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tv   Kulturzeit  Deutsche Welle  September 3, 2020 3:30pm-4:01pm CEST

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when i arrived here i slept with 6 people in a room. it was hard. to even get white hair room. which never. gets me and me to entrap let's say you want to do their story. for migrants. this is news a show coming up the final huddle on a possible road to peace. begins releasing a final batch of taliban prisoners setting the stage for talks that could end the deadlock for the taliban in afghanistan but what will that entail.
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beethoven in the middle of a pandemic the story of how one german composer brought. to south korea in these difficult times. i've been to welcome to news asia glad you could join us talks to end of ghana sounds long running wall are expected to begin in the next few days in doha the capital of the afghan government has already sent teams to prepare the groundwork for peace talks with the taliban a group the government has fought for nearly 2 decades idea the government began to release the last batch of taliban prisoners to pave the way for talks with the militant group i'll be asking an expert what one can expect from the talks but 1st a quick primer on how we got to this stage. taliban
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prisoners greet one another as they prepared to leave this jail in afghanistan's capital kabul. freeing them has been a controversial decision. but it's part of the deal the united states signed with the taliban insurgents at the end of february in order to try to bring peace to this war torn country and get u.s. forces out for good. i'll be back. in early august afghan president ashraf ghani even agreed to release the last 400 taliban prisoners considered the most dangerous. this war of attrition has lost in almost 2 decades. leaving more than 40000 dead. it began after the $911.00 attacks on the u.s.
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outcry did the terrorist group responsible was based in afghanistan and the ruling taliban was blamed for shielding them but it wasn't until may 20 levon that to some of bin laden the mastermind behind those attacks was eventually killed in pakistan . it was in june that year that homemade cause i who was president of afghanistan at the time confirmed secret talks between the u.s. and the taliban had taken place but they later collapsed. in 2014 most foreign troops were withdrawn a resurgent and ruthless taliban quickly filled the vacuum. retaking territory. and to mounting more attacks. in july 28th in the us held direct talks with taliban representatives in doha further rounds followed and now there is
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hope a peace deal can be agreement between afghans themselves. even if the price is meant freeing taliban prisoners like these. so will the price be worth it for more joined by motherly our drugs are from did. not good to see you what other taliban and the afghan government going to be discussing a dog. the final goal is clear and as to find a political solution to the 1000 year long afghan conflict however the positions of the 2 warring sides still remain unclear what we know from the afghan government delegation as that they will call on the taliban to agree on a long term ceasefire so that the guns remain silent during talks in addition this delegation will insist on the current government system and the core achievements of the last 2 decades including women's rights and freedom of expression
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but the taliban position is more ambiguous the group says it wants to establish an islamic system in afghanistan but there is no. really little clarification on. what this system may look like its position on other important issues like women's rights and election also remain unclear what we hear from our sources close to taliban the group many seek a regime like that in iran but i would like to stress that study by the members have not confirmed that yet. me my thought about attacks in the past months have only increased. is this a strategy for strengthening its negotiating position of the talks. yes it seems to be the case taliban members feel they are in a strong position on the battleground and they want to bring that to momentum on
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the negotiating table on the contrary afghan government does not have that much leverage or the taliban. deep internal political divisions. now are u.s. troop withdrawal was also part of the agreement between the united states and the taliban in february and that the dollars already begun kind of consequently forces ashore security in the country. it entirely depends on the outcome of the talks in doha if negotiations result in a cease fire the pressure on afghan security forces will decrease however if the talks are dragged and or feel to yield outcomes resulting in decreased international interest in afghanistan the afghan forces will be in a really tough position. to observe and watch out for.
