tv Kulturzeit Deutsche Welle August 29, 2020 6:30am-8:01am CEST
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the riches were brutally stolen from africa and carted off to europe by colonialists. each artifact has blood on it from groups that have yet to heal. what should be done with the stone north from africa. this is being hotly debated on both continents. only so far september 7th on g.w. . to. find out why d.c. are not only busy but also music later in the show. and with that
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very well welcome to new edition of your own bags let's see what else we help lined up for you. out how a pastry chef takes hollywood celebrities and. probably very uncanny the 2nd enjoys the beautiful. the leader of the even the if you know of and it simply is a very popular destination for decades the venice film festival has taken place here every year the greatest names in motion pictures visit the international event this year the festival is set comments on september 2nd but with the coronavirus pandemic raging procedures have changed and the festival will be a little more modest than usual so it might look a little different compared to this photo from the past we took
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a trip to the lido before the festival kicks in to visit some of the most attractive and well known locations on the island. the lido diva needs is only 15 minutes by water bust. from venice is old town the island 11 kilometers long and 1.5 kilometers wide is located in the finnish and lagoon and protects the city from the and can see. this from mission district is much quieter than the city center and that is exactly what appeals to a less salvadoran she lives on the island and loves its unique but the leader was not always known as a holiday destination. so in vientiane times these islands were norm by the greek and the romans all the way to the centro german regions it was a commercial route than it was also very protected by the venetian since there were fortresses military fortresses with a marine fun tree and 2 engine villages at the edge of really the rest of leave
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there was a wilderness until the meat of the 19th century when the beach resorts fashions started and little was one of the most exclusive beach resorts in the world from that time on the words. the main town which like the island is also called lido and not just on the island with about 7000 inhabitants as in the old town of venice there are numerous small canals here. the more than $250.00 venice in the center of lido are an architectural highlight. this family goes from a mix of styles could be near her new york. new your roman. byzantines. the old style but the old mixed together sometimes the lido is famous worldwide for the venice international film festival
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despite the coronavirus pandemic the festival is taking place this year as preparations are in full swing the golden lion is not only field. for the best film but also decorate. in the course of time the building built in 1937 was extended several times and is still the main venue today i'm real. and i could enter every i was seeing more than one movie a day and so i'm still 3. as a spectator and a lot and like me most of the now because. of the feeling for a civil. the 1st venice film festival took place in 1982 only a few metres away from the cinema it was held on the terrace of the grand hotel. by the italian architect. it is still a meeting place for movie stars. are incredible because they
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were built at the turn of the 19th and early 20th century there were 5 stars with their private. swimming pool and all. only 15 minutes. from very nice the new day was also made famous by thomas months novella in venice from 1911 the german writer often stayed on the island but the main attraction of the leader would be beneath is and mains the beach it stretches along the entire side of the island that is open to the take the word comes from latin and speech will coast a special feature here with the so-called cup on this. is more of course the jews that are used by the people that go to the beach to have. shade and a changing room. only
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a few minutes away from the ferry pier you can find. a restaurant. cuisine is famous for its fish and sea. dishes and bieksa featured on the menu. from the terrace you have a wonderful view of palaces old town. and protégé relaxing on the deep beneath the sea. and here's another spot where you can meet celebrities a small pastry shop in the east a city in west germany near frankfurt what do you expect to see celebrities like brad pitt or johnny depp there well actually you can and you can not only meet them there you can also eat them they're. sculpts movie celebrities as cakes in her bakery then your craik with chocolate icing isn't that a dream come true. whether it's hollywood
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star brad pitt. johnny depp as captain jack sparrow. the british actor daniel craig has changed. from big any celebrity as a kid. i 1st discovered banking decorating in modeling after my son was born and i had to bake a cake for him and that's how it all started. he turned her hobby into a profession. she found her bakery in the western german city of his back since 2019 today's speaking british actor daniel craig in his role as james bond. holders we portrayed stark the staple for meat of rice krispies and kate. i sculpt the cake and form a head so i can get the nose and all the features right. including
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. lots for there's room for the eyes. and then. the next step is to smother the celebrity in modeling chocolate 2 to 3 kilograms of it. originally from pakistan loves working with a. modeling chocolate. it's like working with clay except you can eat it. it's very easy to work with. but then comes the critical. thing the features. you. need to make stream least steady hair. and a sharp eye for the smallest details. for up to 4 days to get the skin color every wrinkle or. just right.
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once you've got the right time and it's shiny. it looks absolutely brilliant. and this is the finished creation of daniel craig s w 7 as a kid. and for your taste buds only. to buy into the works of art. as the art of the day it's a cake you have to eat that's why it's made of chocolate so people will eat it if you make something like this for kids without a 2nd thought blink of an eye it's gone thank. you find inspiration in your meeting life like right britain's jean and. buy american and israel. next to.
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the next. celebrity i want to make will be nelson mandela i like his life story just what he did during his life. and what it means to the lives of other people mention. her celebrity creations caught up to 450 year roof. but how often we have a chance to take home a real favorite hollywood star. i wonder how many calories there are in a movie star cake and talking about things to eat if you're interested in more european specialties and how to make them you can find lots more reports to whet your appetite on our you tube channel g w food he's a taste of what we have so folks. like you see these.
