tv Quarks Deutsche Welle September 2, 2020 5:30pm-6:15pm CEST
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and this was a special toxicology test that was actually carried out by the german bundestag the german military and it was carried out at one of the top specialist labs and they say this department within the german military focuses on chemical weapons in the protection all citizens and the protection of the of military against chemical weapons and said i said this backs up and provided more insight into the tested already being carried out i mean ok let me just interrupt you there we'll go now to the child's room where we'll hear from but you have a chance of going to. mr foreign affairs of defense of the of the interior of justice and the head of the chancellor's office consarn in new insights in the case of mr novell the and we discussed. as to what to do with these insights this afternoon we have informed you
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in writing already. the information is disconcerting about the attempted poisoning of one of the leading opposition politicians and russia and this is why it is important for me to talk to you here directly as of august 22nd mr nirvana has a 1000000000 and treatment here in germany in berlin for humanitarian reasons and as his family desired we have made it possible to transfer him to germany the charity hospital has. had the german armed forces to examine the clinical evidence and now we have clear findings alexander valley was a victim of an attack with a chemical agent of the navi chalk group this is a poison that can be undoubtedly found in the clinical evidence that makes
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it sure that alex and about me is the victim of a crime and he was to be silenced and i condemn that on behalf of the federal government i condemn it strongly i would like to seize the opportunity to express my concerns on behalf of alexander valley and reach out to his family who is suffering difficult times i hope and wish that he will be able to recover from this attack i call the federal president and discussed the new developments in the case and of all me with him the federal government also has informed the parliamentary groups and the german bund a stark. which is the organization for the provision of chemical weapons and dan how we will also establish a contact the russian ambassador how's it been informed this afternoon about the findings in the. federal chancellor's office and we expect the russian government
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to make a definite declaration visa v. the incident of course it raises severe questions that only the russian government can answer and will have to answer the fate of alex a not only has raised to the attention internationally and the world is expecting answers we inform our partners in the european union and nato. about the findings we will discuss and consult together and based on information coming from russia we real decide on joint action the crime against alexander valmy is a crime against the basic values and basic rights we stand for thank you. so it was the german chancellor angela merkel giving her a statement about the confirmation but we now have from the german government that alexei was poisoned and was poisoned with no visual. the
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merkel talked about having contact with not only the german president but also a u. partners and nato partners as well as russia let's get more. on this with kate spray the political correspondent strong words from the chance of that kate. so very strong words from the chancellor and also the fact that she has self just after and within a couple of hours over the results of this talk test being announced confirming that he was indeed poisoned by the novacek nerve agent the fact that angela merkel the german chancellor decided to speak to the press is also an indication of how severe cases is right now and it was interesting i thought as well that she said that what had been carried out against the valley was indeed a crime she went on to say that was a crime against the basic rights and values that we stand for and as merkel said as well the world is now waiting for answers from russia and she reiterated as well
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exactly what we heard from the german foreign minister as afternoon which is an urgent clarification from moscow regarding the background of this poising of takes a felony that she described it as being disconcerting and she said i condemn this strongly. no big shock remind us what it is and why we've heard it before. we have indeed heard it before it's soviet era nerve agents and it was very present in the press just a couple of years ago after the former russian spy script and his daughter were poisoned by novacek in the u.k. say something that you might remember from the past couple of years. so what we have is a situation where we've been here before and you've mentioned those poisonings in the u.k.
