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tv   ZDF Bauhaus  Deutsche Welle  August 31, 2020 2:00am-3:01am CEST

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with the biggest composer of all time i conti can begin to imagine. moon's times horn player single willis for a new musical journey of discovery. 2 world without beethoven starts to tender $68.00 oh and b.t.w. . this is d w news these are our top stories police in the bellary scene capital minced have arrested more than 100 anti-government protesters who are demanding that president alexander lukashenko step down tens of thousands of people returned to the streets 3 weeks into protests prompted by luke shank those disputed election victory russian president vladimir putin has offered to send in security forces. german lawmakers from across the political spectrum as well as president from father steinmeyer have condemned saturday's rushing of the parliament building in
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berlin during a protest against the government's pandemic policies hundreds of far right activists and science than ayers overwhelmed police and occupied the steps of their eyes start police regain control of the situation before they can get into the building. police in portland oregon have launched a homicide investigation after a protester was killed the victim was shot dead as 4 years of president clash with black lives matters of protest protestors portland mayor ted wheeler blamed trump himself for stoking the racial unrest. this is due to your news from berlin follow us on twitter and instagram d w news or visit our website get up your dot com. find
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out why bees are not only busy but also music later in the show. and with that very well welcome to new edition of your own max let's see what else we have lined up for a new. hour how a pastry chef and hollywood celebrities and. probably very end king this thank you enjoy the beautiful helps. the leader of the again it's the no of and it's silly is very popular destination for decades the venice film festival has taken place here every year the greatest names in motion pictures visit the international event this year the festival is
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set comments on september 2nd but with the coronavirus pandemic raging procedures have changed and the festival will be a little more modest than usual so it might look a little different compared to this photo from the past we took a trip to the lido before the festival kicks in to visit some of the most attractive and well known locations on the island. the lido diva needs is only 15 minutes by water bust. from venice is only town the island 11 kilometers long and 1.5 kilometers wide is located in the venetian lagoon and protects the city from the and see this venetian district is much quieter than the city center and that is exactly what appeals to and salvadoran she lives on the island and loves this unique but the leader was not always known as a holiday destination. so in vientiane times these were norm by the greek and the
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romans all the way to the central german regions it was a commercial route that was also very protected by the british and since there were fortresses needed 3 fortresses with a marine fun tree and 2 engine villages at the edge of really the rest of lead there was a wilderness until the meat of the 19th century when the beach resorts freshens that their leader was one of the most exclusive beach resorts in the world from that time on the words. the main town which like the island is also called lido and not just on the island with about $7000.00 inhabitants as in the old town of venice there are numerous small cannot see at. the more than $250.00 venice in the center of lido are an architectural highlight. this style goes from
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a mix of these could be. here new york. new your roman neal byzantine so. the old style but the old mixed together sometimes the lido is famous worldwide for the venice international film festival despite the coronavirus pandemic the festival is taking place this year as preparations are in full swing the golden lion is not only field. for the best film but also decorates that. in the course of time the building built in 1937 was extended several times and is still the main venue today i'm really. down for every i was seeing more than one movie a day and so i'm still 3. and like me most of the now because. of the civil. the 1st venice film festival
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took place in 1982 only a few metres away from the cinema it was held on the terrace of the grand hotel. by the italian architect. it is still a meeting place for movie stars. are incredible because they were built at the turn of the 19 and early 20th century there were 5 stars with their private to be swimming pool and all. only 15 minutes. from very nice. was also made famous by thomas. in venice from 1911 the german right off the stage on the island. the main attraction of the lead. is and names the beach it stretches along the entire side of the island that is open to the after. the word
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comes from latin and means speech will coast a special feature here of the so-called cup on this. beach. is more caught the g.'s that are used by the people that go to the beach to have. shade and changing room. only a few minutes away from the ferry you can find. a restaurant phoenician cuisine is famous for insufficiency. dishes and featured on the menu. from the terrace you have a wonderful view of venice is old town. and today relaxing on the lido deep beneath the sea. and here's another spot where you can meet celebrities a small pastry shop in nice a city in western germany near frankfurt what do you expect to see celebrities like
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brad pitt or johnny depp there well actually you can and you can not only meet them there you can also eat them they're. sculpts movie celebrities as cakes in her bakery then your craik with chocolate isn't that a dream come true. whether it's hollywood star brad pitt. johnny depp as captain jack sparrow. or british actor daniel craig as cheap. from big any celebrity as a kid. i 1st discovered banking decorating in modeling after my son was born and i had to bake a cake for him and that's how it all started when. she turned her hobby into a profession. she's run her bakery in the western german city of these bad since
