predict the extent of damage. we simply do not know it would not be fair to if you're clear answer you're. just don't know enough about the in the long term consequences of quick 19. for sure we know. at present that this is a move to disciplinary just
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a clean we need to take care of and so we course sure need all the internists a specialty is after this infection too to make sure that for example the chronic renal failure might suffer after the infection is detected and treated each in physics and all of the course at the university of getting and thank you very much for joining us today. your turn to ask the questions if you haven't already getting contact on how you tube channel will get out science correspondent derek williams to look into a topics you bring up. to people living with hiv have an increased chance of dying from kovac 900 a number of different studies have looked at this issue and although the data is still pretty limited mostly they agree that people who are living with hiv and that are on an effective treatment program where the antiviral medication are not any
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more likely to contract or die from covert 19 and then people who don't have a check in the u.s. centers for disease control currently lists having the immunodeficiency diseases as only may be affecting outcomes a key aspect of that though is certainly going to be whether or not h i.v. patients continue to get the antiviral therapies that are keeping their disease in check the united nations program that's responsible for global action on hiv has warns that in 2020 there could be up to half a 1000000 additional aids deaths and sub-saharan africa of loan caused not by patients catching coded 19 but because it's disrupting supply lines for and access to the medications that those patients need to survive that would basically wipe out all of the progress that's been made in the fight against aids over the
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last decade. and just briefly you don't need a crystal ball to know this was coming kentucky fried chicken is temporarily suspending its long time ad slogan it's finger licking good with personal hygiene top priority and stemming transmission k.f.c. says it doesn't quite feel right. illan for. the fight against illegal logging in ghana lumber and exotic woods are among the country's most important exports but illegal logging is threatening the tree population and now an app is helping to curb the ruthless exploitation and to give sustainable forestry action and. eco africa.
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hunting for the next deal searching for the newest trends it's pure excess and are huge fish but that was before corona now consuming ground to a halt and businesses are fighting to survive. what will happen if the crisis redefines machinery. made in germany. in 16 years. did beethoven in villages did did did did did do. me wrong and the stolen beethoven. of course is a conscious always. coming towards us. with the biggest companies in the whole time
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i can't even begin to imagine a world class one player simulation in the midst of the journey of discovery. building without. which starts to temper 16 along to a w. a . y r d's even water what did it contribute to the ecosystem and why are there numbers that quite will give you the answers and today show you only cooperate go we focus on nature and the unbearable hello and welcome i am now as i wait in baiji high india to it is good to be with you all again today i am sundra to no good here
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in the capital city old uganda it is not just these that will keep us busy here are some of the topics on today's show. a farmer in ivory coast to a snake still gun even under sustainable methods to young environmental activists in some africa who have stepped up on the cycling operation under both me has been my love to sit on today ease in the geria while we visit a market for wild and a rare on the most despite a ban on the trades. but bust away head to ivory coast monocultures above for biodiversity and over many it is a logical call plantations the hub a rather aged local ecosystems that coupled with deforestation so the gradation med was by climate change and population growth means things hope to change. all life easy a farmer who has switched it to a gun existing above methods he has adopted the principle known as palm
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a culture and he has. quiet hundreds of others to let us go i'm. in. the city of man in the mountains of western ivory coast it's a luxury a cultural region and from a diner i also worked as a trainer for young cultivators here but today he's picking up some tips himself about cross breeding plants and limiting the use of pesticides. and he's come to an experience pharma for advice. when they use pesticides the vegetables growing like crazy and the farmers make more money but when the products get to the market $2.00 or 3 days later they start to rot. daniel is interested in learning more about the natural techniques used in the past he observes carefully. and the one who's at school they deal here is to
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learn from an experience passed on about some of the older practices today they have either been abandoned oh they're still being used but in a different way make you something i think will come down to own life has begun to collect seeds which haven't had contact to chemical pesticides whenever he meets with the order farmers he asked them for seeds. of the view today the situation is clear these seeds are threatened they are about to disappear to be lost that's why it's important to serve them because they have an important role in guiding our biodiversity. after asking around done it all i was able to get a 7000 seat he tested the seeds on his experimental farm to find the best teas his father was surprised and displeased by done as choice of profession and i stole
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i don't did that his son could make a living as a farmer. being a farmer that was unfamiliar to run 20 so i wasn't at all happy i didn't encourage him i have to be honest i didn't encourage him at all. today the father is proud of his son's work and that done it also convinces others to follow his example is. 31 year old decided to launch his own training sessions to teach other farmers how to stop using chemical pesticides i avoid an agricultural suffering these days pesticides are damaged young people are living the funds convinced that they cannot and enough in this sector. i think you pull to those who think that you cannot make a living as a farmer that you cannot make a lot of money those are people who are not really trying to develop their business
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and before this instruction that was a problem. if you don't know all i once the local farmers to make their crops more commercially viable. in a community a few kilometers away he helps women farmers to market their organic rice because they're not consumed rice in ivory coast is imported ivorian consumers are strongly dependent on their rice which comes from attention from china or thailand if today is to be able to propose a local rice produced by women and organic conditions. not only rice ivory coast imports many other foods in large quantities although they could be grown here here the women are preparing to set there i said last 1st they apply compost to enrich the soil there is
