tv ZDF Bauhaus Deutsche Welle August 31, 2020 5:30pm-6:31pm CEST
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cultural riches were brutally stolen from africa and carted off to europe by colonialists. each artifact has blood on it from the rooms that have yet to feel. what should be done with the stone or from africa. this is being hotly debated on both continents. the unsold store september 7th on g.w. . the inner workings of a virus this scientific illustrated makes the invisible visible. something all too visible all the traces of climate change in german forests. not so obvious but real the connection between muscles and mind.
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well come to you tomorrow today the science show on d w. a great fellow why didn't you know he's already shot. in tommy's rock of. love of brittle all over is back in the mouse didn't think the scary grethel a really existed. until he met one 0 who seeing as they say is believed to grow from. brothers ben and ffion had planned to be with their grandparents in england right now the coronavirus pandemic made that impossible so what is the virus which is making so many people frightened actually look like. they're it's going with something. things on. and he looks shiki and no way next.
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here. you know then which. published a scientific illustrator an animator thinks the drawings are pretty good though he finds many depictions of viruses problematic so this children's book is actually quite nice it's a very simplified depiction which is totally ok but it shows the main features and so on but what i sometimes get a little bit upset about is illustrations that are used for online articles for example like this one because they use the pictures that do not resemble the violence at all and they often taken from stock images sites like this one as you see all of these are supposed to be one of each and every depiction is completely different from one another and none of them resemble the actual violence. splats just knows exactly what the virus looks like researchers email the raw data to him
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that includes information about almost every atom in the protein the size of a number of spikes on the surface hello the data into a molecular viewer and then export it into his state of the are 3 d. software which is also used by hollywood for special effects. scientists uses illustrations for their publications in popular and scientific magazines these graphic illustrations for the scientific community are a valuable resource in the fight against the corona virus epidemic. the scientific data that they try to show can often be very confusing and hard to grasp for example here we have the structure of the poty a's in a molecular view and as we see it's really hard to see what is going on here the white thing in the middle is the inhibitor that can potentially disable the whole potence so therefore it's a good drug target but it's kind of hard to see so what i do is
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illustrate the same data in very clear way that makes it easy to understand what exactly is going on here in this binding pocket for example. this gives other viral or just a precise idea of what their colleagues are working on let's just say as a doctor of biology during his studies he was often irritated by how many graphic illustrators had no clue what they were depicting. you decided to fill this gap and so he became a scientific graphic illustrator he loves his job largely because of the artistic freedom that exists despite the rigors of science. and. here we have my last ration of the corner virus and here is their list ration of another scientific illustrate an s. you see we chose very different colors and slightly different styles of how to pick them even though the overall structure of the vials of a similar. regardless of the color ben and shawn aren't afraid of the virus if
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they're able to see the invisible virus they know how they'd react. i would tell him to go away. should push off. the 2 youngsters understand there needs to be a vaccine against corona virus before they can start playing here again with all their friends and before they can finally get their grandparents in england. to make the decisions we make psychologists type had to take does research on the topic we asked him how important is it for us to see something in order to react appropriately. to talk about the risks and a lot of our decisions are related to the risks that we perceive in the world one general finding in research and reception is that things that we can see are actually often perceived to be more risky i mean it's just a for instance of walking in a dark forest and you hear
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a rustling and of course it makes you afraid and that feels very different then walking through the same forest during the day and we see no it's just a rat so the things that we do not see tend to make us more ships. many people have stopped wearing masks a distance by is fear of the virus fading. you know like you but there are many different to more tips that come together and you can think princes of convenience i mean some of these measures are really quite encouraging unit in particular to look up weather and they're certainly not the only reason there's probably also something in play it is called the prevention paradox meaning that if the predictions were successful and a catastrophe if you will that is absolutely has happened then one question is well maybe the risk wasn't that big to begin with that as long as the reaction in your
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losses or says it was actually the prevention it was measuring some of this is not happening and some people seem to have to question that the risk is possibly not as big as it was often sat needs yaar. like must be done so that people take the virus seriously. consumer $1000000.00 course and i think it has a lot to do with. talking about this as a crisis and even the framing of the crisis to mean certain crisis. crosses not use law and if it wasn't obvious that we need to possibly change your mental model of the problem you need we need to just our execution. days weeks months. on.
