tv The Big Reset 2.0 Deutsche Welle September 3, 2020 11:15am-12:01pm CEST
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shock nerve agent just a black hole described the incident as attempted murder the sister of the crime want us to answer 1st. this is the interview news live from her left arm brian thomas for the entire state the facts of. life on earth want to cling to and. try to coincidence. happened. to the bit like winning the lottery. first more unique start september 18th on g.w. . kids
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artificial intelligence is a bit like a human who is inside something else. all. this it's not as smart as you but it could be as smart as you in the future. i believe that will become robots at some point you. are sufficient intelligence is change or non lives. but more can really do what will change and hope will remain science fiction. to answer these questions we embarked on a journey to me. scientists working on our future. in
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southern germany come to the headquarters of kuka the world's leading manufacturer of industrial robots. i have a shelf it is headed for such here and is considered to be one of the world's leading experts in this field. he and his team are working on a new generation of robots that learn independently my children the task to recognize and thought building blocks. of what is this robotic system taught itself how to grab life in other words there was no human programming the robot with us that's what we tried by himself. as ever he tried by himself like a child when he 1st started grabbing he wasn't successful except for one to 2
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percent of cases but he observed himself. and by observing himself the robot identified when an image successfully matched a particular grasping motion and when it didn't the folks eyes of vanished. he's applied what he learned and now he can successfully grab these objects over 90 percent of the time shopping that's the problem i didn't program him in yet he's still learning the task by himself seeing that really motivates you to some of. the what if the report sees a new object such as pious. as this engine is punishment it's a nice example every child would just say ok grab and move those pliers over no problem. but he's still failing. as i thought well he's failing because he doesn't know what kind of inertial force this object has to be able to grab it properly. as a 53 pounds of fuel but you can see how he's already trying out different methods and in time he may get the hang of it i should add that he isn't trained after
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every attempt he collects around a 1000 data and then the neural net is retrained so it's possible that if we let him try a 1000 times now he would at least be able to grab them reliably. intelligent robots that learn by themselves they can recognize parts. and they can independently adapt to their environment with a house of ai. but we're only in the early development stages. that the mind thinks i have a favorite example and that's chess these days there are computers or ai they can be chess champions you shot my stuff. but we don't have a robot that can reach into a bookcase take out a chest open the box take out the pieces one by one set them up and start playing with. a 6 year old can do that but no existing robot can be kind so for the moment
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whenever i need physical intelligence we're still doomed to fail and i think that will be the case for a few more years ago i don't know some site on forth had anything to spit on the compiler so dos. yet machines are getting better and more intense. agent this video was produced using special effects. but this robot has learned how to play table tennis it was built by researchers and he began and shows how much is only possible in the real world none of it's the long will it take before robots are better than us in some areas of us enjoyed a few guy robots already are better than us in many areas particularly those requiring nondairy at repartition a great deal of force or a high degree of precision and it helps with the tasks current robots are not as good at as we are are those involving sensors there's no point in eyeing that and i think it will be another 10 or 20 years before we have robots that can hold a candle to humans in some areas. it's not surprising that. we humans use all
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of our senses and can do more than smart robots but the robots are beginning to learn. artificial intelligence also plays an important role in a story that began in january 1902 in mt washington new hampshire. hugh hat was 17 years old at the time together with his friend jeff better she went to the mountain. but they were caught off guard by a change in the weather a blizzard raged for 3 whole days the missing boys were only found after 4 days both were alive but they had severe frostbite. the doctors decided to amputate his legs just below the knee. there's a 2 years later hugh has a i legs which he developed himself he spoke on turning disability into opportunity
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but you have to talk about artificial intelligence and the human body. is the pioneer in the field of intelligent prosthetics a single person who is both developer and user. there are dozens of prototypes in his lap. so this is you have a motor and there's a motor this is a synthetic subcellar joint for inversion a version. so we've integrated and spent millions of dollars to to arrive at this often or. you began developing prostheses after his lower limbs had been amputated his replacement max became increasingly complex now they are ai limbs with countless census mosts and computers. i quickly realize that i had an opportunity that from my knees dell i was there was a blank slate and i could create anything in that space that i could conceive of
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a legend so i start as a young male a certain legend. what what that blank space may look like what they fill that space. disability depends on perspective. hugh has developed a monster. with the special pathy she says he's developed himself he can once again pursue his greatest passion climbing. so there was a computer in here there's 3 actually 3 and they're each the size of your thumbnail . it's a very small microprocessors and there's a muscle tendon like motor system. so the computer runs out rhythms and
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receives sensory information so the device is measuring its position speed accelerations temperatures and whatnot all that information goes into the computer the computer runs our thems and then decides on the actions of the muscle tendon like motor system in this all happens very fast so as i'm walking and going up and down hills and stuff that's constantly responding to my body chemical means it is so with that even now at a few to my mom or you use to bill clinton absolutely and i run and he cannot you cannot with a straight face say that i'm disabled. i trail ride and i play tennis and i do whatever i want to do physically now if you remove the technology from my body i'm severely disabled and crippled but with the technology in this sophisticated human machine interaction i'm freed from the shackles of disability.