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we have attempts on someone's life we have the finger pointed at russia we have russia say well where's your evidence they say base your evidence that yes it wasn't us. the the chancellor there was talking about to discussing this with the e.u. and nato so this is not going to go away we're looking at an escalation here. absolutely in that all depends i think on what russia does next immediately after the results of this talk test was released a kremlin spokesperson said that moscow hadn't yet been informed about the diagnosis of poisoning by nor the truck which is what was announced this afternoon but it is in the meantime we know that the germany's government is telling a very different story the foreign minister. saying that the russian ambassador to germany was indeed summoned this afternoon to make it clear to him again that germany like the rest of the e.u. as well. to see some urgent car if occasion coming out of moscow say where
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germany and its partners both in nato and the e.u. go from here will very much depend on what kind of response moscow offers i would say the volley of course saw in the kremlin side that he is he is a russian he was taken ill in russia we had a few days ago this diplomatic spat between russia and germany as to whether or not he could be transferred to a german hospital why is germany involved in this. well initially it was actually an ngo that brought in a volley. and so it wasn't on the diplomatic grounds but ever since no valley has arrived here in berlin the german government has made it made it very clear that they support the volume want to make sure that he's brought back to full health and they have condemned what to do already being confirmed by the shall i say hospital when of on the is being treated which was a poisoning but it was only today that
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a special test carried out by the german military and that we were able to find out here in germany that he was indeed poisoned by novacek and we have severe civilian hospital working hand in hand with a military test facility here in germany sorry folk at your feet that we have a civilian hospital bashara tape working hand in hand with military scientific research as it ought to be stopped that this was not the cho. we certainly do and this was of course a very unique case but the the department within the bundeswehr within the german military that was responsible for carrying out the specials has focuses on the use of chemical weapons and also the protection of civilians and soldiers and the military against chemical weapons so really this was to take a deeper look after that confirmation by the showers
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a hospital here and by then of on the had indeed been poisoned they have now been able to determine that it was by a nerve agent the north the soviet era nerve agent kate brady political correspondent thank you. well as kate was saying novacek is this the same version that was used to poison the british intelligence agent and his daughter in 2018 the kremlin has been suspect of involvement in that and several other poisonings over recent years so here's a closer look. in march 28th a poisoning in the u.k. city of souls priest shops the world russian double agent surrogates and his daughter yulia were found unconscious on a park bench. they had been poisoned with a military grade chalk nerve agent a u.k. investigation blamed russia for the attack moscow denied any involvement and while the scruple survived others weren't so lucky one woman who came into contact with
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residues of the nerve agent later died and before then another russian defector had been poisoned in the u.k. although members will note. the death drugs all believe in you in 2006 the former russian agent alexander litvinenko fled to london in 2000 he became ill and died in 2006 after drinking tea laced with radioactive polonium $210.00 a british inquiry found that his killing had been ordered at the highest level. that further. that the 1st operation to. mr litvinenko was approved by the state but. the. f.s.b. . and also president putin another case is a victim. in 2004 he was
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a ukrainian opposition leader running against moscow's preferred candidate he fell ill after having dinner with ukrainian security officials doctors say he was poisoned with the chemical dioxin he survived going on to become president of ukraine. and activist peoc to a vessel of who has ties to russian protest group percy riot managed to survive what he says was a poisoning attempt in 2018 his theories backed by doctors who treated him in berlin person office says he was targeted because of his activism. it's more of a. kind of like a warning gesture so as to indicate. some people who might want to go down that path to not do it the kremlin has consistently denied involvement in these cases and while it can be almost impossible to prove who's guilty does it off and others
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sure who is to blame. it would be doubly news live from berlin that we can't show up with where we are up to the german government has announced that it has proof the russian opposition leader and acts in a valley was poisoned with the chemical nerve agent novi chalk so this those tests have been conducted in charity hospital and in the last 5 or 10 minutes the chancellor came out to address the press ok brady political correspondent who was watching just talk us through some of the main points of what the chancellor had to say kate. i think one of the main points that merkel highlighted when she spoke to the press just within the last hour was the fact that the valley was indeed a victim of crime a crime against basic rights and values that we stand for is what machall says it was also very clear that germany like the rest of its partners especially in the e.u. and in nato as well are expects an urgent clarification from moscow merkel said that
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the results of these talks ology test it raises questions that only the russian government can answer and that the world is indeed waiting and as we heard there in the report we've been here before in some very similar cases but what of course makes this different as well in this case is that of course like in one of those other cases that's a lot of who was brought here back in 2018 and a valley is also currently on german soil receiving treatment and he is indeed one of the leading opponents of lives and may have putin so this he carries huge political weight stay with us kate we'll hear some of what's at the chancellor had to say this is the german chancellor angela merkel speaking in the last 5 or 10.