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the novel coronavirus spread swiftly symptoms of the disease that causes havoc 19 range from none to mild to severe to massive what happens in a really bad case. when the coronavirus is reached the lungs that's the start of what can be called the virus phase these as sacs or alveoli normally transfer the oxygen we breathe into the capello race. but now immune cells respond to the infection leaving a mass of dead cells and fluid in the s.x. making it harder for oxygen to reach the capella rays and enter the blood. breathing oxygen in rich dad and help. but if the inflammation continues to intensify the distance between the out of your life and the blood vessels grows. some of the ass sacs collapse. others fill
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with fluid. a ventilator may now be needed to push into the lungs to inflate the collapsed alveoli that involves new risks then comes the 2nd phase of the disease the immune face. too many immune cells have been activated and this can lead to blood clots in the tiny palminteri blood vessels and that means even less oxygen in the blood making the heart work harder to pump it around the body. as a method of last resort to the blood can be enriched with oxygen outside the body and then return to the bloodstream. if the immune response remains in overdrive the situation escalates now it's not so much the viruses that are the problem but the cells of our immune system. they flood the body with inflammatory signaling substances. that leads to cracks and leaks in the blood vessel walls fluid
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escapes and blood pressure drops. more and more cells out here to the walls of the blood vessels blocking them and triggering mini strokes in various organs such as the liver kidneys heart and lungs blood pressure permits the heart rate rises but that no longer helps the organs are not being adequately supplied the result multiple organ failure. and the health of trees and forests is also vital to our survival the great green wall in africa is just one of many reforestation projects. at the same time more and more existing forests are succumbing to wildfires from california to siberia. climate change means more intense droughts in some countries including germany its forests are in great danger.
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just months ago this was a spruce forest. but now this patch of woods in peat harvest falls forestry district in central germany. has been devastated. storms up rooted many of the trees and the others fell victim to bark beetles. forethought it's really drastic for us as forest is to see the woods that we've tended to for decades basically disappear and get eaten up by bark beetles give off a specimen of the forestry official in the state of hessen has already lost 300000 trees including many large old ones and similar losses are being seen in other places too. in 2018 alone 16000000 trees in germany fell victim to storms and above all to pests it's a problem that's being repeated year after year with some variations depending on
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weather conditions at the moment though the bark beetle is paid for vessels greatest enemy the insects which measure just $2.00 to $4.00 millimeters in length feed on the dead trees lying around in the forest after storms but they also bore into living trees especially those weakened by drought the hot dry summer of 2018 and winter rainfall dried out the soil the precipitation next fall and since has not been able to compensate in many areas groundwater reservoirs have been too low for years the spruce here with their flat roots generally do not reach the groundwater and that makes them vulnerable to job stress and lowers their resistance to past white bark beetles. decay of our border from the beatles bore into the bark from the outside inside they chew tunnels upwards and downwards . and it's the females who make these tunnels and deposit their
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eggs on the sides here. then the larvae hatch and they eat out these horizontal tunnels in the soft in a bark that essentially cuts off the trees nutrient supply. the beatles development from egg to adult takes 4 to 6 weeks i had the eggs and soon developed into adult beatles one female can produce around 50 offspring. if $25.00 of them a females in each produces another 50 offspring by the 3rd generation there will be $31250.00 young beetles just $100.00 of the pests are enough to kill. each infested tree is marked and documented using an app many of the younger trees could have continued growing for decades but now they will have to be felled 4
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times as many of them as before the bark beetle infestation. other tree species suffer from the dry weather too many big trees are exhibiting bark disease. that killed off by a fungus called the podia and the launch is being attacked by large bark beetles. a section of forest in central hessen has been particularly badly hit 20 hector area had to be felled at once 1st he $1006.00 mortuary. all that's left of these mounds of wood shavings the trees fell victim to bark disease caused by a fungus that migrated here from north america it stalls grow under the bark of the affected trees. if the
