tv Auf den Punkt Deutsche Welle August 28, 2020 5:30pm-6:15pm CEST
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discovery. subscribes. documentary to. a new beginning is often a wonderful opportunity to examine the choices and work at our life if these trying times that something it's this inspiration to make a positive change towards a more sustainable real flight if at all around us to be we introduce through to some people who have visited their lives towards making environmentally friendly
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choices hello welcome to eco india. coming to you from my neighborhood in mumbai. india is the largest producer of milk in the world because of rising demand it goes without saying that the primary reason for varying a college this fall. but if i'm an india which has more than 100 cars does not commercially produce a single drop of milk what may be your own little visit to make such a contrast choice let's take a closer look. at. 28 because of lush farmland in the busy city of noida. why organic farming is not uncommon even in the city this farm has taken things to board a new level. beach as it is called has built a community of follows that is self-sustaining and practices natural farming methods with the. focus on the wellbeing of livestock. what makes this far more
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unique is its relationship to its family of cattle. meat conquered age a native of good jobs cut. from the sindh region. this beauty is called red cindy. belongs to a sturdy bodied from domino do especially suited for farming. reeds of indigenous cattle from across india this farm doubles up as an animal sanctuary. collison bulls have always been a part of agriculture but indigenous breeds are disappearing at a frightening rate tanks to the introduction of machines and the growing focus on dairy which prefers imported breeds to native ones because of the higher milk.
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some indigenous populations are down to as little as 100 animals. be john has a herd of 135 indigenous cattle of various breeds of which 40 are bulls. it's striving to revive some of the mad practices in farming in india today. which. i think everyone knows how cruel the dairy industry is and when i got into this and when i started seeing how many beautiful indigenous cattle were there and how the history of us importing cattle from the west for this nuclear evolution and a lot of other things then the need to protect these cattle kind of became very strong these beautiful indigenous kathleen. on the home and many of these are drought and. actually give a lot of men. and i realise that these cattle are dying. because our whole focus is
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on me. to preserve these breeds logical the focus had to shift away from dairy. and so b. jones dung whole project was born i delayed that are filed in by the down in all guatemala and it's going beast and. a lot of dung are lying around also means at least it releases meetin yet it's not even going to the right is. that dung whole project promotes an economy around cow dung. every day some towns in 400 kilo's are gathered to be converted into a very dire tea of products. ensuring a 2nd income for fatherless suitable were not there he says we make sebald like these using seeds from big trees like the neem. if you scatter them on empty fields before dreams they start growing. we also make images of the day it is going asia and luxury using dung and mud these
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are used during the valley and customers come here to buy them and. the dung is also used as many you know on the fields. doing away with the need for chemical fertilizers. the reality of mild to them he says when we came here the feel of a sunday we couldn't do anything without downer. once we had enough stock of dung we started making natural mineo and used it for the fields and it took us about 2 years of preparation time or now the soil has regained its natural fatality and we are able to grow vegetables very well. most of the plants are grown from heirloom seeds. the farmers used traditional systems of into cropping companion planting and crop rotation. all food is grown
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organically. the vegetables harvested here include bitter gourd squash and can. be june produces its own solar power and is off the grid. it's home to a large community of farmers from all over india. it runs its own school a clinic a women's group and has direct access to weekly markets. the women's new skills allow them to generate extra income. and the aim is to become completely self-sufficient. is one such woman whose husband farms while she knits and stitches products that are sold to visitors at beecham. she says now we're mostly making mosques like this we make about 20 in a day and each $1.00 costs $50.00 rupees. it. takes a sustainable approach to farming with
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a focus on caring for the land and the animals. found. non-dairy collars and it's heart will inspire others to follow. the world biking is becoming water will not only is it it's also good for your health and the and bob meant and if you do says well chances of getting infected in the school were 19 times but many of bikes often multiply audited by especially if you move to the city of don't plan on staying. in we found some biking enthusiastic we're preparing bikes for refugees and shortage of visitors so the real if it's benefits. chi wanya sci fi repairs fights for
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refugees here in berlin. he fled iran 4 years ago last year he started working at the hook invent a tailwind association. a bike is important for refugees. so it helps them. mean when you look for a bike online somebody cost 50 or 70 or 100 euros or 100 but i had to put in ground we accept a donation of 5 or 10 euros from a refugee from forward the senate well it's almost everyone who works here is a volunteer the bikes they repair all donated once they've been fixed up they go to refugee. if. only one yes the field has a paid job at the association and it's partly financed by the national volunteer service