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from the thank you so much not included in these talks or however the islamic states a group that has been increasingly mounting a violent campaign against the government in afghanistan we meet one man who abandoned their ranks and now provides a unique insight into the workings of this radical islamist group. cher mohammed is careful about who he lets inside his house so-called islamic state is after him for almost 4 years sure mohammed was an i.a.s. fighter himself he was 18 when they recruited him in photos from the time he looks almost like a child he says back then almost all the boys in his village joined us. well what it showed us islam is propaganda like videos of foreign soldiers killing afghans they said it's our holy war to kill these infidels up with real brainwashing. in the mountains of none go hard province 3 groups are fighting each other the afghan
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government the radical islamists and the even more radical islamic state originally most fighters came from pakistan in tajikistan their fanaticism attracted young people from this poor region share mohammad only went to school for a few years easy prey for us ideology today he leaves the house only when armed. he deserted so he's considered a traitor yes leaders forced him to commit atrocities against civilians what exactly he did he won't say but it was too much for his conscience together with friends he finally decided to escape or what in the end we were totally scared had they caught us they would have killed us we were around massacres often enough to know what would await us. what happened that's when i went to. the provincial capital jalalabad as an i.a.s. stronghold some 2000 and i as fighters are said to be in the area in the city there
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are still ruins from the latest attack most people here fear the militants but lately more and more dissatisfied afghans have begun joining us including more affluent people especially since the taliban joined peace moves for afghanistan. this began when the taliban signed an agreement with the u.s. last february now many people here see the taliban as the americans darlings and prefer to align themselves with ah yes. today sure mohammad works for a private militia together with government soldiers they're supposed to protect the village from his former comrades the war in afghanistan continues pitting calm patriots against each other. none of us move we'll fight to the last breath otherwise they'll cut our heads off that's what they do with prisoners. and. these fighters are all young and have never known anything besides war and terror
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fighting is the only work they've ever had the afghanistan they know has been this way for 40 years they cannot imagine change coming anytime soon. and this year marks the 250th anniversary of luke big beethoven's both with various special. events around the world on noting the classical composer but the coronavirus pandemic has forced many music lovers to improvise how they're celebrated saying here's a look at how one german maestro made sure the beethoven festivities planned in south korea will still go on. to bring beethoven to music lovers this man is willing to do just about anything christoph poppen your 2 weeks of state sanctioned quarantine and those south korea ended up scaling back the festival celebrating beethoven's 250th birthday pop and
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says he has no regrets. we have performed various concerts and. believing in the importance that that every concert which we can hope is really delivered to the people due to the qubit $900.00 situation few could attend schools premier symphony hall concerts will be broadcast christoph poppins visit came at a particularly difficult time for south korea a month ago the country appeared to have the code 19 pandemic under control the last 2 weeks have seen a resurgence still the music played on in concert pop and conducted much of beethoven's work with the aid of sheet music he extolled beethoven's unique a motional commitment beethoven i think he was 100 percent himself at every 2nd
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when he was composing and he was fighting for every note and that's what we feel in his music and that connects with the musician and the listener in a different way. well concert goers kept 2 seats apart performers also maintain covert 900 protocols wind instruments faced glass partitions in beethoven however pop and suggested one could find inspiration. music can really really give something to the people music gives energy music can console can give comfort and give hope and officially doing the crimes that are more important than ever. from the conductor's podium and the stage in south korea beethoven's music has provided some temporary antidote.
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that's of an obvious show to check out other stories on our website www dot com for what slash. will even know with images from a deli where the metro service is preparing to open partially up to 5 months we're back to model for. combating the corona pandemic. where does research stand. what are scientists learning. background information and news. hour corona up to. 19 special next on d w. life on earth one of the kind
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and. coincidences. more than improbable happened. to the awfulness of going to the creation of our solar system of the planet is a bit like winning the lottery. money for your unique start september 18th on t.w. . before you open that pack of chips numerous studies link obesity to a higher risk of serious illness from the new corona virus you can double your chances of hospitalization and increase the risk of landing in intensive care by even more. mexico preliminary data shows that the severity of covert
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increases by 44 percent in overweight people. see that obesity can also be to heart disease and diabetes both of which also increase the risk of developing a severe case of covert 19. if you eat 5 crispy pigskin tacos then you have to push yourself to burn some fat. it's time to talk about your waistline could this crisis finally convince you to join that gym or start eating healthier fast food loving south africa is the 3rd fattest nation on earth and it's complicating the nation's fight against the virus doctors say overweight south africans straining the health system. cardiologist jeff king has been kept busy since 1000 reached south africa's shores.
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with over 20 percent of the population living with hiv there were initially worries that millions of immune compromised south africans could cripple the country's fight against hiv 19. but there are bigger problems. because. to be the maker of hiv we were concerned that the immunity responses that patients here hiv. would result in a greater pandemic too on the contrary we actually find the exact opposite that the biggest factor that we have related to a debating code with infection was the city and south africa is the food heaviest nation in the world 1st is america and 2nd to the u.k. . like many worldwide dr king kong 19 was primarily
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a respiratory disease. said experts like these at the virtual 2020 european society for cardiology congress have identified obesity as a major factor. as it. is there is just it's just it's a pinch. east's. as the violence to lift rates around the globe and more is learned about effects on the body they are realizing this co-morbidity could mean the difference between life and death the very response to the actual obesity causes in the heart as the core of the best of complications and a diabetic complications of patients remaining overweight 1st will eventually need to further lung problems or at least to decrease option nation which ultimately becomes the major limiting factor in terms of both mortality. with high instances
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of diabetes hypertension and cardiovascular diseases among the general population due to obesity south africa is a particular risk for as long as there is no cure for covert 19. meanwhile the overweight need to seek solutions. and. especially now during the men didn't because i am overweight and i think i need to do is sort of encloses i did in fact. interests all and i also feel like this is an opportunity for it despite the bracing in healthier lives. and amid high rates of poverty and inequality affordable and populous state will food in south africa are often high in fat and processed carbohydrates. white initially began to