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2019. to de niro speaking british actor daniel craig in his role as james bond. holder sweet portrayed stark the staple for meat of rice krispies and kate. i sculpt the cake and form a head so i can get the nose and all the features right. including come with the plots for there's room for the eyes. and the nose goes here. the next step is to smother the celebrity cake in modeling chocolate 2 to 3 kilograms of it hurt. me originally for caucus i loved working with a. modeling chocolate it's like working with clay except you can eat it. it's very easy to work with. then comes the critical phase
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sculpting the features. here. in the extreme lee steady hand. and a sharp eye for the smallest details. for up to 4 days to get that skin color every wrinkle or shade. just right. once you've got the right time and this shine in the eye it looks absolutely brilliant. and this is the finished creation daniel craig s w 7 as a kid. and for your taste buds. it's almost to bite into the work of art. that's the art of the day it's a cake you have to eat it that's why it's made of chocolate so people will eat it
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if you make something like this for a kid without a 2nd thought and in a blink of an eye it's gone thanks. he finds inspiration in the amazing lifelike sculptures by britain. and. by american in israel. next to. the next. celebrity i want to make will be nelson mandela i like his life story what he did during his life. and what it means for the lives of other people mention. her celebrity creations cost up to $450.00 your roof. but how often do we have a chance to take a real favorite hollywood star. i
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wonder how many calories there are in a movie star cake and talking about things to eat if you're interested in more european specialties and how to make them you can find lots more reports to whet your appetite on our you tube channel g w food he's a taste of what we have to offer. delicacies. stories. in louisiana. the smell amazing the best chefs with their best tips from meat dishes to begin diets in the form of the recipe secrets while. europe's diversity is a smorgasbord of my list i'm going to. subscribe and enjoy deep w. for. king luke fish the 2nd reigned over bavaria in the late 19th century today he is known as the
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fairytale king because the cast lots and palaces he left behind have a touch of magic. not only splendor and luxury but nature as well this month he would have turned $175.00 to mark the event a new book of photos of the king's favorite spots in the bavarian alps has just been released we took a royal tour of some of these beautiful places and you are welcome to join us. bill varian so the scene of the crime close to bill's and legends many revolve around king with big the 2nd who lived here in the 1000 century imagineer and authors unjustified and has followed his traces critically thinking look fake was a great nature lover a mountain of a mountain this side of him is barely known and that is what fascinates me about him her fascination prompted her to work together with photographer stefan
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rosenberg on a book of photos of a king looted expression for the mountains. today's entrepreneurs tour begins at the door who follows. this is where the king resided and spent the longest period of his life. standing in stark contrast at the edge of the surrounding park is a colorful moroccan hopes this is the tower wonder how the original charming house was featured at the paris world's fair. looks like heard about it and had it transported here in guns it's absolutely enchanting with its r e n told style. change the styles very deliberately. in the midst of the strict beat of my a period like many of us who needed an escape and this house embodied the idea of orientalism of celtic in horrors and water pipes with a bath and look they can lift out that fantasy in this house and isn't how it's all
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it's. own the moroccan house king live big straight up into the mountains. the 2nd green the bavaria from 186-4286. he's known as the fairy tale as he is less remembered for his governing skills and in his extravagant building projects such as noice french banks castle. zhamnov frydenberg also takes us to the last well known sites king route the creek went to . such as the. mountain lodge. it's not that easy to reach. its looked like he had also done mostly to get one look they came up here his footman had to carry his both top up for him. to take wouldn't go without his comforts so he brought along his champagne on his wine and had kegs of beer carried
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out for his servants. it took 20 men to hole everything up here. in his younger days the king often rode up to the lodge on horseback he celebrated birthdays and dined here for help and curtain up this really is a very special place it's simply fantastic you can see this is to push this a peak in the background and the better shine range and it's quite a panoramic landscape no 2 week mew have beautiful it is. our tour through the period of our lives leads past one breathtaking view after another the next point also cast a spell on king live it is one of the deepest largest openly make. and then on to mount. the deacon heritage the hunting lodge is upon his father's death
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but as an animal lover he immediately prohibited hunting in the area. of experience the point flies a bit higher up a privilege and that's now been faithfully rebuilt after the original was destroyed in a fire. does he has all this is king looked like the seconds of viewing pavilion he had more of them built on the surrounding piigs and like to see and read and rest up in them. and to enjoy this. from the u.s. landscape that was his kingdom so the feeling up here is indescribable to me it's like flying. sandra has collected her impressions and her. real tribute to the period and its fury still came.