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it all began 5 years ago when germany took in a large number of refugees the team not only want to help the new comers they also want to promote cycling as an environmentally friendly mode of transport and recycling old bikes is especially sustainable if you cannot as we use everything if a bike can no longer be ridden we take it apart and use the components for another bike you could see that from 2 broken old bikes we create one new or usable one and it's almost. the team come from many parts of the world irishman graeme pope who's been helping out here for 2 years. but. outside of the convince pope and some friends have set up a bike sharing nonprofit organization called bike surf it maintains a fleet of 20 violent acts and people can bore them 1st small donation. bike so if doesn't aim to compete with commercial bike rental firms uses mainly come
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from the sharing community. the idea that if you can surf somewhere you can see there cheaply somewhere. and then maybe you can find somewhere to stay you can maybe find some cheap places to eat or for free then you might have pretty wife i then the next thing is getting around a big city like berlin is the obvious answer is to be on a bicycle it's environmental it's good for you good for your health. pope says he hopes the idea catches on you can't currently borrow a bike in many other cities. you can book a bike theft bike online. and you can usually keep it for a few weeks or even longer. look convinced meanwhile has a new project it wants to visit school classes to talk about bikes and sustainability
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. we want to get children and teenagers interested in cycling again so they think it's cool to ride a bike we want to show them how easy it can be to repair a bike we hope to get them so excited about biking that they don't even think of buying a car or even getting a driver's license but want to move about the city on wheels. so convinced says stuffing such a project with volunteers is difficult they're looking for funding so they can hire and pay more people. book and dip their pot of an unavoidable eternal cycle of nature be the all encompassing bushfire of the debilitating long floods natural events destroy life yet at the same time create a base for new life conservationists are now studying a similar phenomenon in military training areas i'm a devotee of army with was. a constant tank movements and artillery
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exercises make nature conservation at this army training ground a complicated affair before the ecologist start work the search party patrols the area to make sure there are no nasty explosive surprises lurking in the grass they're always accompanied by munitions expert from the german military or. they found a missile its location is marked down and laser bomb disposal experts will pick it up. you have to search carefully as we use everything from. small 20 millimeter ammunition to large ordinance and explosives of course it's much easier to find bombs that to find small munitions and don't forget we've been using this troop training area for 80 years so you find all sorts of stuff here. just those 80 years of army maneuvers have helped create a very landscape in bomb holder or grasslands with wild herb's as well as woodlands and brush all ideal for biodiversity. grasslands are
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so valuable because they're hard to find anywhere else there's no arable land so no pesticides no nutrients no fertilizers this is only for military maneuvers. the army has all the heavy equipment it needs to preserve the natural environment this armored vehicle is used to take care of open spaces to make sure they don't get overgrown it tears up shrubs and flattened small trees. germany has 1400 square kilometers of land for military drills the environmental group nabu commissioned a study and found something astonishing although there are pollutants like heavy metals and kerosene residue the sights are ecologically important. didn't get from this was another situation in these areas is unique the exercises create a patchwork environment there are temporary changes what we ecologists call disturbances in areas where soil is removed there are pioneer sites where rare plants can grow
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as well as animal species you can't find in the regular landscape. destruction by tanks and artillery creates new ecological niches says army ecologist with 3 quarter. ponds foreman tank trails and bomb craters where frogs and newts can spawn. it's extraordinary the damage we see here from tank trucks you only see this in military training areas is especially important for nature conservation this is not static environmental protection it's a constantly changing they're also valuable areas not in regular use by the military where nature can evolve organically it's not too early. in the areas used less often they deploy sheep several 1000 sheep graze all summer long in the military training ground so that's what makes sheep really useful is that they get
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into all the corners under the bushes into parts of the woods we can't reach a machine can't do that the sheep saw prince grazing on droppings at the turn to the state that nature needs. the sheep of spent numerous summers in the military zone and are well used to it so shepherd karl-heinz can go. in there regularly generally whenever they're shooting even heavy fire you'd be amazed how fast they adapt if they do get frightened they huddle together. in germany large swathes of the natural environment to been wiped out chiefly through intensive farming the untamed land in army training areas is highly valuable in ecological terms. to spite the bombs and grenades this unique environment get special protection. a majority of thailand's elephants live in captivity there are huge daughters to traction and have to perform tricks on command for the hordes of applauding tourists who visit them every year these
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tricks are often perfected by doctoring them repeatedly but the pandemic is part of the plan of incoming tourists while on the one hand this is good news for the elephants on the other their future their means threatened some of them now have received a new lease on life we accompanied an elephant rescue team to see for ourselves. just one look and she knows exactly which elephant is which she now has 80 of them each one has suffered elect child learn knows all their stories. yet up. until just a few years ago this elephant worked in a nearby writing camp as the conservationist explains he had to carry tourists around every day if he didn't obey his trainer would pierce's thick skin with