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stories. louisiana. the smell amazing the best chefs with their best tips from need just to begin dying in the form of a recipe secrets while some are. jerks diversity is a smorgasbord to my list i. subscribe and enjoy d. w. for. king luke fish the 2nd reigned over bavaria in the late 19th century today he is known as the fairytale king because the cast lots and palaces he left behind have a touch of magic. not only splendor and luxury but nature as well this month he would have turned $175.00 to mark the event
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a new book of photos of the king's favorite spots in the bavarian alps has just been released we took a royal tour of some of these beautiful places and you are welcome to join us. bill varian all star the scene of countless tales and legends many revolve around king live vic the 2nd who lived here in the 1000 century mountaineer and authors unjustified and has followed his traces. the king looked fake was a great nature lover amount of a mountain this side of him is barely known and that is what fascinates me about him her fascination prompted her to work together with photographer stefan rosenberg on a book of photos breaking looted expression for the mountains. 2 days on jeff gordon birds tour begins at the door who palace this is where the king resided and spent the longest period of his life. standing in stark contrast at the edge of the
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surrounding park is a colorful moroccan house this is the taliban the house originally this charming house was featured at the paris world fair. looks like heard about it and had it transported. guns but it was absolutely enchanting with its orientation style. change the style very deliberately. in the midst of the strict beat of my a period like many of us who needed an escape and this house embodied the idea of orientalism of sultans in her rooms and water pipes and look they can lift out that fantasy in this house and hollers falls. from the moroccan house english big straight up into the mountains. the 2nd green the bavaria from 186-4286. he's known as the fairy tale as he
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is less remembered for his governing skills and in his extravagant building projects such as noice ranch thanks castle. zhamnov frydenberg also takes us to the last well known sites king creek went to. such as the. mountain lodge. it's not that easy to reach. as looked like he had also done was to go in look they came up here his footman had to carry his both top up for him. to take wouldn't go without his comforts he brought along his champagne on his wine and had kegs of beer carried out for his servants. it took 20 men to hole everything up here. alice had officers. in his younger days the king often rode up to the lodge on horseback he celebrated birthdays and dined here on
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health and curtain up this really is a very special place it simply fantastic you can see that it is a peak in the background and the better shine range and it's quite a panoramic landscape now to a commune how beautiful it is. our tour through the period helps leach past one breathtaking view after another the next point also cast a spell on king libby it's one of the deepest largest i mean we make dollars. and then on to my pickup truck stop. digging heritage hunting lodges upon his father's death but as an animal lover he immediately prohibited hunting in the area. which makes me very few point wise a bit higher up a privilege now i've been faithfully rebuilt after the original was destroyed in a fire. does years this is not picked the 2nd is viewing
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pavilion he had more of them built on the surrounding piigs and like to see and read and rest up in them. and to enjoy this. from vamp the n.s.a. landscape that was his kingdom so the feeling up here is indescribable to me it's like flying. sandra has collected her impressions of her from. a real tribute to the period and its fairy tale king. and from bavaria to sweeten now as it's time to meet in other major love daniel vest he creates artworks from the one he collects in the forest for example spoon
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his what carvings are usually not used in the kitchen but show in exhibitions the world over we've met daniel best at his house in sullivan sweden to hear about why he finds wood so fascinating and why he chose to work with it. sensual is strong and hard yet soft and flexible at the same time and the lie was really i see the speed as an arc. const of like it has a symbolism and a lot of thought i needed as well as a certain aesthetic i. was sitting with. that on i mean it's done
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your best. and i work with would. score going from a forest is a place where i can relax and reenergize at the same time someone is also a place that inspires me a lot less things or a forest is fantastic. yes no not at the moment i'm working on these long spoons and he beechwood 4 of them is a blond wood with a very light green fairly pale and not really all that exciting but still majestic and beautiful so it's going to be beach story perfect and. we'll be able.
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second week like a 123 or even 4 of these fabulous long shapes out of that. for lent. that's to end his living as a commercial photographer only started carving wood in 2016 the 1st exhibitions soon followed for example in stockholm and tokyo. they started with my desire not to have to work for other people but to do my own thing. to find a means of expression that's really all my. idea
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1st was to explore this as an object and find other forms and those were used. and i think these long relate to the search for like the longing for it you see the light and have to stretch yourself. and when you stretch yourself you open yourself up and become. the visits top chef daniel. that's to is designing a complete set of wooden table where for the top swedish astronomer with 2 mitchell in starts these creations are designed to be used. i think is really magical. it's beautiful just beautiful here it would almost disappears. i 1st i didn't realize the bulls were also made of wood i don't think of it.
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but i have that's fine it's now it's pliable and strong at the same time and it aspires also words ever upwards towards the light. here that's most important then ever forwards and upwards. these are best known for making money but then you know they can also make music d.j. and big deal the sam translates the humming sound that be used to make into electronic music he did this to raise awareness for the a collage problems that tretton why abuse with extinction we met a camera shy d.j.
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and be a lover in the british capital london to take a closer look at how he produces his so called in sick take music. keeping bees and working as a d.j. arts normally activities that most people would see is related in any way but not for be at least 7 his music comes from the buzzing of bees produces cool beats with it and has a message for his listeners as being the hearts of loss of a set during the time i was a child by a performer some audio piece a statement from the sound of 6 weeks of silence people connect today through the silence. the only sense of studied art and design and jam his experimental music while he was still a student he calls it insect just.