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and from bavaria to sweeten now as it's time to meet in other major lava danya vest he creates och works from the one he collects in the forest for example spoon his what carvings are usually not used in the kitchen but show in exhibitions the world over we've met best at his house insolvent sweden to humor about why he finds wood so fascinating and why he chose to work with it. sensual is strong and hard yet soft and flexible at the same time the hope and the
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lie was only i see the spear as an architect of america and unless it comes to it has a symbolism and a lot of thought i needed as well as a certain aesthetic i. was sitting with. that on i mean it's done your best. and i work with would. call going from a forest is a place right to relax and reenergize at the same time. it's also a place that inspires me a lot less things or a forest is fantastic. just knowing about the moment i'm working on these long spoons i need beechwood for them is a blond wood with a very light green fairly pale and not really all that exciting but still majestic and beautiful so it's going to be beach store perfect then. we'll be able.
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to. circumvent 123 or even 4 of these fabulous long shapes out of that. for a little. that's his living as a commercial photographer the only started in 2016 the 1st exhibition soon followed for example in stockholm and.
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i started my desire not to have to work for other people to do my own thing. to find a means of expression that's really. the idea at 1st was to explore this as an object and find other forms and those were used to. relate to the search for like the longing for it you seek the light and have to stretch yourself. and when you stretch yourself open yourself up and become on. top chef daniel. that's to is designing a complete set of wooden table where for the top swedish astronomer with 2 mitchel in star these creations are designed to be used. i think is
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really magical. it's beautiful just beautiful here it would almost disappears. i 1st i didn't realize the bulls were also made of wood i don't. know but i have that's finished now it's pliable and strong at the same time and it aspires also were ever upwards towards the light. here that's most important than ever forwards and upwards. these are best known for making money but then you know they can also make music
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d.j. and big deal is sam translates the humming sound that beast make into electronic music he does this to raise awareness for the a collage of problems that tretton why of bees with extinction we met a camera shy d.j. and be a lover in the british capital london to take a close look at how he produces his so called in sick tech and use it. keeping bees and working as a d.j. odd normally activities that most people would see as related in any way but not for b m e 7 his music comes from the buzzing of bees produces cool beats with it and has a message for his listeners as being the hearts of loss of a set during the time i was trying to make a performer some audio piece
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a statement to get the silence to speak for themselves people connect to great through silence. be an essential study to art and design and began his experimental music while he was still a student he calls it insect at. 'd the mo. d. he uses a special software to isolate the different frequencies of the bees a minute. there are 3 types of being a high this is the queen the workers the draw was in the charge of their own frequency right. so the crane has a high pitch piping sound homeworkers has economy midrange sound drunk by all being asked to produce babies so. he uses a scanner to record the sounds made by the builds the frame he built is fitted with
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microphone just under a digital recorder which can capture hours of buzzing in the be hived. being nice always tinkering with new instruments for his music once he's filled the recorders memory and the london pardon me sent to takes it home to his studio he analyzes the bee sounds and arranges them through various synthesizers to create a track when you put sounds all of this become a carnival lastic so unique. the. interface for this synthesizer is to be flowing into the flower. it's moved. around in the next the sound would.
