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tv   Kultur.21  Deutsche Welle  August 31, 2020 3:02pm-3:31pm CEST

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sitters again but the scenes of unrest at the weekend are on many people's minds. saturday evening far right extremists pushed through police lines to the top of the high stuck steps and i thought the pictures that my generation just isn't familiar with. these people stand for different values and to see that also here in germany there are so many people who think differently and have different values that pains me. to. stand the demonstrators shouted resistance. and veers into us folk we are the people. the black white and red of the colors of the old imperial german right used now by neo nazis in front of that i stuck it makes for shocking symbolism. other demonstrators who filled berlin at the weekend and consisted largely of
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peaceful coronavirus skeptics were no longer the center of attention. 6 policemen and women were invited to the official residence of the german president frank photo steinmeyer thanked them and their colleagues for their composed reaction at the weekend and had a message to the demonstrators mine 1st and in that door my empathy ends where demonstrators let themselves be instrumentalist by enemies of democracy and by political agitators. they are. if you close ranks with right wing extremists in the streets or even if you just walk side by side with new nazis then of folks and anti semites if you don't distance yourself clearly and proactively you're on their side and. musts a committee in the mind. of an accusation that corona skeptics have rejected in a heated discussion with journalists they insisted the far right where
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a fringe group and that the organizers had indeed distanced themselves. according to polls the vast majority of germans support the government's anti corona measures . but also the message anglo-american spokesman had. emerged i want to thank the vast majority of the 83000000 people in this country all those who behave in a reasonable prudent and respectful manner and adhere to the rules in this pandemic even if that's not always easy. the coronas skeptics are making plans for their next demonstration observers will be watching to see whether they succeed in distancing themselves from far right groups more clearly. i'm joined now by patrick sens borghese a member of the german parliament on the american city you party he's head of the parliament election oversight committee and also a member of the council of elders thanks very much for coming in today the assaults
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on on the parliament building saturday it's being called an attack on germany's democracies is that what it was. i think so it's going to acceptable that people trying to enter the parliament building need to rally showing these kind of flags that we saw in the report and our president of the country made it quite clear it's totally inacceptable for democracy that people behave and react in that way and we're proud on our police of clearing the situation and mates of protesters not entering the parliament building there's a lot of question about the police presence that a lot of people saying that there weren't enough police on hand to prevent the demonstrators from doing that the bronze interior minister andreas guys all says that at no time however was the parliament ever in danger do you think he's playing down what happened with that comment. i think 1st of why are we shouldn't change
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reason and reaction the reason for that situation is sir clearly. made by as you draw testers a mixture of people from the armchair right to the ultra left and so it's totally inacceptable the peaceful demonstrators which we want that it's possible to demonstrate for any kind of reason that peaceful demonstrators for children one shoulder with these people we don't accept this as a reason for the police and wants this kind of situation that was inacceptable we have to talk in the future about how we can secure our own building better this is our ticket situation because of we have some real buildings but nevertheless these kind of pictures we want don't want to see anymore and the protesters was a nice big flag and would see our flags of the in peril germany of that stood in front of the parliament those are disturbing images for so very many people not only here in germany but abroad as well but when politicians in the media devote so
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much attention to a fringe group and fringe groups involved these types of provocations don't we risk giving extremists exactly the public platform that they're looking for. i think that's what we should talk about there are a lot of reports in media about this group we're talking about a very embarrassed small group of people who think about conspiracy theories who think it was a metal hat you secure yourself from bill gates and issues like that this is very very small percentage of people who use this kind of protest or for my allowance or are showing their ideology and so i think we have to make clear any kind of demonstration that free speech is possible in germany that's no doubt but we want it to be in the borders of law as scrutiny of lore is important and of course the demonstration was out of my allowance. this better sense berg in the parliament for