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are intelligent prostheses are only the beginning. well technology increasingly marriage with the human body. 'd intelligent humanoids have already been depicted in feature films such as x. mackinaw. you shouldn't trust nathan you shouldn't trust anything he says. we're closing the loop between the synthetic robotic limb and the human brain the human nervous system and what that means is the person can think. and is sending commands that went through the nerves and then we we measure those commands and they control synthetic motors on the bicycle and and then we're also closing the loops of sensors in the bonnet glen input information into the nervous system so the person can feel the panic limb moving its position its sensations as if it's part of their body this is almost philosophical because through half. the body and
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you have the machine and you thought of stars there merging gene them together and if we're gaining evidence that when a human being can feel a synthetic body part when they when they can touch it and it feels like normal touch when they move it and it feels like a normal joint movement that that synthetic object becomes part of their their body their identity their self well what's cool about having a significant part of your body that's design alone synthetic is you can upgrade. so given that a little 80 professor i love graded every week i could do software and hardware that interest so i go by growing older right no secret and you can get new year of lesser synthetical in my body as approving of that my biological body is generating which is very peculiar. fish you have artificial intelligence
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is a blessing. by the time our interview was over a snowstorm was raging in boston an interesting coincidence as this was also how his transition began thanks to ai body and machine are slowly emerging. artificial intelligence is also increasingly determining our communication it stand behind every search hidden from view in social networks intelligent algorithms control what we see and thus influence what we read and what we don't but there's a problem fake news. capturing and reselling our attention and our digital data has become big business information technology firms are among the most valuable companies in the world.
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facebook you tube and twitter have changed the media worldwide but exactly what role do their intelligent algorithms play in the spread of fake news. in 2018 a team of scientists from boston analyzed the spread of fake news. the study was led by professor scene are all. it was the largest worldwide study that had ever been conducted on the spread of fake news on social networks. while information is abundant attention is. so there's way more information than we can process and so these platforms help us by curating the information and as you said prioritizing what comes 1st in our news feed what comes 2nd what comes 3rd and they have a machine an algorithm based on machine learning that is deciding what gets shown 1st 2nd 3rd or in fact what gets shown at all some things are not shown it's not
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the case that every piece of information is shown to everyone but which criteria do facebook and twitter used to program now the rhythms these terms of the people writing those algorithms are based on the incentives of the platforms the companies that they work for those companies are based on an economic model of engagement the more people are engaged the more opportunities you have to show ads and so you have more. inventory for advertisements but the 2nd important reason is that the more people are engaged the more you learn about who they are and what they like and the more sophisticated the targeting is in terms of advertising so engagement is a key factor for the for the economic success of the social media industrial complex. daily internet ease it is increasing well why in 2810 the
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average was in 3 hours a day people it was just on the 6 hours a day things that are exciting novel surprising things that are potentially shocking. are more likely to be engaging clicked on read viewed share liked. and there for there are elements of the models that are in the news feed that favor a gauge like. the following case from japan shows what fake news and social networks can lead to a. video showing young women who allegedly became ill after a cervical cancer vaccine were posted online. at the same time unverified scientific studies were circulated on social networks. both videos and studies were picked up by television this led to the vaccination rates against cervical cancer in japan falling from 70 percent to less than one percent. how could it be that
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false information could turn an industrialized country like japan against a globally recognized vaccination. and where we need rican america the doctor had tried to counteract the anti vaccine hysteria and inform the public online but then she was targeted. i was harshly are tucked into 20 years or social media when i started writing about safety of the vaccines they even tried to threaten law by sending all those. blackmailing messages to my family or me. continued undeterred she analyzed the vaccination opponents facts checked the
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scientific validity of their experiments and published her results in a book after all i was just stalled and you know all by itself the criticism and one day i just decided to shut out twitter for one for a while but. when i got the actual mother's flies a strange your mother's cries became a twitter trend which. even that didn't change public opinion in japan despite top scientists sharing ricos view she eventually lost the battle to fake news the accuse me because my writing is wrong and why writing is still being wrongly impacted our society and i'm hiding the truth by this not it's the contrary i'm telling the truth and people feel i'm hiding the truth it's really interesting isn't. it w.h.y. he sees the empty vaccine movement as a global health threat in japan around $3000.00 women will probably die every year
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from cervical cancer because they choose not to get vaccinated fake news can be fatal the false information is moving through human society in a digital science like lightning while the truth is essential really you know at the speed of molasses sort of dripping very slowly from person to person to person . this pride of false information shown here in orange and correct information see here in blue. in our own has studied these patterns on twitter more closely than anyone else the. false news traveled further faster deeper and more broadly than the truth in every category of information that we see. started sometimes by an order of magnitude difference and this was particularly true of false political news which was the most viral category of any type of false news that was started shaking news we are fighting the fake tears as you say