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minutes her for. the union minister for an affair is a defense of the of the interior of justice and the head of the chancellor's office concer in the new insights in the case of mr novell the and we discussed. as to what to do with these insights this afternoon we have informed you in writing already. the information is disconcerting about the attempted poisoning of one of the leading opposition politicians and russia this is why it is important for me to talk to you here directly as of august 22nd mr nevada has a 1000000000 and treatment here in germany in berlin for humanitarian reasons and as his family desired we have made it possible to transfer him to germany the charity hospital has. had the german armed forces to examine the clinical evidence and now we have clear findings alexander valley
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was a victim of an attack with a chemical agent of the navi chalk group this is a point isn't that can be undoubtedly found in the clinical evidence that makes it sure that alex in about me is the victim of a crime he was to be silenced and i condemn that on behalf of the federal government i condemn it strongly i would like to seize the opportunity to express my concerns on behalf of alexander valley and reach out to his family who is suffering difficult times i hope and wish that he will be able to recover from this at tack i call the federal president and discussed the new developments in the case now. but them the federal government also has informed the parliamentary
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groups on the german blondest park. which is the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons and dan how we will also establish a contact the russian ambassador or house being informed this afternoon about the findings in the. federal chancellor's office and we expect the russian government to make a diff declaration visa v. the incident of course it raises severe questions that only the russian government can answer and will have to answer the fate of alex am only has raised to the attention internationally and the world is expecting answers we inform our partners in the european union and nato. about the findings we will discuss and consult together and based on information coming from russia and we will decide on joint action the crime against alexander valley is a crime against the basic values and basic rights we stand for thank you.
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so that was german chancellor angela merkel us speaking in the last 10 minutes let me remind you of what the story of the german government says it has proof the russian opposition they doubt i'd say in the valley was poisoned the military a chemical nerve agent not the chalk so that's the result of the latest test from berlin sherry tate hospital where he's being treated and he fell ill on a flight from siberia to moscow about this month and was rushed to hospital in. russian doctors rejected allegations that he been poisoned and he was then transferred for treatment in berlin 2 days later medics here say that he still used coma but stable and you just heard the chance of that condemning the poisoning and saying that the russian ambassador had been summoned to moscow says it's yet to receive any official confirmation of the diagnosis about d.w.
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political correspondent kate to brady is with us she's been looking over all that so strong words from the chancellor kate disconcerting she talked about this being a crime and condemned it strongly so the stage is set we have evidence but what makes the germans so clear that they see is russia behind this. well the norther chalk nerve agents in my of remember that we heard this the name of this nerve agent a lot just a couple of years ago i was also used in the poisoning of the form of russian spy sturgis cripple and his daughter in the u.k. and also on top of that for a long time the valleys allies as it were have been pointing the finger towards russia and there are of course many similarities between this case and also
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previous cases of poisonings some of them deadly but what would the world and especially germany and its in you partners and nato partners awaiting for now is for a response from russia they've called on moscow called on the on the kremlin for urgent clarification of the background to this poisoning of alexy says you say so far the kremlin is saying that it hasn't had an official notification of this new diagnosis which is of course as we now know a diagnosis of poisoning by nor the chalk and that was convert them today following some specialist toxicology tests that were carried out between the sherry tate hospital where alex and of on the is being treated and also a special unit of the german military part of the german bundeswehr well i suppose we can safely speculate but vladimir putin is unlikely to say ok fair enough yes it was us so looking beyond that where does this leave relations between