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be any samples taken his sound installations all over the world for example to the oz electronica festival in linz austria and the media ought to be an ally in fatfat poland. always takes to the stage in a beekeeper suit he wants to remain anonymous he wants the listeners to concentrate solely on the music. that this year his performance as a concert. during lockdown of luckily being able to come appear to my be is just meditates. you know regardless of the pandemic in lockdown i receive the bees just carry on as normal. and not happy that there's not as much pollution. this year. if his bees are happy any semblance to his sounds are a hit especially with young audiences at the same time they raise awareness of the
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worldwide decline of the populations. and that brings us to the end of the program but don't forget to poll us on social media and visit our website there you can find out how to draw from this watch in an exclusive euro max these are until we meet again by about or.
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do it yourself kenyan style to lincoln more my bills electric wheelchairs from scrap metal. he wants to help people with physical disabilities in an environmentally conscious way his clients are very enthusiastic. about. global 3000. next.
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the power of pictures. the turn of events in poland that changed europe forever. that any moment someone could ask you to take out your camera and get ready to go into good. solid dollar mill show solidarity documented by independent filmmakers. in 45 minutes on d w. beethoven is for me. is for you. is for health. beethoven is for her. beethoven it is for the.
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beethoven is for cars. is for the love. beethoven 202250th anniversary here on. welcome to global 3000. this week we go to paris to find out how the pandemic is reshaping the fashion industry as we know it. we had to go to thailand where traffic congestion dogs the lives of commuters but there are alternatives. but we begin in iran where a crisis might economy and
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a 2nd wave of the coronavirus attesting people's limits. one country 3 crises the 1st is political iran's government is built around ayatollah khomeini and president rouhani a set up that's viewed with suspicion by the u.s. israel and saudi arabia in particular iran is also in broyles in the long running proxy wars in syria and yemen then there's the economy strict u.s. sanctions have left iran in dire economic straits flagging oil revenues rising inflation recession even before the pandemic the economy was struggling now it's hit rock bottom. and then there's the health crisis iran was one of the 1st countries outside china to face high coronavirus infection figures. 6 months later the virus is still not under control. how are you rainy and coping
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with all of this. after every customer disinfect his car inside and out he tells us that no one would get into his taxi otherwise despite this most people are still avoiding taxes for fear of getting infected business is today. it will drive us around to run all day finally a good assignment for him. i have a few customers who still haven't gone out because of the coronavirus crisis i go to the bank for them or shopping in the supermarket but i still only earn half as much as before the coronavirus crisis. runs grand bazaar here you'll understand why the numbers are going up again he says to me it stops at the entrance gate saying he'll go no further than here. i don't go in there it's very narrow and it's covered it's way too crowded the risk of getting infected is too high you can see for yourself i don't need to see anymore. most people in
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tehran are wearing masks but hardly anyone observe social distancing. we have an appointment with dr immunologist and adviser to the national coronavirus committee in just 6 days he built a covert 19 emergency clinic with the help of private donations iran is experiencing a 2nd wave of infections the government is reporting over 2000 new cases every day but any doubts that the number of confirmed cases overall is accurate. to calculate. exactly but in my opinion. real. statistics on. the country had got over the 1st wave of infections at the end of april travel and lockdown restrictions were at least shops and mosques began to gradually reopen but in early june the figures started rising again video posted online showed over crowded hospitals with patients on
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ventilators reports said the country lacked medical supplies and hospital staff were overwhelmed. no one is prepared to confirm those reports on camera many are also afraid to criticize the government's decision not to impose a new lockdown despite the rising number of cases. any policy of the government depends on the money culture. and the economy cannot exist. in our economy or for economy. the sanction. the people needs to war. around 300 patients are cared for every day in this clinic one in 10 is positive they're either put into quarantine or referred to hospitals may stay he has been here several times 2 weeks ago he tested positive for covert 19 today he came to get the
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results of his follow up test be right no longer a risk myself but i can infect others i'm supposed to stay in quarantine for another 5 days the situation has got really intense just a few days ago there was nothing going on here and today it's really for. me to meet our dr it he'd like the government to take more drastic action but knows there's little chance of that happening. government control forces strict quarantine we would need enough money but we simply don't have that the government would have to support the people financially so that we can meet our daily needs but evidently it's not able to do that alone well with. the countries in the midst of an economic crisis we need help with space at a jewelry designer who tells us more. 2 years ago we filmed him in his jewelry design school hundreds of students trained with him it was a real success story iranian craftsmanship sold worldwide.