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fake this test bush a circus circus case taking this president like to take news has changed the political climate worldwide and yes. it. could get his chinese social networks and their intelligence algorithms are increasing division in society. they vie for our attention feeding us exactly the information we not like what counts as a click rate conscious and the length of stay and not where the content is true or trustworthy. this personalized communication is dividing our society social networks assign each user profile depending on what she or he clicks on reads or watches those belonging to the red group here are mainly supplied with information that matches the bread profile thus a filter bubble is gradually formed. everyone
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lives within their own network our opinion is echoed by like minded people contradictory information and opinions hotly and. media should be a mirror of society but the ai algorithms are distorting the opinions we form based off our media consumption for get the media is too important to be left to people who are just out to make money. or treat. how well as official intelligence change conflicts what about. intelligent autonomous weapons. the military is already testing prototypes like here in california to find the jets launch a swarm of intelligent drones. thomas find objects then identify their target
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should machines be allowed to take a life or death decisions. we travel to meet one of the most respected ethicists on autonomous weapons in the us . he warns of an uncontrollable development and is committed to a worldwide ban on autonomous weapons we visited yale professor wendell gelding in his house move of new. sometimes people do not fully understand what lethal autonomous weapon systems are they tend to think of droughns that might have facial recognition software and would pick off a terrorist that it sees in the distance or perhaps a few robotics soldiers on a battlefield what is sometimes not fully appreciate it is little autonomy is not a weapons system it is feature sets which can be added to any weapons system and
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that includes atomic weapons or other high powered munitions and the feature sets would be the ability to pick a target and destroy that target with little or no active human intervention. intelligent image recognition. automatic target recognition these ai techniques are already available the global comment race has begun. that machines do not make life and death decisions healings humans make life and death decisions about him and it's and when we open the door to machines making those decisions we undermine the . basic principle of a responsible human. little autonomy of weapons and self driving cars they are just the tip of an iceberg with something much larger below the surface and
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that larger thing below the surface is autonomy in general is a town a system that's in general thomas systems threaten to undermine the foundational principle that there's an agent and that agent can either be a human or it can be a corporation or something else but that there is an agent who is responsible and potentially culpable and liable for its actions or for any actions that are taken i don't i can't think of anything more stupid than humanity going down a route where we have deluded the principle of responsibility where we dilute it in such a way that nobody can be held responsible anymore if something truly dire takes place. in the past we have been too slow to recognize we're going down a room path we need a moment down on autonomous intelligent weapons. artificial
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intelligence will revolutionize the industry in germany the term industry 4.0 has become a buzzword. counts tools and then time production plants are being linked via sensors and equipped with ai but how will determine companies fair and won't want competition. talk to me here at bonner is the head of the bush research center and running in patent wattenberg. 'd 'd official intelligence is one of the main focus points here. very intimately in the industry when it comes to industrial ai the ai that plays a role in products that i think that the technology companies that have decades of experience in the physical world in real life objects and the corresponding experience in development and production have
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a competitive advantage when adding in machine learning and artificial intelligence through on that machine they have an advantage over companies that come purely from the virtual worlds. being so i'm confident of the vote. and this is also the reason why we're investing so much in this area. and why we're rolling out and applying this expertise across the world. of competence in concert on and on so i'm going to . germany has faith in its decades long technical expertise together with an army. one player who is fighting to get ahead is china. changing of the guard at the gates of heaven in peace in beijing. soldiers flacks mao. this is the old image of the country but modern day china has awakened. digitalisation an artificial intelligence promise
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a brave new world an entire nation seems intoxicated by its own progress. but is this palpable euphoria about the future stem from. women home. she's chinese and work for a german company for several years we asked her what is different in china. culturally speaking we are different you know it and. in a transition or thinking we are more open to you know the latest technology and open to what the word. so. probably you can see from how much we're using the smartphone. like like just now we buy the coffee with a smart phone and we pay for the text deal with a smart phone and sometimes my german colleagues say that you don't even to have to
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bring cash was you and i said yeah that's normal life. for because if i always forget my wallet when i'm in germany because here in china i pay for everything with my smartphone so if you go to the market and there's an 80 year old woman selling produce you might think i guess i'll pay with cash but you can't anymore you'll be buying an apple and she'll take out a q.r. code scanned it and then you pay for it with your smartphone it's unbelievable there's nothing like that in germany it's crazy and the slogan of this comes from the urgency of this the ones in for example if i have. dinner with my friends and away or 1st has to know and phones and we put phones on the table. and then if somebody is picking up the phone by call us all by text message or by we check message he has to pay for to be here and that's the punishment so we can feel the advantage of the technology but when you get used to your church you start to reflect on the kind of impact to my life and what is the good part it was