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trees are suffering from a lot of stress the dark patches containing the city spores spread rapidly forming a black fungal layer up to one centimeter thick. the spores can also cause. the veer allergic reactions in humans. for weeks local forest and his team had to wear breathing masks in the woods as it was shocking because we had never seen anything of this magnitude in germany before there had been occasional cases in individual treasonous in our parks but after the catastrophic dry summer of $28.00 team it's been breaking out here to such an extent it's a complete disaster. in some parts of his forest kessler has planted coast grand firs pines and red oak in the hope that they will be better adapted to the current climate conditions but the new species are already having
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problems. with the oaks here we already seem to have problems with the procession every month. we're not absolutely positive but you can't just throw in the towel and abandon it just because something. to give his saplings a chance has set up 20 water canisters so that he can irrigate the young trees during long dry periods he'll soon see if it helps forest a paid vest violet's hoping to fight the beetle from the air forestry scientists and journey specialists are developing a special unmanned aerial vehicle equipped with gas and it can sniff out the resin released by the tree when the 1st big hole balls into the trunk. basically we're doing with the bark beetle itself does it follows the scent of the infested tree and bores into it and we detect the tree so it can be removed.
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the idea is to take down the tree at an early stage before the be told can propagate but the detective journey is not yet ready for the market. one is looking forward. it's launch with this technology would be able to pinpoint infested trees early which would enable us to rescue more trees that's a. in the meantime have beetle infested spruce a piling up along the forest roads because the market for spruce timber is saturated if the wood stays in the forest the pests will continue to reproduce and for that reason the regional government has ordered the use of pesticides that they not only kill bark beetles but other animals too. to prepare for future climate change. wants to have natural mixed forest growing here and that means letting the tree see themselves the hope is that many different species will flourish. into the
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. even experts are unsure how the forest of the future is likely to look based on climate forecasts the spruce and beech trees in central germany look set to face poor conditions for survival by 2070 they may have vanished from german firsts altogether. the problem is red white rather than a few. do you have a science question you've always wanted oncet. send it in and if we oncet on the show you get a little surprise as a thank you. come on just ask. for most stories from the world of science go to our website or find us on twitter. or gura just on her good luck asks how can i remember things better. a poor memory
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can be embarrassing i. was going to remember the pin from my from. and what was my new colleagues name again. not to mention all those situations at school or university when you have to learn some. many facts and figures by heart. the good news is that the brain is a highly versatile learning machine. and it can be trained somewhat like a muscle by being stimulated and a variety of ways as it learns that promotes strong neural connections. so out of memorize headphone pin you could just repeat the numbers yourself in your head. but a better method to link the series of numbers to an action. plan is possible to do even better as recent studies show children remember words better
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if they draw the objects they represent. the method works with older people to. the more sensory input involved it seems the more deeply the newly learned information is stored. and the principle can be applied to learning more complex subjects instead of just reading taking notes it's helpful to structure the topic usually. in general approaching a subject with a look at the center curiosity will help you retain it better. but sometimes the best thing is to sleep on it and sleep newly acquired information is consolidated in our memory so we can recall it better when we're over. 170000000 people around the world with members of a gym in 2017. that some disciplines don't have
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a great reputation like lifting for example that's full much are shallow. but maybe very well proving their body. studies suggest that. flexing your muscles can also be good for the brain. concentration and power are as important in music as they are in sport. at the right moment everything needs to be on cue. was not a look that was becoming a problem yourself to find i noticed the toes no longer able to concentrate for the full length of a piece of music and there would be directions from the choir master to sing from the 4th bar again saying and i just didn't hear. talked feel what i was so lost in my thoughts that i didn't hear and i didn't know where to come in.