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uses a special software to isolate the different frequencies the bisa meant. there are 3 types of being a high this is the queen the workers the drawings and the charge of their own frequency range. so the crane has a high pitch piping sound homeworkers has a calming midrange sound drunk by all being asked to use bangs so. he uses a scanner to record the sounds made by the beings the frame he built is fitted with microphone just under a digital recorder which can capture hours of buzzing in libya hardly. being nice always tinkering with new instruments for his music once he's filled the recorders memory and the london fog bearly sent takes it home to his studio he analyzes the
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bee sounds and arranges them through various synthesizers to create a track and when you put sounds all of this they become kind of elastic so unique. and if. the interface for this synthesizer is to be flying into the flower. it's moved. it's in the next the sound would. be a nice and pleasant taken his sound installations all over the world for example to be honest electronica festival invents austria and the media ought to be an ally in fots path poland. always takes to the stage in a beekeeper suit he wants to remain anonymous he wants the listeners to concentrate
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solely on the music. but this year his performance as a concert. during luckily being able to come appear to be is just meditating it's. you know regardless of the pandemic can lock down everything the bees just carry on as normal. and not happy that there's not as much pollution. this year. if his bees are happy being any semblance to his sounds are ahead especially with young audiences at the same time they raise awareness of the world wide decline of the population. and that brings us to the end of the program but don't forget to poll us on social media and visit our website where you can find out how to draw from this watch in
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and what can do about it. good shit. in 30 minutes on w. . the beat i'll tell my. germany's killed green racetrack for speedsters it's a dream come true for. calm enthusiastic dynaco gives the best heavy foot test. no speed limit no problem. what does a crash researcher say for. w. . how does a virus spread. why do we panic and when we'll all this. time for just 3 of the topics covered and the weekly radio show is called spectrum if you would
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like and new information on the cloning virus or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast you can get it wherever you get your podcast you can also find us at dot com or it's slash science. beethoven instant justice did you did do. did is it does it does 16 no lie cheat truth roger. many rubber bands of stolen beethoven. and of course the subconscious always one thing is clear to them beethoven is wildly popular. i see assured. bush who would sound like the biggest composer of all time i can't even begin to imagine a world class one player several years on a musical journey of discovery. 2
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a world where the whole thing. starts september 16th to tell you. this is deja vu news live from berlin echoes of history as u.s. protesters are new calls for racial justice 57 years after martin luther king jr's i have a dream speech tens of thousands of people gathered on the same spot the rally follows another shooting of a black man by a white police officer. also on the show picking up the pieces after hurricane lara a look at the aftermath of the deadly storm which has left hundreds of thousands of
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people on the u.s. gulf coast without power and water. and black panther star chadwick boseman dead at 43 after years of long battle with cancer we'll hear about the actor's life and legacy. and why i'm good thanks for joining us we begin in the u.s. capital washington d.c. where a huge crowds have marched for racial justice the rally was held at the lincoln memorial where 57 years ago hundreds of thousands of people gathered to hear martin luther king's king jr's iconic i have a dream speech the recent police shooting of african american jacob blake has reignited tensions over police violence against people of color in the u.s. . ties their hands gathered on the steps
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of the lincoln memorial. the anti-racism demonstration against police brutality in the u.s. was held on the. first story of another famous protest. on august 28th 1963 march in luther king jr brought his nonviolent civil rights movement to the national mall. it would become one of the largest and most iconic rallies to take place in this location. it is where king made his i have a dream speech current activists echoed what many historians have called one of the best speeches of the 20th century. is dream is still alive you write it killed the dream but you can't kill the dream because truth crushed earth shall rise again we go raw as never to fall
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again we will stand up even when our lives are tired we've got to make this dream come true. king's vision of racial equality remains elusive for the millions who mourn george floyd and many other african-americans who lost their lives at the hands of us police. my brother cannot be a voice today we have to be there for us why we have to be the change and we have to be his legacy. thank you from the floor for. the latest high profile victim of police violence jacob blake survives but is in critical condition in hospital. according to the family lawyer he may never walk
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again. 57 years after marchin luther king jr gave his iconic speech his dream is yet to be realized. let's get more on this from good of your stuff and simon's was in washington stephan tell us more about today's event what kind of people showed up for it. people from all walks of life frankly and families this was a family event throughout the day that was. it was not a festival but it was very very sincere and people came there to really all remember 57 years ago i have a dream and the push by dr king for legislation legislation to equalize african-american lives with white live see in america given the same
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rights and well is that accomplished i think people today beg to differ who were there and there were as you said thousands and again from all walks of life african-americans latinos cook asian white people of course everybody who had an interest in exactly the same push and that is what this event was about to accomplish or to. work for today was legislation legislation george floyd legislation to make police departments transparent and eradicate structural racism in police departments and in the american justice and maybe among the most prominent people there taking part was towards floyd's family what was their message. their message was peace they want peaceful demonstrations they want. people to be outraged and rightfully so and
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they want peaceful demonstrations looting nobody needs that the floods always maintain this that looting and torching properties and so on is not the way to push this forward again there their main goal here is legislation in the senate the house. already discussed and decided on george floyd's legislations it's called like that and now it's the senate's term and this is what they were all here for today specifically the 4th there's been so much on resi united states most recently in a commercial wisconsin you were there police shot in the back unarmed black man just days ago how is this march linked to those events. and this is directly connected as much as jacob blake and the shooting of jake up late 7 times in the back is connected to george floyd you see the protests there
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did not reach the level of minneapolis until now there was not as much looting there was not as much torching arson. setting things. sparked the anger the pain is equally real and then and then you see this also as you all know and as we all know the shooting of 2 protesters 3 protesters one. injured and 2 dead by white self declared militia vigilante 17 year old teenager which brought this kenosha protest into a different sphere and on the next level unfortunately. simons in washington thank you very much. the death toll from hurricane laura has risen to at least 14 a day after it slammed into the southern united states on friday communities began cleaning up along the devastated louisiana coastline category 4 storm left hundreds