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germany and russia have already kind of rocky. they are extremely rocky at the moment says it has also already been tensions have been growing between berlin and moscow not least of all because of a previous case a murder of a georgia man here in berlin which germany is still waiting for clarification from moscow as to possible involvement in that case as well and also because when it comes to dealing on diplomatic minefields at the moment germany's very clear closely watching what's going on in bella roost as well and what action and the possible involvement of russia there as well so there are a lot of very thin diplomatic lines to tread but one direction that moscow could go in is at least the announcement of a special inquiry if they can at least show some efforts into providing some
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kind of clarification to the rest of the world only case but as you say it is very unlikely that moscow is about to turn around and say yes we were responsible for this meanwhile there's a man in the hospital and i mean to stick over what else to be know about the valleys situation. well the shares a hospital where he's being treated released an update of a situation that just this evening saying that he is still in a serious condition he remains in intensive care and he's also on a breathing support system at the moment but his situation is said to to be stable . kate some of this out for us i've ever what sort of reaction are we likely to get from from you part is your job of course holding the rotating presidency of the e.u. the moment. nato is this likely to be
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a fight that nato wants to get involved in. certainly that all depends regardless of whether we're looking at response from the e.u. level with whether we're looking at a response from nato partners this all depends on how russia responds now and that's being reiterated they see him by german chancellor angela merkel as well saying that germany will discuss an appropriate and joint response is what she and her foreign minister said depending on how moscow responds say it's safe to say that right now it certainly seems that the bull is in the kremlin's court and everyone here in germany will be watching anxiously to see how they are going to respond and if they even accept the talks all the g. test results of course ilian to this evening the kremlin was still saying that it hadn't in fact received notification from germany but we have heard from german chancellor angela merkel saying that the russian ambassador to germany had been summoned and the foreign minister the german farman this is saying as well that
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that was to make it clear very once again very clear to russia that germany expects some clarification on any possible involvement of any background to the poisoning of alexei navalny are you watching a special extended program here. by from living on our top story the german government saying that it now has proof that russian opposition leader alexei was poisoned not only that but was poisoned with a military grade chemical agents novi chalk in the last half hour we heard from the german chancellor making quite a usual appearance in front of the camera she spoke for about 3 and a half minutes took no questions during which she had talked about being disconcerted about these results and talking about this in as an attempted poisoning which she said she condemns strongly you've just been hearing from a political correspondent kate brady well just to the main points of what the
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chancellor had to say and then we'll take it from the top of the brady we heard from the chancellor just walk us through the highlights. i think one of the most important things that merkel pointed out was that she did see this as a crime this was a crime as well only against alexina valmy and that he was poisoned by the nerve agent nor the chocolate that this is also a crime against the the basic rights values that we stand for is what machall said of course novelli is one of the leading opponents and most vocal opponents as well against vladimir putin and so in that sense machall is highlighting here that this is not a death a democratic way of dealing with opponents and of course now germany like the rest of its e.u. and nato partners as well is waiting for a response from the kremlin they've called on moscow again to provide an
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urgent clarification is what michael said regarding the background to the poisoning of alexei novelli ok to break the political correspondent thank you for that i know a little earlier we also heard so we've heard from chancellor merkel we've also heard from german foreign minister heiko mass here's what he had to say. for all we strongly condemn this attack we will now promptly inform our partners in the e.u. and nato and share with them the new information we will discuss with them in the next few days how to take appropriate action really annoying i can. you have mitt in the end in nixon talking now about iraq and viva it oh so that's. german foreign minister before i have you heard from a hot political correspondent decade to break let me remind you that of our top story the german government says it has proof that the agent nabil shaath
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a was used to post the russian opposition alexei from the valley of the kremlin critics in a coma here in badminton for the ill in siberia last month at the german foreign ministry for some some of russia's ambassador about these latest findings about switching up to date a 100 but more now world news of course more coverage of this story from the top of the good.