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because it's just me. to my fellow chorused i would have to show me where i needed to join in. was to voice seem and most of. it wasn't just the choir that was a problem she would lock ourselves out of her home or forget appointments. and to try to learn there was another situation where i was out and about and for a brief instant i no longer knew where i was i was completely shaken i thought what's this have i got out simas is this the start of it now really frightened me. was. below to look up to to have tests carried out on her concentration at the german sports university in cologne. sure she took her out in a study looking into how sports might be able to help with dementia but for look
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this isn't a little kind of a miss is looks case this is of course not the measure yet we're talking about early stage memory loss these are exactly the subjects we're looking for in our study i mentioned the to put a provocative lethal we want to know if a regular sport and exercise program can help people who are on the cusp of dementia or delay or even stop the onset of dementia. so how can school would help stop the onset of dementia currently the discussion is looking at different mechanisms one area is growth factors these are generated by muscles when they are exercised some help blood vessels grow while others increase the levels of the protein and if in the brain. b.d.n.f. helps the hippocampus grow this section of the brain is important for memory b.d.n.f. can even help generate new nerve cells there are a match that you don't have time temple you can go back to the study in cologne
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seniors train their coordination power and stamina. but it's tough at 1st. the course of your clients are gasping afterwards like an old steam engine and i really felt like i was completely rusty. zulfikar my words are bitter but no to look trains twice a week i mean not only has her physical performance improved she's finding it easier to remember words. and she's doing better in concentration testing. the english are not here you can see clearly that after 6 months of the program for 12 months of the sport program you've achieved that maximum level also your personal experience that you're forgetfulness is receding you can also see that from the data and. it's nice to be able to see it i can
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certainly feel it anyway so who put. our hypothesis was that the progression of dementia could at least be stopped. this way it's what you saw on pause that he were surprised and delighted that we've had such positive results here in cologne and that participants are actually getting better. be seen about washed up until you're sick of ford. even now the study is over the subjects are continuing their training program many of them have made new friends here. i always say that the best training is living life to the fullest because it provides multi sensory input for the brain but to live a full life you need to be physically fit but. it doesn't matter to look whether her improvement came from living life to the full pull from fit or muscles she's just happy that she can now once again perform like she used to.
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speaking of brawn and brains have you ever heard of chess boxing no we didn't make it up it started out as performance art but it's become a competitive sport. that's all for now and to morrow today we'll be back next week with more engrossing stories about science and technology until then but i. the a. family . album is.
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ready. i mean when i was a women especially of victims of violence. take part and send us your story we are trying always to understand this new culture. you are not of a little and other guests you want to become a citizen. in for migrants your platform for a while information. life on earth matters are coming to atlanta and. but gatti coincidence. that standoff previously earth was just a messy chemistry lab i thought suddenly. where the improbable but the cause for the creation of our solar system with our flat it is a bit like winning the lottery that there is
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a little going to. what is earth more unique start september 18th on g.w. . imagine being born with this it's. a compromise but since. you want to look for no school. you want to be useful but on allowed to. when you're sick the doctors know when you fall in love they won't. you don't have children for fear they'll be invisible to. you assure. you of knows. when you die there's no chance of the ever exist. every 10 minutes. someone this is. $10000000.00 people in the world the stakes they have no nationality and the total made up of all of them and. that everyone has the right
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to. everyone has the right to say rome. this is the news live from berlin historical landing in abu dhabi and high hopes for a new era in arab israeli relations as the 1st direct commercial flight between israel and the united arab emirates touched down. and america leads a chorus of condemnation after activists including the far right straight through
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the police lines the german parliament. safina scottish update us. on the back of yes we can moment 5 years ago we'll look at how that decision to accept those waves of migrants has reshaped you. i'm going to also as welcome to the program the 1st ever commercial passenger flight from israel to the united arab emirates has landed in abu dhabi and it's hoped the symbolic touchdown will mark the start of a new era of improved relations between israel and the out of the historic flight follows a u.s. brokered deal establishing diplomatic ties between israel and the u.a.e. it's the 1st such arab israeli accord in more than 20 years. among the senior officials on board the u.s.