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the cd you to counsel elders also election oversight committee thanks very much for coming into and. briefed out some of the other stories making news lebanon's president has asked him bassem to germany to take charge of a new government as prime minister the stuff. is already secure the backing of jordie m.p.'s the previous administration earlier this month after the explosion there were. china says its troops did not cross the disputed border with india this now comes after india accused beijing of provocative military movements talks been underway since june when dozens of indian troops were killed and hand to hand combat with chinese soldiers on the frontier. tens of thousands of people taking to the streets of bell rose for another day of protests calling on president bush and co to resign more than one of the people arrested protests began after the janko
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claimed victory an election the opposition says is late. for. a well known russian opposition blogger and radio host says he was wounded in an attack in moscow bigger jerk off was handed a suspended sentence on extremism charges last year making videos criticizing president. the 1st ever commercial passenger flight from israel to the united arab emirates and landed in abu dhabi television on board top israeli and u.s. officials including president trump's senior advisor and son in law jared kushner historic flight some 3 weeks after israel and the u.a.e. established dipped to much diplomatic ties and a u.s. brokered deal for many in both countries this agreement means they can finally bring their business and personal relationships into the. downloads i mean these are unusual days to mark a jewish israeli palestinian businessman from his small office in jerusalem and
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through travel he has been doing business with the united arab emirates for several years but always under the radar the countries had no diplomatic relations until recently as a 1st step phone lines were officially established but right now my friends i just call me for the fun of it hey man how are you oh i'm a holy god i just heard the news that we could call it sort of the richly communication. is something we humans are known for civilization requires communication and work together. i really praise that wonderful great vision of this country united arab emirates. who facilitates the certification of highland kostas products between the. is an ism code to the emirates for years people had to use foreign providers or the internet to connect and deliver his very . limited effect. it would be
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actually great just imagine the deal breaks with the long held view among arab countries that normalizing ties would only come after israel and its military occupation of the palestinian territories in israel there have been a lot of firsts in the past days 1st. interviews with and the rotty officious like here a t.v. channel 13 is to live the big poetess christened immediately to be and is very new sites are reportedly unplugged in the emirates you know what is amazing normally in those cases it takes time but now everything is on the table relationship embassies flight stories and everything is moving very fast we can phone the emirates we can go there we can every interview is there only egypt and jordan have signed peace treaties with israel in the past one hopes that this new agreement will go beyond
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business and security mountainous i suspect that this will be a warmer peace than the relationship with jordan there was never about blood there was never war as there was never any misunderstanding or political disagreement direct between us and the united arab emirates or anybody in the gulf for that reason so i'm really optimistic few arab countries have signaled that they might consider following the u.a.e. this move it could effectively be saved in that often line says in the region. and let's talk about that now what do you have your correspondent cramer joining us from jerusalem good day to you donna what's the impression where you are in israel is this a breakthrough and does this flight indicate a new opening for israel with its arab neighbors. well that's that's certainly what israelis are hoping for and now the flight from
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tel aviv flight 971 from tel aviv to abu dhabi has safely landed shortly before 4 local time in the united arab emirates and you know some reporters there have to scribe today especially something very special also this have said it's a historic day also because this flight crossed saudi arabia as aspace as a 1st saudi arabia allowed us national airline. to cross the aisle space making this flight much shorter than it would have been and that is actually what is already so hoping for an opening to go to the east certainly this 1st visit to start is symbolic but they would be also talking not about business civil matters economic matters and of course there's also the hope that other countries other arab nations might follow the u.s. . tell your relations between the u.s. israel have been normalizing very quickly why with the u.s.