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make the situation better is to avoid processed foods to eat 3 meals a day and make sure that you cook your own meals at home and the other problem is a lack of physical activity and what we can do is to exercise most days of that week. as much of a challenge that caveat 19 presents to global health it also offers an opportunity for many to adopt a healthier lifestyle. the world health organization refers to obesity as a global epidemic in itself since $975.00 the numbers of nearly tripled in the united states almost a 3rd of the population is overweight in russia some european countries and south africa more than 20 percent are considered obese canada of south america and australia also make up the top 20. well a team from the university of north carolina took 75 studies from around the world including nearly 400000 patients it concluded being obese increases the risk of
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dying from coated by nearly 50 percent barry popkin led that study from the department of view tradition and joins us now what surprised you about the findings barry. quero 2 things 1st the proportion being hospitalized you're more than doubled of likelihood of being hospitalized with it if you're a person with obesity so obese individuals are 113 percent more likely to be hospitalized and then the mortality statistics both of those were far beyond what anybody had expected far higher than we see individual diseases like hypertension or diabetes and why is that what's the explanation. that when you're obese. south you have a large immune just pearman so her immune system doesn't work as well and
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then on top of that many of the other metabolic changes just make it more likely that you'll catch koeverden that you'll get more severe covert because you don't have the antibodies to fight it. and then on top of that if you're obese which is about 25 percent of germans and more than 20 percent of every country in the world you find that you have sufficient logical impairment your lung capacity is limited and we need to do special things just came hampstead and this virus attacks the lung system so just add to the problem and the reason for my calcium you mentioned a weaker immune system is that the reason why as some a warning a backstage vaccination may not be as effective in the stable exactly we know from 2 corona virus vaccine the flu vaccine and all the experimental work with the sars
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sexing that they don't work as well in fact the u.s. for the 1st time will have a booster vaccine for beef individuals and the elderly so that you'll have a stronger flu vaccine for those who have who are obese. so what about all these people have been shut up in their homes for so long some not even allowed to go outdoors to exercise out are we going to see an increase in obesity because of this pandemic yes we're seeing that across the globe in all the countries who work we're finding in activity combined with buying especially among the poor buying cheaper. ready peter ready to heat alc highly processed junk food buying more sugary beverages all are adding to the problem and we're seeing. unhealthy eating increasing among low and middle income populations across the globe barry surely this would have to be
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a wake up call for people to change their habits changed their lifestyle it would be but i think this has to come from governmental regulations and other changes we can't change the food environment and without changing that we're really going to have a very difficult time getting effect cept a few individuals to change their even behavior and activity behavior barry popkin day he headed up that study on obesity some very interesting and surprising results there as he mentioned you were losing it thank you very much for joining us barry my pleasure bye bye. if you've got questions about the coronavirus feel free to get in contact with our science correspondent eric williams on al you chub channel here it's. dogs are being trained to detect covert 19 but when they're in places like airports detecting the marathon travelers could the dogs contract the virus from. dogs having credibly sensitive noses
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some estimates say up 210-0000 times more more sensitive than our noses are and they can be trained to sniff out illnesses that's been shown in a range of diseases from from malaria to cancer and and there are a number of teams all over the world currently teaching them to detect coded 19 with various degrees of success if in fact carona sniffing dogs have already been deployed in dubai international airport they can do it because like in other illnesses sars cove to influences your metabolism in certain signature ways in other words covert 19 will cause someone to have a very specific scent and some canines at least can be trained to recognize it but you're right that it's
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a little tricky to keep the dogs from potentially catching the virus too i mean we know that they can catch it at least in certain circumstances although it doesn't seem to affect them as badly as it does us but to avoid any transmission risk if you buy the sniffer dogs are physically isolated from the passengers who who randomly submit are in pet swaps which hold the scent but not the virus it sounds like kind of a clumsy system but it's one that protects the animals and and their accuracy rate is reportedly over 90 percent but don't expect troops of. of canine covert 19 snuffers to become common in airports any time soon because training them is apparently a pretty expensive and time consuming process. there are programs there borders is still closed in many parts of the world so those
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countries that depend on tourism have been trying to boost domestic travel like saudi arabia creative minds have been looking for new ideas to lure people out of the house like sand boarding on the june zopa saïd desert it's about an hour's drive east of the capital riyadh and looks like fun. there we go. see again for the boy.
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singing against fear. bella bruce the peaceful mass protests are continuing despite the unrest use of force and threats from bush to meet artists and bands who ranges sleep and creatively tell the regime you can't intimidate us anymore
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some kids on. you going to minutes on w. the tumbling tires and fires came from jurors or dealing with and even at that i killed many civilians. coming coming my father was so hurt and i was a student i wanted to build a life for myself. but suddenly life became our kind of sob. providing insights global news that matters d. w. made for mines. been robbed of their soul that's what it people experiences when their heritage is taken from them countless cultural artifacts were brutally stolen from africa by colonialists them carted off to europe. what should be done with the stone or from africa. stolen soul starts september 7th on
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d w. i'm not laughing at them well i guess sometimes i am but i was there laughing with the research i don't think think interject my culture of looking at stereotypes a question that is think the future of the country that i not. yet needed saying we think it is grandma there to meet us it's all about a new time a job join me for me at the jefferson funded up the. post. frank food. international gateway to the best connection self in road and rail. located in the heart of europe you are connected to the whole world. experience outstanding shopping and dining offers and try our services. biala gassed at
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frankfurt airport city managed by from a bought. out of the. this is the news live from russia denies claims that opposition leader. to germany says it has proof. with. the kremlin says it wants to see. the program. not guilty verdict in the case of.


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