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president donald trump's senior advisor and son in law jared cushion on is what he had to say. on the plane we asked the pilots to fly faster because there is great urgency between the people of both countries to break down old barriers to get to know each other to form new and hopefully very deep friendships. while this piece was forged by its leaders it is over the only desired by the people joining me now from i would be is john a son crush he's the assistant editor of the newspaper college times and how is this flight received in abu dhabi where you are. i have to say that the flight was received with. in comparison of the haft and the grandeur. and the special treatment that actually on there is attaching to this piece because . it was very symbolic in nature in terms of you know the flight had.
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the number of the international calling number for you being 971 is very symbolic and at the same time as you can see on the on the bush the plane had a piece written on it in arabic improved and in english and officials from both sides and the governments from both sides have been touting this. deal for hope and peace for the region so inductively this is very simple and trees to have the 1st collaboration between the 2 countries landed with a sign of peace. agreement relations between the united arab emirates and israel normalize remarkably quickly. either team that there is eagerness from both sides to normalize relations to put the cost behind and move ahead to ask. the judge today in his speech as soon as he landed to
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top it up he set up palestinians have to look to the past behind that move ahead so i think there is definitely an eagerness and view he is very keen to show that there is no. they mean the silence because as soon as the recent call it was announced on august 13th we have seen a flurry of. you know elephant partnership agreements being signed cloth ration between you and the strain which is definitely a positive sign for both conflict and peace because he does a window when the 4 sites so i would think that just where the whole energy and the synergy comes from. does the u.a.e. it is a huge diplomatic win by halting the annexation in the best and i'll be tempted at least and the floor is trading they are establishing diplomatic relations and normalizing ties with one of the most dynamic countries in the region the dynamic economies in the matter so it's a win win sort that is
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a lot of energy on ports encouraging signs there from abu dhabi and so on assange thank you. and some of the other stories making headlines around the world lebanon's prime minister designate has promised sweeping reforms with within hours of being appointed by the country's presidents mystified deep is a career diplomat and former ambassador to germany in the previous administration resigned after a massive explosion which hit the capital beirut 4 weeks ago. with a mass holds rockville russian president alexander lukashenko and his high ranking officials are barred from entering as donia latvia and lithuania the baltic states blacklisting comes in response to look at shank as practice on pro-democracy demonstrators in the wake of just putin to lecture more than 100 people were arrested during protests on sunday. once in a rose ruling pro western party has narrowly won the country's parliamentary vote
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but failed to win a majority the democratic party of socialists will have to form a coalition to stand pat an opposition alliance of prosser b.n. parties on just under a 3rd of the fields. china says its troops did not cross the disputed border with india in the region of le duc the denial comes after neighboring india accused beijing of provocative military movements in the area the 2 countries have been in talks since june when dozens of indian troops were killed in hand fighting with their chinese counterparts on the frontier. german chancellor angela merkel has condemned as shameful an attempt by demonstrators including the far right to storm the german parliament building here in berlin protesters broke through police lines during a larger rally against the government's pandemic policies nachle says those who try to access the building have used the riots to demonstrate peacefully on the nation
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has been echoed by leaders from across the political spectrum. it looks like a normal monday in central berlin the tourists are back the price tag is open for visitors again but the scenes of unrest at the weekend are on many people's minds. saturday evening far right extremists pushed through police lines to the top of the high stuck steps and i thought the pictures that my generation just isn't familiar with. these people stand for different values and to see that also here in germany there are so many people who think differently and have different values that pains me. to. stand the demonstrators shouted resistance. and veers into us folk we are the people. the black white and red of the colors of the old imperial german right used now by neo nazis in front of that i stuck it makes for shocking symbolism.