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. well i mean it wasn't such a big surprise maybe the announcement was a surprise in the timing but it was described by some as the worst kept secret that there have been ongoing economic ties and also business ties between the 2 countries 1st of course they were always behind closed doors and that will change now i think there are several factors coming into that you know shared interests political interests also. new alliances a common enemy. iran so all of this together but of course also the u.n. he was sharply criticized by the palestinians officials have said they did that to stop the controversial israeli plans to annex parts of the occupied west bank but
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palestinians see that. you know they are very concerned that this might change. rather publicly longstanding you of arab nations that there could be no normalization if it's not ending its occupation tell you briefly if you could you mentioned relations perhaps improving with other arab countries might that include saudi arabia at some point. well this remains unclear if a now u.s. secretary of state mike compare was in the region last week and there was a very muted response and actually saudi arabia officials have said there could be no normalization until there's no solution to the israeli palestinian conflict so it's still to see whether other countries will follow time yes thanks so very much for that from jerusalem. all this week we're looking back 5 years to when hundreds of thousands of people mostly from syria escaped war persecution and
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headed for the european union to seek refuge was of his a pivotal moment for the u. and its policy of open borders some member states shut down there from 2 years after initially allowing thousands of refugees through the the u.s biggest member and the main destination for many of those fleeing was germany how would it respond in the crisis. while with just a few words chancellor merkel took charge and changed the course of european history did obvious chief political editor michel acuff know was there on this day 5 years ago as a limb akhil laid out her policy. it was the moment that defined going to merkel's response to the 2015 migration crisis if you fish out and us it was the german equivalent of this yes we can. i was there 5 years ago when desperate migrants in hungary set off on foot towards germany just hours later i'm
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going to marco singlehandedly decided to keep germany's borders open the scenes of an open welcoming germany went around the world. 5 years on this raises the question did germany make it and at what cost. in 2015 many an angle or merkel's own c.d.u. party were against her open arms policy but. then finance minister was one of them his key concern was losing control for today's speaker of germany's parliament it still is. one has to prevent the impression that there's a loss of control that situation was crucial for a few months but we've mostly overcome its effects by now we need a european solution to these problems. instead of more europe national reflexes kicked in across the continent in germany america's decision helped launch
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a populist party into parliament the far right alternative for germany. the f.t. support had been fizzling out until merkel's we will make it moment ignited the party's rise to become a fixture of germany's political landscape its co-founder alexander garland freely admits that merkel's open border policy helped propel his party to parliament. we didn't make it and we can't make it it's nobody's fault but it's simply impossible to let so many people from a totally different cultural background who behave so do. family into country and say we can make it. in fact map of decision was humanitarian yet many also hopes the migrants would be able to meet germany's growing demand for skilled workers a new survey obtained exclusively by de w.
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before publication shows a mixed picture 5 years on half of these refugees are in some form of employment or education the authors of the study germany did reasonably well mostly because of its economic strength. almost to the day 5 years after her yes we can moment same place same setting machall says she would do the same again. overall i would take the same decisions again that's right. but she warns of tough times ahead with a focus on a. man who will now see a phase where jenaveve rise in unemployment will make it again more difficult to get those people to work have only recently arrived here as refugees or as migrants . sheelagh on for now though germans are more busy with corona been debating migration both have proved to be political gain
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changes while germany has undoubtedly mastered the effects of 2015 economically politically i'm going to machall vowed not to let that moment repeat itself a moment that changed germany and will define her legacy. joining us our suit office director of the center for humanitarian action based here in berlin former head of the un food program in syria thanks so much for coming in today and what are you hearing from syria how many people are leaving the country today compared to 5 years ago. well today the situation in syria of course is much more stable in that sense and the migration flows are much more stable and less it has a couple of reasons one has of course the conflict in syria but if you look at the migration policies america's promise and deed this has an often overlooked humanitarian facet of promise we have overseen systems to syrians in syria in the
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region we've neglected it and i can confirm i was in charge of some of these programs at the time and support went don't like 50 cent for a person for a day in a country with often european prices so she made a promise and she delivered on that one myrtle's that in future we will from 50 percent of the humanitarian needs in syria and the regions to be a role model for other countries and she delivered on this promise in a financial way one some of the policy ways and how the funds and the unitarian role of germany is playing out today there is much more to do with you mentioned that the situation has stabilized what's behind that development. well if you focus on the question if people are not coming as years ago indeed this is change for several reasons one of these reasons is the controversial deal the u.s. made that's tricky is also the situation on the ground people simply leave syria as