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of thousands of people without power and water authorities warn it could be weeks before those services return. some of the lucky survivors assessing the damages and hoping to rebuild this couple and stay behind the only survive by sheltering inside the whole way in the middle of their house. right. now we're not better than anybody at that please keep that return people safe thank you maybe if you. can laura had both louisiana and texas along the u.s. gulf coast one of the most powerful storms in recent history. but more than half a 1000000 people have fled hundreds of thousands are now without water and power. the roof you know i would imagine it would be like a tornado or something taking that roof off wealth or to use
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a basic services could be out for weeks or even longer. i'm glad i didn't stay because we do wind gusts ripping the rip off roofs off and the wind itself is going to create a noise that housing noise you'll never be able to forgive it and it would haunt you forever. full casas want to further damages as the storm system now move east with its it could turn into a heavy tropical storm in the next few days. actor chadwick boseman best known for his leading role in the marvel action movie black panther has died after a 4 year battle with cancer he was $43.00 bozeman played black icons jackie robinson james brown and thurgood marshall before winning international acclaim as the character king to challenge and black panther a statement on his twitter account says he died at his home in los angeles
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surrounded by his family. and let's go to los angeles now joined by correspondent k.j. matthews k.j. thanks for being here what does this loss mean for the film community. you know so many people here are just really shocked i think the main thing is a lot of people did not know that chadwick boseman was sick or that he was dealing with colon cancer or source for years apparently he was diagnosed in 2016 or in 2020 now so that means for the last 4 years he has been making films doing television show appearances all while undergoing chemotherapy so i think that just really has hit the hollywood community with shock and wondering wow you know we weren't even aware that he had an illness so people are just shocked and then they're just remembering him in his most iconic role which is what panther and kind of where do we go from here because so many people as particularly kids were
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looking forward to seeing him replies or role in the sequel so really just sad in so many celebrities you know saying things a director ava du vernay was tweeting about the sadness and how shocked she was single john legend actually said listen londo another actor ryan reynolds actor anson mount so the list just goes on just so many glowing things said and even actor josh gad took to instagram live with the look he was swelling up with tears just talking about his interaction with the actor and how he was so graceful. just kind of being in that marshall cell with him from a few years ago the list is long of accomplishments how is the best remembered. we're taking really serious critical role as you mention in the intro that you took on 3 biopics jackie robinson james brown and thurgood marshall all of those were 3 iconic african-americans here who broke the color barriers in really many as john
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was in this country and he took on all of those roles before he took on the superhero role in black panther so he was always a very quiet very why and very serious actor considering his age i last had interaction with him back in 2013 at the los angeles premiere of 42 the jackie robinson bio where i got to interview him on the red carpet and even there he was just so calm you know for his age and very serious and he was just one of those few actors that were young and really knew what he wanted to do in hollywood and the kind of market that he wanted to leave and so many people worked were touched by his death land definitely a lot of kids black kids all around the country looking up to him and not going to be missing him going forward as a master's in los angeles many thanks. and let's turn to soccer and liverpool coach yorkin club says there's no chance that he'll try to sign superstar player messi because he's too expensive messi who's regarded as one of the game's
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all time greats has told his club barcelona that he wants to leave that's put many top european teams on alert but every new product. everyone it seems wants a piece of lino messi these are the scenes in the salary 0 home of messi s boyhood club mules old boys a parade thanking him to return. to follow leo please come back while waiting for you with open arms lee i let's go. i have a. messy shocks the football world don't choose stay by announcing he wants you to leave possibly you know his team of nearly 20 years that's led to speculation about his future destination so what about liverpool the english champions coach jurgen klopp says that while he'd love to work with messi money is the problem. here who
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doesn't want to have messi and it's the end but you have no chance so. the numbers are absolutely not for us we don't even have to stop thinking about it it's all it's all clear now jess. one possible destination is here the edge he had stadium in manchester city a club with deep pockets led by pep squad. former coach at bossa. when i was you have been just a city and make it more than goats to be that which was already very difficult so that's it for the bromley would be great one of us and having the best. messi f.p. drawer for any club will competition. his next move is far from session. the n.b.a. playoffs will resume on saturday after the league and players reach an agreement on social justice concerns games have been halted for 3 days after the walking box
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refused to play in protest of the police shooting of jacob blake in their home state of wisconsin their action led other sports to follow suit the n.b.a. agreed to a number of social justice initiatives including turning basketball arenas into polling stations for the 2020 election. or watching u.w. news live from berlin they'll be more news at the top of the hour thanks for watching. we know this is very time for us the coronavirus is changing the world changing. so please take care of yourself keep your distance wash your hands if you can stay
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at how we do w. here for you we are working tirelessly to keep you informed on all of our platforms we are all in this studio and together to make it. stay you see everyone. stay safe stay safe please stay safe. this week on good stories. we look at a 2nd wave of coronavirus infections in israel. and with that in mutu issue exhibition in berlin because we begin in mexico increasing numbers of mexico city residents have lost their jobs due to the coronavirus pandemic and can no longer
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pay their rent many families are now facing homelessness but the government isn't offering much by way of help fashion designer is last hasn't been able to pay his rent since april because of the corona crisis his landlord gave him 5 months to leave his home work space where he's lived for 18 years he had to accept or face a forced eviction it's a situation he's increasingly witnessed in this neighborhood of the historic city center. were i was worried because i saw others being evicted there used to be print shops on the ground floor they were involved in a lawsuit. then one day the police showed up on the very day that legal protection ended they were evicted by the police. a survey by the habitat international coalition shows that more than 10 percent of mexico