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other demonstrators who filled berlin at the weekend and consisted largely of peaceful coronavirus skeptics were no longer the center of attention. 6 policemen and women were invited to the official residence of the german president frank photo steinmeyer thanked them and their colleagues for their composed reaction at the weekend and had a message to the demonstrators mind 1st in the door my empathy ends where demonstrators let themselves be instrumentalist by enemies of democracy and by political agitators. they often. if you close ranks with right wing extremists in the streets or even if you just walk side by side with new nazis and anti semites if you don't distance yourself clearly and proactively you're on their side. an
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accusation that corona skeptics have rejected in a heated discussion with journalists they insisted the far right where a fringe group and that the organizers had indeed distanced themselves. according to polls the vast majority of germans support the government's anti corona measures . but it's also the message anglo-american spokesman had. emerged i want to thank the vast majority of the 83000000 people in this country all those who behave in a reasonable prudent and respectful manner and here to the rules in this pandemic even if that's not always easy. the coronas skeptics are making plans for their next demonstration observers will be watching to see whether they succeed and distancing themselves from far right groups more clearly. all this week we're
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looking back 5 years to an hundreds of thousands of people mostly from syria war and persecution and headed for the european union to seek refuge it was a pivotal moment for the u.n. its policy of open borders some member states shut down their fund 2 years after initially along refugees to pass through the news biggest member the main destination for many of those fleeing was germany with its response in the space 3 work chancellor angela merkel changed the course of european history to use chief political editor was there on this day 5 years ago. laid out a policy. it was the moment that defined going to merkel's response to the 2015 migration crisis. fishnet us it was the german equivalent of this yes we can. i was there 5 years ago when desperate migrants in hungary set off on foot towards germany just hours later i'm going to machall singlehandedly decided
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to keep germany's borders open the scenes of an open welcoming germany went around the world. 5 years on this raises the question did germany make it and at what cost. in 2015 many an angle or merkel's own c.d.u. party were against her open arms policy but. then finance minister was one of them his key concern was losing control for today's speaker of germany's parliament it still is. one has to prevent the impression that there's a loss of control that situation was crucial for a few months but we've mostly overcome its effect by now we need a european solution to these problems. because of problems instead of more europe national reflexes kicked in across the continent in germany merkel's decision
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helped launch a populist party into parliament the far right alternative for germany. the f.t. support had been fizzling out until merkel's we will make it moment ignited the party's rise to become a fixture of germany's political landscape its co-founder alexander garland freely admits that merkel's open border policy helped propel his party to parliament. we didn't make it and we can't make it it's nobody's fault but it's simply impossible to let so many people from a totally different cultural background who behave so differently into a country and say we can make it. folks matters decision was humanitarian yet many also hopes the migrants would be able to meet germany's growing demand for skilled workers a new survey obtained exclusively by de w. before publication shows
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a mixed picture 5 years on half of these refugees are in some form of employment or education the authors of the study germany did reasonably well mostly because of its economic strength. almost to the day 5 years after her yes we can moment same place same setting machall says she would do the same again. hume overall i would take the same decisions again that's right. but she warns of tough times ahead with this vote yes on of fires of course and we will now see a phase where general rise in unemployment will make it again more difficult to get those people to work who've only recently arrived here as refugees or as migrants. make on their new comes a lot mo she'll be gone. for now though germans are more busy with corona been debating migration both have proved to be political gain changes while germany has
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undoubtedly mastered the effects of 2015 economically politically i'm going to machall valve's not to let that moment repeat itself a moment that changed germany and will define her legacy. reporting for let you go the 1st time dust to be born in germany have celebrated their 1st birthday at the berlin's. and become stars charged zeus and public debut in check and they were rewarded with some special birthday treats frozen cake and a portion of snow. hundreds were born in germany they remain on loan from china as did that. you're watching the news is
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a reminder of the top story this hour the 1st ever commercial passenger flight from israel to the united arab emirates has landed in abu dhabi it's hoped this a volatile touch not well marked the start of a new era of the relations between israel and the arab. this d.w. news live from berlin kate services is up next with your business update in just a mom and dad as for me and the entire news team. let's watch. we know this is very time for the coronavirus is changing the world changing our lives so please take care of yourself good systems wash your hands and you can
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stay at how we are d.w.p. for here for you we are working tirelessly to keep you informed on all of our platforms we're all in pursuit of your run together and we're making. still uses of what. is true so stay safe the priest comes to save. a leadership battle at the world trade organization as the current head steps down to african women are among the front runners to take over we'll assess their chances and find out how they would deal with the many challenges facing the global economy. the clock is ticking talking to major u.s.