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a bull hoke the tie activist has been working to protect elephants for 25 years. with her foundation she aims to improve the lives of the packet derms donations and able her to buy up animals who've suffered especially harsh treatment most of the elephants have spent decades being ridden or in showbusiness but in china elephant nature park they no longer have to work or be in chains paying guests are allowed to watch the elephants but nothing more. people come and visit they don't disturb a friend their death be yours the money to come and the congress your mall and mall . again and again like china learned has exposed animal abuse using a hidden camera for centuries wild elephants have been subjected to prolonged violent taming methods now there are laws in thailand that prohibit animal cruelty . but china says this has done little to change the taming practice known as
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elephant crushing. and that now is the problem for them the view of the whole. lot of the bribe ridden everywhere. the baby are called bravely you can see the blood when i work on the. i have the will i have the retained up i had ordered i don't care why i don't get better i don't get that from this. but up a lot of how i cry i cry with a lot of disappointed about here when. i angry angry will read the paper that is. that. i should say. and her team are once again on a rescue mission. this time the conservationists will collect 7 elephants from this writing camp southwest of bangkok and bring them to the reserve near chain mind the camp owners themselves contacted chandler's foundation and asked for help as hardly
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any tourists are coming to ride the elephants to the coronavirus pandemic. and adult elephant is usually worth about $2000000.00 baht or more than $50000.00 euros but due to the pandemic the animals have become more of a burden for their owners. it cost them nearly a $1000.00 euros a month for food and care. on a part kyra is happy to at least get $1000000.00 baht per elephant from china its foundation. our situation has been dire since the start of a pandemic we had to close the camp for months a month before but regardless of whether we're open or closed we still have to take care of the elephants and we need to feed them every day. we were allowed to reopen on july 1st but there are simply no visitors. my make it.
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the convoy sets off in the early afternoon. nothing like that little to eat. as long as the only other. day that i'm hungry and no one. even if i think the journey old case or. the next morning after a nearly 20 hour drive the convoy reaches its destination the elephant nature from north to change the team is exhausted lecture i learned has hardly slept but nothing can dampen her mood. all the happy because the journey is life's elephant angry so yeah. i fully believe. once the restraining bars have been removed it's time for the elephants to take their 1st cautious steps into a new life. one.
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look at the newcomers will have to be isolated from the rest of the herd for 2 weeks in order to prevent the possible spread of disease. the rescuers frees the animals from all their ropes and chains. so beautiful. lecture i learned. provided a new home for well over 100 elephants a home where they're no longer forced to put on a show where they can simply elephants. the lives of women in india are changing slowly but steadily more of the women are getting an education and have despite this 24 india at the top of the list of countries considered most dangerous for women we met the founder of
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a nonprofit organization in mumbai was encouraging women to stand up against sexual violence and gender discrimination this brought us to the day to day struggle it's 5 steps forward 2 steps back 5 steps forward 2 steps back and the protest has to be a daily protest and you know that the government know that. the fact that you had a child who was brutally gang raped and murdered as a crime of ethnic cleansing that you had political leaders across party lines take to the streets with indian flag and in defense of those rapists it's just something you've never seen before. no child's body should be subject to that kind of brutality let alone. and
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a lawyer and a social activist back in august 21st along with a group of fellow young amazing feminist. organizations she says which is a new movement and even they had to fight against all sorts of gender based violence and discrimination and fight for equality. at that point i started receiving extremely. aggressive dead and real threats. if you know i'm following you i have people following you i know where you live i think the idea of a woman cleaning agency an idea of a woman a sort of a demanding for her rights a sort of these fighting for justice. scares all structures and these weak people the only thing that they can resort to do is quit online and threatening us thinking that that is somehow going to silence our voices. that well i'm still here i'm still fighting. and. it's obviously taking
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a toll on ben but evan and credibly support a family and my family's realizes that the walk we do. has a significant impact on people's lives. everything and stuff the logic to you being a woman they looked up to you being young they'll object to you bearing western clothes they'll object to you very meek up they'll object to you speaking english. objects do you. fighting against discrimination based on religion they will object to you for raising your voice too much there's this notion of. there's this notion not to speak up and fight for your rights but do so politely you know without offending people too much. of. a dream that we don't pass on these realities to our future generations as accepted be of life
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that mothers don't have to tell their daughters marital rape as a way of life you just have to adjust to it a dream that. you know more children are not being subject to child sexual abuse like so many of the war. i dream. that. equality would be a normal will fly and would then. then my dream is do you know what she says do not be needed. now each one of us has access to a new lease on life many junk joseph our life it comes down to how we grab it and run rivet i hope to be as episode has inspired you to take a step in that direction i'll see you again next week until then please stay safe and big care of yourselves and your loved ones about.