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city's tenants have been forced from their homes during the pandemic 61 percent say they won't be able to pay their rent in the coming months a neighborhood platform led by a sad joke on silas has proposed a rent law to stop a victuals during the pandemic and instead find solutions. every year mexico city sees more than $3000.00 of actions an estimated 20 to 30 percent of these are carried out in violation of basic legal requirements. the government must stop treating tenants like commodities and it should set rent price limits. of the mass. to mitigate the effects of the pandemic the mexican government is promoting alternatives aimed at helping homeowners buy or sell property and it's also subsidizing new construction but the measures exclude 15 percent of mexican households the 2500000 people who are
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tenants a capitalist weighing a reform that would ban evictions in cases where no rental contract exists but as the city's head of urban planning admits no concrete steps are being taken to protect tenants. says your group is you know what we urgently need to draft a new rent law that protects everyone's rights in equal measure making them whenever he was the governor in. the right to housing made even harder to insure by the corona crisis. in a brothel in one of the most densely populated cities in israel to a large ultra-orthodox population it's become one of the country's worst coronavirus hotspots motion morgan stanley manages the city's coronavirus task force its challenging work. most in morgan's turn is on his way to the main synagogue in the center of the neighbors are home to
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a largely ultra orthodox or hardly community the synagogue is closed because of the time to make people have to pray outside. without marking stern who works as a lawyer managers in this free time crooner task force. this is dick. men the general public against the us are also dogs and again it's been a. rough only people's dream to have a demon all sick and that they're infecting people that it's evil but it's not true i don't think there's any other community that keeps the rules as strictly as we deal with a commitment of all we thought we were. over 2400 residents are currently infected with call that 19 and their new cases every day in a brac is one of the most densely populated cities in israel. yes boy. the auto healer boardman's for 20 family members shares 75 square meters and one
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bathroom one shower if one person gets sick everyone will get sick. on a simple of many don't have internet no smart phones they can get information online but this information on billboards. made a lot of adult the minister palate he has now set up a so-called war room to handle the crisis this is modern stern and his team supported by the israeli army work every day of the week except about was some ultra orthodox communities forbid the use of modern technologies morgan's dance team rely on them every neighborhood is monitored to help isolate people who have tested positive for the virus and we check those people who are newly infected and send them out of the city if they agreed to it of course because we believe that the more cases we move out the less karuna will spread in this city. a
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family of 8 needs to be placed in quarantine in jerusalem they're taken by ambulance to one of the hotels that have been turned into quarantine centers run by the israeli military. morgan stern is back on the road the virus keeps him busy all the time. it's hard it's very difficult and very demanding but it don't give up someone is watching over us. been a block is taking up the task to keep the virus from spreading further just like the rest of the country which is in the midst of a 2nd wave of the pandemic. since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic in china the nation's government has faced criticism from other countries for the way it disseminate information but people in china are also fighting against what they say are beijing's efforts to cover up the epidemic.
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this small neighborhood park news home ensuring journal is a place filled with memories for john high. student is all for last year my father used to sit at this place. every time i come to these familiar places places i used to visit with my father. i'm overwhelmed with grief at the same time i feel anger jungly far john highs father was a veteran of china's nuclear testing program he was a 100 and but he spent his last years at his son's home in the coastal city of shenzhen about 1000 kilometers from one in january he broke his leg as a veteran he enjoyed good medical insurance but he was required to get treated in his hometown. so when he needed treatment i took him to.
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and when he was in hospital i sat by as. this was my way to show my love for him. at that time covered 19 was already spreading in the city and local officials were reassuring people that the virus could not be transmitted from person to person alive as it later turned out. johnny foster good for one week before he died his body was immediately taken for cremation. in my opinion the officials who covered of the disease in its early days have behaved like criminals. china since largely managed to control the spread of the virus life is back to normal in most places the government prides itself on its ability to contain new outbreaks through testing and quarantine the public mood has shifted from anger to appreciation of the government's response and those who want to remember the sufferings of the past and the pressure to keep quiet john lyons try to file
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a case in court against your story at least his case was rejected his social media accounts were shut down he has received threats from the authorities so this isn't . these events have left us relatives of the victims with a boundless feeling of pain it's a pain that will stay for the rest of our lives but the local authorities just say this matter is already over their tone shows a complete disregard of other people's lives. more cynical. all that's left of his father's live pictures of happier days john has not even retrieved his ashes from the crematorium for fear of public anger the government requires that victims have to be buried in the presence of fishel the condition here a few. last story brings us to germany after
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more than 2 years of work the jewish museum berlin has opened a new permanent exhibition it depicts jewish life in germany in the past and in the present day and tackles the topic of anti-semitism in a new way what's life like for jewish people in germany today what challenges do they face and what makes them happy better than jewish museum has been thinking about this for the past 2 and a half years and offers up some answers in a new exhibition. a collection has been created in which jews can recognize themselves in their living environment it's also known jewish visitors concrete unlearn a lot of the wealth of jewish and german jewish relationships. a new start in the management of the museum dutchwoman haiti baird over in april sees the new exhibition as a long overdue reaction to cultural changes. first of all the audience is
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changed there are less and less people that have experienced the 2nd world war personally and many people came into germany they don't have a personal relation to the history of the 20th century in germany and of course many jews came to germany so it's also a revival of jewish life how has jewish life changed in germany and where to problems still exist a video installation encourages dialogue about the ever present search for identity . through virtual reality visitors can see destroyed synagogues restored to their former glory those who see what has been lost feel the loss protect their the keenly. the museum has taken center stage in germany's capital for 20 years a spectacular zigzag building by daniel leaders can't from above a broken star of david insight
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a desk and starting path through german jewish history in 2018 the exhibition welcome to jerusalem made headlines many thought it was too anti zionist when it a marriage that then director peter schaffer also supported the palestine related b.d.'s organization the scandal was para fact schieffer resigned petty beric never accept the challenge and just looking forward to stimulating debate the jewish museum in berlin stands in an interesting field of tension on the one hand it has to present the history and culture on the other hand it has to reject. all the dynamic developments in society. and show the jewish perspective on this from sunday the museum will finally be open to every one again.