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giants are racing to feel a deal to buy the social media giant american operations mean while china introduces new bills that could scupper the pot. down to the coronavirus have hit kenya as an informal sector especially hard with many people now unable to pay the ransom money talo to families doing what they can to make ends meet. this is business i'm kate ferguson welcome to the show the world trade organization is looking for a new leader after roberto azevedo early departure the challenges facing the new boss could hardly be bigger a global pandemic has devastated production worldwide china and the united states are in the middle of a bitter trade dispute and the organization itself is in crisis among the candidates who could be up to the job are 2 female financial heavyweights from africa. to african women are leading the race for the top w t
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o post goes. a former nigerian finance minister is one of the front runners along with kenyan ameena mohammad both would make history twice the w t o has never been led by a woman and never by an african. not to be overlooked mexico's his to say are the only candidate from the americas he has extensive experience as a trade negotiator other candidates help from egypt the u.k. and saudi arabia whoever takes the hot seat will have a big job on their hands. at the top of the agenda will be saving the organization is crucial to spew resolution system it has been paralyzed ever since the us blocked the appointment of new judges to its decision making court. the bigger picture will be adapting the organization to the modern global trade system the china u.s. trade conflict arose in part from american grievances over how the deals with beijing state backed non-market economy the u.s.
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says wu rules don't fit for china a view shared by the e.u. and japan the next leader will have to navigate between both sides of the dispute and even stand up to world powers. we have a lot of candidates from emerging economies but china is also investing a lot in emerging economies so how can imagine economy representative independent and increased pressure for example for. 2 to 2 course china to become more competitive the leadership race is beginning and so to the battle of the wus future . let's take a closer look at the leadership race now with our correspondent joy durbin in nairobi joy good to see you what can you tell me about these 2 african front runners. well the 2 frontrunners from the african continent it is a historic moment for them and should either of them you know take up this d.g.
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said it would be historic in many ways but history aside. i mean i know how mitt has enjoyed the you know working with the wall trade organization as kenya's and back to the to the devil you know before she was appointed minutes of according affairs in kenya and then she's also hosted and chad the 11 w.c. all ministerial meeting that was going to be 17 if it's not 2016 if i'm not wrong and so having that backing also does give her some. credentials for this role but looking at the other side of it also goes the from nigeria has enjoyed as well very key positions including getting on board like the global global vaccine allies or gov the which is also very key in moving global decisions as well so they are very key holding key positions in their respective weight ok so
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a wealth of experience in both cases but the world trade organization itself is in crisis what could these confidence actually change bring about change there. i think if they're if they are nations in the world that are always in crisis it's got to be african nations and them coming from that background possibly gives them an age on how to deal with a crisis and looking at what's happening globally at the moment these a deficit of trust when it comes to the world trade organization and both candidates have to have on different levels opa voice how they're going to bring the nation together the united states has been threatening to leave the was open i rather the world trade organization and also we are looking at china the things that the w.c. always going to be weaponized again so they're all of those crisis going on in addition to the global crisis of khalid 19 so they have on different levels said
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that they would be able to consolidate and harmonize all the nations or member nations that we can't be sure and feel the assisted on the d.g.c.a. enjoy as you touched upon it this is an incredibly multiple time for the global economy but the priorities that you for a new leader. from from where we stand on the african continent most all of their supporters of these 2 frontrunners are saying that they would like for more free trade with the rest of the world from africa so it might either be selfish if one of the leaders of the director general come from the african continent that they would be pushing for more free trade with the rest of the globe but then again the influence of china on the african continent is something that cannot be underscored so there is a possibility that they've going to be a lot of issues when it comes to trusting if they read an african at the top but