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but then came the u.s. sanctions and the coronavirus he shows us around an empty school building and. i have branches in tehran shiraz god and other cities a total of 11 schools some cities are not red zones they have very few infections 2 schools are still open there but all the others are closed. because there was no support from the government he initially tried to continue in tehran he reduced the number of students and ensure the safe distance between the work spaces. show but things got worse i was also afraid to come to work it's all a bit complicated as you know the. there was some infections at the school but he doesn't want to talk about that he's worried about his students switching to the competition for now he's trying to get his company through the crisis with online
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courses. in the evening hamid parked his taxi in front of his house his 11 year old daughter is only allowed out with a face mask to ride her bike for a bit his wife hardly ever leaves the house. on the run i'm normally i didn't write you went to my apartment but now with the coronavirus my wife is very particular about safety so we better stay outside. parents live around the corner he hasn't visited them in months the few words exchanged at the window is all his parents are old and sick he tells us and his job is risky. my mother had cancer i watch out for her safety and often argue with my sister i tell her not to visit our parents but she still sometimes goes to help them someone has to do that and it's a balancing act that's tearing the country and its people a pass a struggle for survival in the midst of a pandemic sanctions. a rather different struggle takes
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place every day on the roads of sprawling urban areas around the world long traffic jam smoke filled cities c o 2 emission vehicles will this go on forever so far the statistics of a little optimism there are around $1300000.00 cars motorbikes and trucks on our planet together they account for 16 percent of global c o 2 emissions more environmentally friendly alternatives that run on x. this is a hydrogen or buy anything haven't made much of a breakthrough saying far and by mid century there could be around 2000000000. thailand's capital bangkok is notorious for its traffic drivers often waste hours sitting in jams but our camera team they're filming frog global ideas series met
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some people who are driving change. welcome to bangkok and to endless cloudstreet the traffic crawls along if it moves at all most of the drivers here are commuters who live in the tri gap or those quiet suburbs. it's a regional party maya is one of the millions of such commuters she lives in the laxey district of northern bangkok at 7 am she begins her journey and eats her breakfast at the wheel it's a pattern repeated by commuters all over the city most choose to leave early as they do. i don't know how long they'll need to get to work. the traffic various from one day to the next some days the congestion beginnings right outside my door other days it starts somewhere on the journey but more or less the entire route from my place to work is congested it's around 20 kilometers
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. the journey takes an hour and a half she once worked out that she wastes $32.00 days of her life every year stuck in traffic not to mention the impact on the environment caused by all the exhaust fumes. monitoring stations across the city measure the air quality and deliver the results to the city authorities officials here say particulate matter is a real problem in bangkok as they know from personal experience. i can go. personally i'd like to go for walks in the city but i would. sometimes i notice that it's difficult to bring me there but there are times when i get home and my ice of water in. a corner. and sometimes when i walk into the house my family starts needing as if i had brought the particulate matter with me.
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and this is one of the worst culprits the old diesel powered buses that crisscross the city most are around 25 years old they're popular because they're cheap to ride they account for around one 3rd of all journeys made in the city but they to get stuck in traffic around 60 percent of journeys are made by private car that will have to change of thailand is to meet its pledge of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 20 percent by 23rd. the government's transport department says it's on the case. with me. you know the 1st thing we have to do is build up a better public transport network and that the only way to end once there are
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enough public transport options for people to use will be start tackling the issue of private cars. and they will then still insist on using their own car they will have to pay a charge. card as a charge one of the main plans is to expand the elevated rapid transit system or sky train as it's known in 2029 the network is set to cover 500 kilometers right now the train serves a relatively small number of people only 3 percent of all urban journeys are made on the skytrain or underground metro system. most of the passengers are young and middle class. and i find this guy train is the most reliable way to travel i need that for work it means i can plan and i know how long i need for the journey not like the bus which sometimes doesn't turn up all the
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driver refuses to let you on board. from one thing i'm about to take the sky train to c.m. station. take me 15 minutes. the same journey by taxi or car would take 40 minutes it's so much faster that's why i use the skytrain . for those who don't live near the train line there's a relatively new service available an app that allows them to book a took truck which will then take them to the nearest train station. the auto rickshaws are all electric providing a relatively quiet emission free journey to the skytrain. the company behind it to move me has only been going 3 years.