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a new sense of optimism among this organ. farmers they hope to do better than growers did in the past. in the past when my parents produced rice and brought it to the market they didn't have a lot of buyers it wasn't easy they often had to sell the rice more cheaply. than no lie has already found a story not bijan that will sell the women's rice he believes that if he can make locally grown crops more popular maybe more young people will consider staying in the region to cultivate the fields. farming can only go well if the ecosystem is healthy and in most places that means having lots of bees these are important i mean it is helping countless species of plants to reproduce bees transport pollen from flower to flower if that doesn't happen the plant can't
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keep going that's right sander but in many countries like in europe and elsewhere big colonies are being. precious right disease and monocultures mungo culprit in germany obviously acute births are stepping up their efforts to keep the pollinators along and i think. every morning more dead bees can be found lying in front of these hives the pride and joy of amateur beekeeper flits close. we're to be he's normally live for 6 weeks but he has a falling victim to a parasite brought into europe from asia. their furrow mites destroy the bees nervous system to a point where they lose their sense of orientation that means they're unable to carry out their tasks anymore even lose their ability to fly or that's why the viral mind is a very very dangerous to be. a fairly. it's one of
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around 100000 amateur beekeepers in germany he and his wife took up the hobby 5 years ago in berlin. the number of big eaters has risen in recent years and in lots of german cities including the capital there are many different be colonies living within an area of only a few square kilometers. to give you that makes for certain density but not be as they are now able to cope. with the problem and. to make sure the bees do. hope the amateur a.p. arrests are helped by a veterinarian at billings free university. dr benedict pilot check gives regular courses on amateur beekeeping. plywood he also instructs masayuki i was at the university here. you didn't learn all about the different
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types of be there are more than 560 species in germany alone most of them wild. wild and solitary bees spend their lives alone they don't live in colonies so they're exposed to different dangerous. the whole of you know how many reserve the infamous parasite in the burrow might not solitary. you know instead solitary bees have the problem of nesting sites monocultures don't provide nesting sites we really need more smaller fields and we need chemical free feelers. for. studies from europe and the us show that monocultures and pesticides are the main threats to be survival. with not a single chemical in tow biologist because i know her plans and the rate of native flowers in residential areas in berlin the project is funded by germany's environment ministry. wild beast only feed on certain flowers the more diverse the
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garden the more bees that can thrive here. we don't have enough spaces for flowers in the countryside and in cities that we have to help them all it's not about honeybees vs wild it's equally bad for all insects. without beasts nature is missing one of its most vital pollinators they're responsible for the propagation of hundreds of thousands of plants kiran is hoping to encourage more people in the countryside and the cities to get planted. come clean and beautiful environmentalists you have here now is not always a situation where you see the funny thing is that when ordinary people take the initiative the results can be surprising and great here as you can see it's quite clean but another example from south africa an estimated 90 percent of the rubbish
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is just thrown away and left to rot in the streets 2 young men decided they had had enough and it was time to do something about the problem in their home town so they gave up their jobs and started a trash collection and recycling business let's see this. it's 5 o'clock in the morning. as the sun rises the stench of rotting garbage becomes unbearable. these 2 men are determined to do something about all the litter in their community. one solution is said. because most of the things that you find here are a 2nd level it's small saw 60 percent of feet can be repaired to it to introduce a new bongani p.d. worked as a musician and bang marty and he worked in waste management seeing the garbage
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piling up they both quit their jobs and started the initiative valid green like many villages in south africa can't afford waste collection so there's letter everywhere. the valid green team go from house to house to collect plastic glass bottles and paper then they sort it all. most people in my car used to burn that waste so it wasn't easy to convince them to change their ways and keep things that can be recycled. if it's only really all the way to go seriously was living in big can we say clean it sells so when you tell the board it's a cleaning for them it's the and that's they need easier than killing a youth of i am not go about to say. but you also started what they call the eco hero program to engage with young people about environmental issues once
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a week they go to the local primary school to make music and dance with the students. participation is voluntary but it's fun to join them and that motivates the kids to become eco heroes. of the valor green team take what they collect to a recycling station. a major challenge for that business venture is transportation the recycling station pays about 80 euros for a load off the some goes to pay the owner of the truck so period multi yani unjust of $300.00 euros a month in total. he says the solution is to grow the business and engage a large group of waste collectors who will sell them the things they find. but it is a pipe it's and so they come to us this is like or worse then you take to this
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the company its roof by the engine rooms or by a separate sword i'm overlooking we have there more when i see one trustful paused in labor. for now period multi yani a saving up to buy a professional lang scale and eventually a truck of their own. then they plan to employ dozens more waste collectors. to make and keep a clean place to live. in our series doing your bit we always focus on great ideas i need ovations this week comes from uganda sandra tell us about. bloody near to the core bit and 1000 pandemic means that the health care resources are very stretched so nobody really wants to get fixed at a time like these infectious diseases like malaria are still a huge problem in many african countries mosque it also spread malaria many people
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use chemicals to repel them but i young money here in uganda has come up with a new and simple way to keep the litter passed away. mosquitoes are tiny but they can spread deadly diseases like malaria. or over 90 percent of malaria deaths around the world happen in africa. mosquito nets offer protection but there might be another solution. electrical engineer julie is trying invented a more natural way to ward off the pesky bugs. for exposure uganda we have some hard news they have is which hard lesson is that the debate then was created by what it did have was like 5 of them.


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