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going forward i guess some of the issues that need to be looked into are how the rest of the world are trading with one another because free trade is what one of the nations most in africa and outside of africa and looking forward to. all of a lot of work ahead of joy during their thank you so much. other global business stories making news. india's economy has posted a record slump of almost 24 percent in the 2nd quarter the country's lock time has seen a huge drop in consumer and business spending putting pressure on the government on central bank to introduce stimulus measures and a rate cut. chinese social media giant tick talk has reportedly chosen a bidder for its us new zealand australia and operations the news comes just after
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beijing introduced a new rules that could prevent its sale terence company by thomas has just over 2 weeks to find a fire or think a bond in the united states microsoft in partnership with wal-mart and oracle have so far shown the most interest china's new rules mean state approval is needed to export certain digital technologies including about. now this is the 1st time in 12 years that china is revising the list of technologies that are restricted for exports we asked our financial correspondent chelsea delaney in frank for us what's behind the move well of course china isn't saying explicitly of that this is a form of retaliation for what the trumpet ministration has done but it clearly is these new rules will for one definitely a make it more difficult for dance as it seeks to sell the u.s. operations of tech talk its its artificial intelligence and especially things like
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speech recognition and content recommendation that's really what makes this company valuable and now. whoever buys the u.s. operations of tech talk would have to have approval from the chinese administration but this also of course this comes amid a very tense environment between the u.s. and china where we're seeing more and more strict trends on technology between the tears so it's actually part of this new coal technology war between the 2. to kenya where the millions of people who work in the so-called informal sector have been especially hard hit by the pandemic in our next report we need a construction worker and a cook who are both laid off and are now struggling to pay their rent today shoveling sand victor on diego can earn $4.00 euros doing that he has to look for new work every day the coronavirus crisis cost him his job as a construction worker and he couldn't afford to pay his rent. would be going
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towards a marketing they're a good samaritan to help you out they welcome you to their home with open hearts. victor on diego lives in the poor neighborhood of mud valerie in kenya's capital nairobi he lost his flat so a good friend offered him and his family shelter in his little hut they're splitting the rent. 7 of them now live together in just a few metres of space his friend doesn't regret taking him in but it is difficult when have you been you. were both married we have to put mattresses here on the floor so that some of us can sleep in the hallway it gets difficult when it comes to food because we don't like the same thing. with. jackson oma used to work as a cook he also lost his job during the pandemic now they're making some mosts together and plan on selling them to make a bit of cash that would pay for their own meals and the $25.00 euro rent for the
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share dwelling. needed to keep busy it gives us something to do and it keeps us from getting lazy just sitting around is no fun. but in the school. i had no idea where to go i'm very grateful that jack took us in. but we can't enjoy it we're squeezing together in this little place we have to hold on and pray that everything will be better after covert. according to a survey by the national statistics office almost 70 percent of all kenyan households have problems paying the rent the coronavirus crisis is a heavy burden on the economy especially for the many kenyans who work in the informal labor sector 2400000 are in the formal sector with about another 1680 but almost 17000000 people who work in the informal sector so the informal
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sector is huge some move into smaller apartments or huts and some move out of the city altogether but in the slums people can't afford that so they now have to share one person on what some shift in the morning during the day and the other on works at night so then they decide that she houses victor and jackson just fry their some osis they don't earn a lot but it. at least it's something they're both hoping the labor market will soon improve and they can both have their own home. and not fall for me in the business scene here in berlin you can get more on our website the state of utah college as elsewhere on facebook to me if i take.
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and the consequences of the refugee crisis that we're still facing today. are topic on deja news. and this is karma change. happiness increase book. for your. google smarter for free books on. this is beat up to use a shot coming up today to show off support for hong kong's pro-democracy movement. dialogues foreign ministers joseph calls pro-democracy activists in hong kong freedom fighters in an exclusive interview with the doctor will also want the world to hold the line against china's expansionist of visions. and nights out
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