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playing. good shape. is a constant companion. and it makes us a little. headaches dizziness and tonight as just some misses it can be caused by not. listening. and what can we do about it. in good shape. next. week i'll told by germany's until spring racetrack for speedsters it's a dream come true. calling susie a sky shining cake gives it back heavy footsteps to the bow speed limit. no problem. what does
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a crash researcher take lead. in 16 d.w. . what secrets lie behind the scenes while. discover new adventures in 360 degree. and explore fascinating world heritage sites the play w world heritage $360.00 get kidnapped now. look up. the. blood. mum stop. ok wouldn't it be great if you could silence noise. just like
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that we all know this only works on t.v. let's face it if i would sit here every single day i would presumably be dead or sick in any case especially road traffic noise is a risk to your health and well being headaches dizziness and tonight is just some illnesses that can be caused by noise. a moment of quiet nothing but. blissful. but unfortunately. our everyday lives are usually different when confronted with all sorts of noise 24 hours a day closing out isn't an option sounds become noise when they disturb us often when they're very loud but it's not just a question of volume psychologist cristal says noise can't be described in purely physical terms. noise isn't an acoustic property it's
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a sensation but it is related to the acoustic properties of the sound. the louder the sound the more likely it is to bother me so it also depends on the situation. if my favorite bands playing a concert i won't mind it being really loud but if i want to sleep my favorite band hopefully won't be playing in my living room and an important factor is whether or not you have control. a sound that i can turn on and off is less likely to disturb me than something like street noise or aircraft noise because i can't control those . noises in our environment can especially become a problem when we're completely at their mercy it's no wonder that lots of people are affected by traffic noise and noise can cause illness even if we've become so used to a soundscape that we no longer consciously perceive it noises can still affect our health. for example scientists are studying the connections between noise
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pollution and mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression. and it meant such to noise pollution is a huge factor in stress especially if it persists for years as a gate we just completed a new study where we were able to show that noise pollution can predict the onset of anxiety and depression even 5 years later as well as insomnia for you know sort of stuff still. but not everyone can choose where they live and work for many the only option is to cope with noise as best they can put it in fear. and i would advise people not to limit themselves because of concerns about noise but to continue with their activities and do the things they enjoy stress up to pound that's an important way of reducing stress and then you can avoid the vicious circle of noise pollution and possible anxiety or depression it's often. these
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days away seeds of quiet are rare and therefore precious. the important thing is to seek them out. as the philosopher friedrich nietzsche remarked the greatest events are not on noisiest but our stillest hours. and next spring at the technical university of berlin since january 2019 he works at the institute of fluid mechanics and technical accusatives where he researches noisy face and noise assessment among other things. hi hello over the period hi i don't know i see these here as if you do what's he doing here i measure the top of the level also good traffic noise at this very busy street there so it's quite noisy isn't it yeah as expected it's. much lower than 70 to be an average so it's very loud so it wouldn't be very appropriate to live here yes i would like to have me to ok so what about if you go to something more quiet great ok.