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a bad patch and then in terms of bad part i mean by nature everyone will start to think about how can i get rid of the bad part trying to keep the good part. young china is catching up and the whole nation is hungry for progress. he'd just think about where china was 40 years ago and now things are going full throttle and that's the good. part. china has even surpassed the u.s. when it comes to finding patents one exam. transportation service d.d. active in 400 chinese cities the platform organizes some $30000000.00 trips a day and didn't result in default each d.d. vehicle is equipped with a data logger which registers whether the car is stationary or moving or whether there's a traffic jam that is also used to improve information on traffic flow in big
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cities and this is what we call this real time traffic information or r t t i wish they did the data go directly into the r.t.i. which gives you a much more reliable view of whether roads are congested or not than in german cities and it's connecting everything with everything else in generating added value from that the chinese are really really good at that will last into kenya isn't sure if the srishti school. $100.00 china is a much younger nation there's a lot of energy and enthusiasm about what's to come with there are a lot of investments there are great education as additions here for example ching who are university in beijing and tongues a university in shanghai a really top level there are really many capable people the talent pool here is huge so i think there's a good chance that china will be leading you know. ringback it's predicted that in 20 to 37 percent of all scientists will be chinese only 1.4 percent will be from
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germany. among germany's counting facing a lack of science teachers or schools i am generation of innovators is growing up in china they have top level education fresh ideas and they're hungry for success. one example is the d.j. i company from change and it was founded in 2006 by a young engineer today it's the world's largest manufacturer of 7 in terms. of. chief development officer on the motions us. the latest model is that. the new journey uses intelligent image recognition and can independently to seen its target . equipped with dozens of sensors and smart positioning it can detect obstacles such
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as trains or bushes. the tree saves my life. not as a saw the tree was the limit cuz the drone says no it or not it in this case the drone said i can't fly through it safely so i better stop a dozen as i understand it is very common here in china to combine things facial recognition navigating flying. when if i could yes and in this case only visuals were useless and you don't have a bluetooth transmitter or anything else on you the pilot simply says i want to follow along go on the display confirms and the drone follows you. animation made in china. chinese television proudly reports such successes. china no longer companies modern day china invents. the ice for the g.i. is truly the 1st global brand with
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a completely new product range from china before china was primarily known as the world's factory that's changing now and the perception is also changing our company alone employs almost $3000.00 engineers really smart people they're all enthusiastic they're motivated they want to create something new which is and that's the spirit that prevails in this country that's going to persist the hunger for innovation is what defines modern china its own and dished it for us more than it should. 'd and china's economy is booming cities such as change in chengdu or going to have the same economic output as an entire european country. yes. the country is investing in its young people take the example of rigor master here a team is preparing for the upcoming season each team has to program and optimize a gaming robot the final is a nationwide event. troy quinn supervises the competition
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and shows us the pack or. this one it is based here is that the new the latest one and also we have a it doesn't track right now i like your. as we guess where there is a battle right here is the reference system it is for science and the bowling that i use right here it's because they're fashioned yeah that means you hit a and a half and get the crease to have that one robot loose on the point there were those it was shut down. this may look like a game but it's actually a program to support young engineers it was launched by the giuliani and now several other companies are also involved the next generation of engineers needs to be good at designing and programming and that's exactly what they're learning here in a playful context. the background is serious engineering
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or more game is serious and union because you need to be a whole new robot not only in it but then to get it it's just the 1st step and they're in it to the coding because i'm coding those are artificial recognitions there's a toll it's hard and that's it we're at it and there's not that same hope all medical college students how many universities in their study to our university in the file to allege that all this yeah we have a 17970 of all over it about. wetter's here's all television. and all the chinese about a 140 and how good of a i figure it. ok maybe if we can get hands on the robots and your spirit how it works ok we have 2 robots so we will know why they have a look at it again. trying
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it's just a few key combinations to control the robot go back almost triple forwards. i'm an old guy you know. you can see. and now now you fired me no i fired near me but we are teammates so i think that if we do that i think is a way that i it's ok because all we have. the final is a major event 20000 people are in the audience another 30000000 watched the contest online engineers and programmers are china's new pup starts. to. care about this game because the teams form their schools when the goal really from the game instead means
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a lot for. the students invested thousands of sons developing narrowboat it's the winner of the 2018 competition was the team from southern china university of technology. all of china some a place of their success. they're also excellent initiatives in germany one example is the so-called indian expo in hanover around $300000.00 students come here within a single week it's the largest conference in europe. young people are introduced a new tank not. the program and design new circuits they seem to love it. but in contrast to china german media hardly take notice. germany talks too little about its successes we too can keep up with the global i race if we want to but we really have to step on the gas.