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separate braun's cooked foods to avoid cross contamination. cooks thoroughly to kill microorganisms. keep food it safe temperatures cold to prevent bacterial growth. gives safe water and safe raw materials to avoid content. food producers are the ones primarily responsible for the safety of the food. but you can protect yourself and your family from diseases in the home by plying the 5 keys to sea for food use them you also have a role to play. this
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is deja vu news live from berlin chancellor all america warns against foreign intervention in velour roast the message clearly with russia in mind michael says the people of belarus should enjoy freedom without the threat of outside interference this is the e.u. moves to impose sanctions on my level over some officials also on the show. donald trump takes aim at his democratic rival in a fiery acceptance speech he calls joe biden the man who outsourced american jobs to china and says the vote will be the most important election in american history . and 57 years after martin luther king others the words i have a dream crowds gather on the same spot in the u.s.
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capitol to a new calls for racial justice recently shooting of a black man is giving the rally for the rally versions. i'm brian thomas good to have you with us today the german chancellor has warned that the sovereignty of belarus must be respected speaking during her annual summer news conference here in berlin she dressed a broad range of issues playing a major role. as responding to russian president vladimir putin's announcement that he had formed a police force to support the country's embattled leader alexander the shank she warned that foreign forces should stay out of the country. it is my hope that forces like tough will not speak deployed about the people who have bravely taken to the streets who have cold ties to pieces. i hope they can have all the freedoms
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that we take for granted the freedom to protest freedom of opinion. all these things must be fought for and bell rings and it's what the people want. they should be able to achieve independently without any external interference from any side. let's get more on this now with my colleague and your. view of politics to see on what you make of the chancellor statement on belarus. i think it was a strong statement on. brian and at the same time it was a plea for restraint to repeat what the chancellor has said she said the sovereignty of belarus should be respected and that she hoped that the forces we heard about the the russian forces putin announced that they wouldn't be deployed she stressed that it is important that the people of belarus can protest can
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demonstrate s. they wish without any interference from any side asked by joan with for the. violent line of action from the security forces in belarus not only against demonstrators but also against drawing a list of said that this is not acceptable and she added i found that very interesting that she wanted to talk to alex hunter look as sankoh and try to reach him on the phone because it is important to keep up the dialogue but he declined to talk to her so far at this summer press conference then you will vent journalists international journalists as well asking the chancellor a range of questions one of them was about alexina vali the russian opposition leader currently being treated for suspected poisoning here in berlin let's take a listen to what he had to say about that it's been we will do our best to find
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a small shop and bashar ability to do that here is limited once we're clear about what actually happened like in the case of mr powell we will strive for a coordinated european response not just responses by individual states this is not just a german problem even though germany has taken in mr. merkel sounding a much more cautious note there why isn't she taking a tougher stance on than of all the case. i think she has been pretty clear on the novelli case and on russia's role there as well brian when when mr novelli fell ill a few days ago she gave a joint statement with the german foreign minister and this in itself is already rather unusual. and the foreign minister they are pressing
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russia to investigate the case and full transparency and i'm going back and said she sees an obligation to clear up the case and right after the press conference germany's foreign minister said that there will be diplomatic consequences if it proves that it is indeed a state initiated murder attempt ok the investigation into whether this was a poisoning what happened exactly still on going on here thanks so much for that but just a few hours ago the european union agreed to impose sanctions on senior belo version officials accused of election fraud and cracking down on protesters decision was made by european foreign ministers meeting in berlin the talks were also dominated by the brewing conflict between turkey and greece those 2 countries are in a bitter dispute over gas and oil exploration in the mediterranean. the top diplomat said the bloc was working to bring in the beller of sanctions as
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quickly as possible there was a political agreement among ministers to designate selected individuals responsible for different elections in their rooms and through the subsequent. under the existing sanctions regime so could the e.u. eventually move to punish president looking shango himself earlier i asked our correspondent alexander phenomena about the sanctions. when we talk about below it's clear that the sanctions are coming the u. foreign minister are quite clear here that there are coming and that they are trying to impose them as soon as possible we are talking about targeted sanctions against against certain individuals officials we didn't get a full list of those people on the on the sanctions list because it's still being worked on but this is the clearest sign that the going to punish those
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responsible for violence against protesters and for election fraud however it's not clear yet or it doesn't seem that going to be on this list in the 1st phase of imposing sanctions as you diplomat chief diplomat put it if the situation is going to get worse on the ground if the violence against protesters are going to continue. it's certainly going to target himself as well let's give you a brief don't some of the other stories making news this hour a court here in berlin has overturned a ban on upcoming demonstrations against coronavirus restrictions it said the protests could go ahead if organizers here too strict conditions city authorities try to stop you citing concerns about spreading the virus thousands of people ignored physical distancing rules of the similar protests on august the 1st.