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the forests are closed and neighboring countries it's pretty much the same but if we want to talk about tests of this promise mate migration flows decrease to germany we must be aware of that one might discuss if at some point there was a loss of control how many people are coming for a couple of months before and the years after we have until today a situation where there is basically no either way to reach as a refugee a german border syrian basically swim from syria to northern germany to make it here to ask for asylum otherwise it's illegal until germany unless medicine agreement but we all know that the european european agreements on in this i'm not moving on so it's much more to do and i think we need to at these refugees need an option to tom to europe and germany in a legal way in some numbers ok let's take a look forward to the refugees who are here and want to return return home do you
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see the possibility of enough rebuilding in syria enough financing that you're talking about including from germany to create conditions for those who fled and want to come home to do so. at this point i think all experts agree that the situation isn't given to or allow this and this is several reasons one of those are the economic ones and the great destroying germany you mention but others are very political it's obvious that refugees are not wellcome going home to syria rather they will be discriminated against they are the last ones getting that you would house back and there are a lot of true laws which make it very very difficult for you to think about coming back let alone the security situation and if this would be a safe way so we have to deal with them the still unsure as so many in neighboring countries of syria have to take a much more refugees on board but i think deep medal in some ways was right we can make it and i think we've demonstrated that germany can stem lists and that we can
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host these refugees and crucially even think about taking the burden of our countries if you look at the greek islands that maurie on hundreds of sick kids in germany from us to take them to germany 6 months ago and not even the $240.00 promised us to do here so we have to take a burden even if we can only perceive were true for the major european countries rovs it all from c.h. a thanks so much for coming in to thank you. we have some sports for you now in tennis the u.s. open starts today but the tournament has already been hit by mass no shows dudes in the ground a virus one player has already tested positive men's champion rough an oddball has decided not to compete and so have 6 of the women's top 10 fans will also be absent in new york and protests could disrupt the event. men's willed number one novak djokovic is in new york even if many of his fellow tennis stars are not the
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serbian has recovered from contract in the coronavirus in june but france's ben luck pat is ruled out of the testing positive on the eve of that's on a month to a raft of other players are skipping the u.s. open because of the pandemic those that are competing will have to deal with empty stands and strict hygiene regulations which limit then movements meaning they can only travel from their accommodation to the colts and nowhere else given the health crisis and so many no shows many believe the tournament should have been scrapped. other fans though think organizers should have welcomed some spectators like the french open in september i'm very sorry that i can't attend because i've been going to the years no us open the legislature for 20 years. and i really think that given the fact that it's outdoors they could use social distancing or they could have had some people attending like but they do in paris. tournament has been
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taking place over the last week at the same venue to help players get used to the eerie atmosphere 2018 u.s. open champion won only osaka initially boycotted her semifinal in a black lives matter protest before all denies has postponed it in solidarity she won the match a day later but then pulled out of the final injured. it's really important to start a conversation and for me i feel like we took a really huge step just now. and i know i feel like we made a lot of people uncomfortable but i think that's also a good thing because maybe they'll think about why they are uncomfortable a raw is also brewing over a new play is union the next 2 weeks could see one of the strangest tennis grand slams ever. coming up next in news asia taiwan's foreign minister warns that china is trying to quote export in a call for
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a terry and international order in an exclusive interview with g w he says nations value freedom and democracy in the very spot. that more news asia with my colleague garage i'm brian thomas with the entire news team thanks must. be with you at the top now top.
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they've been robbed of their so much good. people experiencers what is taken from them the countless cultural riches were brutally stolen from africa and carted off
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to europe by colonialists. each artifact has blood on it from the limbs that have yet to feel. what should be done with the stolen or from africa. this is being hotly debated on both continents the stolen sole source of cursive on g.w. . cutting through the noise. where i come from people are known for being tough but fair new york and a lot of people tell it like it it was they call it the concrete jungle the melting pot the city that never sleeps it's this energy that makes it feel like old but amid the hustle it's important to listen and pay attention because it's not just the loudest voices who wants to be heard we all have a story this is how i see it is my job as
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a journalist to go beyond the obvious now i'm basing your mum and my work takes me around the world but my instincts were made to say to tell the important stories behind the headlines what is the heart of the story why does it matter who live in casablanca to stay focused if you want to cut through the noise to get to the truth . minus our kelly and michael to death in. this case the dr to use a shot coming up today to show off support for hong kong's called democracy movement. dialogue farmer mr joseph calls pro-democracy activists in hong kong freedom fighters in exclusive interview with the double also wants the world to hold the line against trying dollars expansion distributions. and nights out on the march along.


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