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children are now growing up with smart phones internet and intelligent toys. but what does that do to children women scientists are funny attributed to discuss. following research in boston she's currently working in berlin. the generation after the internet generation ai generation. they're growing up surrounded by like alexa for example. you know this device was not designed for children right this device was designed for households so families make purchases via this device and i think it's very important to recognize when we talk about kids and when we talk about regulation for smart 2 or ways and regulation of devices that required the other kids to
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understand who may made these devices and what was the ultimate goal of this device just imagine you in some years you might also have children would you sort of install a vaccine your home it depends what platform would look like that where i would live. right now no. i lecture alexa how many seconds are there in a year. and collect calendar year has 31536000 seconds and a leap year has 31622400 seconds. the 1st is that's not what i wanted to know. unlike the small robot cars much less developed for children. trust in intelligence are related because if i think that a device is smart i tend to trust it more so the younger children weren't so sure how smart these devices were and all their children's they thought they're smart
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because they have a lot of data so basically the children were like 3 and a half or $26.00 where more skeptical initially of these devices and as soon as kids would go to school they were more like trustworthy just because they saw how much information these devices have. curiosity creativity imagination children are open minded and enjoy trying things out some devices react as if they were artificial living beings. after they learned how to program it in training both the young children and they're all children became more skeptical and trusted the device less so they understood it knows how to answer this type of questions but he doesn't know how to answer this type of questions. do you trust machines are they smart what can you do that they can't. define
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a course for increased understanding of artificial intelligence. the goal of my research is to bring this ai literacy both to kids and parents because these are in the home and parents are they're also part of the conversation asking questions and i think it's important for. families to understand how we are works in order to make a good use of this technology. some things promote our own creativity other things seem to be support from us. by myself and there's another important difference between humans and machines. and a fine as can can sleep over at your house and tell you stories she talks to you. if you play with a robot it can only do certain things. can only play with dice alexa can only answer questions or sing a song and that ball can only roll. ideally i can do all those things.
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but i can't you just have to get a lot of single things from one robot or get another will pass 1st this one then that other then the next and with the person you don't have to get a new one you always have the narran they can do everything. mary and maria hit the nail on the head. the robot cannot replace a best friend a matter how smart is this a machine cannot substitute a human being. here our journey through the world of artificial intelligence draws to a close there will be major changes but it is not the machines but we humans who cause them we not only have the freedom but also the responsibility to shape our own future.
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good luck the sunni against shia. fellow roosts the peaceful mass protests are continuing despite the arrests use of force and threats from the regime plagued me artists in minsk to courageously entreaty to flee tell the regime you can't intimidate us anymore some kids on the beat 90 minutes on d w. i'm not laughing at the death well i just sometimes
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am but less than nothing when the couple of thinks deep into the german culture of looking at the stereotypes aquatics that is think is leave the country that i no longer. needed to be fixed in this grandmother they are doing it it's all about a new cut by my job to join me to meet the gentleman from d.w. . post they've been robbed of their soul that's what a people experiences when their heritage is taken from them. countless cultural artifacts were brutally stolen from africa by colonialists and carted off to europe . is that left wounds that have yet to heal what should be done with the stolen art from africa. the stolen soul starts september 7th on d w. played
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the big play. this is the w. news live from berlin alexander valley was poisoned according to the german charts analysis shows that a military grade nerve agent was used to poison the leading critic of the kremlin the body remains in a coma in the berlin hospital also coming up a verdict of not guilty in slovakia and much watched case that toppled the government millionaire business tycoon marion kushner was alleged to have all the death of a reporter looking into his guilt dealings with the governed.
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