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it's a very very busy street it's very noisy a difference between noise and just sound yes there's a difference and. is noise as i don't want to know is if you think it's inappropriate it detail it's a noise and therefore it is a psychological phenomenon it is not the physical event it's in the printed auditory event this makes it sound to unwanted noise so it depends on my perception of what i do about this. yes yes and therefore it is difficult to measure if such a device unwanted noise because it is it is your perception. a lot of engineers tried to reduce noise from cars but it's in the lazy so so why is this there's a simple reason because we have so many cars on all of our roads so i think of it
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as a single car is quieter than another parsed but we have much more cars on the roads and therefore the road traffic noise is quite high in our cities so but when you take a look at all the capitals in this world to me that cities are getting bigger and bigger and more mobility more mobility so can we do anything about the noise there are some approaches to promote develop being in cities to reduce noise on the technical side but also to offer something less torque to places like parks green areas because we can observe that it is quite quite beneficial for the for the health and life satisfaction for people living in cities but be divided say well i love this noise here it's great it's a booming city and i like to watch all the cars and i like it here and there's still some net negative effects i mean. i would say it helps if you have
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a positive thinking in a positive attitude towards the noise over city then it might decrease to a certain extent potential health effects but be caught close our ears silvie are always listening. and therefore he cannot really adapt to noise it always stress therefore you can't avoid any health related risk. in with a think that there's a nice solid even if i like the lawyers even feel like a lawyer but it's quite simple if you listen to a lot of music over a long time then of course you will. have hearing impairment after several years at its most exposure so let's 1st have a look at how our ears work and how they do this 24 seventh's. this is how dangerous prehistoric times when you shut your eyes for some well
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earned rest and not even knowing it you're on the dinner menu for the competing species. bum's. that's all it takes despite sleep mode the ia is wide awake it's registered the telltale sound and in a flash it transmits the signal to the control centers a moment later the adrenal gland releases the stress hormones adrenalin and noradrenalin they activate the unarmed systems in all the important tool in. the heart immediately steps on the gas to increase the body's oxygen supply. blood vessels constrict blood pressure bryce's digestion is now of minor importance it gets decoupling from the bloodstream maximum blood supply has to go to parts of the body needed for survival right now the muscles a crucial. a rude awakening but at least the internal systems are already running at full speed so phyto flight in this case best to make
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a speech yesterday. if you have is close but now it's time to replenish the lost energy. after a short delay the stress hormone cortisol is also taking effect fat from the body's deposits is being mobilized. in the liver sugar is manufactured and released into the blood. cortisone ensures that we don't run out of fuel when fleeing from danger it's an intriguing yes survival strategy for emergencies. but ever since we traded life in the wilderness for roads houses and traffic there's been a problem the alarm system that protected us by peds from saber tooth tigers for thousands of years now seems to have run its course. even though modern sources of noise can be annoying they rarely signal life threatening danger. but have
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a gnome system still react in the same way be wary of saber tooth tigers to prepare for a fight or flight. so stress hormones are released on one test during sleep and particular cortisol levels a permanently elevated when there's continuous noise we get into a fight or flight mode our blood pressure goes up and energy is quickly made available in the blood. even if it isn't needed. in the long term that can cause health problems too high levels of sugar and liquids in the blood and type of attention can be precursors to cardiovascular disease. sic windows are the only permanent solution to help us sleep soundly and to give our in a a gnome system some rest. even in our modern world there are some loud noises that are somewhat outdated warning system should respond to. when it comes to distinguishing between annoying and life threatening sounds. human evolution
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still has a long way to go. we've got something more listen closely. andrea garcia is getting ready for bed but 1st he setting up a gadget that will measure the noise levels in his room because it's going to be a noisy night. while he's asleep he will be exposed to the noise of airplanes flying overhead. tonight it will be 30 planes tomorrow night 60. andrea tries to sleep as best he can he's in for a restless night. people who live near airports have to put up with a lot of noise often until late at night and then again from early in the morning.
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thomas mental has spent 7 years studying what noise does to our bodies the cardiologist is especially interested in the noise of airplanes at night which many people struggle with. the idea of studying aircraft noise at night is based on major studies that have shown clear link between insufficient or interrupted sleep and a greater risk of cardiovascular conditions so heart attacks strokes cardiac arrhythmias or cardiac insufficiency. could too much noise be the cause the next morning and drag garcia goes to the clinic to be examined the doctors use ultrasound to evaluate the blood flow through his arteries that will show how elastic they are as a result of his poor night's sleep his arteries are less flexible because andrea was healthy his body would repair the damage but that isn't the case with everyone . you say i have coronary heart disease for example and i'm exposed to
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aircraft noise at night then the condition of my arteries deteriorates and before then i have to assume that this noise related deterioration of my arteries will lead to more heart attacks or cardiac arrhythmias heart failure and so on. so how come noise affects our blood vessels. that's something thomas mental has been investigating in mice when the rodents are exposed to the sound of airplanes their bodies produce more stress hormones they also suffer inflammation of the arteries because free radicals seen here in brown are formed in their cells. that you see in those. 100 garcia has now had a 2nd night of aircraft noise again he has not slept well the cardiologist want to know whether his body has got used to the noise in which case his arteries all to be a little more flexible this time and less affected by his lack of sleep but the
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ultrasound shows the opposite to having the i was confronted with. we've discovered that once an individual has had exposure to noise at night the deterioration of the arteries is considerably worse the following night. this huysman in other words your blood vessels don't get used to the noise the damage inflicted on them is actually more pronounced. studies have shown that aircraft noise at nice not only damages blood vessels but also the brain causing it to age faster the doctors have discovered that memory and the ability to learn are impaired as a result. mice exposed to aircraft noise and this study for example were less able to remember where the rescue platform was in the water. the results of the study can be transferred to humans. we can start speaking of the point is we know that children who live near airports develop
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a learning ability and memory more slowly and we can get one for our research results explain the cause of this phenomenon very well. people constantly exposed to noise at night are at increased risk of high blood pressure atrial fibrillation strokes and heart attacks depression can be another resulting factor the scientists are now working on a drug designed to reduce the harmful effects of noise in the body. even though getting a peaceful night's sleep on a regular basis would of course be the best medicine. oh well i do love my headphones i have to admit and many young people are wearing head phones all over the day this is a problem. this is a problem in fact see that we have. gotten persons already showing some kind
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of hearing loss and this might be due to the extent of use of. mobile i devices and the consumption of music and other stuff close to the ears because we have been high levels at that your drum and this will cause hearing impairment after several years is that just because they just pump up the volume that it's very loud insiders another problem as well but have fans there 1st of all the allow this of all you is a decisive factor as well as of course the duration how long. do they listen to such sounds in this loudness and to the expression of the dose the loudness as well as the exposure time and we have to be aware that it is very close to the ear and so we have already very loud. levels at the drum but honestly i
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do have to turn up the volume because when i'm sitting here in this noisy road next to me i won't hear my music unless i just pump up the volume. gauge indicates how dangerous this is so we have to really to mask the environmental noise in order to hear the music or the or your content and this shows what kind of volume or loudness we have at that your drum so it's even much louder than usual ordinary and i'm going to long as there's an app for that. i always do measurements with a modern smartphone so this is an app called ear action and you can just press the button and then you can see how noisy it is the wrong so is it is that of any value . i think it can be very valuable for young people in order to. assess the risk. of noise assault then they can measure and get a number and can decide whether it's too loud so i need some recovery time for my
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hearing system because if you have for a solid presell of 80 or 85 to be then. you know it's might be critical after the exposer time for my hearing system for my hears so otherwise you can just damage it yes yes and such f. can show. off their noise around and then you can decide where maybe to leave. me the way. you think you know. anyone looking for peace and quiet has come to the wrong place a flat ground engages all the senses a sea of lights for the eyes sweet treats for the tongue at a symphony of sounds for yeah. but what does it feel like when something goes wrong.