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recovery efforts are underway in the southern u.s. after one of the most powerful storms in years hurricane laura left at least 6 people dead after smashing into louisiana with winds of about 240 kilometers per hour meteorologist have downgraded it to a tropical storm threatens to bring rains and tornadoes moves north east. a 17 year old has been charged with killing 2 people and injuring a 3rd during protest against the police shooting of a black man in the u.s. state of wisconsin paul rittenhouse faces 6 criminal counts including murder authorities believe the teen was inspired by self-styled militia groups on social media. and saying in the u.s. donald trump has accepted the republican party's nomination for the presidency is acceptance brought to a close the party's 4 day convention present trump depicted his opponent during his
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acceptance speech joe biden as the destroyer of american greatness a man that if elected would oversee the dismantling of the united states. her public and convention is seen as anything but conventional. never before has the white house been used as a backdrop for a presidential candidate's acceptance speech leading some to accuse trump of misusing the building as a political prop. but over the next hour trump showed he was determined to use all means at its disposal to make the case for his reelection starting by saying the stakes have never been higher. this is the most important election in the history of our country. at no time before have voters faced 8 clear a choice between 2 parties 2 visions 2 philosophies or 2 agendas. he set out an optimistic vision of the country's future under
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a new trump victory. in a new term as president we will again build the greatest economy in history quickly returning to full employment soaring incomes and record prosperity and despite the obvious flouting of his own administration's guidelines on the pandemic an event with few wearing masks and seats close together he promised to bring the coronavirus under control. we're delivering lifesaving therapies. and will produce a vaccine before the end of the year or maybe even sooner. but his main strategy was to attack his opponent joe biden who is leading in the polls. joe biden is not a savior of america years so he is the destroyer of america's jobs and if given the chance he will be the destroyer of american greatness
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someone further presented by to is a radical and a danger to society also by making claims that have proven to be untrue. make no mistake if you give power to joe biden the radical left will defy police departments all across america they will pass federal legislation to reduce law enforcement nationwide they will make every city look like democrat run portland oregon. no one will be safe in biden's america. critics say chums aim is to stoke fear and cast himself as the savior of the nation. fold his fiery triumphalism campaign is only now just beginning. what's our huge crowds are gathering in the u.s. capital washington d.c. to take part in a march in support of racial justice under the motto get your knee off our necks any racism protesters descending on the capitol after the police shooting of
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african-americans jacob blake reignited tensions over police violence tens of thousands are expected to take part in the march it's taking place at washington's national mall. while people continue to gather there let's take a look now at the historic significance of today's event and its venue. the national mall in the u.s. national capital home to the greatest symbols of american history and political power and of the country's centuries long struggle to overcome racism a major milestone in that struggle was august 28th 1963 when martin luther king jr brought his nonviolent civil rights movement to the mall formally known as the march on washington for jobs and freedom it's not the only such rally to have taken place there but it remains the most iconic and one of the largest 250000 people from across the country took part king was the last of several civil rights leaders
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to speak that day from the steps of the lincoln memorial which lionizes the 16th u.s. president who's credited with ending slavery a century earlier king delivered what many historians call one of the best speeches of the 20th century i have a dream he said that his children will one day not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character 57 years later civil rights activists are still fighting for that dream to be fully realized in june this year during the memorial service for george floyd civil rights leader reverend al sharpton called for a new march on washington floyd's death a result of a police officer pinning him to the ground pushed the u.s. into months of unrest. and march because it will keep. everybody watching the change. sharpton is national action network is organizing the march which will be attended by king's eldest son and families of recent victims of
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police brutality. we're coming up on historic election and it's a country where voting needs to be assessable to all communities and not just some communities where the government needs the fun fun voting i'm so we're coming to ensure that we have the right to vote we have access to the ballot but we're also being heard being represented and protected by people who are supposed to protect and serve us sharpton march is unlikely to overshadow king's but organizers hope it will ensure that racial inequality remains a political issue as donald trump seeks reelection in november and we'll be bringing you full coverage of that march over the next few hours let's just remind of our top story at this hour germany's chancellor has warned against foreign intervention beller us with russia clearly in her sights machall said the russians should have all the freedoms other nations take for granted without stern interference. this is deja vu news live from berlin i'm brian thomas for the
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