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before. i want to. expand to many area. like elsewhere many people in bangkok have seen their income take a hit in the current pandemic so the idea of introducing a toll for cars in the city is a sensitive issue but experts advising the thai government say the experience from european cities such as london and stockholm shows it's normal for the public to oppose the idea 1st. the internet is the key to explain people that. bad. before they implement it in local people also has some also has some protests but after. that people are happy about it and from the result they show 90 percent of the
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local support. the benefits would surely make it worthwhile with better air quality and quieter and less congested roads and the income from the toll could be invested in further improving the public transport system but in european cities too the debate over congestion charges continued for many years before action was taken and many western countries still don't have congestion tolls. but things in bangkok clearly can't continue as they are the city currently has over 19000000 motorized. $1000000.00 of them were added last year although. getting from a to b. can be a struggle especially for those with disabilities around a 1000000000 people worldwide experience some form of disability and millions of them rely on wheelchairs to get about but while in industrialized nations almost
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everybody in need of a wheelchair has access to one in developing countries just 10 percent. that's why wheelchair makers essentially those who can think outside the box are in demand. lincoln well my is assembling various components. all but one of them in junkyards . he is building a wheelchair. only the motorcycle shock absorber is new. going to the truck the new book. and we don't have would grow 2 in canada for normal who. knows what else but for this one it's a bottle through the break so when you get the one of the 4 toys let's bring in part. and that is exactly what his customers need.
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katie so your cow has brittle bone disease she's 29 and leads an independent life despite diet predictions on the part of her doctors. she doesn't want to rely so much on the tattoos that is privately operated minibuses they're usually crowded and dangerous given the risk of coronavirus transmission. the 1st wheelchair came from china the 2nd from turkey but it keeps breaking down. their lives which tell me this leads. i would not be there myself believe so when this is made to get everyone not just this is that beats like what's happened to little gardens i have been saying enjoy his neck. i saw it's not seen is that really for me to do is out my back to where now my have been which as with sleep on it's making i can go on my
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own. katie doesn't have the 1000 heroes that lincoln's model costs but she wants to do a test drive. it's fun just and designed to cover a large distances. that. lincoln is a keen cyclist and started out repairing bikes then he started building his own cargo bikes and eventually moved on to real changes. i couldn't help with be to are struggling to get to fight to get people on my path . and it's really touched me and i thought of how it would come up with the outcome of the solution and my solution was to build a vehicle for them but 1st he had to learn how. this guy's going to look from home and he like their love or has been just because he explains everything into neat it and you understand or to me and how things work
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from inside so to me as a good teacher. he provided lincoln with the knowledge he needed to start motorized in his vehicles this modest workshop is where you develop his pressure times. dead watches from. laptops on their laptops and these are the batteries i used to build my because i'm sure that will show my mission is to see what people you're going clean and using green energy. and i think the only thing that is dying. an example on. lincoln once to prove that green technology is not just for the rich but also for poor people in cities and rural villages. k.c. can hardly wait to acquire and original lincoln where my model with its greater range she will no longer have to be hoisted into a matar to and thereby face the risk of infection.