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because women love. to golf on youtube joining us. they've been robbed of their silly that's what a people experiences when they're. taken from them. countless cultural riches were brutally stolen from africa into carted off to europe by colonialists. each artifact has blood on it from the looms that have yet to heal. what should be done with the stone or from africa. this is being hotly debated on both continents. stolen and sold stored september 7th on g.w. . literature invites us to see people in particular. to see as the kids find strength. to
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newsline from ballina germany says a nerve agent was used to poison russia's leading opposition figure alexina valley is that embedding queen tuesday in but then after forming in siberia german government says it now has unequivocal proof that the military talks it was used to poison him also on the program of justice for those killed in the shock after the terror attacks 5 years on the trial begins of 14 people accused of aiding the deadly attack on the french satirical magazine but some say is looked. on the
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british film festival opens with less clear time to collaborate with many stops on 2 fronts thanks i've come to bring you a preview of some. top films to look up. time for welcome to the program german chancellor angela merkel is calling for answers from moscow over the poisoning of a russian opposition leader alexei the family tested by then have found that most of the valley was poisoned with a chemical nerve agent nabil chalk the chancellor described the attack as attempted murder and attempts to silence the politicians doctors at the sheraton a hospital here in berlin where he's being treated so he remains in a serious condition in intensive care and could suffer long term damage he was transferred to bandon from siberia where russian doctors had previously rejected
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allegations that he had been poisoned germany has strongly condemned the attack moscow says it has yet to receive official information from them about the diagnosis is german chancellor angela merkel. because in all. honesty in her foreign affairs of defense of the of the interior of justice and the head of the chancellor's office concerning new insights in the case of mr novell the and we discussed. as to what to do with these insights this afternoon we have informed you in writing already. the information is disconcerting about the attempted poisoning of one of the leading opposition politicians in russia and this is why it is important for me to talk to you here directly as of august 22nd mr has been in treatment here in germany in berlin for
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humanitarian reasons and as his family desired we have made it possible to transfer him to germany the charity hospital has. had the german armed forces to examine the clinical evidence and now we have clear findings alexander valley was a victim of an attack with a chemical agent of the navi chalk group this is a poison that can be undoubtedly found in the clinical evidence that makes it sure that alex in about me is the victim of a crime he was to be silenced and damn that on behalf of the federal government i condemn it strongly i would like to seize the opportunity to express my concerns on behalf of alexander valley and reach out to his family who is suffering difficult times i hope and wish that he will be able to recover from
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the september i call the federal president and discussed the new developments in the case now me with them the federal government also has informed the parliamentary groups and the german blondest park. which is the organization for the provision of chemical weapons and dan how we will also establish a contact the russian ambassador or how's it been informed this afternoon about the findings in the. federal chancellor's office and we expect the russian government to make a definite declaration of visa v. the incident of course it raises severe questions that only the russian government can answer and will have to answer the fate of aleksandar volley has raised the attention internationally and the world is expecting answers we inform our partners in the european union and nato. about the findings we will discuss and
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consult together and based on information coming from russia we real decide on joint action the crime against alexander valmy is a crime against the basic values and basic rights we stand for thank you as german chancellor angela merkel speaking in the last hour watching about d.w. political correspondent kate brady who's been following the story i welcome quite a strong statement a vast from the chancellor talk us through what they're saying about proof. well the proof of that with this diagnosis now that said he was poisoned by novacek came off the back of a special talks elegy test that was actually carried out by a special department in the german military within the gentleman bundeswehr and that department actually focuses on chemical weapons in the protection of civilians
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and in the military against the use of chemical weapons and it would already been confirmed by the sheriff's a hospital here in berlin when of on these being treated that he had indeed been poisoned but this is being able to shed new light on the fact that it was actually the novacek know the agent that was used to poison avani there were already tensions that between moscow and live in this prison but it just adds to this how damaging is it. it certainly is damaging and it will be interesting going forward to see how germany responds now especially with its partners of course they are indeed limited as to what they can do in response to russia or and they have said that they will be joint talks to decide on a joint and approved response to russia once moscow responds of course germany like its e.u. partners and nato partners are waiting on the kremmling to issue what's what the
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foreign minister. demanded from them which was urgent clarification on the background of this poison of alexina virally but this of course does nothing for diplomatic relations between russia and germany right now and what reaction has there been from the kremlin. well the kremlin so far as we as we talk now has said that they haven't yet had an official notification of this new diagnosis of a poisoning by novacek over the next a day but of course we've heard a very different version of the tale from a german foreign minister heikal massoud said that the german ambassador to germany had indeed been summoned this afternoon in order to make it only mistake of lee clear to him said once again that germany expects some clarification from the kremlin ok thank you for that ok brody political correspondent.