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i mean is kiersten i was suddenly hit by a loss of hearing and now everything sounds much dollar but i'm slowly getting used to what i do still hear things like the clatter of the rollercoaster you also want to. turn is now almost completely deaf in how to write. the sudden hearing loss was probably caused by stress. to the world now sounds. much less vibrant. she can still hear well with her left ear. but one air alone can't do the work of 2. for example she can no longer determine exactly where the sound is coming from. some quit in her own ability you need both fires to hear well that allows you to
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recognize sounds and also to hear where there might be a source of danger that's why it's so important to look after your ears off the passage. with only one ear working properly spatial hearing is in pad another common problem is tenet has a constant ringing in me as. it's usually brought on by prolonged exposure to loud noise. when our hearing is simply overwhelmed we can start to hear a certain sound even if there's no real external source it's usually a kind of whistling and it's always that day and night. it will stick it's a torment and there's no guarantee it will go away it's best to learn to live with it i mean. people suffering from tinnitus hear something they don't want to hear while those who are deaf hear nothing at all. impaired hearing lies somewhere
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between these 2 extremes and it can have many different causes. the main causes of stress illness and excessive noise in the environment. but hearing also declines as we get older. children can hear frequencies of between 16 and 20000 hertz grown ups gradually lose the very high frequencies. the more our hearing range diminishes the greater the impact on our every day life . sound frequencies are to the ear what colors are to the eye the fewer we perceive the less information we can register. saying oh it impaired hearing can affect any pitch from the low notes to the high notes such as birdsong or children's weiss's or the screeching hear in the background as i said yeah i mean i call it.
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the ability to hear a wide range of sounds from low pitch too high is key to distinguishing speech from background noise that becomes ever harder as the range diminishes at some point voice and noise become indistinguishable everything melts into what dull blur of sound. as a rule when one's hearing gets that bad the doctors can't do much to help. so we need to protect out he has as best we can. if we're plagued by persistent stress tormenting our ears with nasty. we risk losing our hearing altogether. we still in 1000000000 but somewhere less noisy so is it important to give us some rest yes definitely. we see in our studies that it is quite beneficial colleville
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being unsatisfaction to go to quite areas and relax there that is a very good thing also for our human hearing but also for the body and or health and i mean this is less noisy in the place next to the street but there's still some noise coming from there you can see this people are working so that annoys me a bit but if i would sing loud i would hear some great music it wouldn't annoy me at all if this is a typical human reaction yes i would say yes because if you think it is unnecessary it's about a bill such noise then you have a very strong. emotion and strong annoyance reaction and it shows it's not the physical event itself it's that whether it's necessary or water bill or not and this really drives also the reactions and responses when you take a look at daily life so what can you practically do to protect your ears and to get
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some quiet around the day ok one important thing is to go to such places and relax and you can also contribute to a quite the environment by buying quite product like a quite printer or alone more or some. things you use in your daily life. this can really help to have acquired an environment you can benefit from it and others as well so it's not all about planes and cars and industrial noises and yes you are right it is also about. noise from neighbors we see much more complains about the noise from neighbors over days that might be due to using increasing noise awareness that we know about the health effects to us health effects due to noise so much more critical and sensitive to such analysis and if you be considerate to other people respectful to
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other people if you buy products then you can contribute to a quite violent it's not only about technical solutions for making. traffic noise it's also our behavior so in my own personal noise can be intrusive definitely yes definitely in particular if people think it's unnecessary it's unnecessary then always then we will see strong reactions to it so what you could do for a quiet environment is. very quietly and. in good shape your weekly health. covers many aspects of health care. what's new in medical treatment nutrition fitness and beauty. we discuss these topics in depth with specialists and give you the chance to pose your own questions so do get in
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yet living in the digital world shift. 15 minutes on d w. the be all told ma berman is still the frame racetrack for speedsters it's a dream come true above all enthusiasm high shining gives a back heavy foot 10 the bow speed limit leno probably doesn't crash research or think the best sunday w. . slick. carefully i don't know if this is simply. to get.
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much. discomfort to. play. subscribe to the documentary on you tube. life her. coming to am to blame. coincidence led to the previously as earth was just a messy chemistry lab some opposition the sun. where the impossible cut through the last of the creation of our solar system with our planet is a bit like winning the lottery that comes up there is
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a little bit of. what is earth where you need to start september 18th on g.w. . played . this is directly in his life in berlin echoes of history as u.s. protesters are a new. calls for racial justice 57 years after martin luther king jr's i have a dream speech tens of thousands gather on the same sponsor the rally follows another shooting of a black man by police also on the show picking up the pieces after hurricane laura
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