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then you're very right another but this doesn't mean he or she has. that means by tukwila happy because i mean contact with this person so i have to make sure my safety comes flies in the meantime katie continues to ride with tards whose despite the risk she has no choice if she wants to get around. back in february staying safe was a theme in midland too at the time northern italy was one of the world's coronavirus hot spots and the trend setting latin fashion week was overshadowed by a sense of unease then giorgio armani and thence to he would start presenting his new collections on the line and since then that's become standard practice the pandemic has instigated a revolution in the illustrious world of fashion. this
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model is showing off an evening gown designed by a for his fall winter collection. junior funny is one of only 15 houses worldwide to bare the official couture label. but everything is different this season and even exclusive fashion has been affected by the global pandemic. the new collection won't be unveiled in a runway show instead it's being filmed for a video that will be shown online and that calls for a whole new approach. to move more now to justin and i think. it's movement it's the way light reflects on embroidery you can film it any way you like but it's still just a video and so today we're shooting a film about the evolution of an old woman to a collection rather than just showing a perception of models i don't want to do it the other problems are doing that
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flogging clothes we're showing a genesis to address. this is have thought me a presented his collections prepared demick the shows took place several times a year in glamorous settings exquisite designs extortionate price tanks every gown a work of art but does it could to have any kind of relevance in the coronavirus era the pandemic has certainly made design has reached think what they do. the programs are going to emerge when it will want the problem with fashion is that it's a hamster wheel you hardly have time to enjoy one collection before you have destroyed in the next you can lose your sense of joy you please you have a. fashion is a fast moving merry go round nonstop runway shows just swing crowds baez and journalists see jesse around the world so they never miss the latest sensation more
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no collections increased production increased demand the surface gloss of high fashion high some ugly truths. there's some value in this to the world of fashion it's a lunatic travelling circus there's an international calendar new york paris london . then in january there are the old couture shows the men's wear collections and. march principal day when you pick up on. the fast pace of fashion but in paris at least changes underway the capital of high fashion is looking to reinvent itself as the capital of sustainable fashion isabel the fall is co-founder of paris good fashion and industry association that ngs to make fashion more ethical responsible sourcing and responsible consumption of the cornerstones of its agenda like the gravy that acts in the coronavirus crisis as excel aerated the movement we
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need to do more to slow down the cycle of shows as well as production practices we have to stop sourcing and producing on the cheap all over the world. because you want to put you know we should produce more locally here in france and across europe when i want to put you on a commencement. as always the devil is in the detail that's better than. lips hello from germany has lived in paris for nearly 25 years he has his own label and designs puts a positive fashion factory made but still high quality most of his business is in asia his collections are intended to outlast a season and become water staples if the star of the pandemic has had an impact on his approach to the months he had to deal with a fabric shortage so he began recycling men's lack. of
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started with a long sweat shirt such as we altered the back we had no fabric from our. person off. well if i going to run is about a quarter on the thrilling because when i started making clothes again i really had to think how do we want to dress now. and so on from the bitter cartoons mom or not to drink and. after everything that's happened nothing can be the same again. it all needs to be simpler. actually look at your room where. now you're young funny has suspended his old code to a show's. as high fashion presentations go online the fanfare that accompanies new collections has been lost but perhaps it's time for fashion to roll up its perfectly tailored sleeves and reconsider whether it's all worth it fashion
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in the age of the coronavirus. and that's all from us at global 3000 this time don't forget to tell us what you enjoyed about this week chez right to global 3000 at d w dot com we're back next week bye for now.
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the power of pictures. a turn of events in poland that changed europe forever. at any moment someone could ask you to take out your camera and get ready for good. or no show solidarity documented by independent filmmakers. in 15 minutes on d w. t go india. on this california milk is not the
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main product. it's done. the be joey farming noida is the next level organic farm here local greens are treated like stars as are the mountains they leave behind it's valuable material from newark and souvenirs to. 16 on t.w. . what secrets lie behind you. discover new adventures in 360 degree. and explore fascinating world heritage sites. t.w. world heritage 360 getting up now. how does it feel of the
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world. where i come from that or that it doesn't go it's just like with chinese food that's better where i am. always reminds me of home after decades of living in germany chinese food is one of the things i miss the most but that taking a step back i see state and they took different terminologies kind of fluids 1st as you know take on a sense that it has to as the heart of the war had been beaten and invented in china that's a new i'm not the time it's people wondering if they're going to take it but if you don't have the right to learn all that is this is their job just under the law how i see it and why i know my job because i tried to do exactly that every day my name of the name too and i wore. 2
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this is due to the news live from berlin pressure mounts the protesters in bellerose turn up the heat on the streets of minsk 3 weeks after a disputed election now the shank so says he'll head to russia to see president putin's help also coming up the tragedy of last night cannot be repeated all of us must take a stance against violence the mayor of portland makes an appeal for calm after protests turned deadly he also launches a stinging attack on president trump. and informing.


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