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a lot of years now more than 5 years ago islamists have been here paris offices of satirical magazine a challis have doe and the jewish supermarket 3 assailants murdered 17 people before being shot dead by police 3 others including the wife of one of the alleged gunman fled to syria days before the attack a court in paris has begun trying them in their absence along with 11 other suspects the magazine was targeted because it published cartoons a visa mc prophet mohammad which most muslims say is prohibited w.'s lisa lewis has been speaking with the widow of one of the victims maddie's wilensky is still traumatized 5 years ago her husband george was killed in the islamist attack on shall you do he was a cartoonist at the magazine and the love of her life. my
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life was turned upside down its absence the absence of his gaze that accompanied me for 47 years. this absence has caused me to fall ill with cancer and i have regular nightmares you in some of them i become my husband and live through his last moments facing the kalashnikov so back when i. marries is one of the plaintiffs in the court case she's hoping the hearings will provide her with some. of our. best sit down at their decision i need to understand as best as i can what was in the mind of his assess intially squish. i think. this is their home any additional information could help me get closer to what my husband went through the moment he got killed almost.
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the attack put france on high alert the terrorists were on the run for days millions of people then took part in a huge demonstration of unity in the face of this attack on press freedom the slogan. went global. but since the attack on challis of those newsroom behind me here defending the freedom of the press in france has become more difficult especially with the rise of populist politics and an increasing distrust of the traditional media. challis adore has continued to operate from a secret location the magazine still regularly receives threats its editor in chief says the internet has made things worse. nowadays when people read critical comments on social media they immediately take them personally they often threaten
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us and in very violent ways you're also. you're right satire and press cartoons are supposed to upset people and before provoking that cartoon culture is increasingly getting lost yes it sure would really get your desire to be on. mary's well in ski is trying to maintain her husband's legacy in her own way. i am pursuing one of his projects a european house of sitter ical empress cartoons this is how i continue to fight for press freedom then. she will also keep publishing her husband's cartoons so that his spirit lives on. now take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world anti-government protests protesters have clashed with police in the bulgarian capital safina
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opponents accuse the prime minister of having links to docs and calling on him to resign stage the biggest demonstration in nearly 2 months of dating protests authorities say several people have been detained in dozens injured. in a tourist killer in cambodia's genocidal command rouge regime has died at the age of $77.00 come right over saw the deaths of thousands the command murdered the millions of cambodians and buried them in mass graves known as the killing fields and brokered been serving a life sentence for crimes against humanity. emanuel mark cross says he will support iraq in its fight against the islamic state terror group the french president is the 1st foreign needed to visit baghdad since the new government took office in may. the for this film festival opens today the 1st major film the french to roll out the red carpet since the start of the pandemic menace ours will miss the festival because of travel restrictions but there are
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still some big names in town like a project the australian actress is president of this year's jory tilda swinton arrived ahead of the opening so. benny's. as is rarely been seen with only a handful of chouest but the city's annual film festival opens today for its $77.00 sedition along with precautionary measures social these dancing mandatory mask wearing and temperature taking to global pandemic and international travel restrictions are so mean that fewer hollywood stars will be in attendance d.c. at a festival has done better in terms of gender parity with 8 out of 18 films in competition directed by women to many reached a competition category with jeff on high and says and tomorrow the entire world a drama about political radicalization the born this little black guy trend based
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on demo car to show us what's yallop on the start dignity laden desert island these are going to desire to have dogs and especially to be dashed and i'm curious about how kids must get in here almost. like. another competition film to look out for will be wife of us pie from director kiyoshi chorus our story of love in water in japan during the 1940 s. . out of competition native grass men's documentary about kermit activist creator turned back to premiere thursday. in new york and time. i don't follow the. plan. b.
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it's. on its opening day defensive over an actress to the swinton with a lifetime achievement award the competition runs for 11 days on september 12th will find out who will take home this year's coveted golden lion. dave business with craig ferguson is next i'll see you at the top. of there so. people experiencers. taken from them.
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